Story - The slaying of ToE2

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A/N: No, ToE2 does not die. This is my experience of beating my first RobTop Demon.

ToE is the anon friend from "How I got into GD".



"Just got 88% on Clubstep!" - Theory of Everything

Staring at the message in my WhatsApp chat, I shook my head. No. I will not let her beat me. I thought to myself. She's so close... I can't wait any longer...

I sighed. 88% was so close... on a Robtop demon no less. I had to up my game and challenge myself, if not, I would fall behind.

But... did I really have to go for Clubstep? I had never gotten past 30% on it... Clubstep was only 1 of 3 levels I could pick from. I could also go for Deadlocked or ToE2...

Deadlocked is the hardest, it's a fact. But ToE2 is another option...

I opened my YouTube to watch a run each of Clubstep and ToE2. It was soon obvious that ToE2 was the easier option (to me).

Thus, I opened my computer. It was time to grind.

I first opened up a copyable from RobsVault, my trusted "supplier" of level copies.

I didn't start from the beginning, oh no. I placed my startpos at 77%, with a slow speed on top. I spent hundreds of attempts making sure that I mastered the ship part, and the parts that came after it.

Then, I practiced parts closer to the beginning. The first ship and UFO went down in an hour, and the ball took me 15 minutes to master. The 2nd ufo, however... that was not pretty.

It was only towards the end of my session did I make progress on the actual level. Thankfully, I got past the first half with ease, and got myself a 43% high score.


*the next day*

(Progress: 43%)

I grudgingly took my homework out of my bag. I had to finish it... or else, I wouldn't get to play. And ToE could finish Clubstep at any moment...

I raced through my Science and Chinese homework, fueled by the thought of surpassing ToE. Soon, it was done. I could finally get back on track.

I got to 92% on the earlier half of my practice, owing to copyable abuse. However, no luck was to be had with further attempts...

I was lucky to even get to 78%. Even though I passed that ship part nine times out of ten, I always messed up the mini UFO part following that. (I think that it is the true hardest part of ToE2, but that is simply my opinion.)

After a whole day's worth of practice and disappointment, I tucked myself into bed.


(In my dream)

I was in a school. It was well lit... It seemed like a classroom. Someone was presenting up in front... I could hear a little bit of what was said. Wait. His name was... Electrodynamix? Who? Oh, right. I walked up to him and introduced myself. He seemed to take it in stride...

I sat back down at my seat. A girl with purple-pink hair turned to me. She had rectangle glasses... she looked familiar yet unknown. I waved to her.

"Hi, my name is Theory of Everything. Nice to meet you." she said.

"My name is... uh..."

"Did you take your A-Levels yet?"

"No... have you?"


"Is it hard?"

"You'll be fine. Don't worry now..."

I nodded. Suddenly, I heard a familiar sound, and the world swirled around me... I was in a dream, after all...


*3rd day*

(Progress: 92%)

I woke up at 5.30 am on Monday morning... My school had an event that day, I was to report at 9 am instead of the usual 7.30 am. As such, I would have preferred to sleep in.

But no, ToE2 comes first. I flipped open my computer and plugged in my earphones, and the grind was on.

It was going slow... Even though I remembered every detail, I was still enough of a skill issue that it didn't matter. I crashed at ridiculous points, messed up simple clicks, forgot to spam when I needed to.

However, little did I know that a miracle was going to happen.

For the final time, I met the 78% ship part. I yet again coursed through with ease, and made it to the final UFO.

I stared intensely at the blue coloured background as I timed my clicks.

One, two, three... one, two... one... one, two, three... one, two, three... It was the first time I had ever made it to the final wave. By sheer luck alone, I passed it flawlessly. Three more clicks later, I slid on the black slope to my victory.

It started from 5.45 am all till 7.22 am. That memory was burned into my head. The final notes of DJ Nate's wonderful song, the melodious chime of the end of the level... the words "Level Complete" flashing on the screen...

It was amazing. I stared blankly at my computer screen, not believing my eyes. I had beat a RobTop demon. I really had.

The breath of air that I had not realised I was holding escaped my lungs as I collapsed onto my desk. Confused, I let out a few incoherent mumbles.

When my mind had returned to my body, I immediately took a screenshot of the completion screen, level select screen, and stats, and sent them all to the groupchat.

I backed up my game and shut my computer down. I couldn't risk my progress be reset...

When I finally flopped back onto my bed, I let out a sigh of relief. 3 days hard work... all over.

It was truly a wonderful experience.


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