What if Aether has a Spark and Soul of Optimus Prime (War for Cybertron Edition)

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Contains Aether Angst and his Harem. This is an Alternative Universe where Autobots and Decepticons will be arriving at Teyvat. A crossover and spinoff with Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy.


Aether met Lumine who is now Abyss Leader, a Princess after the fight with Dainsleif against Abyss Herald

The Abyss Herald conjures a portal.

Lumine: So we'll meet again. Though we need not rush, brother. I have more than enough time to wait for you

Aether begins to run towards Lumine.

Aether: Lumine!
Lumine: We have always... had enough time

The Abyss Herald and Lumine leave through the portal as Dainsleif dashes into the portal to follow them. Aether reaches the portal, but phases through it as the portal closes behind him. Leaving him in despair. His only kin leaves once more, this time escorted by an Abyss Herald, while he watch on helplessly. Their voice seems to hang in the air while you just stand there in the empty ruins, lost in your own world.

Paimon: They... left...

Then he screams in despair and cries.

Paimon: No, No! Don't cry Aether, Paimon's sure, we'll find her so-

Then he saw something familiar light.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Play the Music)

Paimon: Hey, what is that?

He goes to the light and saw the floating object.

Aether: What is that?
???: Hello, Traveler.
Aether: W-who are you?
Primus: I am Primus, the Founder of the 13 Primes. I was transformed into their homeworld Cybertron, but then came to war. A war between the Autobots who fought for freedom and the Decepticons who fought for conquest.
Aether: Who led the Decepticons?
Primus: Megatron, The Leader of the Decepticons, whom he sought to retrieve the Allspark and use it for power.
Aether: Who's the Leader of the Autobots?
Primus: You, Traveler, or should I say... Optimus Prime.

He was in disbelief at what he just heard.

Aether: What, Me, leading why?
Primus: Because you have a pure heart, courage, and wisdom.
Aether: I see...
Primus: Behold, I will return it to you rightfully belong to you. The Matrix of Leadership, You will lead them once again. Once you have a Matrix, you will regain your memories, I understand about your pain but, this is your second chance to redeem yourself to clear your name. Will you accept my offer?

He thinks for a moment then he finally made a decision.

Aether: I accept your offer for what I am.
Primus: The offer is granted. Take the Matrix with you.

He took a Matrix as it started to glow, He rose his hands.

Primus: Arise, Optimus Prime.

Then The Matrix puts on his chest as the beam came down to him as he began to power up. He began to have flashbacks of his past life as Optimus Prime.

Paimon: Traveler, Are you alright?

Then the Fatui Pyro Agents came.

Paimon: No way!

They get closer.

Paimon: Hey! Are you done yet?!

Then the blast came as Aether screams in Pain but remained strong. Surely enough, the battle armor began to materialize, his eyes changed from yellow to blue then the light around him died down as revealed himself to be his armor similar to his robot form. Paimon was in awe and then He activate his battle mask. The beam finally died down as he landed before looking at them, he brought his Energon sword.

Aether: Do you forget who I am?

They charged at him but He sliced them in half with a sword.

Optimus: I am Optimus Prime.
Paimon: No way.

He looked at Primus.

Optimus: Thank you, Primus.
Primus: Your task is almost finished you must find the Allspark to gain your full power.
Optimus: I understand.
Primus: Go, Optimus Prime, do your bidding.
Optimus: Paimon, Let's roll.

And with that, he began his journey to the Allspark. He left the Call of the Abyss to the Dragonspine for the Location of the Allspark. He fought the monsters along the way. He finally found it.

Optimus: There is it, The Allspark.

Paimon's eyes widened in shock.

Paimon: That is one huge cube.

Then he touched it as the light flashed Paimon covered her eyes. Then the light died down revealing his vehicle form.

Paimon: Optimus?

Suddenly he transformed into the robot form.

He touched the Allspark as it transformed into the cube and gave it to Paimon.

Paimon: Whoa, you look cool.
Optimus: I know, I have to do what is right, Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. I have to protect this planet from Decepticons and I will send the message to all surviving Autobots to take refuge here among the stars.
Paimon: Umm, Paimon hates to interrupt but We have two baddies here.
Optimus: Then I have to stop them. Paimon get on

He transformed into his truck mode as she went inside. Then he departs to the city, then there was Decepticon on their tail.

Optimus: Paimon, you go ahead, I'll hold him off.
Paimon: But...
Optimus: I'll be right behind you, Go!

She did not hesitate to fly away. As their battle began.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch the video replace with WFC Siege Optimus Prime)

He transformed into truck mode again and heads to the city. Meanwhile, Knights of Favonius with the Shogun's Help with her Army are dealing with Giant Decepticon.

