What if Paimon met Ripper the Indoraptor

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This is Jurassic World Scenarios but with Indoraptor.

4 days after Isla Sorna Incident, Aether and his friends decided to relax and Paimon decided to have a nature hike in Mondstadt during the nighttime.

Paimon: Hmmm. Paimon's sure this is fine.

Then she heard rustling and somewhere in the bushes.

Paimon: Hello, is anybody there?

No response. Then she heard the rustling again then again, as she looked around.

Paimon: There's something in the woods, I need to get out of here!

So she ran towards their friends' house. When she got to their house, Paimon explained the situation.

Aether: It's probably, just Abyss Mage.
Paimon: But, Abyss never made a noise, Something about big is here.
Bennett: Look, There's no way dinosaurs live here they're at the island, So don't worry, We'll be fine.
Paimon: *sighs in disappointment* okay, fine. But don't say Paimon didn't warn you.

Then they went to their bed but Paimon couldn't get her mind off, she used to think to try to talk them out but, they won't believe her. So she set out to the woods by herself. When she got to the woods she checked her surroundings.

Paimon: Hello, please show yourself.

No response but she heard the rustling of the bushes.

Paimon: Hello, is anybody there?

Then a shadowy figure appeared as it grew bigger, soon The Creature came into view. Paimon's eyes were widened for what she saw.

Paimon: No, it can't be?!

Perhaps, sad to say it was, The creature she saw was none other than...

Paimon: Indoraptor! But Paimon doesn't understand?! You... You.


in Isla Sorna, Indominus Rex took Indoraptor as he finally brought him down.

(Flashback Ends)

She couldn't believe in her eyes that there was another Indoraptor then the creature glaring at her, then he let out his terrifying roar.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The First One)

Paimon made a run for it for her dear life with the Creature on his pursuit.

Paimon: He's gaining on Paimon, Paimon won't be able to outrun him!

Soon, Indoraptor got her cornered but she flew up to escape.

Paimon: Paimon should be safe here.

But she was wrong as she looked down, He can able to climb.

Paimon: What, He can climb?!

She runs away from him as Indoraptor runs after her as she made it to the cliff where the tree stands near the edge.

Paimon: *breathing* Paimon thinks that Paimon lost him.

And that was what she thought as Indoraptor nearly pounced at her as she backs away into the tree as he dashed towards her and he successfully pounced at her. She feared the most that his retractable toe claw is touching her stomach and his snout and his jaw were getting closer as his hand reached out to her Indoraptor saw the fear of her eyes, Paimon closed her eyes waiting for her demise as she sheds her tears. Indoraptor realized what he did was wrong, Instead of killing her, he touched her smoothed hair as he put her hair to the side and she opened her eyes and she was confused. Indoraptor decided to let her go as she stood up as Indoraptor sat down like a dog.

Paimon: Rollover. Boy.

He rolls over and wants her to give him a belly rub as she did then he rolled over to his crouching position and she patted his head. He decided to take a short nap as he purrs like a puma as she took asleep. The next morning, Indoraptor woke up and goes on the hunt, Killing the Creatures including Abyss Mages. Paimon went out to look for him then she saw as Indoraptor kills and ripped the creature into the shreds. Then they went to their cliff where they met.

Paimon: Paimon will call you, Ripper.

Indoraptor liked his name: Ripper then they heard their friends calling out her name and wanting her to come back.

Paimon: Well Ripper, Paimon's better get going.

She hugged Ripper by his head

Paimon: Goodbye Ripper.

He made a contempt growl saying goodbye then they went parted ways. As she was on her way back she heard a rustling on the bushes.

Paimon: Ripper? Is that you?

Then something came out of the bushes she thought that was Ripper but instead the creature appeared she was in shock at what she saw.

Paimon: Oh no, Not you too?!

Perhaps it is. The creature she saw was none other than...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The First One)

Paimon: Scorpius Rex?!

