(16) Connor

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I sat down in a chair that was next to the bed. I took his hand in mine, and squeezed it a little. This is all my fault.

"Let go of my son's hand." I looked up to see Kane in the doorway. "I wasn't joking before. I don't want you to be around my son."

"Look Mr-" Kane puts a hand up for me to stop talking.

"Murphy get out before I make you." He ordered, and I slowly looked up.


"What was that boy?"

"I said no." I repeated as I stood my ground. "I'm not going to leave him when he needs me the most. He cares for me, and I care for him. I love him in fact, and I know for a fact he loves me too."

Kane just stood there until Mary called for him. I sat back down just now realizing that I stood up to Jared's dad. I took Jared's hand in mine again. I closed my eyes trying not to cry. "Connor, lovin' the new hair length, very school shooter chic."

I quickly opened my eyes to see Jared awake. "Jared." I smiled softly. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Oh did I?" He chuckled as he tried to sit up. "What happened anyway?"

"You got hit by a truck." Jared and I looked at the door to see the doctor from before. "Jared Kleinmen?"

"Yes?" Jared questioned.

"For the next few days I want you to rest and take it easy. You can go home tomorrow morning." The doctor stated. "I'll go tell your parents that you're awake."

Jared stiffened a little. "Connor." I turned to Jared to see he was looking at his lap. "Never told anyone this before, but... I'm scared of my father."

I could see the pain flash in his eyes. "Jared what did your dad do to you?"

"Nothing really... He just think less than me, and says I'm not a good son." Jared stated. "I'm afraid that I might turn out like him."

"Jared you will never be like him. Unlike him you actually have a heart." I toll him as Mary walked in hugging Jared.

"My baby boy is alright!" Mary cried, and Jared tried to hug back. "What were you thinking?! Didn't you see that truck!? I thought I lost you!"

"I'm alright ma." Jared smiled.

"You better be!" Mary sat in a chair, and looked at me. "I always knew you were a good guy Connor. I'm happy Jared has you as a friend."

"Boyfriend." Jared corrected. Did I hear him right? Did he say boyfriend?

"What was that dear?" Mary asked.

"I said boyfriend ma." Jared's voice cracked a little.

I looked at Mary to see her reaction. At first she looked confused, but then she started smiling brightly. "I always wanted a gay son."

"Oh jeez ma!" Jared hid his face in a pillow.

Few years Later

"Connor Murphy you get your ass out here right now!" I heard my 'loving' husband call me from outside.

I grabbed the diaper bag, and rushed out the front door. Today was the day I was going to be a father. "I can't believe this."

"Believe it because today we are going to be proud parents, and adopt a baby." Jared stated. He started the car, and we were on our way to pick up the kid.

I'm so excited. Will we adopt a boy or girl? Blonde? Brunette? Red head? Oh I don't fucking know! Jared soon parked the car, and we got out. Here goes nothing.

Few days later

"Connor he wont stop crying." Jared whined as e was holding our son, Frank. Frank Mikey Aaron Kleinphy. His last name is a mash up of our own. He had brown hair, pale skin, blue and brown eyes. Like me.

We knew instantly Frank was meant to be our kid.

Few months Later

"Ma-" Frank was in Jared's arms about to say his first words. "Ma-"

"Mama?" I chuckles questioningly.

"Mama." Frank repeated, and Jared and I smiled. "Mama we all go to hell."

"Dammit Connor." He mumbled.

"Well mama we're all gonna die." I sang the next My Chemical Romance lyric. My baby was born to be emo. I'm so proud.

The End

Check out the sequel; Love Thy Emo.

It's the love story between Connor's and Jared's son and Evan's son. So a love story between Frank Kleinphy and Birch Hansen.

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