Sara: Soldiers Fall back!
Jean: Go!

Then Raiden Shogun came to their aid and Zhongli as well.

Diluc: Damn, It's too thick to take damage.
Kaeya: How do we stop this?
Yoimiya: Maybe Traveler.
Amber: Where are you Aether?

Then Paimon came.

Jean: Paimon, Where's Honorary Knight?
Paimon: He said he'll be right behind Paimon.
Eula: Where is he now?
Paimon: There!

They look where she pointed at.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch the Video but with "Siege" Optimus Prime)

They were amazed by his heroic actions. Optimus walks to Demolisher.

Optimus: Any last words?
Demolisher: This is not the planet to rule, Megatron and The Fallen shall rise again.
Optimus: Not today.

He fired his Ion Blaster at Demolisher as he finished him off. Jean looked at him.

Jean: Honorary Knight, is that you?
Optimus: Yes, Jean and my name is Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots. I'm from the planet Cybertron.
Jean: Can you show us your proof?

He transformed into his human form revealing himself to be Aether or Optimus Prime. They blushed as their face went red about his new appearance.

Jean: So it is you.
Amber: No way.
Aether: Yeah it's a long story. I will call the Autobots.

Then he began sending the distress message.

Aether: Calling all Autobots. I have returned to Teyvat, sending you the coordinates to reach there.
Ei: Autobots?
Venti: Huh?

Then Megatron appeared and came to face him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch at 4:20)

After 2 Days after the incident, Lumine and her friends were very worried. She thought her brother left her because of her wrongdoings, she blamed herself of his disappearance

Optimus and the Autobots appeared.

Lumine: Aether!

She hugged him in his leg

Ratchet: Optimus, who are your new friends?

Then he introduced them and his sister.

Zhongli: So you're a Cybertronian, is that correct?
Optimus: Yes, My friend.
Lumine: Brother, Why are you and the Autobots here?
Optimus: We are here to protect the Allspark before Megatron.
Kaeya: Mega what?

He activated his holographic vision as they began to see his memories.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch 2 Videos, replaced with "Siege" Optimus Prime)

Then Optimus led the Autobots to fight against the Decepticons.

Optimus: Autobots, stand your ground!
Bumblebee: Ummm. Optimus.

Soundwave and the Decepticons appeared.

Soundwave: Decepticons... Attack.

He realized they will be overwhelmed by the Decepticons.

Optimus: Autobots! Fall back! Get to the tower!

They retreated back to the launching pad tower.

Shockwave: Destroy the Launch Pad. Let none escape!

The Seekers transformed and flies to the tower. Meanwhile, Optimus and his fellow Autobots rushed to their escape pods

Optimus: Cybertron has fallen, Get to the escape pods. There are other Autobots across the galaxy, we must reach them if we hope to survive.
Bumblebee: Optimus, this is our home. We have to fight for it.
Optimus: We will fight on, but we must find refuge first, I found the planet where it's hidden. Teyvat. You will travel there and establish the base for us, once we gather the others, We'll join you. You must protect the planet, if the Decepticons find it then our people are truly finished. Now go.

Then the Seekers flew up from the top of the tower and fires the missiles, destroying it.

Optimus: Good luck soldier. I'll buy you some time.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Play the Music)

He launched all the escape pods as he stayed behind to fight off the Decepticons.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch at 1:24 - 2:06, replaced with "Siege" Optimus Prime)

After the fight with the Decepticons, Optimus ran to the Allspark and launches it into space leaving it adrift, so that it won't fall into Megatron's hands

He runs up with the others. He went to the Ark with his remaining Autobots.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch the Video, replaced with "Siege" Optimus Prime)

The Ark launched and flies to the Space bridge. But The Nemesis followed them, The Space battle begins Autobots defended the Ark before the Decepticons tears the ship apart. Optimus Prime must confront Megatron by head on.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch the Video, replaced with "Siege" Optimus Prime (start at 0:37))

Meanwhile, The Ark and the Nemesis are heading to Teyvat and Ark crash landed on Liyue and the Nemesis crashes into the sea.

Optimus decided to absorb his spark into his new body as the Matrix hidden away in the Call of the Abyss, as for his Soul Optimus' Spark was transferred into a new body, an infant turned out to be Aether when he was a baby, but at the cost of his memories. He was reborn.

The Allspark was drifting into space until it arrived in Teyvat and crash-landed in the Dragonspine.

The memories ended as their friends was amazed but feeling sad for what he has been through.

Diluc: Damn.
Jean: That is terrible.
Paimon: It shared the same fate as-
Lumine: Yes... It shared the same fate as Khaenri'ah.

