Dialogue - Meeting the Song Artists pt.1

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A/N: I know, I may be biased with the song choices...

*takes place in the same year as the bios*


Lettie: ...what...

Electroman: Good news? Spill the beans!

Fingerdash: Woohoo! What is it?

Stereo: whuhuh?

Base: The most famous music artists are coming to this area to perform!

Levels: *cheers*

ToE: Where? When?

ToE 2: Yeah, pray tell!

Base: Next Saturday, 12 noon, at the beach! We better get there 2 hours early, though. Everyone will be there!

Levels: *cheers but louder* LETS GOOO-

(as such, a party starts at the apartment building.)


*on the day of the performances*

*10 am, at the beach*

Cycles: Glad we got here early... look how crowded it already is.

Jumper: Look at the stage! It's huge!

Base: Yeah... Oh wait! There's an empty spot!

Airborne: Lucky you. Let's go set up our picnic mats.

(after setting up the mats)

Dry: We have nearly 2 hours, let's go play a bit.

Jumper: Ok! Race you to the water! *runs off*

Dry: Hehe, I gotcha now... *runs after Jumper*

Clubstep: Electroman, let's go too!

Electroman: What do you want to do?

Clubstep: How 'bout lets collect shells?

Electroman: *nods*

Blast: Hey sis, can we build a sandcastle?

Press: Let's go to the water's edge. We don’t have a bucket.

Blast: Alright! Can Geo and Airborne help?

Press: Good idea. Let's ask them! *leaves to ask Geo and A.R.*

Blast: *follows her*

Lettie: *starts digging the sand*

Base: What are you doing?

Lettie: Digging a "pool". The seawater will go inside on its own when the hole is big enough.

Base: Okay! I'll help.

ToE: *lies down on the mat* what a nice warm day :)

ToE2: *lies down next to ToE* Yeah... let's just chill here.

ToE: You know, I still remember the day we first met...

ToE2: How could I forget? The moment Geo and I were brought to the city, I immediately knocked on every single door calling your name.

ToE: I bet Polar wasn't amused.

ToE2: Well yeah, actually. Thankfully you came running out, telling me to stop bothering the others.

ToE: *laughs*

ToE2: *laughs along*


*sometime later*

Dry: Whew... let's stop running, shall we? It's been five rounds...

Jumper: Okay.

Dry: SIKE! *runs off* Catch me if you can!

Jumper: Please... stop... *collapses*

Clubstep: *drinking water*

Clubstep: *puts bottle down* Hey Electroman, want me to try carrying you again?

Electroman: Okay, but only near the shore, please!

Club: Let's go! *pulls Electroman up and flies off*

Geo: Okay, Blast, can you get me another bucket of water?

Blast: *nods*

Press: Geo, watch where you're putting the sand! It almost went into my eye.

Airborne: *snickers, whispers to P.S.* Hey, want me to do that to him as well?

Press: No way dumbass.

Airborne: *loses it* GAHAHAHAHA- Dumbass? Is that the best you could've thought of?

Press: Stop it. The younger ones are here.

Airborne: Geo? He's fourteen!

Press: No. Look behind you.

Airborne: *turns around, sees Stereo playing with Track and Cycles* ...Nevermind.

Lettie & Base: *digging*

???: *throws a burning stick into the pit* FIRE IN THE HOLE! YAAAAA-

Lettie: YOU LITTLE- *runs to chase ???*

Base: *panics* Fire... what to do... help....

Base: *thinks, pushes sand into the hole* That should do it... right? *runs back to the mat*

ToE: *sleeping*

ToE2: *also sleeping*

Base: Wake up guys!

ToE: ...whuh?

ToE2: *still sleeping*

ToE: *pokes ToE2* Wake up! Base is here.

Base: Hurry up! There's been a fire and I don't know if I'd put it out.

ToE2: *wakes up, sits bolt upright* Fire? What did you do?

Base: Throw sand on it so no one can go near it.

ToE: You should be fine. What happened?

Base: Some little stinker threw a burning stick into the hole me and Lettie was digging. Lettie ran to chase that level, by the way.

ToE: Can you still remember how that level looked like?

Base: It kinda looked like Dry Out, but he had a large green smiley face on his shirt. Wait, was it a face at all? I don't know, I was scared...

ToE: Let's go find him after the concert, alright?

Base: Okay.


*Time: 12.00 pm*

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our biennial Collab Concert! Be ready to be amazed by our array of songs played by our fellow song artists! First up, he's back by popular demand... Let's put our hands together to welcome... Waterflame!

Audience: *cheers, shouts and claps*

Waterflame: *steps up onto the stage* Thank you, thank you!

Announcer: So Waterflame, what songs will.you be performing today? Our fellow listeners would like to know.

Waterflame: Endgame and Sky Fortress.

Announcer: Ooh, classics! I'm sure it'll be a showstopping experience for our audience...

(A/N: They were both made around ~7 years before  the bios)

*music starts*


(A/N: Ik you all probably won't want to read about the announcer repeating himself 4 times, so heres the songs if you want them:


Endgame (youtu.be/lrpS69H1RRU)
Sky Fortress (youtu.be/qQgxkKsoDt4)


10000 (youtu.be/OEg0ASwOpOo)
2011 (youtu.be/GcopfMYIApQ)


Thermodynamix (youtu.be/QUFIGUBrN3M)
Theory of Everything 3 (youtu.be/fiAz__CBDIU)


Fireproof (youtu.be/fXkoC_vMAls)


Unity (youtu.be/n8X9_MgEdCg)
Xenogenesis (youtu.be/2Ax_EIb1zks)


*after the concert*

Announcer: Thank you, TheFatRat! What a wonderful outro you gave us! As for the audience, I hope you had a wonderful experience, and see you in 2023... *steps off the stage*

Audience: *claps and walks off*

Base: Worth it, wasn't it?

ToE: Yeah, but... does it mean that I have another sister?

ToE2: Maybe... I wonder how she looks like! She could also be an online level, don't forget.

Base: ForeverBound's song sounded quite familiar, by the way...

Lettie: BASE! Have you forgotten that damn fire guy?

Base: Oh yeah! ToE volunteered to join me, by the way. Let's go!

ToE: I almost forgot! Okay, where is he...

(to be continued)

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