(10) Jared

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"FUCK YOU!" Connor slammed the door shut.

"J-jared a-are y-y-you okay?" Evan asked me.

I felt tears go down my cheeks. You're probably wondering what's going on right now. Am I breaking the fourth wall? Yes. Yes I am.

Let me tell you how this happened. It started about an hour or two ago.

A few hours earlier

After Connor and I went to the tree house we walked over to the park, and got on the swings. Sure it had hurt a little from the cuffs, but it was still fun in a weird way.

"You were always the quiet one you know." I heard Connor mumble as he looked up to the dark sky. We had spent a lot of hours at the tree house. When we left the sun was going down.

"What do you mean quiet?" I asked in disbelief. I'm never quiet... Most of the time.

"Back in elementary school." Connor replied. "You were way different from now. Wait no you weren't."

"True. I was bit of a chatter box wasn't I?" I laughed.

"You still are, but when we were younger you kept to yourself a lot." Connor stated. "Hey... Jared are we like friends now?"

I looked at him for a second. He was still looking at the sky as the snow fell a little. His nose was red from the cold... So was his cheeks. I had to admit. He did look kind of cute.

"I don't know Murphy." I start. "Where's my friendship bracelet? And I mean a real one not these handcuffs Evan gave us." I say in a joking manner.

Connor fakes a gasp. "Om like g we need to get like matching ones like asap!" He says sarcastically in a high pitched voice.

"Like with our like names on them." I say in a high pitch voice as well. "Plus like with glittery hearts."

"So many hearts." Connor stops for a moment. "And unicorns." He says in his normal voice.

"Yeah." I agreed. We both started laughing. I looked up at the sky, and snow fell onto my glasses. "Hey Murphy?"

"Yeah?" He asked me.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?"  I asked him. I felt the tips of my ears heat up.

"Yep." He answers. I blink. My heart beats quickly. What's this feeling? I'm cold, and yet burning up... Shit i have the flu don't I? "What about you?" He asks as he pokes my cheek to annoy me I'm guessing.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered. Oh no I stuttered. Wait why did I say yeah?! I don't have a crush! Do I?

Connor fake gasps again. "Did the insanely cool Jared Kleinman just stutter?"

"Sh-shut up Murphy!" I stuttered again, and felt my cheeks heat up.

"So who's this crush of yours?" Connor asked. A smirk played its way onto his lips.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked him.

"Well we're technically friends now." He shrugs.

"True, but it's a secret." I state.

"Awe come on!" He fake whines. "Why is it such a big secret?"

"Because I know they won't like me back." I tell him. It's true. He won't.

"Well tell me this. Is it a girl or a guy?" He asks me. "And don't even think about lying."

Am I really about to come out to Connor Murphy? Yes. Yes I am. "It's a guy." I looked down at my lap as I rock on the swing.

"So you're?" He starts, but I cut him off.

"Gay? Yeah." I replied. "I should probably tell my mom and old man."

"Yeah..." He says. "Dif you tell anyone else yet?"

"Nope. Only you... So far anyway. My mom most likely won't mind... My dad though..." I stopped. I should I tell him what goes on at home? No. It's non of his business.

"Yeah... We should probably go back to your house." I nodded, and we started walking back. Evan was on the front porch. "Hey Evan."

"Guy's they found Jeremy." He told us.

"Wait really?" I asked, and he nodded. "Where was he?"

"Jared... He was with your cousin..." Oh no. "Did you know he was capable of something so bad?"

Connor looked at me, and then at Evan. "Capable of what?"

"JD almost killed him because what Jeremy and Michael did at my tree wedding." Evan explained.

I opened my front door, and walked up to my room. Connor was dragged along with me. Evan followed close behind.

I walked into my room. "He did what?" Connor finally asked.

"JD almost killed Jer-" I cut Evan off.

"Evan please... Lets not talk about that." Evan nodded, and took something out of his pocket. It was a key. "Evan what..?"

"I found the key to the handcuffs." He smiled, and unlocked our cuffs. I rubbed my wrist.

Connor did the same to his. "Yes! My hand is free." He laughs. He looks at me. "But really Jared is your cousin really that fucking crazy?"

"...." I looked at him. All the blood draining from my face. "Connor can we not talk about Jason." I stated more than questioned.

"I mean really your cousin is fucking insane Jared. Has he ever tried hurting you or anything?" He asked, and instantly memories filled my head. "He most likely didn't. You guys are family."

"Connor fuck off." I ordered. "You don't fucking anything."

"Jared? What's wrong I was only kidding." Connor stated.

"I don't fucking care Murphy." I hissed at him. "Het the fuck out of my fucking house!"

"What the fuck it wrong with you?! You were fine a few minuets ago!" He yelled back.

"I fucking hate you!"

Back to the present

And thats when you guys came in. "Evan please leave." I told him. "I need s-some t-time to my-myself." I stuttered as the tears fell.

Evan nodded, and left. I laid down on my bed, and cried. I just kept crying. Connor doesn't know anything. He won't know anything. I won't tell him at all.

I wiped away my tears, and opened my desk. I looked at the razors in it. I saw the dry blood. I closed it. Not today.

I went to sleep.

Dream~ (no one's POV)

Jared looked at the boy in his lap. The boy had been crying. "What's wrong Frank?" He asked the five year old.

"Th-the o-other kids make fun m-me because I-i ha-have two daddies." The five year old cried.

"Aw would some cookies make you feel better?" The five year old quickly nodded.

Frank Mikey Aaron Kleinphy was the kids name. He had short wavy brown hair, blue and brown eyes, and glasses. He was wearing a black hoodie, and grey jeans. His last name is a mix of his two father's last names.

The two walked into the kitchen to see Frank's other father was taking cookies out of the oven. "Hey Connor."

"Hey Jared. Hey Frank." Connor smiled at the two.

Next to Connor was Evan's son Birch. "Uncle Con Con I'm thirsty." Birch stated.

Dream is over

Jared woke up wondering what the hell that dream was about. Little did he know Connor had the same dream.

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