Dialogue: Schooltime (5)

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Plot: The levels have to create a skit in groups of 4 or 5. (Part 1)

A/N: Sorry if this chapter drags a bit or contains references you don't understand. Feel free to skip the task explanation if you want, as well as any sections you find boring. I tend to go a little into the plot of Haroun and the Sea of Stories, which can both result in spoilers or the story dragging on.

I hope to show more of Deadlocked's and Power Trip's personalities in this story. Most of Deadlocked's reactions were based on Jataly's assessment of him as an INTP, and I would like to go into more detail regarding that.

Now, without further ado, let's jump into the story!

*takes place 1 year before the bios*


[9 weeks left]

*Monday, 23/3/2020*

(Class: English Literature)

Matmart: Good morning students!

Levels: Good morning, Matmart.

Matmart: So today, I will be giving you your term 2 project task. This task is worth 15% of your final grade, so please listen attentively. *hands out the task assignment* This will be a group project, and-

Levels: *starts chatting among themselves*

Power Trip: A group project? Are there leaders?

Press Start: I don't know...

The Seven Seas: This will be fun!

Matmart: Silence! *waits till the levels stop talking* Okay. You will be working in groups of 4 or 5. This term, you all have to record yourself performing a skit based on this year's Literature book, "Haroun and the Sea of Stories". I trust that you all have finished reading it?

Levels: *nods in response*

Matmart: *looks around* Good. So! You will need to pick one of these characters listed on your task sheet and find out where their "turning point" or "significant event" is in the book. Then, based on that event, you will have to perform a skit focusing on that character and his or her thoughts and feelings. As it is recorded, feel free to use video editing and voice-overs to help you show this. However, note that I would mainly grade this based on the accuracy of your character depictions and the quality of your script, so do not spend too much time on video editing and recording. Are you clear, class?

Levels: Yes, Matmart!

Matmart: Good. Here are the important details, pay extra close attention. Take out a notebook if you need to record this down. The deadline for this assignment is on the 21st of May, Thursday, at 3pm. As I said, write that down. Any late submissions of the video will be penalised. If it's within the 21st of May, a quarter of your marks will be deducted, and any later, you will receive a zero for this assignment. I repeat, are you clear, class?

Levels: Yes, Matmart!

Matmart: Good. I don't want you all later coming up to me, begging for an extension. The deadline I set is final, barring the usual criteria of serious injury or sickness. I won't have you recording your skit with a broken leg. So, any questions?

Theory of Everything: Will we be able to choose our own groups?

Matmart: Good question, but no. Your groups have been chosen for you. I will show them on the board now.

Xstep: *raises his hand* Can I switch with Polargeist? I want to be with my friend Clutterfunk...

Viking Arena: *also raises hand* May I leave my group?

Geometrical Dominator: May I swap groups as well?

Matmart: *sighs* These groups are all random. Please do not complain or ask to change groups.
(A/N: It was originally random generated but I changed some things...)

V.A. & Geo: Okay, sorry...

Xstep: But please, Matmart?

Matmart: NO. And thanks, Viking Arena and Geometrical Dominator, for following my instructions. As for the rest of you, please start discussing your project.

Levels: *scrambles to switch seats*



The characters that they can do the skit on are:
Haroun Khalifa
Rashid Khalifa
Prince Bolo

Feel free to google them up if you don't know them.


Theory of Everything 2: Hm. So guys what character do yall want to do?

Back on Track: I think that it would be be best to do Haroun... he's the main character.

Stereo Madness: I think he's cute! You see the front here?

Track: Not the time...

Clubstep: *smirks* Would you say he should get b-


Clubstep: Aww. Never mind, then. So, Haroun Khalifa?

ToE2: You agree?

Track: I do.

Clubstep: Yeah.

Stereo: Yep!

ToE2: So it's final then. I'll create the google document after this. *circles "Haroun Khalifa" on the task sheet*

Track, Stereo & Clubstep: *does the same*


Polargeist: ...

Clutterfunk: ...

Deadlocked: ...

Hexagon Force: ...

Can't Let Go: AWW COME ON. Someone start the discussion already. *looks at Hexa*

Hexa: *sighs* Okay... So uh, guys, what character should we do?

Lettie: I want to do Blabbermouth. I think she's the most exciting. Polargeist? How about you?

Polargeist: Erm... I think Blabbermouth's good.

Lettie: *turns to Clutterfunk* What character do you want, Clutterfunk?

