What if Aether is Simon "Ghost" Riley (with a Sad Ending)

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(This is the Call of Duty Modern Warfare Scenario but with Ghost. Enjoy)

Warning! This contains Aether's angst, Aether x Harem, his regret & death.

This story inspires Modern Warfare 2 and Halo Legends: Prototype.

This is the story of the tragic hero who is surrounded by his regret and death, just as a shadow, a Soldier named Ghost.

You've been warned.


Aether lost his friends and his love interests during the battle with Tsarista and Abyss Leader Lumine, he fought his sister until he accidentally stabbed her with his sword. He catches her as she coughs her blood. He was on verge of his tears.

Aether: No, no, no, NO! Lumine please stay with me! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!
Lumine: *weak voice* *coughs* no brother, it's not your fault. It was mine, if I haven't joined Abyss Order, none of this happened.  *coughs then smiles* Let me ask you something. Just one last thing. It won't hurt, I promise.
Aether: Don't speak like this, I'm gonna get some help! Because you're my sister.
Lumine: and you're Ghost, Aren't you?
Aether: What?
Lumine: I need you to be strong. Strong enough to do what you've never done in your life. Can you be strong enough to allow yourself to be— can you just be human? If not for your sake, for all of us. If you would just allow yourself to feel something... maybe you wouldn't be a ghost any longer.

Those were her words with her dying breath as she finally dies in his arms, He regretted that he killed his own sister. He screamed in despair.

Aether: Lumine? Lumine?! LUMINE!!!!!!!

(Dream Ends)

Aether jolted up off the bed as he sweats and breathes heavily, he looked around his room and checked his alarm clock before he turned it off the alarm. He placed his hand on his face in distress.

Aether (thoughts): *sighs* Great. Another nightmare.

Then he heard knocking on the door.

???: Kid, you okay?
Aether: Yeah, be right there.

With that, he took a shower and wears his current outfit.

Then he went to the meeting made by General Shepherd.

Shepherd: Ghost, you're here. You and the Task Force have a special mission for you.
Ghost: Go ahead.

Of course, for the past few years, Aether renamed himself, Simon Riley. It's been years since he joined the military he gained his nickname "Ghost" as a British special forces operator and a member of Task Force 141. He's been having various missions in warfare, hunting down the Kingfish. Vladimir Makarov who enacted World War III, starting with International Airport Massacre.

Shepherd: We have located Makarov's two safe houses.
Ghost: Where?

He shows the satellite of Makarov's Safehouse.

Shepherd: It's been a tough week, gentlemen. We've lost more than we ever dreamed. But we will recover. I've got a blank check. And we're gonna use every cent of it killin' Makarov. Despite what the world may say, we are not savages, we don't kill civilians. We use precision. There's an evil man hiding in these shadows and we're gonna bring him into the light. Once his face is revealed, we will write history, gentlemen.

The satellite analyzes two possible locations of Vladimir Makarov: an estate at the Georgian-Russian Border in the Caucasus Mountains ("Suspected Makarov Safehouse") and a U.S. Vehicle Disposal Yard, or the "boneyard", in Afghanistan ("Suspected Makarov Arms Deal").

Shepherd: These are the last safe havens left on Earth for Makarov and his men.
Price: Sounds like we gotta be in two places at once.
Shepherd: Impossible?
Captain Price: Not for the One-Four-One.
Ghost: Fifty-fifty chance to take out Makarov, eh? Captain Price, request permission to take the safehouse with Roach.
Captain Price: Granted. Soap and I will take the boneyard in Afghanistan.
Shepherd: Very well. We will cut off all avenues of escape. This ends now.
Captain Price: Strange. I coulda sworn we ended this war yesterday.

The satellite tracks Lt. Simon "Ghost" Riley on the Georgian-Russian Border in the Caucasus Mountains. He armed with ACR

Ghost, Roach, and a group of Task Force 141 soldiers are in the Georgian-Russian Border in the Caucasus Mountains to capture Vladimir Makarov at his safehouse. Snipers Archer and Toad are crouched by the edge of the cliff.

