What If Terra Nova: Into the Cretaceous Period Movie would be Differently

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I've decided to make Terra🌎Nova Scenario, but differently, All characters will be alive in this story. Enjoy

P.S. This contains ships

For the past five years after the war, Teyvat is dying and is on the verge of environmental collapse, mankind's last hope of survival lies in 85 Million Years in the Past.

Aether: Mona, is the portal ready?
Mona: Yes. It's ready to go.

Then the portal appeared.

Sara: Let's go, Everyone.

And they entered the portal as it closed and they were never seen again.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Terra Nova: Into the Cretaceous Period

Aether, Lumine, their friends, & His Harem noticed that they're in the Jungle.

Aether: Guys, Where are we?
Chongyun: I don't know.
Lumine: Everyone, Be careful.

And with that, they began to explore around the jungle until immediately they made it open field. They saw smoke coming out from the volcanoes.

Chongyun: I don't get it.
Bennett: I don't get it either, All I can see is trees, grass, water, volcanoes, a dinosaur... WAIT! A DINOSAUR!?

It, sure enough, there was dinosaur appeared.

Klee: Whoa.
Chongyun: I think I know what we're in timeline period.
Bennett: What is it?
Chongyun: We're at the Cretaceous Period where the Dinosaurs ruled the Teyvat/Earth.
Klee: You mean, we're in 85 million years ago.
Chongyun: I'm afraid so, Klee.
Aether: Damn.
Lumine: That is Unexpected.
Ei: Let's get to move on.
Miko: She's right, It's not safe out there.
Klee: Yeah.
Bennett: Let's go somewhere, there could be a cave or a village.
Chongyun: Okay, Let's go.

And with that, they set off into the jungle.

Somewhere in the Jungle, a Parasaurolophus is roaming around the area, when suddenly, it was pinned down, killed by an aggressive two-horned carnivorous dinosaur: it was Carnotaurus.

He is much faster than the T-Rex and more aggressive than other carnivores, he has a scar on his face. He proceeds to eat his prey for lunch then after he ate the Parasaurolophus, He looked in his direction as he sensed their presence as he goes into the deep jungle.

Meanwhile, SpongeGar is having a walk with Gary and Squag wasn't happy.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Meanwhile, Aether and His Harem and Friends were walking in the jungle.

Klee: Aether, I'm tired We've been walking for hours.
Aether: We're almost there.
Chongyun: Guys, There's the village.
Bennett: Okay, let's go.

The Kids made it into the Abandoned Village along with Command Center and Fences.

Chongyun: Who built this?
Bennett: No one knows, Maybe, they lived here.
Klee: Let's explore this place.
Barbara: Let's split up.

Then they split up in two groups to explored the area.

Aether: I guess we'll start a new life here and a second chance.

Before they could, they heard a roar in the distance.

Klee: Was that, a T-Rex?!
Aether: I don't think so, Klee. That roar sounds different.

they heard a roar again, this time louder.

Lumine: Whatever it is, It's getting closer!

Then they heard loud footsteps and they were shocked by what they have seen that made them sweat in fear. Carnotaurus appeared as he growled in aggressive at them.

They encountered Carnotaurus.

Klee: What is that thing?

Before Thoma could answer, Carnotaurus roars before chasing, Aether, Lumine, Klee Miko, Thoma, Sara, & Ei are being chased by Carnotaurus. Bennett and his group saw them.

Aether: Run!
Bennett: Go, Go!

They ran for their dear life with the creature in pursuit.

Aether: He's fast but not on turns! On count on 3, 2, 1!

Then they turned left as Carnotaurus chops but missed before he tripped over. He goes back on his feet and continues to pursue them. As they were running, Three fire explosions appeared.

Chongyun: Watch out!

They managed to avoid the fire with Carnotaurus not far behind them.

Bennett: He's gaining on us!
Xingqiu: We'll never be able to outrun it!

It wasn't long before Carnotaurus eventually lost them as he tried to look for them but he couldn't find them as he roars in disappointment before walking away. Unbeknownst to Carnotaurus, They were hiding in the trees

Klee: Guys, What was that thing?!
Aether: I don't know Klee, but it looked like Ceratosaurus except he is different color schemes with two horns on each side.
Thoma: I believe it's Carnotaurus.
Bennett: How do you know about the Carnotaurus?
Thoma: I read the books about them.
Klee: What is Carnotaurus?
Thoma: Carnotaurus is a large predator in the Late Cretaceous Period that ever existed.
Yoimiya: Faster than T-Rex?
Thoma: I'm afraid so.
Ei: And he has a scar on his face.
Keqing: and what is that meaning for Carnotaurus.
Chongyun: It means Meat-Eating Bull, Keqing.
Amber: Heh, Looks like Toro has a sore loser.
Chongyun: Toro?
Amber: Toro. Two horns.
Klee: Ohh, I understand.
Bennett: Toro, That's a catchy name.
Barbara: I agree.
Xingqiu: We better get going.

And they continue to trek the Jungle, They didn't know as They felt something watching them. They heard rustling from the bushes.

Xingqiu: What Was That?!
Bennett: There's something in the Jungle.
Miko: Get Ready.
Aether: It's not safe. What's That Noise?

They heard a sound of a screech and hiss.

Chongyun: Guys, I think we're not alone.

Then Velociraptor appeared out of the bushes then Another, then Another. Soon the raptors appeared out of the bushes surrounding them.

Xingqiu: It's the Velociraptor!

Chongyun: Look Out!

He pushed him out of the way as Velociraptor pounced on him but deflected by Shenhe

Shenhe: Chongyun! Stay down.

