Story - Trials of the Broken

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Plot: Clutterfunk tries to ask Robtop for help. Xstep finds out and convinces Robtop that Clutterfunk is crazy.

*takes place 3 years before the bios*

- Clutterfunk PoV -

*After school*

It was not the first time I was called to Robtop's office. Between my anxiety and argumentative nature, as Xstep put it, there were a myriad ways for me to get in trouble.

Many times, I had ended up shouting and babbling at the smallest things, scared and confused and unable to make heads or tails of my surroundings.

This didn't just happen with Xstep; I lashed out at anyone and everything, pushing my classmates away from me. Not to mention, I was frequently reported and sent to the form teacher's office, to Xstep's disdain.

However, this time, I had no memory of any such thing. I knew there must have been something I missed, something that slipped my mind. Something always did.

As I trudged to the all-too-familiar office door, I steeled myself for the inevitable round of sharp words and implied disappointment. Setting my cold, clammy hands on the doorknob, I creaked the door open and walked in.

"Good afternoon, Robtop." I murmured.

Robtop looked up from the stack of Mathematics worksheets on his desk and turned to me.

"Good afternoon. Please take a seat."

I immediately sat down on the chair in front of me. I had expected to see bitter disappointment on my form teacher's face. However, this time, there was only worry to be found.

"Sir, have I done something wrong?" I asked timidly. The 'again' was left unsaid.

"No, you haven't. I simply have some... concerns, about your relationship with the class, and your friendship with Xstep." he replied. "I have noticed that you are more jumpy and nervous than those around you, even when there's nothing going on."

I tensed. "What are you suggesting?"

Robtop sighed. "Usually, when a person turns out like that, it is because they have had a very scary incident happen to them," he explained. "I’m not saying you definitely had such an incident. However, I would like to know if you have.”

I answered almost immediately. “Don’t worry. You know I’ve never had one. If you’re worried, why don’t you check up on Theory or Electrodynamix? For what it’s worth, I think their injuries do count.”

“I do not think it is necessary to do so, as Theory of Everything seems to be doing quite well socially and in her studies, and Electrodynamix shows no lack of confidence or trust in others.” Robtop said.

“I understand.” I replied. “I have had no such injuries, myself. Is that all you wanted to ask me?”

“Scary incidents do not only include injuries, Clutterfunk.” Robtop explained. “Sometimes, they come in the form of words. Insults, lies, and broken promises. I’m not saying everyone who does these once or twice is bad. However, when they come daily, constantly… It is enough to shake someone’s faith in themself. One would feel that there was no one they would trust.”

I was struck dumb. There was something in his words that hit close to my heart, something that I recognised as familiar.

“Sir, how do you know all this?” I asked. “It's just… your words are so… correct? True?”

“Over the years, I have read about many other people like you, who were taken advantage of. Some of them were much older than you.” he replied.

“Can…can you help me?” I asked. “Can you protect me?”

Robtop sighed. “For that, I need to know. What exactly happened? Did you tell him things you shouldn't? Do things you shouldn't, for him?”

“I…I…” My breath hitched. I didn't know if I should tell Robtop about doing Xstep's Science project for him or not. On one hand, Robtop was fully intending to help, but on the other… I could be expelled. For helping another to cheat in an assessment.

In the end, I decided it wasn't worth it. If I was expelled, Xstep would be, too. He could continue to chase me down.

“I didn't do much. Just a few errands here and there, nothing major.” Even as I said it, something dark settled at the pit of my stomach.

“Good. If you've really not done anything major, you should be able to cut ties straight away.” he told me. “If anything else happens, remember that you can always come to me, Clutterfunk. If there isn't anything else you'd like to tell me, you are free to leave.”

I nodded. “Thank you and goodbye, Robtop.”

- Xstep PoV -

When Clutterfunk came back from detention, I sensed that something was off. She seemed less upset than she would usually be, at least after being chastised by our form teacher. It was certainly something to investigate, and investigate it I did.

It was all too easy to get her to talk, frankly. All I needed to do was to tap her on the back and raise my voice, and she started to babble her mind. Through her near-incoherent speech, I found out that she had nearly sold me out to Robtop. That silly girl! At least she didn’t tell him about the Science assignment… I thought to myself.

“...and I know I shouldn’t have told him and can you please forgive me?” Clutterfunk finished.

I gave a long, dramatic sigh and dropped my gaze to the floor. “Clutterfunk… I’m so sorry. Your actions were a betrayal to our friendship. I can’t just forgive you so easily…” I murmured. “Thank you for not telling him about the project, though. That was kind of you.”

“Really?” Her voice lifted for a moment at my last sentence.

“Yeah.” I looked back up at her. Let her have her fun. Soon, she won’t be smiling any longer.