He let out his screech as she covered her ears that sound was unbearable. She screamed in terror as she made a run for her dear life, with the Creature on Pursuit. Soon it got her cornered.

Paimon: Please, Paimon doesn't want to die!

Scorpius Rex readied for the pounced on her but Out of the Bushes, Ripper pounced on Scorpius Rex and attacked, Paimon saw Ripper has saved her once again. It appears that Ripper heard the commotion as well. Soon the fight broke out. Scorpius Rex launched her poison quills but Ripper dodged as he pounced at Scorpius Rex and claw attacks at the creature, but Scorpius scratches the Left eye of Ripper in retaliation he pushed it back leaving his scar on his left eye unblinded.

Paimon: Ripper!

He pounced at Scorpius Rex and he injures it with both his retractable toe claw and his hand claws and bites its throat really hard as it's started to bleed as he ripped the skin off and throws it at the near of the edge. Ripper pushed Scorpius off the cliff as it tries to hold on and climbs up. Ripper couldn't let the thing go up. As it was about to get up, Ripper grabbed its arms but punctured it with his claws as he made a growl saying: "Long Live The King." then he throws and Scorpius fell off the cliff to its death and was defeated. Ripper let out his roar in triumph before walking back to Paimon. Paimon and Ripper finally came back together.

Paimon: You did it, Ripper.

She reached out her hand to touch his snout as Ripper get closer. As they were getting close, Arrow shot right into his neck and his thick skin. He roared in pain as he looked in his direction as Paimon did the same reveal Kujou Sara wields her bow.

Sara: Flash!

Aether and their friends soon arrived as they saw Ripper as the Indoraptor as Paimon tries to defend him.

Paimon: Guys, Stop!
Aether: Paimon, Get away from the Thing!
Lumine: It's trying to kill you!
Paimon: Guys, you don't understand?! He's not like other creatures!
Ei: Look, Indoraptor is very dangerous!
Miko: Please it's for your own good!
Paimon: His name is Ripper! And he saved Paimon's life.
All: What!?

They were in shock that Ripper saved her life.

Eula: What do you mean, he saved your life?! That thing nearly killed you!
Paimon: Paimon can explain.
Zhongli: Go ahead.
Ei: Tell us.
Venti: Okay.

Paimon explained everything about How she and Ripper met. At first, he tries to kill her but he spared her life, and they made a bond together.

Paimon: That's how basically it is.
Sara: Huh, I'll comply.
Aether: So, He made a bond with you.
Paimon: Yes, Paimon does that.

Ripper made a contempt growl as to say hello.

Lumine: Anyway, Why did you save her?

He growls as he saved her from the creature called Scorpius Rex.

Bennett: What?! Where is it?!
Kazuha: We have to find it.
Barbara: But where?
Paimon: Don't worry, It has been dealt with.
All: Oh.

He growls as he was trying to say something.

Paimon: Paimon's can give you a translation it can help you make them understand.

She gave magic to Ripper.

Paimon: Okay, Try to speak.
Jean: There's no way to-
Ripper: Hello, My name is Ripper the Indoraptor. I'm not here to hurt you but to protect you.

They got shocked for what they just heard.

Sucrose: Whoa, That is amazing.
Aether: Protecting from what?
Ripper: Guys I hate to say this but, The Mortem Rex has returned.

They were in shock that he mentions the name they feared: The Mortem Rex.

Aether: What?! I thought it was a myth?!
Ripper: Not anymore, Do you remember Dr. Wu.
Lumine: Yeah?
Ripper: He created me and finally complete me with the final touch: Velociraptor DNA allowing me to become tame and obedient, but My creator created the apex predator, Mortem Rex to destroy the entire ecosystems, so I escaped and ran into Paimon and you guys. I need your help, but you have to trust me. You cannot defeat Mortem on your own!
Bennett: Trust you?
Aether: Trust you?! Why should we trust you?!
Lumine: You almost killed Paimon, and Us?!
Ei: Why should we trust you?!
Ripper: Because I'm your only chance to stop him before he'll destroy Mondstadt!