Clutterfunk: Um, I mean, yours is fine. How about Deadlocked?

Lock: I actually wanted Prince Bolo...

Lettie: *raises eyebrows*

Lock: *blushes and backpedals* Uh. Erm. You know what, yours is okay, too. Sorry.

Lettie: That came out wrong, didn't it.

Lock: It did. So, Blabbermouth confirm, yeah?

Hexa: I think so. *takes out phone and makes a google doc, titles it "Blabbermouth"* Okay, I'll send it to all of you now.

Lettie, Lock, Polargeist and Clutterfunk: *nods*


Dry Out: Hey! What do you want to do? I'll start. My choice is Rashid Khalifa.

Jumper: Mine's Prince Bolo!

Seas: Hm. Rashid, just like Dry Out.

Press: I think that's fine by me. Jumper, any objections?

Jumper: Nah. It's fine.

Press: Alright then, I'll make a doc now.

Jumper, Dry and Seas: Okay!


Electroman Adventures: Guys, I'll make a google doc now, so I don't forget. I'll send it to you.

Airborne Robots: Okay.

Xstep: Wait, can I do it? I'll be quick. You go start the discussion first.

Electroman: You sure?

Xstep: Yeah. I'm almost done.

Geo: Hey! Airborne, you know about the next Robotics competition? You and Press can join!

Airborne: Oh really?

Base after Base: *sighs and facepalms* Guys, can we start?

Electroman: Yeah. Xstep?

Xstep: Done. Oh, and by the way, my first choice is Haroun.

Base: My first choice is also Haroun. He's easiest.

Electroman: I'm fine with that.

Geo: I wanted Blabbermouth but I'm fine with Haroun.

Airborne: Let's do Haroun, then.

Xstep: Okay. *keys in "Haroun" into the docs*


Electrodynamix: Okay! I want to do Prince Bolo.

Nock Em: *snickers* Is it because he reminds you of yourself?

Electro: *glares* Shut up.

Nock Em: But its true, isn't it?

Electro: If you don't shut up this instant I will decimate you.

Nock Em: Try me. I didn't get my name for nothing.

Time Machine: Can you two dunderheads just focus? For once?

Electro: Me? What about this monkey over here? *points at Nock Em*

Time: Both. Of. You.

Electro: Oh. Fine...

Time: You know what, I'll just make a doc and share it with you. Go debate about who you want to do over there. Cycles, Blast, you can discuss what you want first while I send it to everyone.

Cycles: Okay! Blast?

Blast Processing: Er... so, what do you want to do, Cycles?

Cycles: Rashid.

Blast: I wanted to do Haroun, actually, 'cause there is more information about him.

Cycles: Oh. Okay, then!

Time: I'm done. Go input what you want in the doc so we can decide.

Cycles: Okay.

Electro: Okay.

Nock Em: Also okay.

(A few minutes later)

Time: Finally! Okay. The character we are going to do, is Rashid Khalifa. No ifs, ands or buts.

Nock Em: Oh no! Iff the genie and Butt the hoopoe are gone!!!

(A/N: they are characters in the book...)

Electro: SHUT UP. Oh, and yeah, Time. Just enter it in already.

Nock Em: I will not shut up. *winks and smiles*

Electro: AAAAAAAA-


(Oh, the spicy one! Let's get into it...)

Trip: Okay. So, we are going to do Prince Bolo, alright?

Viking: Why, though?

Trip: Because I want to? I don't think I need to justify a suggestion.

ToE: Well, if you want. At least we don't have to waste time discussing.

Fingerdash: Agreed. So, Prince Bolo, then?

Trip: Yeah. I'll do the docs and send it to you all. Now, Theory, can you do some research on Prince Bolo?

ToE: Okay. Viking, Fingerdash, feel free to help.


*Monday, after school*

ToE2: Hey, guys, wanna walk home together? We can discuss what we want to do for Haroun.

Stereo: Okay! Trackie?

Track: Alright. I don't think Clubstep will mind either.

Clubstep: I don't! Anyways... what do you think is Haroun's "turning point" anyways?

Track: Didn't Matmart say that it's when he decides to follow Iff to Kahani?

Clubstep: Did he say that? I don't really remember...

Track: That's 'cause you don't pay attention in class. Anyways, you get my idea?

Clubstep: Yeah.

ToE2: I think Track's idea is correct. But how would we film that? Like uh....

