Story - 2.2 arrives pt.1

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Response to hypersdestiny's idea (the 2.2 levels arrive)

Plot: Dash and Explorers meet the existing official levels.

A/N: This was written on the 15th of December, 2023, with the sequel being written on the 17th. At that point, I had no idea when 2.2 would release, or how it would end up.

*3 years after the bios take place*

Dash is a 18-year-old male, and Explorers is a 20-year-old female.

As Explorers is a demon, she will have horns and a tail.

*Dash PoV*

It was the day.

I knew from my spawning that I was going to be an official level, but never before had I considered what it would mean. 

For years I had lived with my buddy, far from the city where uploaded levels stayed. Every so often, Robtop would come and visit us, and tell us stories about the outside world. However, I had never went outside of the confines of the house before.

I showered quickly and grabbed my backpack, alongside a small luggage which I had packed the day before.

Robtop brought me and Explorers out of the door, leading us towards what looked like a city. There were tall buildings and many houses visible.

I watched starry-eyed at the wondrous cityscape before me.

"It's so beautiful..." I breathed as I walked through the crowded street. Beside me, Explorers nodded.

Just then, Robtop abruptly stopped and turned to us. "We're here!" he told us, pointing to a tall apartment building.

As we walked inside, I noticed a wall of mailboxes at the entrance. Some were unnamed, but about 30 were labeled. As I turned to look closer at them, Explorers smacked my leg with her tail.

"Focus, Dash!" she told me. "I don't wanna get lost."

Robtop brought us to our apartments, which were side by side. He gave us our keys and wished us good luck, before going off to run an errand of his.

I went inside my new home to check it out, closing the door behind me.

In the main space was a kitchen stove atop a chest of drawers. There was a door which led to a small bathroom, and one which led to the bedroom where a white bed and a cabinet stood.

I unpacked my bag and luggage, and placed my clothes inside the cabinet.

Just then, I heard a knock on my front door.

Answering it, I saw a boy with dark blue hair standing in front of me.

"Hey, you're one of the new levels, right? Name's Electroman Adventures. Nice to meet you." he introduced.

"You'd be right. Name's Dash. Nice to meet you too." I replied.

"That's funny. One of the other officials' share a name with you." Electroman Adventures said. "Well, not really. Her name's Fingerdash so yeah, rather similar."

"Nice! I'd like to meet her sometime." I told him. "Is she here?"

Electroman Adventures shook his head. "She's out. Maybe tomorrow?"

"I understand. For now, do you wanna hang out?" I offered. "You know, get to know the city?"

"Okay then! Let's go. I'll show you around."


*1 hour later*

True to his word, Electroman Adventures gave me a tour of the area.

First, we had went to the nearby park. Electroman showed me the lake in the centre of the park, and the playground beside it. (He was even kind enough to buy me a cookie from the stalltender at the playground!)

Then, he led me to one of the city's many shopping malls. It had many interesting shops and restaurants, and even a library at the second floor.

Finally, he showed me what he called a hawker centre, which was an area with many food stalls, each selling different types of food and drink. We decided to stop to have our lunch there while we talked about random things.

"So uhh... how was your time at Robtop's place?" I asked, curious. "Did you have a friend, too?"

"Yeah... Wait. By the way, who was yours?" Electroman Adventures replied.

"Her name is Explorers, and she's a demon level. Haven't you seen her?" I said.

"Uh.. nope. My roommate's name is Clubstep." he told me. "He's a rowdy one at that. He's one of the few lucky demons to spawn with wings."

"Levels can have wings? Can they fly with them?" I asked, intrigued.

"Oh yeah they can. But only demon levels though," Electroman Adventures chuckled. "Sakupen Hell was the one who taught him how to fly. He had such a hard time teaching Club how to fly, he was so playful and reckless."

"Wow. Me and Explorers were much calmer than that." I murmured. "I guess staying together for 7 years really does do something to a person."

Electroman Adventures' eyes widened. "7 years? We were in there for 2 months! Wow... 2.2 really is a long update."

"I guess... it was." I smiled. "Why don't we go and meet Clubstep, then? I would like to get to know him."

"Agreed. Why don't we go and find him after we finish eating, then?" Electroman replied.

I nodded and soon, we finished our meal and set off.


P.s. levels spawn in creators' computers as soon as they are created, even as they are empty levels.

They spawn in with a random age above 0, and have the abilities of a child that age irl.

E.g. if the level spawns as a 4-year-old, the level will be able to walk and speak simple words in the language of its name.

Edit: cutietwilightlily mentioned a mathematical error regarding the 2.2 release date. The numbers represented have been changed.

(Part 2 coming soon!)

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