Archer: Snipers in position.

["Loose Ends"]

[Day 6 - 15:36:11]

[Lt. Simon "Ghost" Riley ]

[Task Force 141]

[Georgian-Russian Border]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start the Music)

Ghost: Strike team go. Engage Makarov on sight.
Scarecrow: Roger that.
Ozone: Solid copy.
Ghost: Let's go. Let's go.

The team moves into the woods, making their way to Makarov's safehouse. When they step over a grassy area, Bouncing Betty landmines jump out of the ground.

Ghost: Ambush!

Roach prones just in time as the mine in front of him explodes, saving himself, but the rest of the mines kill many of the other members, not including Ghost, Scarecrow, and Ozone. RPGs and gunfire rain down on the team.

Ghost: Targets! Left side! Left side!

Shellshocked, Roach fires to his left. Ghillied soldiers appear within the woods. The team engages. Ghost fired his assault rifle killing some hostiles, he starts to have some flashbacks.

(Pause the Music)


Ghost (voiceover): I lost my all friends. Every one of them. And that's when it happened. That's when I truly became a ghost. Just a shadow. Surrounded by death and my regret.

Lumine is dead. Ghost, distraught, can be seen crying over her body.

(Flashback ends)

His flashback ends where Ghost along with his members gun fighting with Russians.

Scarecrow: Ambush!
Ozone: Ambush!

Explosions land around the team.

(Resume the Music)

Scarecrow: They've got this area presighted for mortar fire!
Ghost: Counterattack into the smoke! Push push push!

They plow through the smoke, engaging foot-mobiles along the way. They reach the perimeter of the safehouse. Two trucks are seen driving down the driveway.

Archer: We got two trucks leaving the target building.
Ghost: Don't let those trucks get away!
Archer: Roger! Firing Javelin, danger close!
Ghost: Javelin, danger close! Get back from the road! Bloody hell, these trucks are bulletproofed!
Archer: Two away!

Two Javelin missiles destroy the trucks.

Archer: Moving vehicles have been neutralized. Be advised, we have not, I repeat, we have not spotted Makarov, and no one else has left the house. Those trucks may have been decoys Over.

They continue to the safehouse. Two more trucks park on the driveway and foot-mobiles come out. The team engages.

Ghost: Roger that, we're advancing on the house now! Clear the perimeter! Breach and clear the safehouse! Go! Go!

They position in front of the safehouse. Roach plants a breaching charge on the front door. They breach and clear the first floor.

Ghost: Office clear! Ozone, make sure no one leaves through the kitchen.

Ozone: Roger that.
Ghost: Scarecrow, gimme a sitrep.
Scarecrow: No one's leaving through the front of the basement.
Ghost: Let's go let's go! Dining room clear! Roach, go upstairs and check any locked rooms on the top floor. Breach and clear.

Roach goes up the stairs and clears the first two rooms. He then proceeds to a door right next to the stairs. He plants a breaching charge, breaches, and clears the room.

Scarecrow: Top floor clear!
Ghost: Roger that, top floor clear! Roach, go with Scarecrow and check the basement for enemy activity. Breach and clear. Go.

Roach and Scarecrow move down to the basement.

Scarecrow: Frag out.

Scarecrow tosses a flashbang down the stairs. Roach moves in and takes out enemies in the basement hall. He breaches and clears the basement exit.

Scarecrow: I got your back, Roach.

Roach breaches and clears the weapons cache room.

Scarecrow: Basement clear!
Ghost: Copy, basement clear!

The basement was breached first after the office was cleared.

Scarecrow: I've got this area covered Roach. Get upstairs and check the rooms on the top floor.

They proceed upstairs and breach and clear accordingly The entire safe house is clear.