Stereo: *bursts out* We can do it in the toilet! Just like the book!

ToE2: *blushes from embarrassment* I think it's the bathroom, not the toilet, but yeah.

Track: I think our bathrooms are quite okay for that. But where will we use for Kahani?

Clubstep: I don't think that's needed, we can just end the skit when they "disappear".

Track: Good idea. Let's start it when we get home.


*over Whatsapp*

Viking: Hello! So for the project, may I suggest this timeline (feel free to discuss about it)?

1st and 2nd week, study the book and research
3rd or 4th week, Meet up during one of the study blocks/ online to think up for a script/ storyline
5th to 7th week, Start filming
Last 2 weeks, edit the video and finalise stuff

Trip: I hope we can finish the first part quickly so we can come up with a suitable plot.

Fingerdash: Yeah sure! I'm kinda busy now, though. I'll text more later.

Viking: Alright! I'll try to propose an idea so we can collaborate on it when the time comes.

@PowerTrip@TheoryOfEverything any objections?

Trip: Nope :)

Viking: @TheoryOfEverything any objections??

(A/N: ToE never did answer.)


*Thursday, during recess*

Seas: Hey guys, wanna meet up in the library after school?

Press Start: No problem. I'm staying back for CCA anyways.

Dry Out: Alright! I'll tell Jumper when I get back to class.

Seas: Thanks. Where is he, anyways?

Dry Out: ...probably off playing football or something with Electroman. Never mind, though. I'll keep him updated.

Seas: See you guys there, then!

(After school, in the library)

Seas and Press: *discussing the topic*

Dry Out: *walks towards the pair* Hi guys! Jumper's still in the bathroom, he won't be long. Oh, and I have some ideas for our script!

Seas: It's okay, Jumper can join us later, we can just fill him in the details. What ideas do you have?

Dry Out: You know at the end of the book when Rashid tells a story at Mr Buttoo's rally? I think that's a significant event for Rashid. We can also elaborate on the pride or confidence he feels during that time. If you don't like that idea, we can also... *continues to yap*

Press: *taking notes on the google doc* Mhm.

Jumper: *bursts into the library, runs over to the table* Sorry guys! I'm a bit late...

Seas: It's okay, Dry Out told us where you went.

Jumper: Thanks, Dry Out. So, about Rashid Khalifa...

Seas: Dry Out is currently yapping up a storm in that regard. Feel free to nitpick on his ideas, Press has them all on the google docs. You can go in to edit or leave comments if you want.

Jumper: Oh, alright...


(meanwhile at the apartment, after school)

Lettie: *calls the group*

Groupmates: *picks up call*

Lettie: Hey, are yall free? We can go into the docs to edit it. I have a few pointers on Blabbermouth, and where she shows up in the story. If you can, either write your own or write an idea for the skit. Thanks in advance.

Lock: Hate to break it to you, but some of us are busy right now.

Hexa: Yeah... I'm preparing for my CCA. Thanks for the reminder, though.

Xstep (through Clutterfunk's phone): Uh, Clutterfunk's in the shower right now. Please find a better time to call the group next time...

Lettie: *embarrassed* Sorry! Uh... I'll drop you all a message instead. *hangs up*

Lettie: ...Well that was awkward.


Press: Dry Out, I do think that's enough. With uh... *counts bulletpoints* twenty eight possible suggestions, I think we can start now.

Dry Out: Yeah. Sorry, just got carried away.

Jumper: Anyways, I have a few suggestions for you. Just now, I went in and looked through your suggestions.

Dry Out: Mhm? What did you see? Did you like them?

Jumper: Your suggestions are quite good. However, I think that some do not really fit the requirements... *points to screen* You see, for the idea about Soraya leaving Rashid, you put in "add a lot of voiceovers for Rashid's thoughts". However, you might want to focus more on the context for this. There are many outside influences on... *continues explaining*

Dry Out: *listening intently*

(10 minutes later)

Jumper: And that's why I think that you should delete ideas twenty six and twenty eight, and reconsider twenty seven.

Dry Out: Yeah, I guess. Thanks a lot.

Press: Same here. You practically halved Dry Out's idea stack. Now we can debate which one to choose, and then I can leave to Infocomm and yall can go home.


*Friday, over Whatsapp... again*


ToE: :o sorry I didn't check my phone, I'm here...

Fingerdash: hi guys! shall we arrange a meet up next week during one of the study blocks? to discuss the script?

