Story - Failed Theory

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Plot: Clutterfunk almost manages to make a new friend... almost.

Clutterfunk and Xstep are 9 years old in this story.


*takes place 5 years before the bios*

- ToE PoV -

"Class, before we start our History lesson today, I need to know - is anyone absent today?" GMDBlue asked the class.

I raised my hand.  "Clutterfunk's absent."

GMDBlue frowned. "Hm. She'll need a buddy to take notes and pass the homework to her. Xstep, since you're her friend, can you do it?"

Xstep shook his head. "I can't, I'll be quite busy later today. Sorry."

I was confused. Weren't they best friends? I thought to myself. Well, if he isn't going to do it, then I guess I will.

"May I do it instead?" I volunteered.

I heard a cough and a snigger behind me, and turned around. Electrodynamix averted his eyes almost immediately. I rolled my eyes and turned back. If "that" wanted something out of me, he wouldn't get it.

GMDBlue nodded. "You may. Thank you for offering." He then turned to the class and continued to speak. "So today, we will look at the history of..."

Even as I refocused my attention on GMDBlue's words, I felt a sense of uncertainty. I glanced momentarily at Xstep. He looked shocked and... offended? But...why?

I brushed away the thought. What matters now is that you do a good job for Clutterfunk, I told myself. Whatever is going on with Xstep is none of your business.


*after school*

When I reached the apartment, I quickly put down my bag and took out the file with Clutterfunk's homework and my notes. I then walked over to Clutterfunk's room and knocked on her door.

"Clutterfunk, it's Theory of Everything. I've come to bring over your homework."

I could hear footsteps behind the door. Moments later, a key turned in the lock,  and Clutterfunk opened her door. Her eyes were red and she looked very, very sick.

Despite myself, I felt a twinge of pity for her. Xstep surely knew about this... I thought to myself. How could he just shrug it off like he did?

I sighed and passed the folder to Clutterfunk. She then murmured a weak "thank you" and brought the file inside.

I turned around and returned to my room. I tried to brush off any and all thoughts about this situation.

This doesn't involve me, I told myself. I shouldn't worry too much... it isn't that important, right?



- Clutterfunk PoV -

I opened the door, expecting to see Xstep's face. However, it was not him, but Theory of Everything, who greeted me.

I was confused. Where is Xstep? I thought to myself. Isn't he suppoed to do these things? I had always helped him before...

I brushed it off. Xstep was a busy person, I reasoned. There was no way I could expect him to always help me.

I thanked Theory and recieved the worksheets from her. Turning around, I made my way back to my desk. I placed the file on my desk and walked back to close and lock my door.

Now, I had to work on the dreaded subject - Mathematics.

And I had only a set of notes to help me.

Of course, I couldn't expect someone to outright give me answers like Xstep had. That would be nuts - and scary, too. After all, if that got out, Xstep and I would be severely punished.

I pulled out the worksheet and examined it. It was an Algebra practice containing 20 questions, each set more complicated than the last.

I then took out the notes. It was clear that ToE had spent a lot of time on it. For just Mathematics, she had written almost a full 3 pages of notes! Tacking on the notes for English Literature and Chemistry, the stack amounted 7 pages, or 4 sheets of A4 paper.

Wow... she really cares about me, huh. To spend so much effort on a person you barely know...

I started to work on the equations in front of me. Referring to the notes, I saw that although there were no straightforward answers, there were enough examples and theoretical explanations that I could easily understand what to do.

There was even a small drawing of a cute cat, with a note that said: Try your best! You can do it! written on it.

A silent tear rolled down my cheek. I didn't know what to say... this was such a blessing to me. Theory could've just wrote a few short sentences here and there, but she didn't. She went the extra mile. I had never had such a kindness performed for me before.

Maybe, I should pay Theory a visit when I'm well... spend some time together...


*1 week later*

Finally, I was well enough to return back to school. As I walked into class, I saw Xstep asleep at his desk. Theory was also at her desk, engrossed in a book.

The moment Theory saw me, she almost jumped up from her seat. Xstep stirred, but said nothing.

"Welcome back!" she greeted me.

I smiled. "Thanks a lot."

Theory patted my back. "No problem. At least you're well."

I took off my bag and sat down. Theory tried to show me her book, which I gladly entertained.

"Hey Clutterfunk, did you know that if you mix orange juice with sugar and baking soda, you will get an orange fizzy drink?" Theory explained.

"Cool." I replied. "Are you planning to do that?"

"Maybe, if I get the chance. I coul-"

"Can you all keep quiet? I wanna catch some sleep..." Xstep murmured.

I blushed. "Sorry..."

"Its fine... welcome back, anyways..." Xstep trailed off, before turning away and continuing to sleep.

I narrowed my eyes. How can you sleep like this, when I was sick at home? How can you just... not care?

I chastised myself. Don't think such things about him! I told myself. He's probably just tired... it's not fair to think he doesn't care about you!

I turned away and continued my chat with Theory. Maybe, during recess, I could talk to Xstep about this...


