Chapter 6: First Date/Spying mission PT.1

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3rd POV (Week Timeskip)

Since a week has passed Kanzashi and Y/N are becoming close and walk to class together holding hands, despite getting allot of envious glares at them but they don't care. Now Kanzashi sits in the homeroom he is in with Chifuyu, Ichika and his friends. And Y/N was seeing that Cecilia was a bit more distant and somehow clingy, whenever Y/N goes over to talk to her she tears up and speed walks away then when they do talk she gives Kanzashi a bad time and gives her a death stare. Y/N is trying to figure this out but he never had a real and loving relationship before and he wants to be with Kanzashi. In order to keep a friend happy he talks with her every now and then. But will it backfire? Just have to look and see.
Now in class Y/N is taking down some notes while listening to Ms. Yamada's lecture and he gets a silent text from Kanzashi from a few desks away to his right.


Y/N(thoughts): "Oh who's, oh it's my boo.

If it's to much to ask, after school can we go walk around it's so nice out today.

Yeah that actually sounds nice, let's do it.😎👍

Sounds good!😍

Oh while we walk around maybe we can go eat at that old school looking diner on main Street.

Sounds good, I seen the place but never went there. Well I never went out to eat with someone in general.😭

Well today, consider it a date since we never had one.

Y/N looks over and see's Kanzashi all crimson red in the face kinda holding her head at the same time.

Ummm sorry if I sounded pushey.😓

No it's fine besides I'd love to go on a date with you. It just makes me so happy that I'm with you.😭😭😭😭

Y/N looks over at Kanzashi and she's tearing up, but there tears of happiness.

Oh please don't do that or else I might cry in class too😭😭😭😭😭

Ms. Yamada: "Well this outta do it, remember the advanced moves you'll... *looks at clock* oh, well I'm going to go ahead and end the class a few minutes early. So go ahead and stretch out from sitting. And enjoy the rest of your day!

I stretch my arms out while I look over and see Kanzashi walking over and she pecks me on the lips on sits on my desk with a blush and smile on her face.

Y/N: "It's nice today we'll have our first date. I'm really looking forward to it."

Kanzashi: "I know and sorry if it sounds weird, but... I never really been on a d-date before."

Y/N: "Oh.. Really? Well I guess it's also a first time for me too."

Kanzashi: "W-What? I thought you had maybe a few dates before."

Y/N: "......... Well... where I come from girls really don't flock towards someone like me."

Kanzashi: "Well still I flocked towards you, and I'm happy I did. You saved me protected me, and made my life happier with you here right now."

Y/N: "Kanzashi *grabs her and kisses it* Your one of a kind you know that. And you made my life happier as well."

3rd POV

Chifuyu and Ms. Yamada are outside of class watching the students before the bell rings. They watch as Y/N and Kanzashi are talking to each other.

Chifuyu: "I'm really happy for Y/N you know. Especially Kanzashi, before Y/N was in her life she was always getting picked on and the students just avoided her completely."

Ms. Yamada: "I know, I actually asked students to talk to her but she just ignored them or was to scared to talk. It hurt seeing her like that, but since Y/N entered her life it changed extremely but in a good way."

Chifuyu: "It was kinda the same for good ol Y/N back in the States, when I went to his school lots of students didn't talk to him except for his four best friends. When I talked to them they said he was so sweet and kind they all considered him as a baby brother of sorts. When ever he did get bullied they protected him and who ever the bully was the literally faced the embodiment of wrath from those four. Now he is doing the same thing thing they did for him but he found someone at the same time."

Ms. Yamada: "You definitely consider him a little brother don't you."

Chifuyu: "Yes I do, and it actually broke my heart seeing him sad when his four friends left."

Ms. Yamada: "What! Why did they leave him?!"

Chifuyu: "Well first they were a class a over him so they graduated a year earlier then him, and they join the US Army, or Marine Corp can't remember which. When that happened the bullies went back to Y/N."

They both look down sad and Chifuyu clinches her fists.

Ms. Yamada: "He didn't have his protectors anymore."

Chifuyu: "But one thing did come out of it. Y/N realized he can stand on his own two feet and fight to protect himself or others. It actually made me happy that he fought for himse......"


Chifuyu: ".....Well I guess story time is over for me."

They both look back at the class and see all the students getting ready to leave for the day and Kanzashi gets off Y/N's desk grab their stuff and they walk out while holding hands.

Ms. Yamada: "Those two are so into each other you know. But they make each other happy and that's what matters."

Ichika walks by his sister and talks to her.

Ichika: "Those two are so happy together. Do you think they'll go to bigger heights in the relationship?"

Chifuyu chuckles and agrees with her brother.

Chifuyu: "I think they will, know those two I have a feeling they might get married if they had a chance to and maybe have kids."

Chifuyu has a small silent moment and she gets red faced and puts her hand on her face and holds it there.