Shenhe attacked the Raptor with her polearm before the raptor let out his call.

Xingqiu: That's the Hunting Call, we have to run!

They run for their dear life with Raptors on the pursuit.

Aether: I'll distract them, you guys go!
Klee: Okay, but be careful!

Aether distracts the raptors and The trio made a break for it. It wasn't long until they made it in the open field.

Xingqiu: I hope Aether is alright.
Klee: I hope so too.

Then they heard the explosion as they looked in horror, Volcano is erupting.

Barbara: Oh my God.
Lumine: C'mon, Aether.
Keqing: Please be Okay.

Volcano erupting while lava flowing and Ashes falling down.

Aether: Run!

Lumine and her Friends and His Harem saw Aether in the distance.

Ayaka: What is it, Traveler?!
Aether: Run!

Then The Herd of Dinosaurs appeared out of the trees as the Stampede occurred.

Bennett: Everyone Run! It's a stampede!

They tried to outrun before hiding into the Abandoned but operating, 2 Rhino Transports & Rover. As the stampede passed them, One of the Dinosaur almost pushed the armored vehicle

They tried to outrun before hiding into the Abandoned but operating, Rhino Transport. As the stampede passed them, One of the Dinosaur almost pushed the armored vehicle.

Ei: In the truck now!

Then they encountered Carnotaurus again.

Chongyun: Toro.

Toro slowly walks towards them Shenhe protected her nephew, Chongyun and Xingqiu hold their hands to calm themselves & Klee is hiding behind him while Bennett readying his sword followed by Aether, Lumine, Keqing & Ei prepared her Polearm. Sara, Yoimiya, Amber, Venti & Ganyu readied their bow & arrows then Toro saw the Sinoceratops and charges at it.

Klee: I think there's going to be fight!

Klee was right, Toro tried to bite its head off but Sinoceratops fight back and the fight began at first Toro got an upper hand, but Sinoceratops pinned Toro down and flee. Toro goes back on his feet as They prepared for the worst. Toro charges at them and was about to devour them but he was pinned down by Tyrannosaurus Rex as she let out her roar in Triumph as they witnessed. Then Tyrannosaurus Rex fled as They got in the transport and drive away from the volcano, then Toro regained consciousness and began to pursue them. They now entered the Rover & 2 Rhino Transports driving as the Herd running while the Magma and Rocks crashing down.

Klee: Go faster!

The Herds and the Rover & Transports were outrunning the Ash Clouds. Allosaurus got hit by the Meteor.

Klee: Oh geez!

The Transport trying to outrun them as Pteranodon flying while hawking. Toro is still in the pursuit

Klee: Must go Faster!

They reached to the mountains near the cliff, Toro chasing them.

Xingqiu: Drive, Drive!

Carnotaurus kept chasing as he tries to tip over but no prevail.

Bennett: He's pushing towards the cliff!
Barbara: Do something!

Toro rammed the side to tip over the transport as Chongyun almost fall out as he held on to the door and Shenhe held his hand as she tries to pull him up.

Shenhe: Hang on!

They reel him in.

Yun Jin: Are you two okay?!
Chongyun: I'm okay.

They drive through the Jungle, Carnotaurus "Toro" chased the vehicles as they tried to outrun him.

Aether: You Guys go! We'll distract him.
Keqing: Aether! Are you Crazy?
Aether: Just Trust me.
Sara: Alright. But, Be careful!

Aether and Keqing distract Toro to drive him away from them. Then Two Dinosaurs ran as Toro fled into the Deep Jungle. then The Rover jumps out the cliff.

Aether/Keqing: Ahhhhh!

Then the Vehicle lands into the water as they bailed out of the Rover as the 2 Dinosaurs jumped into the water. They made it on the beach.

Aether: What?

Keqing punched his arm

Keqing: Baka!
Aether: Sorry.
Keqing You're an idiot but you're my idiot.

Keqing kissed him as she hugged him.

Keqing: I love you, Aether.
Aether: I love you too, Keqing.

Then they regrouped with the others as Aether's Harem were in relief and so did Lumine.

Mona: Okay, now what.

He knew what he have to do.

Aether: We can't give up, We can still do this. If we gonna work together, We might ourselves to survive!
All: Yeah!
Klee: Let's do this!

They walk into the Jungle, but they meet Toro again.

Klee: Run!

they ran for their lives as Carnotaurus "Toro" chasing them as they tried to outrun him. But another Carnotaurus appeared.

Klee: Oh No! There's another one.
Xingqiu: I think that's his mate!

Two Carnotaurus are chasing Aether and his Friends as they tried to outrun them. They made it to the Village.

Aether: Let's fight back!

Then they fought back against Two Carnotaurus it wasn't long before Two Carnotaurus are retreating. Before he went with his mate, Toro roared in vengeance. Then he walked away with his mate. They cheered for their Victory.

Bennett: Hooray, We did it!
Lumine: I'm so glad it's over.
Venti: Finally we have our peace.
Keqing: I guess we'll start our new life after all.
Aether: I know.

9 Months Later

Aether and his Friends managed to restore the Village and Electric Fences are now Online as the People started to live there. They named it Terra Nova, and they lived happily ever after.


Spongebob, Patrick, Krabs, Squidward, and their friends are having a time in New Krusty Krab.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Now Spongebob and his friends will have to deal with not only Dinosaurs but Also Sea Urchins. Just like being chased by Carnotaurus and dealing with Rebellion Organization: Sixth Pilgrimage.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They will face dangers and have the adventure of a long lifetime. They will face their various dangers and fight the Dinosaurs to survive as their journey continues.

Terra Nova: Into the Cretaceous Period

The End

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