1. My Little Day Off

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A peak of sunlight hit my eyelids, indicating morning. The opening was mostly covered with snow, but I packed my stuff, putting on my travel bag before digging out through the covered opening. As soon as done, I recovered and scurried out the alley the way I came the night before. Passing the spot I met him, I saw his footprints. After looking around, the dawn skies gleaming happily down at me and dark buildings around, but not a soul to be seen. I smile to myself and cover his large snow prints with my tail. Having the strange feeling of being watched, I scurried to my destination across town.

I quickly spotted the small building of some kind of restaurant and sprinted over. I was at the back door and meowed loudly for my friend, and, almost immediately, one of my very few friends opens the door. His white blonde hair messy and Hazel eyes with a tint of blue shined brightly at me. "Falathiel! I was wondering if you could make it! Come, come!" He was a young adult of 21, and calls me Falathiel that means "huntress" in elvish, he thought it fit because I hunt mice and old birds for him and his father. His father calls him Nathen, and Nathen calls his father Ada, that means "father" in elvish. This family calls themselves real elves because they're tall and care about much nature. But they're also unbelievably good cooks. "Falathiel! You had a long journey here, you need to get inside!" I nod to Ada and scurry inside. "Let me get you something to eat, heh?" Nathen smiles at me, placing my favorite dish of his, a homemade recipe of an unbooked cookie dough. Immediately the taste washes through my mouth in tiny bites. Once full, Nathen carries me to his room.

"It's Monday, Falathiel, you know what that means?" He grabs my Translater. "*Day off?!*" I ask excitedly. "Yes! And we can talk a bit before going to Zack's house, hmm? How does that sound?" Looking down, I shake my head. "*I don't think I should go, remember last time Zachary...?*" a shiver runs down my spine at the memory. "I understand. How about that tomorrow if he's calm down..?" I nod. "Rather go to Austin's, then?" I smile but shake my head. "Than whose?" "*No ones*" he chuckles. "You just want to go hunting, huh?" "*Pretty much so*" he places me on his bed and ask me if anything odd has happened on my little journeys. "*I was looking for a place to make a temperory den, when two guys, one holding a rifle and one a bat, surrounded me, talking about taking my pelt and selling it...*" Nathens' eyes hardened, it looked a bit threatening. "Did you catch their names?" "*One was named Greg... if I'm remembering correctly...*" "Sorenson... he is a professional hunter for pelts, how on Earth did you not get killed?!" I smile at his urgent concern in his eyes. "*I guess I'm just lucky then?*" I didn't want him to know about my savior... I knew he didn't fully believe me but pushed it away. "There's been an attack from the Foot Clan a few days ago, Shredder was defeated by four heros that don't show themselves on the other side of town. Ada and I, along with everyone, we're worried you got caught up in the huge mess and needed help, but someone knew you were fine and held us back from entering the fight to help you." I smile and nod. "*I was unharmed by Shredder and his minions, trust me.*" he smiled, I convinced him this time! I was actually harmed, but not badly. "Thank the Lord!" He rejoiced and hugged me tightly, but not to tight, thankfully.
"*I should start hunting for tomorrow, Nath.*" he laughs, making his aura brighten happily. I cast a questioning look before is explanation. "We have a week or two off! Just because of the battle, it's awesome!" He jumped up excitedly, making me smile as his messy hair flopped around. I shake my head and scurry to his personal bathroom, jumping onto the sink area. "Falathiel, what are you doing?" He asks as I grab a comb and scurry back to him.

"Fala..." I cut him off by a surprise of combing his hair. And let's be honest, he looks like he hasn't combed his hair in days! Guess what got better? His little sister, Liara, walked into the room and gasped before giggling. Her brunette with copper and blonde highlights hair pulled into a ponytail waved in a few natural curls with lovely blue eyes that blended into a blue-green color. She is an athletic 16 year old that some times is a tomboy. "A cat combing a person's hair?! Who woulda thought of that?" She laughed and grabbed a comb herself and joined me. "You know, Nathie here was worried sick ad out you! It was hilarious watching him pace in his room ranting on and on day and night!" Liara and I laughed, inraging Nathen. He's a bit of a hothead, and it's pretty funny. "Liara! Falathiel! Stop it!" We ignore him and talk a bit. "He cares quite a bit about you Fala, huh? It's so adorable!" "*Aww! I'm touched!*" We gossip a bit, I'm still surprised she's still single, I mean, she's good looking in and out, awesome family, amazing friends, perfect personality, but the thing is, no one has the guts to ask her out. And she don't care! It's awesome! Oh, did I forget to say she never wears that evil stuff called makeup? I freakin' love this chick! And I've known them most of my life!

I finally yawn and start my journey back to my newest den for sleep as a slim of the moon starts rising up over the horizon.

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