Ghost: All clear. Squad, regroup on me. Scarecrow, photographs.
Scarecrow: Roger that.
Ghost: Shepherd, this is Ghost. No sign of Makarov, I repeat, no sign of Makarov. Captain Price, any luck in Afghanistan?
Captain Price: Plenty...at least fifty hired guns here, but no sign of Makarov. Perhaps our intel was off.
Ghost: Well, the quality of the intel's about to change. This safehouse is a bloody goldmine.
Shepherd: Copy that. Ghost, have your team collect everything you can for an operations playbook. Names, contacts, places, everything.
Ghost: We're already on it sir. Makarov will have nowhere to run.
Shepherd: That's the idea. I'm bringing up an extraction force, E.T.A. five minutes. Get that intel. Shepherd out.
Ghost: Roach, get on Makarov's computer and start the transfer. Ozone, you're on rear security. I've got the front. Go.
Ozone: On my way.

The team begins to gather intel, taking photographs of the safehouse and detailed plans of Makarov's airport attack on Moscow.

Captain Price: Task Force, this is Price. More of Makarov's men just arrived at the boneyard... Soap, cover me. I'm gonna slot that guy over there and use his radio to tap into their comms. Ghost, we're going silent for a few minutes. Good luck up there in Russia. Price out.

The player can take his time in setting up claymores and defenses all over and around the house and loading up from the weapons cache before connecting the DSM to the computer.

Ghost: Roach, connect the DSM to Makarov's computer.

Roach connects the DSM hard drive to the computer which begins to download Makarov's intel.

[DSM v6.04 ...working...]

[...network found...]

[...ironbox detected...]


[Files copied #/2067]

[Time left #min. at #Mbps]

Ozone: Roach, there's an armory in the basement. Better stock up while you can.
Ghost: Makarov's men are going to do whatever it takes to keep us from leaving with this intel. We need to protect the DSM until the transfer's done. Use the weapons caches and set up your claymores if you've got any left. Defensive positions, let's go!
Ozone: Ready to engage.
Scarecrow: I'm in position.

The remaining four members, Ghost, Roach, Ozone, and Scarecrow get into position to defend the safehouse.

Explosions are heard from a distance.

Scarecrow: What the hell was that?
Archer: Be advised, you have a large concentration of hostiles moving in from the southeast, they've just breached the perimeter! I'll try to thin 'em out before they get too close. Recommend you switch to scoped weapons, over.
Ghost: Roger that! Everyone cover the field to the southeast! Move!
Ozone: I got eyes on! Here they come! They're in the field to the southeast!
Archer: RPG team moving in from the southwest!
Ozone: Got it! RPG team moving in from the southwest!

They begin to hold off hostiles from approaching the safehouse. The download speed depends on how well the player takes out hostiles and defends the safehouse.

[Files copied: 664/2067]

Archer: I have eyes on additional hostile forces moving in on your position. They're approaching from the solar panels east of the house.

Ghost: They're moving in from the solar panels east of the house!

Scarecrow: Roger, I'll try to cut 'em off as they come through the trees.

Ghost: Use your claymores if you have 'em. Plant 'em around the trail east of the house.

They continue to defend the safehouse.

[Files copied: 1000/2067]

Archer: I'm displacing. You're gonna be without sniper support for thirty seconds, standby.

At some point, Ozone may become overrun and killed by hostile forces.

Ozone: I'm hit! Need assist...
Archer: Ozone is down!

[Files copied: 1200/2067]

Archer: RPG team moving in from the east!

Archer: Enemy fast-attack choppers coming in from the northwest.
Ghost: Roger that. Enemy helos approaching from the northwest.
Scarecrow: We gotta cover the front lawn!
Ghost: Roach, use your claymores on the driveway and pull back to the house!

Little Bird helicopters drop off troops by the front of the house. The team continues to hold off hostile forces coming in from all directions. Hostiles begin to move in with flashbangs but are held off by Roach and Ghost (and the rest of the team). Scarecrow may eventually be killed.