Viking: Okay!

Fingerdash: when are y'all thinking of?

Viking: I'm not free on Monday and Wednesday so any other date is fine.

Fingerdash: oh how bout we do like a one hour zoom? then we can all be in the comfort of our apartment or eating place :)

Viking: Good idea!

Fingerdash: how about next thursday? 4-5pm? since monday and wednesday Viking cannot and tuesday we're staying back to meet Cody.

Viking: I'm fine with that, let's wait for Theory and Trip to respond :)

ToE: Ok i guess...


Seas: So now that we're down to three ideas, Dry Out, which one do you want to do? You created the ideas, you pick.

Dry Out: Can we do the Soraya dumps Rashid one?

Jumper: I second that.

Seas: Press?

Press: Yeah. It's settled, then. *deletes the other 2 ideas*

Seas: Alright! We can leave now. Press, feel free to go to CCA, we three will go home.

Press: Bye, then.


[8 weeks left]

*Monday, before class*

Blast: *quietly editing the doc*

Cycles: *re-reading Haroun and the Sea of Stories*

Electro & Nock Em: *arguing about random stuff*

Time: *sigh* Nock Em! Electrodynamix! We haven't done anything last week, class is starting soon, and you choose to fight!?

Cycles: Please co-operate. If you don't know, we are supposed to be keying in our research and plot points into the doc. Just quickly do so, so we can continue...

Nock Em: Fine.

Electrodynamix: Fine.


(15 minutes later)

Cycles: And we're pretty much done with that part. Thank goodness.

Time: Now that background research is done, why dont you all come up with ideas for the plot? You don't have to write any script yet, just the general outline. Is it too much to ask that you come up with at least 1 idea by... this Friday?

Blast: Noted.

Electro: No, not really. I can do that.

Nock Em: Alright!

Time: Then get back to your seats for class. Thanks for the contribution today, all of you.


(during recess)

Electroman: Uh... have you all re-read the book?

Airborne: Yes.

Base: Mhm.

Xstep: Yeah.

Geo: I did.

Electroman: Good. Have you updated the doc yet? It's fine if you haven't, just asking. If you haven't, go do so now.

Xstep: I'm done with that, I entered it when I shared the doc with you guys.

Base: I'm done too. I kept my device next to me while I read so I could take notes.

Geo & Airborne: *frantically keying in the info*

Electroman: Okay. Geo, Airborne, after you're done, we can share our ideas one by one. Okay?

Geo & Airborne: Okay!


*Wednesday, after school*

Lettie: Have you all done your research? Do you have any ideas? Deadlocked?

Lock: I did my research, yeah. I do have some ideas too. You know the time where the group meets Mudra? We could do that. One of you can be Rashid, one Mudra and one Blabbermouth. The last one can be the narrator. Or we can...

Lettie: Okay, thats it for you, just put it in the docs. How about you three?

Hexa: I already went into the doc to type it in. I saw Polargeist's one there too.

Lettie: Clutterfunk? Did you do it?

Clutterfunk: *flinches* Yeah, I did it... I mean I'm supposed to, right?

Lettie: Of course you are. Stop playing dumb. Anyways, guys, let's read through each of your ideas and decide which is the best...


*Thursday, in a zoom call*

Viking: Hey Fingerdash, where's Trip and Theory?

Fingerdash: I think they're just late.

ToE: *joins call* Hey guys, sorry I'm late.

Viking: It's okay, it's just a few minutes. Good that you're here. Oh, do you mind calling Trip? She's not here yet, either.

ToE: Okay! *takes out phone and calls Power Trip*

Fingerdash: So what are we supposed to do, now?

Viking: Find out which scenes are the "turning point" or "significant event" of Prince Bolo. I have done some research of my own. Here, look... *types on Ipad*

Fingerdash: Oh. That's quite good actually.

Viking: Thanks. Oh, Theory, when is Trip coming?

ToE: *puts away phone* In around fifteen minutes.

Viking: Fifteen minutes?? *facepalms* You've got to be kidding me.

ToE: I don't know! It's not my fault!

Viking: I know that. Anyways, why don't we just start?

ToE: Okay.

(15 minutes later)

Trip: *joins call* Hi guys, I'm la-

Viking & Fingerdash: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??



Trip: I DON'T KNOW!?

Viking: We told you that the meeting was four! It's FOUR FIFTEEN!