The Seven Archons witness the Civil War in Cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons. They couldn't help but watch as their comrades fell one by one. Yoimiya shed her tears as she covered her mouth.

Yoimiya: Aether.
Zhongli: It's like our war all over again.
Ei: Traveler, He's been fighting through hell.

Venti removes his hat as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Venti: What a horrible war.
Nahida: This can't be happening.

Optimus transforms into his human form with a sad look on his face. They looked at him.

Jean: Is it true? Did you lose your comrades during the war?
Lumine: You're joking right?

He sadly sighs as he looked at them with his guilt.

Optimus: Lumine, forgive me. It is my fault.

He was taken back by her outburst and hugged by her.

Lumine: It's not your fault, it's your only choice to make, and no one else could make it. They fought and died as a hero. I may be the princess of the Abyss but, blaming yourself is much worse. So please, don't blame yourself. Their sacrifice will not be in vain. We will fight for our lives.

He was touched by her words as he hugged her back.

Optimus: Thank you, Lumine. It's just that me and the Autobots are the only ones who can stop them.
Miko: Aether, You're Not Alone.
Jean: If the Decepticons will ever return, we'll be ready.
Optimus: Thank You, Grand Master Jean.

She blushed he addresses her as Grand Master, while the Main girls are jealous.

Miko: Prime, Can I tell you something?
Optimus: Yes, you can.
Miko: I was there, on the crash site.
All: WHAT?!
Miko: It's true. Ganyu and I went for Investigation when she was in adepti form and I was in fox form.


Miko and Ganyu watched the stars when suddenly one of the stars was not a star, nor a shooting star. It crash-landed in the mountains of Liyue, they heard the commotion as they investigate the crash. It was Autobot Ship: Ark. They went to investigate and saw Autobots are now in a stasis lock then she met Optimus who is now in a stasis lock. Miko looked closer at him and activate the matrix as eye optics lighten up.

They made contact with each other as she starts to have his flashback about War for Cybertron

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch the multiple videos, but replaced them with War for Cybertron Trilogy Characters)

After seeing his multiple flashbacks, they see each other as Miko transformed into the human form she touched his face with her hand and blushed as she grew closer but it ends quickly as reality came back as her fox form, his eyes went dark again as he went back into a stasis lock.

She realized she was slowing feelings for him.

(Flashback ends)

Miko: That's basically how I met you.
Ei: Whoa, I didn't know that.
Optimus: Thanks for telling us a story.
Miko: You're welcome.

He smiles underneath his faceplate before he went back into serious face.

Optimus: I'm not the only one in this universe.
Lumine: You mean there's more of you?
Optimus: Yes. There are lot Multiverses around the Universe

He pressed the buttons showing all the versions of himself.

Optimus: The first one is the version of myself. Superman Universe.

The Hologram shows Aether as Superman fighting against Zod while saving Metropolis.

Ratchet: Whoa.
Ei: By the Archons.
Optimus: The next one is this.

Then the hologram moves to another version of himself.

Venti: Why are you wearing a Skull mask?
Optimus: That is another version of myself, but I renamed it, Simon Riley. But he called himself Ghost.

It shows indeed Simon "Ghost" Riley or rather Ghost. Fighting the Russian Ultranationalists.

Zhongli: What timeline is it or What Universe is this?
Optimus: That is Modern Warfare Universe.
Fowler: Huh, Sounds like World War III.
Xiao: What's that?
Optimus: A war between NATO and the Russia. A large conflict.

Their eyes widen.

Venti: It's like the Archon War all over again.
Optimus: Except they have more advanced weapons.
Fowler: Like, Guns, Assault Rifles, everything.
Kaeya: Damn.
Optimus: Here comes the version of myself.

Then he showed another hologram.

Lumine: Was that you?
Optimus: Yes, but My last name is Hisashi, and my nationalist is Japanese. My home is Inazuma from an Alternate Reality.
Ei: You have your powers?
Optimus: Except better.

They were curious until it answered their question as Aether transformed into a Giant Reptilian Monster.

Kazuha: What is that?!
Optimus: That is the Kaiju form, His name kaiju name is Godzilla, King of the Monsters of himself and Protector of Teyvat.

They were surprised while the main girls blushed when they saw other versions of Aether in Multiverses.

Optimus: The next one is this.

It showed his other version. But it's Kaedehara Kazuha.

Kazuha: That's me?
Optimus: Yes But look again.

Then Kazuha reveals his form as Aether.