There was a bit of silence before Ripper spoke up.

Ripper: Look, I know you guys see me as a killing machine. But, Let's put aside of our differences and work together to stop Mortem Rex.

They were hesitant but they decided to help Ripper.

Aether: Okay, I trust you.
Lumine: Me too.
Amber: So will I
Miko: Count me in.
Venti: Okay.
Eula: We're in
Ajax: I'm in.
Ei: Okay Fine. I trust you, no funny business
Sara: Fine, I trust you, but that doesn't mean we're friends.
Paimon: Okay We trust you.
Aether: But Ripper, How do we stop him?
Ripper: I have an idea that might just work. Do you have any guys that could help us?
Aether: Well, I have Ei, Miko, Kazuha, and My Friends who could help us.
Ripper: Perfect, because we're gonna need all the help we could get.

Meanwhile, Aether and his Friends were planning to work on the Trap.

Bennett: Are you sure that we could trust Ripper, He's a bit scary. And this plan would work?
Paimon: Well, If Ripper knows what he's doing so obviously he's doing something.

Then they heard a roar in the distance

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

( The Second One)

Ripper: Oh No, It's him!
Paimon: Oh no, He's here!
Ripper: Too Soon, I will hold him off, You guys finish the trap!
Paimon: Okay, but be careful Ripper!

Then they ran off while Ripper stayed behind to hold Mortem Rex then Mortem Rex arrived as he looks at Ripper.

Ripper: You will not harm those people any longer! If you want them, You're gonna have to kill me first!

Then Ripper pounces and attacks Mortem, meanwhile, Aether, Paimon, and their friends got to work on the trap while Ripper held off the Mortem Rex.

Paimon: C'mon Guys! We have to finish this trap quickly!

Meanwhile, Ripper bites & slashes the Mortem Rex, But no matter how hard he tried, Nothing seems to work as Mortem Rex overpowers Ripper before going after them. Ripper eventually recovers as he glares at Mortem.

Ripper: I won't let you harm them!

He goes after him, Meanwhile, They made a final touch of finishing the trap.

Bennett: And it's finished!
Venti: Good thing too.

Then they heard the roar.

Sara: It's Mortem! He's here!
Paimon: Ripper.

Then Mortem is about to approach them.

Aether: Set up the trap now!

Then they unleashed the trap, the Trap seems to work but not for long. The creature broke free but it wasn't long until Ripper ambushes Mortem. Ripper is appeared to be injured but stable.

Paimon: Ripper! You alright?!
Ripper: Don't worry, I'll protect you.

Mortem was about to kill them but out of nowhere, Velociraptor Blue pounced and attacks Mortem and Ripper did the same. Then Owen appeared shooting at them. Aether and Friends joined the fight and Mortem Rex has finally brought down.

Ripper: Thanks for helping us.
Owen: No problem, Ripper.
Aether: Woah, Owen How did you know we're here to defeat Mortem Rex?
Owen: When I heard about Indoraptor named Ripper warned you about Mortem, so Blue, and I were sent here to eradicate him.
Ripper: Well, Everyone thank you for helping me out. We saved Mondstadt from Monstrous Nightmare.
Paimon: You're Welcome.

She reached out her hand to touch his snout as Ripper get closer. She touched his snout as he purrs calmly, Aether and his Friends were all happy, all thanks to Ripper's Efforts.

Ei: Ripper.
Ripper: Yes, Ei?
Ei: Why don't you join us?
Miko: You can live with us.

He thinks for the moment.

Ripper: Yeah, I'll join you.
Aether: Welcome to our group Ripper.

Paimon and Ripper hugged as they went along with the others to their house Ei warms up to Ripper and so did Sara while Owen and Blue went back to Isla Nublar to train the Raptors.

Ripper the Indoraptor has joined the Group/Party.

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