- Robtop PoV -

*a few days later*


I looked up towards the frantic sound and flinched. One of my levels, Xstep, was sobbing and frantically gesturing to me.

I gasped. “What happened? Are you okay?”

"No..." Xstep replied, staring at the floor. "I'm not okay..."

"What happened?" I repeated, this time softer than before. "Did anyone hurt you?"

"Should I tell you?" Xstep murmured. "Are you going to help me?"

I nodded. "Tell me. I'll see what I can do."

This seemed to send Xstep back to hysterics. I flinched again, not quite knowing what to do. Thankfully, just then, Xstep started to speak again.

"I...It's Clutterfunk... she's..." Xstep gasped.

"Calm down. It's okay." I reassured him. "What about her?"

"It's been going... a long time... now," Xstep told me. "Today... was the worst..."

"What's been going a long time? What happened today?"

"The bullying." Xstep whispered. "Clutterfunk bullies me."


"Clutterfunk?" I asked. "I thought-"

"You thought... what?" Xstep's eyes widened, fearful and pleading.

"It's just that... she told me..." I stuttered. Was it all a lie?

Xstep looked like he was about to burst into pieces.
"What did she... tell you..." his voice trailed off. "No... she didn't..."

My heart sank. How could I have been so oblivious? I thought.

As if reading my thoughts, Xstep slowly lowered his gaze. "That absolute sneak..." he whispered. "She not only hounds me every day... she dares lie to my most trusted adult..."

"I didn't know..." I said.

In hindsight, it was glaringly obvious. Clutterfunk was hostile to almost everybody, including the teachers. During all our meetings, she was always nearly emotionless, her face a blank apathy. During the last meeting, she too showed nearly no emotion, in contrast to Xstep's hysterics, the sign of a truly distressed child.

To think, a girl reportedly so aggressive, could show so little emotion. I should have seen it sooner.

"But how? Didn't you see how she treats her classmates? Didn't you see how she screams and shouts and blames all of them?"

I nodded. "Yes... I see now."

"Thanks for believing me..." Xstep replied, sparks of confidence returning to his eyes. "I knew you would be the one to trust me..."

"It's okay. You're safe now." I reassured Xstep. "I won't make the same mistake again." I'll make sure of it.

"Promise?" Xstep asked.



- Clutterfunk PoV -

*the next day, at the end of school*

"Clutterfunk, come to my office. Again. And you better have a good explanation for what you've done."

I flinched. I certainly didn't do anything this time, I was sure of that. However, seeing the look of fury on Robtop's face, I figuratively bit my tongue to stop myself from babbling again. I silently nodded, before hurriedly shoving my books in my bag.

"Follow me." Robtop instructed. I did so without hesitation.

Robtop led me all the way to his office. When we were settled inside his office, he cleared his desk and turned to me.

"Clutterfunk. You were last in here a week ago, am I right?"

I nodded, still confused.

"And was there any point during that meeting, that you were not completely honest with me?"

I flinched. How did he know about the project?

Robtop's face darkened. "Don't even try to cover your tracks at this point. No amount of justification can save you from your actions."

My jaw dropped. Me? What I did? What- huh?

"Does my trust mean nothing to you?" Robtop whispered dangerously. "Is it a game? Something that you can test indefinitely?"

At that sentence, my already fractured mind finally collapsed into pieces. This can't be real, I thought. Robtop must be joking. However, at the sight of the anger-flushed face before me, I decided to keep my suspicions to myself.

", sir." I murmured. "It is not."

"See that it won't ever be." Robtop stated. "Out. Now."

"Thank you." I turned and left for the door.

On the way home, I tried to understand what had just happened. A few days ago, Robtop had said he trusted me, that he knew what I'd gone through. Now, he claims I lied to him about Xstep.

But is he really wrong? I thought to myself. Maybe there was something I didn't see. After all, Robtop wouldn't turn on me without good reason.

Maybe I was the one in the wrong... If I was, it meant that I needed to apologise to Xstep. After all,  what I'd said could have ended up seriously damaging Xstep's reputation in the class, too.

I vowed to get back home quickly, to make right what was wrong. Hopefully, Xstep will forgive me...


- Xstep PoV -

When Clutterfunk came back, I was half expecting for her to start shouting at me. However, what she ended up doing was way better.

The moment she returned to the apartment, she ran up to me and started to apologise, again, about what she told Robtop.

I was definitely shocked, but I didn't show it. I just let her think what she already did - that I was indeed disappointed in her.

When she finally stopped talking, I put a hand on her shoulder. This action made her flinch, but I paid it no mind.

"It's okay, Clutterfunk. At least you know now, right? That I would never do such things to you?" I reassured her. She nodded.



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