All: No way?!
Kazuha: Wait, so you're me?
Optimus: Yes, but He took a form from you and hid his identity by renaming it after your name.
Kazuha: So He took my identity.
Venti: Looks like He has the same power as me.
Optimus: That's correct, his current vision is Anemo.
Venti: Holy Shit.
Optimus: Do you know about Aether Prime?
Sara: What's that?
Optimus: He's the God of all the creations and the God of the Sun. He was also the founder of the Seven.

The Seven Archons were completely surprised that Aether was the God of the Sun, all of the creations, and the Founder of the Seven.

Lumine: That's a lot of versions of yourself in every universe.
Optimus: We must protect the Allspark before Megatron and the Decepticons do.
Bulkhead: He's right. We have to fight against our enemies.
Keqing: You could say that.
Ayaka: We'll be ready.
Yoimiya: Yeah, we'll do whatever it takes to protect our homeworld.
Venti: I agree with them, We will fight to our last breath!
Sara: Don't worry, Optimus. We'll help you to reclaim your home planet. But right now, We have to protect our homeworld and the Allspark. This will be your refuge, Prime.
Optimus: Thank you General.

They vowed they will protect Teyvat and help Autobots to fight against Decepticons.

The Multiversal War

P.S. All those chapters in the future book contain the scenes of the Transformers War for Cybertron Trilogy and Transformers: The Movie (1986)

Like those scenes in Transformers: The Movie from 1986:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(This video will be sad for Aether's Harem and his friends)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Those are the scenes but replaced with War for Cybertron Trilogy Characters

Here are cast of the Transformers: The Multiversal War


Zach Aguilar & Peter Cullen as Aether / Optimus Prime
Sean Chiplock as Diluc Ragnvindr / Ironhide
Cristina Vee Valenzuela as Bennett / Jazz
Erika Harlacher as The Nameless Bard (Neill Ventius) / Bumblebee
Ratana as Yae Miko / Elita One
Griffin Burns as Tartaglia / Hot Rod / Rodimus Prime
Christian La Monte as Teppei / Ultra Magnus
Brandon Winckler as Tomo / Wheeljack
Laura Faye Smith as Noelle / Arcee
Christian Banas as Thoma / Sideswipe
Beau Bridgland as Chongyun / Ratchet
Khoi Dao as Albedo / Kup
Chris Hackney as Kamisato Ayato / Springer
Kieran Regan as Shikanoin Heizou / Cliffjumper
Todd Haberkorn as Razor / Grimlock
Sean Durrie as Baizu / Perceptor
Eric Idle as Wreck-Gar


Mick Wingert & Frank Welker as Dottore "The Doctor" / Megatron / Galvatron
Chris Tergliafera / Frank Welker as Capitano / Soundwave
Chris Latta as Azar / Starscream
Corey Burton as Shockwave
Ed Gilbert as Blitzwing
Other Decepticon Army
Orson Welles as Unicron


Zach Aguilar as Simon "Ghost" Riley & Aether Hisashi / Godzilla
Sarah Miller-Crews as Lumine
Stephanie Southerland as Jean Gunnhildr
Anne Yatco as Raiden Shogun / Ei
Erika Harlacher as Venti
Corina Boettger as Paimon
Kayli Mills as Keqing
Jeannie Tirado as Kujou Sara
Erica Mendez as Kamisato Ayaka
Mark Whitten as Kaedehara Kazuha
Risa Mei as Sangonomiya Kokomi
Cory Yee as Gorou
Poonam Basu as Klee
Kimberley Anne Campbell as Nahida / Kusanali
Suzie Yeung as Eula Lawrence
Kelly Baskin as Amber
Jennifer Losi as Ganyu
Josey Montana McCoy as Kaeya Alberich
Jenny Yokobori as Yoimiya Naganohara
Keith Silverstein as Zhongli
Allegra Clark as Beidou
Erin Ebers as Ningguang
Christina Costella as Collei
Chelsea Kwoka as Shenhe
Dani Chambers as Nilou
Felecia Angelle as Mona
Amber May as Dehya
Kira Buckland as Kuki Shinobu
Laila Berzins as Xiao
Laura Post as Yelan
Ashley Biski as Layla
Mara Junot as Lisa Minci
Lizzie Freeman as Yanfei
Judy Alice Lee as Yun Jin
Elizabeth Maxwell as Rosaria
Lily Ki as Sayu
Christie Cate as Qiqi
Chadni Parekh as Faruzan
Cristina Vee Valenzuela as Xinqiu
Laura Stahl as Xinyan
Jackie Lastra as Xiangling
Shara Kirby as Candace
Zachary Gord as Tighnari
Brianna Knickerbocker as Hu Tao
Nazeeh Tarsha as Alhaitham
Max Mittelman as Arataki Itto
Patrick Padraza as Wanderer
Valeria Rodriguez as Sucrose

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