*during recess*

"Hey... Xstep, I noticed that you've been... a bit busy, lately. I'm just curious, but... what were you doing?" I asked.

"Heh, nothing you need to know about." Xstep replied. "Don't worry. I still care about you. You know that, right?"

I nodded. "Right."

"Good. Hey, you free later?"

"Yeah, why?" I raised an eyebrow.

Xstep shrugged. "I need a bit of help with something."

I asked what it was, and was greeted with another shrug and "you'll find out later". In the end, I agreed. It didn't matter much, anyways.


*next week*

It was the end of a long school day, and I was packing to go home.

Just as I was about to leave the class, Xstep told me that he needed to go to the toilet.

"Should I wait for you?" I asked.

"No need. Just go first. I'll catch up later." he replied, before dashing away.

I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk out of the class. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Theory following closely behind me.

"Clutterfunk, why don't we chat a little?" she asked.

I nodded. "In that case... How's it going with... uh... him? That new guy that just came in? It seems like he doesn't like you."

"Oh, Electrodynamix, you say? Well, I don't really think about him. I think he's jealous of me." She replied. "Well, let him be. I'm not going to drop my grades to please anyone."


We continued talking for a little while, before we were interrupted by Xstep.

"Clutter, let's go. Sorry for taking so long just now." he interrupted.

I glanced at Theory, then back at Xstep. "Alright. See you tomorrow then, Theory."

Xstep quickened his pace, pulling me away. Instead of returning to the apartment, he took a detour past the nearby 7-11, and went behind a hawker centre.

He then stopped abruptly and turned to me. I froze. Putting his hands on my shoulders, he pressed down hard on them.

"What. Were. You. Doing?" he muttered. "Why were you talking to her?"

"I...I didn't think t-"

"Yeah damn right you didn't think!" Xstep cursed. "That Theory, I tell you. Smart as a fox. Cunning too. Can't believe you chose her over me..."

"But she's nice!" I replied.

"In what way?" Xstep asked.

"She helped me take notes and pass my homework to me when I couldn't come to school." I explained, a little less sure of myself.

"Is that all?"

"Well... Her notes were incredibly detailed. It seemed like she put some special effort into writing that set of notes..." I sighed.

"Hm. I bet you felt pretty good about that." Xstep muttered. "Didn't you?"

"Yeah... I guess..." I trailed off. "I mean, it felt good to know that she cared about me."

There was an awkward silence, before Xstep spoke again.

"So that's what it is!" Xstep exclaimed. "No wonder!"

I was confused. "What?"

"She's messing with you! I shouldn't have been surprised, really, that you went to her side..." Xstep replied. 

"B...but... how?"

"I bet you she only sent those notes to try and win you over." Xstep explained. "Don't you ever think that she cared for you. It's all fake. Remember what I told you when you first met me?"

I nodded. His words echoed in my head, a vivid reminder of his promise to me.

"You'll soon find out some people are much better than others, Clutterfunk. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

"I only wanted to keep you safe..." Xstep continued. "I hope you can appreciate my help for what it is."

I nodded. "I'm sorry..."


*the next day*

I looked at the clock. It was 4.30 pm. Usually, around this time, Xstep would have come to do his homework with me. However, today, he seemed to have disappeared... His room was silent, and when I asked around, nobody knew where he was.

Many questions ran through my head. Where is he? Why isn't he here?

Just then, a horrible thought popped into my head. 

I must've done something! Yesterday... I think I went too far... I shouldn't have done what I did...

The guilt coursed through my veins, sinking deep into my heart. Does Xstep still trust me? Had I... Had I lost a friend?

After a while, I decided to call him. To my surprise, Xstep actually picked up the phone.

"Hey... I just wanted to know where you are." I told him.

"I'm just... taking a break." came the reply.

"Why?" I asked.

"I just feel... Hurt. I don't really want to spend time with you today. I just want some space..."

"Is it because of what I did yesterday?"

"It's not- You don't have to worry about me..." 

"But I need you to help me..." I pleaded.

"Just... leave me be." At that, Xstep hung up the phone.

I knew I was the one who made this happen. I knew I was at fault. But how was I going to make it up to Xstep?


*a week later*

After a week of daily calls, Xstep still wasn't ready. I was at my wit's end. I needed help with my homework, but I didn't dare talk to Theory anymore. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.

"Clutterfunk, is that you?"

I opened the door to see Xstep smiling sweetly at me. 

"Hello... Are you still upset about that... incident?" I asked.

"No... in fact, I came to apologise to you." Xstep explained. "I shouldn't have been so hard on you... you didn't do anything wrong. At least, not of your own accord."

"Really? You aren't mad at me?"

"Why would I be? It wasn't your fault that you got caught up in Theory's mess!" Xstep told me.

"Thank you so much..." I sighed. "I promise I won't talk to her again..."

"I know you won't." Xstep affirmed. "I'll make sure you won't."

Like the 9-year-olds we were, we broke into a long, tight hug. 

"You don't know how much this means to me..." I breathed. "Thank you for giving me a second chance..."

"Maybe I don't." Xstep replied. "Maybe, I do."


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