Ichika: "Uhhhh Chifuyu are you ok?"

Chifuyu: "WHENYOUROLDER! Now just go back to your dorm please."

Ichika gets confused and he walks back to his dorm while Chifuyu is still red faced and still facepalming herself.

Chifuyu: "Oh god why did that pop into my head? That just took the wind right outta my sails."

Ms. Yamada: "Ok Ms Orimura what did you just Invision?"

Chifuyu: "Are you sure you wanna know?

Ms. Yamada: "Yeah you got me curious."

She gestures her to come closer and she says something quietly.

Chifuyu: ".....I just seen those two in bed together having sex......."

Ms. Yamada instantly went red faced and steam came shooting out of her head like a train and she holds her head. And then she talks extremely fast.


Ms Yamada can't stop seeing Y/N and Kanzashi in bed together until Chifuyu says something to help get it out of they're heads.

Chifuyu: "Let's just go get a drink."

Ms. Yamada nods fast but she is still red faced and steam coming out of her head. Then they both walked off towards the teachers lounge. As they walk off to have a drink Y/N and Kanzashi make it to their dorm room and prepped up for their first date.

Kanzashi POV

Come on, what to wear, what to wear, what to wear. Crap I don't know, I know it's our first date but I wanna look good for it and all I have is just all normal clothes. Crap I have a terrible sense of fashion.

Y/N: "Hey I have what I want to wear I'm gonna go to the bathroom and change."

Kanzashi: "*Nods* Ok and know matter what don't come out ok I'm having a hard time deciding what to wear."

I look down saddened that I can't find anything but I feel his hand on my shoulder.

Y/N: "Hey don't be so sad about this, what ever you choose you'll look beautiful in it, right now even if you went in your school uniform I'll be ok with it."

I started to tear up a bit and give him a hug and he hugs me back. Y/N You make me so happy.

Kanzashi: "Y/N but today is special I wanna dress nice for it and make good memories out of it. Especially make good memories with you. *Breaks the hug*"

Y/N: " I hope so too and don't worry today will be great. I'll go ahead and go into the bathroom so you can change ok. Just yell when your done."

I nodded and Y/N went into the bathroom but I wanted to say something to but I couldn't say it so I mumbled it.

Kanzashi: "I wouldn't mind if you looked."

Wait a minute what the hell am I saying C'mon focus Kanzashi Tatanashi it's your first DATE! Ahh no, No, no, not that, ok I'm done I'm gonna choose randomly. Ok eeny meenie miney Moe. Ok I hope this works.


I got my clothes on for the date, god I hope I don't mess this up. (Cellphone Buzzing) Ehh, Oh it Iris.

Y/N: "Hello Iris."

Iris: "HIIIIII! How's my brother bear doing!"

Y/N: "Oh good I'm happy as always, oh did you and the rest hear that I'm an IS Pilot now?

Iris: "OH yeah my CO asked me about it. He asked all of us to see if he can recruit you in Special Forces but I told him HELL NO, I'm not putting my baby bear through the dangers of war."

Y/N: "Plus IS units aren't used for war purposes anyway. Plus I had to travel across the planet to get in the IS Academy here in Japan."

Iris: "Wait did you say Japan? Our Ship is near Japan hell the crew should come to you and visit!"

Y/N: "Yeah you guys should, then we can have the Tioshpaye reunite."

Kanzashi: "Hey Y/N I'm ready!"

Iris: "Wait wait wait wait.... What was that?! Is there someone there?"

Y/N: "Oh yeah that's Kanzashi I got s date. Sorry to cut you off but gotta go."

Iris: "Wait YOU GOTTA DA..."

Y/N: "Sorry Iris but I'll call you later. Alright Kanzashi I'm ready as well, *opens door* now let's see... Woah."

Kanzashi: "W-What do you think."

Y/N: "Kanzashi I'm blown away you look .... beautiful."

I just look at her flabbergasted, she is a blue haired beauty alright.

Kanzashi: "Thank you.. Well I'm ready when you are."

Y/N: "Alrighty *grabs overshirt* now I'm am now *opens door* ladies first."

3rd POV

Kanzashi blushes at Y/N opening the door for her, then they clasped hands and walked to the garage.

Kanzashi: "Oh why are we here?"

Y/N: "Oh we're taking my car I had delivered here."

Kanzashi: "Wait you have a car?!"

Kanzashi looks at him dumbfounded and Y/N grabbed a set of keys from his pocket with a pink lanyard. Kanzashi looks at it and asks with a small chuckle

Kanzashi: "Just to ask why is the lanyard pink?"

Y/N: "Because my mom has breast cancer and I would proudly sport something pink on me."

Kanzashi looks down saddened.

Kanzashi: "I'm sorry Y/N I didn't know, sorry about your mom."

Y/N puts his and on Kanzashi's should with a smile.

