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Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 183 cm

Handedness: Right-handed

Nicknames: He hates most nicknames, but goes by Electro (and sometimes Dynamix)

DiSC: Stable- Inspiring


Personality: He is a good leader, being very fair and open-minded and takes different levels' opinions into consideration. He is also very mature and he makes wise decisions when in charge of Geometry Dash, having moral values that are good and strong. As well as this he is empathetic and kind and listens to problems other people have and tries to help solve them. He is a nerd and can also be very smart and introspective, spending time on his own to contemplate his life. He is a bit depressed too, but since he has trained himself to be very good at hiding his emotions, no other level notices. He wishes that there was more equality in Geometry Dash, so he treats online levels like official levels even if they are very badly made, also he treats levels equally by difficulty as well, unless some demon or other level is too evil or insane in the literal sense to be treated equally, such as Bloodbath, DeCode, xStep, Clutterfunk or Deadlocked, because if they overthrow Geometry Dash they may create the opposite of what Electro's vision for Geometry Dash is (besides, he wants to help the levels so that they can be treated like the others as well).

Likes: Physics, maths challenges (not olympiads), chocolate (unlike @Tiffamon336's version), tea, the colour blue (more specifically, smurf shade)

Dislikes: Guns, self-harm, catbears, being sick, Gen Alpha brainrot, Discord (the social media), seeing blood (he is traumatised by the sight since it brings back very painful memories), having to wear the blue thing on his head to hide scars

Friends: He counts most official levels as his friends but the ones he is closest to are Dash (his best friend), Theory Of Everything, Cant Let Go and Nock Em. Other levels that he is close to include Cycles, Blast Processing and Fingerdash.

Enemies: He likes most official levels, even if they don't like him back, but the levels he likes the least are xStep, Clutterfunk and Deadlocked, since xStep and Clutterfunk got into their respective situations from their actions, and Deadlocked is a liar and a jerk.

Love interest: He used to be with Hexagon Force but 2023 ruined their relationship, in 2024 they just fell out of love. However he still secretly loves her. However, he has a heart injury which Hexagon Force reminds him of.

Family (within official levels): xStep (brother), Nock Em (sibling), Electroman (cousin)


He's secretly a superhero, he has lightning and speed powers in real life as well as in GD. However he can be a bit clumsy ehen he uses 3x or 4x speed so he rarely uses any speed faster than double speed. This may result from him being the Moonchild. The Moonchild is the name given to a person destined to save the world, they were meant to be born when the full moon reached the highest point in the sky.

When he was younger he played the piano. He played it for almost exactly 8 years. The reason he doesn't play it anymore is because just lost interest in it and has more important things to do, also it reminds him of the dreadful year 2023.

He had a rough year in 2023. He went to prison as a minor for mutilating Cataclysm, then when he came out he found out that his best friends had been forced by RobTop to join a private army, and they blamed him as a scapegoat. He became very irritated, bitter and angry, and when Hexagon Force was in pain he took pills to try and kill himself. Then the two of them made a virus but not long after Hexagon Force was in pain again so Time Machine tasered Electrodynamix and he went home, after that he went to AfterDark where an incident with DeCode caused him to hurt Hexagon Force, who he really cared about. As a result of this he decided to try and kill himself again, this time with a more reliable method - by using one of xStep's guns. However, he survived, but becane very abrasive - an abrasive 17-year-old (note: he aimed for the heart not for the head, if you think his personality changed from a brain injury). Hexagon Force also became abrasive and they continued spreading viruses until they were imprisoned in the Triangular Prison, a triangular prism-shaped prison in the middle of the sea. However this caused Hexagon Force to suffer a lot. Somehow the two of them escaped when they were let out for the 10th anniversary of Geometry Dash, and they lived in the forest until they were found, Hexagon Force being sent to rehabilitaion and Electrodynamix to house arrest. After the "punishments" of xStep and Clutterfunk, Electrodynamix learnt his lesson and became good and eventually became the person that he is today.


Electrodynamix: *sees a sad child with a clean piece of cloth and a pen*

Child: ...Hello.

Electrodynamix: Hi, what's wrong?

Child: My classmates are signing each others' cloth but mine is empty because no one wanted to sign it.

Electrodynamix: Can I sign your cloth?

Child: Yes! You can! *hands over pen*

Electrodynamix: Alright. *writes "Electro :)" on the cloth* There.

Child: Wow! You're so nice! Thank you!

Electrodynamix: You're welcome.

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