Scarecrow: I'm hit!
Archer: Scarecrow is down! I repeat, Scarecrow is down!

The transfer lasts for up to approximately five minutes. The DSM finishes downloading.

Ghost: Roach, the transfer's complete! I'll cover the main approach while you get the DSM! Move!

Ghost holds off hostiles from the front door while Roach retrieves the DSM.

Shepherd: This is Shepherd. We're almost at the LZ. What's your status, over?
Ghost: We're on our way to the LZ! Roach, let's go!

Ghost and Roach evacuate the house as more hostile forces converge on them.

Ghost: They're bracketing our position with mortars, keep moving but watch your back! Roach, I got you covered! Go! Go! Get to the LZ! Keep moving! We gotta get to the LZ! Roach, come on!

They push through enemy forces and to the LZ. Roach engages a large group of hostiles at the trees.

Ghost: I'll cover you! Move! Go! Go!

Roach comes out of the tree line, spotting Shepherd's Pave Low coming in to pick them up. A mortar explodes and wounds Roach, shell-shocking him and blacking out his vision. As he wakes up, Ghost drags Roach towards the LZ.

Ghost: I've got you, Roach, hang on! Thunder Two-One, I've popped red smoke in the treeline! Standby to engage on my mark!
Thunder Two-One: Roger that. I have a visual on the red smoke. Standing by.
Ghost: Thunder Two-One, cleared hot!
Thunder Two-One: Roger that, cleared hot. Guns guns guns.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start the Music)

Roach is handed an AK-47 Grenadier and he starts shooting at hostiles. Thunder Two-One, a Little Bird helicopter, flies over Ghost and Roach, firing its guns at the treeline and killing the incoming hostiles. Roach's vision fades in and out of focus as he's about to pass out from his injuries.

Ghost: Roach, hang in there!

Ghost helps up Roach and carries him to the Pave Low where General Shepherd awaits. Shadow Company troops are heard on the radio.

Viper 2-6: This is Viper 2-6, stand by for rocket attack, over.
SC Pave Low Pilot: Uh roger. Hit 'em hard on that hill, make sure they're down.
Viper 2-6: Roger, I'm on it, coming around heading 2-5-0. Roger, I got 'em lined up.
Ghost: Come on, get up! Get up! Get up! We're almost there!

As they walk towards Shepherd, radio chatter can be from Shadow Company.

Oxide: Gold Eagle's on the ground. Watch for snipers on thermal, over.
SC ????: Roger that. All targets destroyed.

Confirmation that Archer and Toad are killed.

SC Soldier: Cover them! Move! Move! Spread out!

Shepherd approaches them.

Shepherd: Do you have the DSM?
Ghost: We got it, sir!
Shepherd: Good. That's one less loose end.

Shepherd takes out his .44 Magnum and shoots Roach in the abdomen. Roach falls to the ground.

Ghost: NO!

Before Ghost can respond with his ACR, Shepherd shoots him in the chest, killing him. Shepherd takes out the DSM from Roach's pocket and calls over two Shadow Company soldiers. Roach grabs Shepherd's wrist as if he would say "Why?"

Shepherd: I'm sorry. But it's for the greater good.

He yanks his arm off then Shepherd saw the picture of Aether and his Sister Lumine then he took it.

SC Pave Low Pilot (presumably): Area sanitized. All targets destroyed.
Viper 2-6: Solid copy. No movement detected. 2-6 going into holding pattern.

The two take Roach's body and dump him in a ditch along with Ghost. Beunknownist to Shepherd, Ghost is still alive breathly heavily as he's having heavy bleeding. He opened his eyes a bit.

Ghost (voiceover): What's the matter, Ghost? Why can't you move?


Ghost is now walking away from Lumine's body. He has laid out the Lumine into a more peaceful pose and placed a flower in her hands.