Y/N: "No don't be, my mom is one tough woman and she's been beating it for years. It's going to be more then cancer to beat her down."

Kanzashi is releaved to here that. Normally talking about something serious as that usually brings the mood straight downhill.

Kanzashi: "I'm happy she's beating it especially she has a great son to fight for."

Y/N: "*Nods* That she does. Now back on the topic where is my car, let's see."

Y/N punches in a code on a ticket he received from the academy. Once he punches in the code a garage door opens up. Ok this is gonna take awhile. Below imagine this.

Play at 0:17 to 1:15
Now revealing Y/N's trusty steed "WarPony" a 2002 Ford Mustang Saleen. Think of what song to use when your car comes out.

Kanzashi: "Woah... *goes around and looks at it* never seen a this before. What is it?"

Y/N: "This my dear is WarPony, a 2002 Saleen Ford Mustang. A car that I won and it's my trusty steed that was a king in my local town. I've been through a lot with this car, and now first date with beautiful woman like you."

Kanzashi blushing at the comment.

Y/N: "Well let's get in shall we."

Both Y/N and Kanzashi get in the car and drive off to main Street. Y/N's car has a V8 with Flowmaster Exhaust so it loud when it leaves the school. Y/N starts up his stereo and plays a CD that's already in the device. It starts to play a song Y/N likes and ironically Kanzashi heard it before and likes the song before.
Below is the Song

Play at 0:10

Y/N: "Oh sorry I'll go ahead and change it."

Kanzashi: "*Grabs his hand* Actually keep it I love this song."

Y/N looks at her astonished, they both have a good taste in music and they both love this one song playing. As Y/N pulled up to a stop sign and they was a quarter mile down with nothing and Y/N is been itching to wake the WarPony again.

Kanzashi: "Hmhm Do it."

Y/N: "Alright, better hold on to your Panties."

Y/N revs the engine doing a small burnout and the popping the clutch and going into gear then launching the two lovers off to there destination. Kanzashi had a she had the look of joy on her face as well as Y/N to drive WarPony again.

3rd POV (2 minutes before)

Chifuyu and Ms. Yamada we're at a table sitting behind Ichika and his girls, they were have some snacks along with allot of other students did the same. Everyone freaked out from hearing a loud noise outside and everyone go out of there seats and seen it was a foreign sports car. But Ichika and Chifuyu smiled they know that engine roar. Chifuyu looks behind her and says something to her brother.

Chifuyu: "WarPony is here, and she is going to wreak some havoc."

Ichika: "I know WarPony is a beast of a mustang. Can't wait to ride in that car again.

Chifuyu: "I know, especially driving her will be a challenge it's like trying to break a real horse. But for Y/N it's nice and doesn't fight back."

Houki: "Excuse me what are you two talking about?"

Laura: "They're talking about that early 2000s custom Ford Mustang. Definitely a car worth looking at."

Charlotte: "Still that car is loud shouldn't he breaking the law with that noise."

Lingyin: "Yeah Exactly! Hell I can feel the windows vibrating a little."

Chifuyu: "*smiling* Uh oh"

Cecilia: "What is it?!"

They all hear WarPony revving is engine getting louder.

Chifuyu: "He's gonna launch."

Ichika lifted his hand and he counted down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, slams his fist down on the table then the car launches on que.

Houki: "Ok Ichika... Why did you do that?"

Cecilia: "Yeah it scared me as well I thought you were angry or something."

Ichika: "No I'm not mad, I just counted down his launch."

Chifuyu: "I was gonna do the same, oh Ichika do you still remember that quick mission we have to do?"

Ichika looks behind him at his sister and the rest of the girls are wondering what there secret mission is. So the girls question Ichika.

Laura: "What is that you two are talking about?"

Cecilia: "Yeah I'm wondering that as well."

Ichika: "....."

Lingyin: "Ichika, this is odd of you to be silent."

Chifuyu/Ichika: "Classified information."

Houki: "Ok that's extremely vague and shadey."

Ms. Yamada: "I agree just what are you both planning Ms. Orimura?"

Chifuyu: "I'll just say this it's a requested mission only for me and my brother."

3rd POV (30 mins before)

Chifuyu just got some paperwork done while ichika is in her office doing some work as well and she received a call from someone she hasn't heard from in years.

Chifuyu: "Oh it's one of Y/N's friends. *answers* Hello?

Iris: "Hey Chifuyu sorry if I had to call you out of the blue like this but I need you to do a mission for me and a couple others."

Chifuyu: "I'm a teacher now, I can't do missions anymore."

Iris: "I know but it's a quick personal one."

Chifuyu: "Well spit it out, what is it?"

Iris: "Well......... Y/N is going on his first date and we need you to watch him."

Chifuyu spits out her coffee from hearing that.


Chifuyu: "*couph* *couph* WHAT?!"

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