Chancing upon

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The group of students, which had been 'Enigmas,' were escorted inside carefully by Professor Heathens. She gave a strict glance at the students, made them break off and turn away. Except for William, who was at his dreamy phase again, and Jake, who froze in the spot at the sight of them. One of the Enigmas had got away, now approaching the group with mild menace. Somehow, the boys Jake had just met sat more stiffly when he was coming towards them. Johnny yelled at William for pulling his arm too hard, but then was interrupted when the Enigma asked them casually. "Can I sit here?"
       A moment of silence. The person repeated, "Could I sit here?"
       Still no response. They glanced at each other anxiously. Johnny spoke up at last. "Well, I'm not sure if we have any blank seats left or not —"
       "There it is." The other pointed at the seat beside Jake. He swallowed to hide his edginess. "May I sit? Now?"
       William turned in Jake's direction. Jake silently looked back at him, pleaded his friend with his eyes. The boy just smiled mildly; his eyes didn't dare to tell him anything. Then Jake turned towards others, but they were surely not much of help: Benjamin was humming — he had finished eating; Ben and Daniel Choi were bickering around while another Choi, Steve, was staring affectionately at Terry Kang, which gave him a hint of blush on his face; then there was a nauseous Jay Park at the sight of Johnny being interrupted, still Jake didn't think Jay would help him in this situation. He gazed back at the Enigma with a golden badge and Johnny Yang hopelessly.
       "I s'pose that's my seat." A female voice with a very thick accent said. The Enigma turned at where the voice appeared.
       It was a girl with big brown eyes, auburn-coloured curly hair. She wasn't particularly tall for her age, as she was a bronze holder, but she'd got that menacing glare. Sadly, it didn't work for the person she was talking to, but at least, he had shown a sign of retreat. He gazed at the boys, and Jake had a feeling that the other's eyes was piercing on him. Next, he turned at the girl, smiling mysteriously, "I deeply apologise, then. I may leave for now."
       As he bade goodbye, his badge had fallen out of his blazer. Before the girl went to sit beside him, Jake had stood up, pick up the golden badge, which gleamed 'Lee, Ethan,' then approached the other with a "Hey, you've dropped your badge!"
       The other didn't really seem to notice, so Jake ran up to him, grabbed his wrist. At the very moment, something happened. He could hear his mind screaming, his visions blurred, his body trembling. He saw things: scenes of people surrounding him, crying; scenes of him writhing in pain; scenes of them grinning at each other, then diving in for a kiss; scenes they gave each other their promise, the rings shone brightly. Lastly, a scene he couldn't make out, which made him blushed really hard. He stood there for a while; his mind completely blank. Then, someone tapped his shoulder. Jake looked up.
       A pair of doe-like eyes was staring back at him deeply. Those eyes, to him, were mesmerizing. He was stunned. It seemed like everything had stopped. His grip tightened; his nails appeared to have dug in the other's wrist, so he was trying to resist the pain — Jake could see it really clearly. 
       "Uh — you good?" Ethan asked.
       Jake had come back to reality. "Oh — I'm sorry! — I just — thought you've dropped your badge s — so. . ." He broke off suddenly.
       The girl had stepped between them. "I think you can leave now, thank you Eth — Lee."
       Ethan nodded curtly. As he turned his back at them, the girl gestured him to go back to their seats. He followed her.

"And that, is what happened." Jake told them.
       William made a dramatic gasp. Johnny, along with the three Chois and Terry, shrugged. Benjamin and Jay exchanged bored looks. Meanwhile, the only girl stated, really proudly. "It was I who saved him twice. He should thank me for this."
       Everyone glared at her. Then, they roared loudly with laughter, drowned away the question "Why are you laughing?!" in high–pitched voice. Jake just let out a timid chuckle. Next, they all turned at her, curious about her identity.
       "Bronze holder, that's me." She side–eyed Noah and Johnny derisively, "and by the way, Danielle Marsh. A cousin of —" she paused, "— Jay Park." she added.
       Widened eyes turned swiftly at the mentioned. He shrugged vaguely. Jake had eaten two chicken legs and now was all in for egg fried rice with sliced cucumbers until he noticed the awkward ambience when Danielle confirmed herself as Jay's cousin. He gobbled down two–thirds of the dish and asked innocently, "What's with the atmosphere?"
       Everyone choked on their foods. Danielle coughed, which was actually to hide a snigger. Then, after a moment, she finished all the dishes. She gazed at Jake; her eyes darted everywhere to scan his facial features, finally stopping at his birthmark near his scent gland.
       "That Ethan is creepy, I should say," Daniel Choi spoke up finally, "Been with him since he carried the bronze. Kept stealing glances at everyone at everywhere, freak." He spat.
       Ben Choi rolled his eyes mockingly, "Oh yes, he's scary alright." he winked at Jake, whispered, "Still find him charming though."
       Terry Kang pinched his leg, made him howled "Oww!" loudly. Ben glared at the other, then at Steve Choi, "Steve, control yours! He's abusive as fu —" he was slapped hard in the face by Danielle. Daniel had to bow really low at her before sitting back down again. Right after that, the security guard approached them to remind them about the time to leave Main Hall. Jake bade goodbye to them, then he went back to his room.


It was dawn. A loud sound echoed inside Room 409 was shut immediately down. Jake waved his hand faintly in the air. He got to his feet, walking with his half–closed eyes to the bathroom. In the mirror, he glimpsed a fabulous flaming red-haired boy with his face but emerald eyes, then snapped back to reality with his usual shabby blonde hair and panda eyes. Jake rubbed his eyes roughly, "I've been seeing illusions these days," he thought, "what's up with me?" After a brief pause, he started his morning routine.
       His phone made a sound. His mother had sent him a message: Any news from your aunt? She disappeared near here. But Jake just ignored it. He needed to focus on something else.
       No schedule meant he needed to borrow somebody else's, yet he didn't really know how to, as he was not that sociable. Nevertheless, this was for his own good, so he'd got to try. Jake left his room, decided to choose a random room for a bet. So, he skidded along the corridors, then stopped at a quite fanciable room door. He knocked on it.
       "Who's there?" a light voice echoed out. "It's Jake Sim from Room 409." Jake responded.
       There was a pause. The door clicked open, and there stood William Kim already in his neat uniform blazer and shirt; his badge stayed steadily on it. He was grinning more broadly than ever. Jake answered that smile and was instantly dragged in by William.
       "Well," he started with his admirable dreamy voice, "what are you here for huh?"
       Jake stared down, embarrassed, "I. . . didn't get my schedule."
       They gazed merrily at each other. William caught it immediately.  
       "That's what you got for that." he shrugged. "Professors really want their students to be punctual."
"I can see that." Jake smiled sadly; his eyes still glued on the floor. When he raised his head, his eyes gave him a glimpse of someone else again, just like back in his room: instead of a bubbly pink–haired William, he saw the very same face but paler with glamorous blonde hair and golden eyes. It stayed for a moment, then shifted away from his sight. Obviously, William didn't see it, as he tilted his head curiously at Jake's expression of mild bewilderment. All of sudden, he stood up aggressively which made the other jump. 
       "I think we should get going for now." he stated, his voice trembling, "Can I have a look at the schedule?"  

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