Ghost (voiceover): I made up my mind that day. The night I let my sister die at my hands and so did my friends. I looked up at those moons and something died inside me. A conscience is something that gets in the way. That's all a soul is. An obstacle. Something to overcome. I can't atone for failing to protect them.

(Flashback ends)

Ghost looks at Shepherd.

Price: Ghost! Come in, this is Price! We're under attack by Shepherd's men at the boneyard! Soap, hold the left flank! Do not trust Shepherd! I say again, do not trust Shepherd! Soap, get down!--(Gunfires, static...)

A Shadow Company soldier pours gasoline over Ghost and Roach and walks away.

Shepherd: Any last words kid?
Ghost: take off my mask.

He did what he said as he finally took off his mask revealing his true face.

Shepherd: Now I will ask you again. Any last words?

(Pause the music here)

He remembers that day she died in his arms.


Lumine: *weak voice* *coughs* no brother, it's not your fault. It was mine, if I haven't joined Abyss Order, none of this happened. *coughs then smiles* Let me ask you something. Just one last thing. It won't hurt, I promise.
Aether: Don't speak like this, I'm gonna get some help! Because you're my sister.
Lumine: and you're Ghost, Aren't you?
Aether: What?
Lumine: I need you to be strong. Strong enough to do what you've never done in your life. Can you be strong enough to allow yourself to be— can you just be human? If not for your sake, for all of us. If you would just allow yourself to feel something... maybe you wouldn't be a ghost any longer.

(Flashback ends)

Those were her words with her dying breath, Ghost realizes what he must do, he smiles and chuckles a bit while letting his tears roll.

Ghost: I have 2 last words, General
Shepherd: What is it?
Ghost: My last words is, Be human.

Shepherd tosses the cigar into the ground.

Ghost (Voiceover): And for one last instant, I'm human again.

(Resume the Music here)

Shepherd lights them up by tossing his lit cigar before turning and leaving. The last thing Ghost sees is Shepherd's Pave Low flying overhead as he walks away. His vision fades to black as Ghost dies.

He may have been betrayed by Shepherd but he finally redeemed himself as he finally went back to his true self again in Heaven, reuniting with Lumine. Like this, his story has finally come to an end.

The satellite tracks Ghost and labels him "KIA" at Makarov's safe house. The satellite then tracks Captain "Soap" MacTavish and Captain Price at the U.S. Vehicle Disposal Yard in Afghanistan.

MacTavish: Roach? Ghost? Come in, Ghost. Do you copy? Does anyone copy?
Price: They're dead, Soap. Shepherd's cleaning house. I'm working my way back to you.
MacTavish: Shepherd betrayed us.
Price: Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did. Nikolai, come in. Do you have our location?

The satellite tracks Nikolai's C-130 inbound to the boneyard.

Nikolai: Da. Inbound, Price. But I am not the only one. You've got Shepherd's men on one side, Makarov's on the other.

Soap and Price's video feeds show Shepherd's and Makarov's men fighting in the boneyard.

Price: We'll have to take them all out then.
Nikolai: Or let them take each other out. Either way, I'll see you on the other side, my friend.

The satellite traces the runway of the boneyard where Soap and Price are making their way to be picked up by Nikolai.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start the Music)

In the Shepherd's Pave Low

Shepherd looks at his picture with a sad look on his face, he finally understands now about his regrets, his grief, and his depression, he just wanted to join his sister and friends in heaven. He regrets it for his betrayal by killing Ghost.

Shepherd: I'm sorry...

The story ends when Shepherd's Pave Low Chopper flies into the sunset.

