Dialogue - One Egg, Two Eggs, Three

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Plot: During Biology class, the levels are instructed to keep a (labled) chicken egg safe for three days.

*takes place 1 year before the bios*


*Class: Biology*

(Time: 1.15 pm)

Cody: Class, quickly finish your worksheets and submit them to me!

Levels: *frantically writing on the worksheet*

Electrodynamix: *already done* Teacher, can you give us more time? *smirks*

Cody: *narrows eyes* How long?

Electrodynamix: Hmm... A year, perhaps? *snorts*

Hexagon Force: *rolls eyes* Stop, please.

Cody: Electrodynamix, I think you should listen to your deskmate.

Electrodynamix: *whispers to Hexagon Force* ...but you have to admit it's funny, no?

Hexa: *whispers back* Shut up before I bring your nemesis into this.

Electrodynamix: *scowls* Never mind.


Cody: Time's up! Please hand in your worksheets now.

Levels: *hands in their worksheets*

Cody: Today, I have a very special assignment for you all!

Levels: *whispering amongst themselves*

Cody: If you all don't keep quiet I won't tell you about it!

Levels: *shuts up immediately*

Cody: Okay class, each of you will get an egg, which I will collect back at the start of the next lesson. During these 3 days, you must take good care of it. Everyone whose eggs survive the 3 days will get a prize, so good luck! *starts to distribute the eggs*

(A few minutes later)

Stereo's egg: *rolls off the table* yippee!


Clubstep: Oh s**t.

Back on Track: No swearing! *turns to SM* Stereo, are you okay?

Stereo: I'm okay... but my poor egg isn't...

Track: It's fine. I'll buy you a new one, alright?

Stereo: Thanks!


[Day: 1]

*back at the apartment*

Dry Out: *eating a fried egg*

Base after Base: *sees D.O.* DRY OUT! Is that the egg the teacher gave us!?

Dry Out: *snickers* Got you. This is a different egg, I promise. The assignment is still in my bag, inside its box.

Base: Okay, if you say so...

Dry Out: But I could be lying, couldn't I?

Base: ...

Dry Out: *starts laughing hysterically*



Cycles: Hey Time! I have an idea!

Time Machine: Mhm?

Cycles: Why don't we paint our eggs?

Time: Is that actually allowed?

Cycles: Yes! I checked with the teachers. If you want to, I'll get some materials.

Time: Okay, but not paint. Markers are less messy.

Cycles: Alright! I'll get some markers, then. *leaves*


Theory of Everything: Why don't we make a bouncy egg? The vinegar type?

Theory of Everything 2: Please don't do that. We are supposed to keep our eggs safe, after all...

Theory: Well, I don't really care about the prize... and this egg is free after all...

Theory 2: We're still not supposed to do that. We have to respect the teacher's instructions.

Theory: But why? The only consequence is that I don't get a prize.

Theory 2: *facepalm* Come on! The teacher wants us to take care of the egg, not to do whatever we want with it. The prize is not the point. The point is that we are supposed to take care of the egg.

Theory: I understand. I'm sorry for suggesting this idea.

Theory 2: It's alright. By the way, I saw Time and Cycles drawing on their eggs with markers just now. Why don't we join in?

Theory: Okay! I'll get some markers. *leaves*


Time: Done. How about you, Cycles?

Cycles: Yeah. *looks over* Hm. Trust you to decorate an egg in Mathematics symbols.

Time: I guess. What did you do for yours?

Cycles: I don't know, actually. I just drew some random patterns on it.

Time: It looks good though.

*the ToE sisters walk in*

Theory: Hey guys! We decorated our eggs too! Wanna see?

Cycles: No problem. Be careful though, it's still an egg after all.

Theory: Thanks! My sister's one looks quite good, too.

Time: Agreed.

Theory 2: Thanks.

Theory: Should we get the rest of the Science club to join in?

Theory 2: That would be a good idea, but I don't think you should be the one to tell them.

Theory: Hm. Okay. Maybe not, then...


Fingerdash: *painting her egg while listening to music*

Theory 2: You're designing your egg, too? We just did ours.

Fingerdash: *puts down her paintbrush* Hm? Nice. May I see it? Later, I mean.

Theory 2: Okay! *checks her phone* Tomorrow morning, alright? It's almost 10 pm. Better finish up yours, too...

Fingerdash: Thanks! For both your offer and the reminder. I didn't know it was that late. Bye, then.

Theory 2: Bye!


[Day: 2]

*7 am at the apartment*

Theory 2: *knocks on Fingerdash's room door* Hey Fingerdash! I have my egg with me right now. Do you want to see it?

Fingerdash: Yeah! Wait a sec. *unlocks and opens door* Done.

Theory 2: *carefully takes egg out of her pocket* Here is my egg. I hope you like it.

Fingerdash: It's very nice!

Theory 2: Thanks. Anyways, I think we should go to school now...

Fingerdash: *nods* Agreed.


*at school*

(during recess)

Jumper: Hey Dry! What are you gonna eat for recess today?

Dry Out: Fishball noodles! How about you?

Jumper: Um... *falls* Eek!

Dry: Are you okay?

Jumper: *stands up* Erm... yeah.

Dry: Oh! Your egg! *points to Jumper's pocket, which has egg spilling out of it* It's broken!

Jumper: *le gasp* But it's only been a day!

