(9) Connor

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I feel like Jared isn't telling me something. I mean I kinda understand why. We're not really close friends... Does even count me as a friend at this moment?

Jared soon starts snoring softly. He fell back to sleep. I looked at him, ad smiled softly. How can he be so annoying when he's awake, but so peaceful when he sleeps.

I looked at the ceiling. Do I maybe like Jared? Of course not!!

I let put a small sigh. I soon fall asleep myself.

~Next Morning because Author-chan is lazy~

I woke up to Jared shaking me. "Connor!"

"Whaaaaaaat?!" I yell at him.

"School is closed for a few weeks!" He explained with a wide grin.

"Uh why?" I asked him. We were supposed to go back today from a Thanksgiving/fall break.

"One you need to look outside, and two something about the school almost being taken over by something, and the students being forced to be some computer's slaves." He explained and i was confused. (Just go along with this)

"What?" I asked him.

"It snowed a lot last night." He explained.

"Oh." We got up, got dressed, and headed downstairs. I noticed Jared mom sitting in the kitchen talking to who I'm guessing is Jared's dad.

"Good morning Jared." Mary smiled, and then looked at me. "Good morning Connor."

"Morning mom." Jared smiled at his mom, and in a way glared at his dad. "Morning Dad."

"Morning Jared." His dad told him.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs. Kleinman." I greet them both with a smile, and jared drags me out of the house before they could say a word. "Ow my wrist!"

"Hey you should be glad I got us out of there before Kane said anything to you!" Jared yelled.

"Why w-" I was cut off by Jared running over to Evan's house. "Fuck my wrist!"

We walked up to Evan's house. Jared knocked on the door, and Evan opened. "H-hey g-g-guys." Evan greeted us. "Wh-what's up?"

"You want to hang out with us?" Jared asked him. Evan shook his head no. "What? Why?"

"I-i g-got to help M-Michael." He explained. "Jer-Jeremy is mi-missing."

"Oh." Jared said with understanding. "Well call us him you need help." Evan nodded.

After that the two of us just started walking to a random place. "So what are we going to do?" I asked not really caring.

Jared shrugged, and looked in random directions. I'm guessing to look for something to do. He stopped when he looked at the woods. "I have an idea."

I looked at him questioningly. We started walking into the woods. Is he going to kill me!? "Where are we going?" I tried to hide the fact that I was scared that he might kill me.

"I want to show you something." He told me with a small smile. We kept walking, and walking, and walking, and walking, and wa- you get the point.

We just kept walking until Jared stopped. I looked at him confused. What does he want to show me?

Please be a vampire. Please be a vampire. Please be a vampire.

"Look up." He pointed to a certain tree. Coming down from the tree was a rope ladder. I looked back at him confused. This looks like something Evan would show me. Not Jared.

"What is it?" I asked him a little confused.

"It's a treehouse duh." He told me, and we started climbing up. It was a little hard at first because the handcuffs.

We get to the top, and I look around the treehouse. "Wow." Was the only thing I could say.

There was bing bag chairs, a cooler, a pool table!? How did he even get that up here?!

"Yep." Jared stated. "Wow is correct. My mom, and I built this when I was younger." He told me.

~Two hours later~

"What about the part were Frank tried to climb into the casket? That was so funny!" Jared stated. He was talking about a funny My Chemical Romance video. In it they were basically thanking some people who help out with a music video, and there was casket behind them. At one point Frank Iero was trying to get in it, but he had two problems.

One he was to short, and two Ray Toro pulled him back.

"It was funny." I agreed with him.

Jared chuckled. "Yeah.... I know this is going to sound weird, but what would you name your first kid?"

"Huh that actually isn't that weird." I told him. "But I'd probably call it Frank if it's a boy, and Anna if it's a girl." I told him.

"Okay I can tell you'd got Frank from Frank Iero, but Anna?" He asked me.

"As in Anna Blue." I told him. "What about you?" I asked him.

"Aaron and Eliza." He answered. I rolled my eyes. "What?"

"Really?" He nodded. "Whatever you say." I chuckle.

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