Back On Track

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NOTE: I do not have racist views, black lives matter, however this profile may be offensive to some 

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Height: 160 cm

Handedness: Right-handed

Nicknames: Trackie, Backie Trackie (by Stereo), Track

DiSC: Pure Compliant


Personality: She is a sweet and nice little girl, and very loveable. She seems innocent but not as innocent as Stereo Madness. She makes older people smile with her calmness and sweetness. Unless she's with black people. She does not openly say anything racist but gets in a bad mood which stops her from acting sweet.

Likes: Racism. I know this is shocking, but she does. She was messed up to the point that she likes gun violence. She also likes the Stephen Lawrence case and the Anthony Walker case. Even though they lived to the same age as Electrodynamix her "beautiful, white crush" (the quote marks are only there  because I don't want to seem racist)

Dislikes: Black people, aliens, Kim Taehyung (for shooting hee beloved Electro)

Friends: Base After Base (white and good friend), Cant Let Go (she is Asian, not black, and suffered similar things), Explorers (very white, also Track likes her family) 

Enemies: Stereo Madness (blames him for helping to get her injured, half black, also she's afraid of him), Polargeist (one of his parents is black), Hexagon Force (3/4 black and also enemy of Electro), Time Machine (1/8 black), Theory 1 and 2 (both 1/4 black), Deadlocked and Fingerdash and Power Trip (both 1/4 black, and also Lock is Electro's enemy), Dash and Press Start (1/8 black), the Challenge

Love interest: Electrodynamix (but she knows this is unrealistic)

Family (within official levels): None


She's racist because a black person who is also an alien wounded her breast. "THIS WILL STOP IN DECEMBER 2024 I PROMISE" she says.

She fails to understand that people were originally all black. This is what Hexagon Force tried to tell her. No prizes for guessing why she did not listen.

She's afraid of Stereo Madness, this is because she's afraid of him being hit by a car, that did happen once and it caused her trauma that she now physically feels as pain .


White girl: *standing casually*

Track: Hi there! Would you like some flowers?

White girl: *thinking: what a sweet girl!* Of course I would like the flowers!

Track: Here you are. *hands flowers*

White girl: Thank you very much!

Black boy (boyfriend of the white girl): Hello sweetheart!


Black boy: But she's my girlfriend!


White girl: *shocked* Oh no... she's racist... I'm going to report this.

Track: Report me how you want, it isn't going to change the fact that I hate [black people] since I'm not 13 yet.

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