Chapter 28

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 - POV Paul McCartney -

I walk towards George’s house. I really hope he’s there. Otherwise.. I have no idea where he could have been. It’s day so he won’t ever go outside anyway. Anyway as long as he doesn’t want to feel pain or death..

I shake my head quickly “Shut up.” I whisper to myself.

Of course George doesn’t want to die. He can handle this. Anyway it goes better than in the begin.

I’m close to George’s house. It seems dark inside. I can understand why but this is pretty dark this time…

I knock on the door after looking through the windows. It’s empty.

I get a cold shiver down my spine. This doesn’t feel good. I think where the hell is George. He can’t go that far.. Can he? Well.. He’s a vampire. They have a talent to be very fast. Faster than light. So.. He actually can even be in America.. God.. This isn’t good and John won’t like this. John.. My eyes fill again with tears.. John’s dying in about a month… There should be something to stop this. I can’t let John die. He’s my brother. Actually all of them are like brothers for me.

I sigh and turn. I leave George house behind and walk back to the hospital. I should tell this to John.. I should tell him that George isn’t home.

How more I think about them how more I start to worry about everyone. I’m the only one left who has no illness or pain..

What if Ringo doesn’t wake up out of his coma.. As John dies.. as George get into a jail because of killing people by drinking their blood.  Useless.. I can’t do anything to help them. I wish this all didn’t happen to them.

I want to make music like in the old days. That’s been a great time.

I’m walking back to the hospital. Wondering how far I’ve been walking by just being lost in thoughts.

I think back about when we were touring… It’s so sad we had to quit it that quick.. It’s been George’s fault. Otherwise was this the biggest tour we have ever done. I loved it. I really, really loved it. It was about to be our biggest tour we’ve ever been in. But then… We had to quit it.

I walk into the hospital. A lot of people are in. I wonder if something has happened… I walk to John’s room and knock on the door. Then walk in. I look at John who’s peaceful sleeping. I walk to his bed and put the blanket on him. Cause sleeping it fell on the ground.

John grabs it and teddy-bears it.

I smile. I note down on a paper that I couldn’t find George.

I leave the room and go to Ringo. Just looking if he’s awake or not.

His room is next John’s. I should ask if they can be in the same room. They’re friends. I bet John wants to see Ringo. And if Ringo wakes up and I’m not there he still would have John with him.

I open the door and see Ringo, still in coma but moving a finger. I walk over to him.

“Hey Ringo.. It’s me Paul…” I start to speak to him. I don’t know if he can hear me and actually it’s very awkward to talk to someone who doesn’t reply.

Ringo is just moving a finger in his coma.

“You will wake up soon.” I say to him. I sit down next his bed and look at his shut eyes. “John’s also in the hospital mate.. Next your room. You know cause his weakness. He’s alright.” I say. I actually lie. But I don’t want him to worry if he can’t wake up. It will give panic to him.

“I think you will wake up soon. But now it’s not the time for it.” I can see him trying by the way he tries to move his finger further. When I said my last words he stops moving his finger. “Just sleep.” I say. “I’ve to go home.” I say. I feel pointless here.. I can’t do anything for Ringo. It’s heartbreaking. Also for John, And I don’t even think I can’t do anything for George. He’s lost.. He can be everywhere. Maybe he got even wings!

Can vampires fly?

I shake my head. I can’t imagine George flying around like a bird.

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