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They barely see each other over exams, and they certainly don't see The Divide. Exams only last a week and a half. The initiates watch a performance of The Tempest and the Nutcracker, but that is the only contact they have with each other.

All of them stay for the final ball. Most of the upper-year students are gone by then, fleeing the college to visit their parents across the globe. Winter break is a time to rejoice, but the initiates don't feel they haven't experienced many things worthy of a celebration.

The dress code is black tie for the ball, and the dresses are only allowed to be in hues of blue, or shades of white, black, or grey. The ballroom is decorated once more, with silver string and sparkling fake snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. Throughout the night, the gathering gets smaller and smaller. People begin to leave to catch flights, but the initiates stay. They twirl amongst each other.

Though most of the initiates swap partners throughout the night, Felix and Evelyn stay together. He compliments her dancing, though they both know he is better. He doesn't care, not at all. Neither does she.

Kai dances with all sorts of girls, but he makes small talk with them instead of flirting. He notices that they swoon more. Perhaps this is a new strategy.

Ez refuses to dance, except for tapping his foot. The last time he danced was his bar mitzvah, and that was a humiliating, but fun, experience. He doesn't bring a book. Instead, he chats with the others when they grab drinks or snacks.

Tom and Vieira only dance once, and both blush the entire time. They know they aren't destined to be with each other, but they might be destined to be friends. Maybe, that's enough.

Ellie and Luis take their turns dancing, gossiping about the people who are taking the ball way too seriously. They joke that the ballroom looks like a public high school gymnasium with its décor. It makes them feel better.

Briar even takes a turn dancing with Ellie. Both of them giggle and twirl each other like they are just playing. Perhaps they are, but not entirely. The semester has been so short, and they spent so much of it angry with one another. Something could blossom between them. Something might not. Such is life.

Roman and Jetta dance with one another as well. Jetta still doesn't know how to dance formally, since she has always been responsible for playing music rather than being in it. The school hired an outside orchestra for the winter ball, and their music is not nearly as good as something Jetta could play. Roman teaches her a few moves, since they have some, though minimal, experience.

When it is time to come to a close, they are only among another dozen students. They make up half of the ballroom. They clap for the musicians, and head out, grabbing the coats on the way.

They enter the cold. Together, they stand outside for a minute, shivering. Jetta lights a cigarette.

"You want one?" she offers Kai.

When he shakes his head, she offers the others, and none of them bite. She lights it anyway, to help keep her warm.

"What now?" Evelyn asks, her teeth chattering. "I don't want to go home."

"We will see each other next semester," Kai says. Still, he doesn't want to leave either.

Ez laughs, "if we aren't expelled."

"Or in jail," Luis jokes. He doesn't feel the need to add why. Everyone knows why.

None of them bear to part though. They have families to go and visit, some better than others. They have gotten away with one of the most horrific crimes to happen at Hawkwood. College is supposed to be the time of one's life. For the initiates, it feels extraordinary, in every good way and bad way.

A throat clears behind them, and they all freeze.

They turn around to see a short woman, in an icy blue dress. She wears a coat over top of it.

"I am your new contact," she says. "Welcome to The Divide."


I believe that is the end. I could make another chapter, but I'm not sure how much that would add to the story. I'm also thinking about doing another Q&A since it's been over a year since my last. Is that something you are interested in? No hard feelings if it's not.

Thank you all so much for this wild journey. I hope to see you soon (in Perverse lol).

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