The End

Based on the first-person shooter video games series

Call of Duty Series


Infinity Ward



Inspired by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, & Halo Legends: Prototype


Zach Aguilar as Aether / Simon "Ghost" Riley
Sarah Miller-Crews as Lumine
Ratana as Yae Miko
Anne Yatco as Raiden Shogun / Ei
Corina Boettger as Paimon
Kayli Mills as Keqing
Jeannie Tirado as Kujou Sara
Erica Mendez as Kamisato Ayaka
Mark Whitten as Kaedehara Kazuha
Stephanie Southerland as Jean Gunnhildr
Risa Mei as Sangonomiya Kokomi
Cory Yee as Gorou
Poonam Basu as Klee
Kimberley Anne Campbell as Nahida / Kusanali
Suzie Yeung as Eula Lawrence
Sean Chiplock as Diluc Ragnvindr
Kelly Baskin as Amber
Jennifer Losi as Ganyu
Josey Montana McCoy as Kaeya Alberich
Griffin Burns as Childe/Tartaglia
Erika Harlacher as Venti
Jenny Yokobori as Yoimiya Naganohara
Keith Silverstein as Zhongli
Allegra Clark as Beidou
Erin Ebers as Ningguang
Billy Murray as Captain John Price
Kevin McKidd as Captain John "Soap" MacTavish
Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson as Himself
Lance Henriksen as General Shepherd

miHoYo / HoYoverse


Infinity Ward

Proudly Presents

A Genshin Impact and Call of Duty Crossover Fanfiction

Call of Duty:
Modern Warfare


(Post End Credits)

Nahida, Aether's Harem and Friends turned out to be alive, they were resurrected for some reason. she played his message for her.

Ghost (voiceover): Nahida, it's me, Aether, or call me Ghost, I am leaving this message in case... The event of my death.

She walks around Georgian-Russian Borders and found Ghost's burned body.

Ghost (voiceover): You will hear many things about me, that I'm a Ghost, a Shadow... They may be right... but above all else, I am your father.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start the Music)

Nahida was on the verge of her tears that Aether was the Ghost the whole time and of course, He declared himself that he was her father. She finally broke down in tears.

Nahida: DADDY!!!!!!!!

She was crying for her father, Aether's Harem and Friends overheard his last message, and Yae Miko cried for her future husband. Kujou Sara salutes him for his bravery. His harem was on the verge of tears, some of them whimpered and some cried.

Lumine: *crying* AETHER!!!!!
Ei: Aether.
Jean: Honorary Knight.
Diluc: Kid.

They mourned his death then they saw a vision when Ghost got killed by General Shepherd, so much anger for them. Sara fired her arrow at the Picture of General Shepherd as they vowed to have their revenge to kill Shepherd, The Traitorous General to avenge Aether. Lumine is pissed as She screamed in rage.

Lumine: Damn you, SHEPHERD!!!!!!!!

Followed by...

Ei: General Shepherd shall be PERISH!
Sara: Soldiers! Today, We will hunt down that Traitor, He will pay for his Crimes!
Soldiers: Yes, Ma'am!
Gorou: We will avenge our HERO!
Kokomi: We will hunt Shepherd and his men.
Miko: He will pay.
Amber: Let's hunt him down.
Yoimiya: Let's do it!
Ayaka: For Aether!
Kaeya: I'm gonna teach him a lesson.
Eula: I will get that traitor scum! Now, He will feel my Vengeance!
Jean: Don't worry, Honorary Knight, we will avenge you.
Mona: He will be punished.
Yanfei: I will teach him a lesson.
Ningguang: He will pay for his crimes and treason!
Ganyu: Shepherd is out of GOD DAMN MIND!
Kazuha: We will bring him to Justice.
Venti: I will never forgive him.
Zhongli: That is absolutely unforgivable.
Razor: General, Bad, Razor, Angry.
Paimon: Paimon's Angry right now.
Childe: He's not getting away with this.

Then Price and Soap came.

Price: Don't worry, we'll get him.
Soap: We'll help you to avenge him.
Lumine: He took my brother away from me, and now He will pay for what he did to my brother.

They nodded in agreement as they were ready for the hunt for General Shepherd.

They will return in

Call of Duty
Modern Warfare:

The Hunt for General Shepherd

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