Dry: You're hopeless. Come on, let's go get you cleaned up.

Jumper: B...but what about my mixed rice?

Dry: Doesn't matter now. The toilet's there, let's go!

Jumper: ...okay.


Geometrical Dominator: *whispers to B.P.* Hey Blast! Dynamix's egg is right there... *smirks* wanna play a trick?

Blast Processing: Are you crazy? He'll kill you over this! Not literally, but still...

Geo: Don't worry, I won't do anything too drastic. I'll just hide it, not break it. You can just pretend you don't know.

Blast: You- Never mind. I can't very well stop you, can I? Just leave me out of this...

Geo: Thanks! I will. Hehehehe...


(after school)

Electrodynamix: *looking for his egg* Wait. Where's my egg?

Geo: *sniggers*

Dynamix: YOU-

Geo: *howls with laughter* Don't worry... It's not broken, but...

Dynamix: AAA- *pounces on Geo*



Blast: *walking back home* Don't say I didn't tell you so.

Geo: *walking with Blast* Yeah... he beat me up pretty bad. At least he didn't find my egg, though!

Blast: *sighs* Hm.


*back at the apartment*

Airborne Robots: *searching his bag* I can't find my egg!

Press Start: *sighs* Seriously?

Airborne: Yeah! It's gone!

Press: How did you manage to lose an egg?!

Airborne: I don't know...

Press: It's only been 2 and a half days! I really can’t believe you.

Airborne: It was an accident.

Press: An accident! What if you lose your laptop next time? Or a screwdriver?

Airborne: *flushes* Er...

Press: Please! For goodness sake!

Airborne: Sorry...

(The door opens)

Geo: Hey guys!

Blast: Wanna hear what Geo did just now?

Geo: What? No! Not that!

Airborne: You mean why he looks like he just ran through a bush?

Blast: Yup!

Geo: *groans* Why...

Blast: It's my punishment for your idiocy. Anyways, here's what happened...


Blast: ...and that's how he got beaten up by Dynamix.

Airborne: *laughing hysterically* That's... amazing...help...

Press: ...you've got to be kidding me.

Geo: *sighs* She's not.

Airborne: That's way funnier than me losing my egg.

Geo: Wait. You lost your egg?

Press: Yes, but...

Blast: Tell me more! Tell me more!

Press: *sighs*


[Day: 3]

*on the way to school*

The Seven Seas: Hey Fingerdash!

Fingerdash: Uh- Hi!

Seas: Still have your egg? I broke mine...

Fingerdash: I'm so sorry... but yeah, I do.

Seas: May I see it? I mean, I don't have one to look at.

Fingerdash: Yeah, sure! *takes out her painted egg and shows it to TSS*

Seas: *gasps* It's beautiful!

Fingerdash: Thank you! I spent a lot of time on it.

Seas: Wow... but uh... I have something to tell you.

Fingerdash: *frowns* What?

Seas: You know that we are handing these back to the teacher tomorrow, right?

Fingerdash: But can't I just ask the teacher if I could keep it?

Seas: Even if you did, it would spoil really fast. It's an egg, not a ping pong ball, Fingerdash.

Fingerdash: *sighs* Oh... At least I can take pictures of it.

Seas: Well, I'll give you that.


*at school*

(after recess)

Nock Em: *smirks* Hey Trippy, how's your egg?

Press: No, Nock Em-

Power Trip: *triggered* DON'T CALL ME TRIPPY!

Nock Em: Just like how I shouldn't... hmm, throw you egg out the window?

Press: Please, Nock Em, stop!

Trip: whA-

Nock: What do you mean, Trippy?

Press: *sighs*




Stereo: What does it mean?

Nock: *dying of laughter* Hey Tri-

Trip: AAA- *faints*

Robtop: *walks in* Good morn- What's going on back there?

Press: These two. These two happened.

Robtop: *sighs* Nock Em. Power Trip. See me after class.

Press: *looks at Nock Em, who has stopped laughing* THANK you.


*back at the apartment*

Geo: *to B.P.* Well, if what I did yesterday was bad, what Nock Em did... was worse. Amazingly so.

Blast: Yeah. *sniggers* Trippy! Heh.

Geo: Hm. Wanna go out later? You know, after we finish our homework?

Blast: Oh yeah! Let's tell Press and Airborne first. Where, though?

Geo: Why not go to the nearby shopping centre?

Blast: You got it!


Fingerdash: *snaps the last picture of her egg* And... done.

Seas: May I see them?

Fingerdash: Sure. *shows the pictures to TSS*

Seas: They're quite good.

Fingerdash: Thanks. I'll keep the egg now.

Seas: Alright! See you tomorrow! *leaves Fingerdash's room*


[Day: 4]

*Class: Biology*

Cody: Good morning class!

Levels: Good morning, Cody.

Cody: Okay! It's been 3 days since last lesson. How many of you still have your eggs?

*everyone but Stereo, Jumper, Seas and Airborne raises their hands*

Cody: *counts hands* That's... 21, 22, 23 of you. Quite a lot, I must say. Good job! All of you who have your eggs, please line up and place them into this egg tray. I'll pass you a prize when I see you put your egg on the tray.

Everyone with an egg: *lines up and does as Cody said*

(a few minutes later)

Cody: And that's all of them. Good job to those who have kept their eggs safe. Now, let's get on to the lesson proper...


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