❣ Love is Blasphemy ❣

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Name: Taylor Holard

Age: 21

Gender: male

Sexuality: Straight

Faceclaim: Robert Pattinson

Personality: "He went to hell to see a fire greater than himself, but it froze over, ashamed of its flames.

If I were the head of your state, I would jail you for messing with this badass to save your own neck. He would be my most wanted criminal except that I would never have the honour of actually catching this asshole since his father is a bigger asshole than him, and keeps the law in his pockets.

Fucking worthless pieces of...havoc?

Listen, this guy is the exact version of the Hollywood Jerks who wouldn't mind getting on their knees to get you in bed. But don't blame me if you wake up in the morning to find him gone without a word. Because that's the kind of boy he is. He doesn't foster one bit of fucking interest in a girl for more than a night.

And did I mention he's the school's most popular boy for his perfect body, and cocky ways to hit on girls? There isn't one single person on this fucking earth who wouldn't check him out... like totally check him out when they see him for the very first time. And I must say, girls of high school are way too idiotic to actually like this guy. Like seriously? He is good for nothing except maybe looks, pick up lines, sex, singing, dancing, attitude, confidence... Oh crap!

"Love is blasphemy" is his way of getting rid of girls who swoon over his dashing looks, and claim to be head over heels in love with him. Actually, this is not just an excuse thing he made up; he really believes that love is a blasphemy. The sweetest kind that poisons you slowly slowly until you feel yourself falling apart, but couldn't care less.

Though Taylor Holard is the epitome of a 💯 fucking badass, he does have a heart which is capable of loving and caring. He just isn't aware of that soft spot, and never has Taylor Holard felt the need to turn into an adorable gentleman. He has almost everything in life. Money, looks, girls, life, friends, and a family who doesn't poke their nose in his business which is a good thing.

He has, of course, a striking fashion sense, and when cool branded shirts blend with his overloaded hotness they drive girls crazy.

To top it all, Taylor has a sugar sweet tongue. That means he has perfect manners, and a soft voice. Just because he is a badass doesn't mean he goes around turning people's lives to hell. Although he's not exactly kind and generous, but he can be nice. Only if you don't cross your limits. When you do step out of the boundary line, though, he will show you his true colours.

Kids are one specie on earth, Taylor has no patience for. He thinks they are too noisy, messy, and stupid to fall in love with. And for the record, he has never found a kid cute enough to drool over.

Okay, now this is going to sound strange and weird, but Taylor Holard is actually afraid...terrified...oh so terrified kind of terrified by cats. Well, basically all sort of animals can make him wet his pants, but cats... man, they drive him bonkers. Their bushy fur, their slit like eyes and meow makes him want to puke.

He has never been in a serious relationship as you might have guessed. Though its not just because he was born to be single; rather, its something to do with his past.


Taylor's journal

It was my fourth birthday, I guess, when it happened...or I witnessed it happening for the first time.

The clock struck 12:00 am and I felt a jolt of excitement that drove through my body like a firecracker. On my last birthday, my parents had surprised me out of sleep at exactly 12:00, and showered me with all the gifts I ever wanted. I quickly tucked myself under the covers, so they could surprise me again. Few minutes passed, and I still heard no shouts of "Happy Birthday!". Almost half an hour passed away, and that's when I started to feel irritated. Had they forgotten my birthday? Had they not bought me any gifts this year? Had their love for me deceased? These thoughts kept turning my excitement into an ill-setting gloom while I kept on reassuring myself with the same sentence: "They will be here in a second." "They will be here in a second."
"They will be here in a second." , then I started counting it down like my father had taught me to do so. He said it was a magic trick that worked when you waited for something to happen. All you had to do was start a countdown, and as soon as you will reach the last number, the thing that you have been awaiting will appear on its own.




My bedroom lights were still off.



Nobody had even entered my room.



Nobody was shouting "Happy Birthday!"



They had probably forgotten.


They hadn't bought me gifts this year.


The magic had expired for sure


Nothing happened.

I started crying so loudly that my wails must have woken up the entire neighbourhood yet my parents didn't show up. I cried until my eyes were red and swollen, and my throat hurt badly. As a child, I wasn't egoistic or a haughty jackass, so I eventually got out of bed, and went to mum and dad's room. My heart sank when I couldn't find them anywhere. I searched the entire house, my tiny legs shaking with fear, and my torn up heart somehow managing to beat faster than ever.

Then it occurred to me. They must be in the backyard. And maybe they were doing my birthday preparations! All the fear I felt moments ago changed into a thrilling excitement, and I went rushing out the backdoor.

My mouth fell open, and I hid behind the stone pillar. They weren't doing any birthday preparations. They weren't even talking about me. I was nowhere near their world of agony and tortures or I should rather say my mom was.

My dad looked mad with anger, his demeanour shaking with rage. I could almost see his pulse pounding with abhorrence. Never in my entire life, had I seen this side of him.

Then suddenly he gripped my mom's hair and started pulling on them so ferociously that her eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and her scream ripped open my lungs.

I wanted to run over to her and save her from dad, but what happened next made my mind fall into nothingness. I couldn't process what was happening, let alone prevent it from happening.

My father-- the father I thought was our superhero. One who would sacrifice his life to protect me and my mom, his beloved wife-- had forced his beloved wife onto the ground, and torn her clothes from her body. She lay there, naked and helpless, crying and pleading, asking for mercy, but he turned into the monster I had so long believed would die at my father's hand. He turned into that very monster, and beat up my mother with his belt until her body was a tender mass of scars and blood. And then he raped her. Something that I didn't understand at that time, and had fainted off thinking he was killing my mother.

That was the first time I saw it happen with my own eyes. And then it became a routine. He would beat her up every day until she would be half a corpse. Then he would save her remnants for the next time. I tried saving my mother, but he would beat me too. It didn't stop me though. I would do almost anything to shield my mother from this bastard of a man, but in vain.

I was only eight when she passed away. Eight when my father murdered the only person on earth who loved me more than him. Eight when my farther took my mother away from me.

Scenario#1 High Scool is coming to an end, and your teacher has decided to arrange a party for all the final year students to bid them farewell. She, as always, wants everything to be perfect and memorable, so plans on preparing her two most favourite students to present a drama on Romeo and Juliet in the farewell party. And by sheer luck, her dearest of all students turns out to be your OC and Taylor. When she announces this in the classroom, there's a big applause followed by hoots and cheers and shouting. Everybody goes practically mad for a few minutes. Your reaction?


☆ Female
☆ummm... rest is upto you, I guess? 😂

Scenario#2 you are having quite a wonderful day at school when suddenly the school badass ruins it all for you. You receive a note from the headmistress that says: "Miss (Y/N), this was not at all expected from a girl like you, and I am very disappointed. I have called your parents to discuss your current progress in studies; meanwhile, you are supposed to stay after school for your detention."  You are shocked, and almost in tears because you haven't done anything to disappoint the headmistress. In fact you know its something to do with Taylor Holard who has been trying to hit on you lately. You are enraged, and ready to murder him.


☆ Femal OC
☆ A nerd
☆must hate the school badass
☆aggressive and stubborn in nature

Scenerio#3  [We can discuss🤗]

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