ToE: *stares blankly at camera* wait huh what's going on-

Viking: *shakes head and sighs* You know what? Never mind. Let's just do our work.

Fingerdash: Agreed.


[7 weeks left]

*Monday afternoon, at the void deck below the apartment*

Track: Hey guys, we should be about 10% done with the script, we maybe do some outline or something... how much have you done, actually?

ToE2: Outlines, yes. Script... no. Actually, no one has put anything in the doc yet.

Track: Hm. I know Stereo's done some because he did it with me. *looks to Clubstep* How about you?

Clubstep: I added on to Theory 2's outline. Think I doubled its length, actually.

Track: Wow... Good job!

Stereo: Wait, he did so much! How?

Clubstep: *wing flap* Well, what can I say? I'm just good.

ToE2: So you are. Can we get to scriptwriting now? We have quite a bit to do.

Clubstep, Track & Stereo: *nods* Alright!


*Tuesday, before school*

Nock Em: Good morning guys and I hope you have an Electrodynamic day! *smirk*

Time: *flinches badly* NO DON'T START THIS NOW-

Cycles & Blast: *rushes to restrain Electro* Please no!

Electro: *sees Cycles and Blast* If I could fight you I would, Nock Em, but I'll have to let you off this time.

Time: Thanks for co-operating, Electrodynamix. I'll keep an eye on Nock Em for now, see if he tries anything equally ridiculous.

Nock Em: Hey!

Time: Let's start now, shall we? Writing the script?

Blast: That...would be great.

Time: Alright then.

(About 20 minutes later)

Time: Okay! You both lasted... twenty three minutes without fighting! Well done.

Electro: Uh... Thanks!

Nock Em: Heh. It would have been zero if you and Cycles weren't here...

Time: *glares*

Nock Em: *flinches* I mean, just saying...

Time: Anyways, now that class is starting, can you go back to your seats?

Nock Em, Blast, Electro: *leaves*


*after school, on whatsapp*

Fingerdash: hello, shall we meet next thursday during study block (2.00 to 2.45) to discuss the script?

Viking: Sure! :)

Fingerdash: meanwhile, can y'all read the chapter "Princess Batcheat" because it's rly crucial

if not we all don't understand what's going on during the meeting :))

Viking: HAHA okiii

Fingerdash: thanksss


*Thursday, after school*

Fingerdash: Theory, Trip, please be at the library punctually at 2pm! Go and have your lunch quickly, you only have half an hour.

ToE: *packing bag* Okay!

Trip: Don't worry, I will be there. Sorry about last time.

(At the library)

Viking; Good to see you are all here, let's start our meeting. I take it you all have read and understood the chapter?

Trip: Definitely.

Fingerdash: Yeah.

ToE: Mhm.

Viking: Good. Now we can discuss the script...


[5 weeks left]

*Tuesday afternoon, during a zoom call*

Seas: Thanks for attending this call, I'm so sorry I interrupted your afternoon. The plan for today os to finish up at least a quarter of the script, so let's quickly finish it, okay?

Levels: *nodding*

Dry Out: I'll start, can Jumper help to edit it at the back?

Jumper: Yeah.

Dry Out: Thanks! *starts to type script*

Jumper: *follows suit*

Press: In that case, I'll do the formatting, you know, so the script is easy to read. *enters the docs*

Seas: Feel free, I'll start my own part too.

(45 min later)

Press: It's time to go now guys... I'll hurry off to CCA.

Seas: Okay! Today was really productive. Bye Press!

Press: Bye!

Dry Out: *turns to Jumper* Hey Jumper, wanna go to McDonalds to eat something?

Jumper: Okay! Let's go! *runs off*

Dry Out: Hey! Wait up! *runs after Jumper*


Lettie: Thanks y'all for starting the script! The parts we've done were quite good.

Clutterfunk: *smiles nervously* Thanks!

Lock: It wasn't that hard, I enjoyed it.

Hexa: Hm. Now we're here, let's continue.

Lettie: Yeah. Guys, any suggestions?

Polargeist: Hm... I think we can change this line here. It's a bit out of place. What do you think?

Hexa: I think your suggestion is good.

Lock: I'll add some ideas at the back. I think I have some good ones on how to portray Blabbermouth's abrasiveness.

Lettie: Like you aren't just typing your own thoughts onto the page. Let's be real, you're too much like her.

Lock: Fine by me. It'll just make the story all the more compelling.

Lettie: If you say so...


(to be continued in "Schooltime (6)")

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