Thirty Two

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Jasmine 💕

Me, Teo, Arianna, and Audrey are getting ready to go to the mall soon. I'm in my room and I just got finished getting dressed when I got a text from Nick.

Nick: Hey Jas, wyd

I smiled getting ready to text back.

Jasmine: Getting ready to go to the mall

Nick: can I come?

I gasped, of course he can come! But wait- I have to see how Ari feels about it. I facetimed her and she answered on the second ring.

Ari: hey girl!

Jasmine: guess what!

Ari: what?

Jasmine: Nick just asked to come to the mall with us! I just wanted to see if you were okay with it

Ari: of course! Invite him

Jasmine: Okay! I'll call you when we're on our way.

I hung up texted Nick and told him to meet us at the mall at one. I smiled widely and sprayed on my favorite perfume and I fixed my hair doing some poses in the mirror. I laughed and walked out of my room heading downstairs.

Teo: took long enough

Jasmine: uh, my bad

Dad grabbed his keys and we headed out of the door. I facetimed Ari as we walked out the house.

Jasmine: We're on our way

Ari: Okay, text me when you're outside

Jasmine: Okay

My phone dinged and it was a text from Nick.

Nick: I'm bringing my bestfriend for Ari

I giggled and responded.

Jasmine: Oh okay, what's his name?

Nick: Jay

Jasmine: Jay...

Nick: It's Jason but he likes to be called Jay

Jasmine: oh okay well we're on our way so see you there!

We arrived at Ari and Audrey's house and they got in the car.

Audrey: hey Teo!

Teo's eyes were glued to his phone.

Teo: Hey Ari, hey Audrey

Audrey: What are you doing?

Teo: texting this one girl

Audrey rolled her eyes.

Audrey: What's her name

Teo: Jade why?

Audrey: Does she go to our school?

Teo: Nope. She lives in Atlanta

Dad: Dang Teo you got a Atlanta girl?

Teo: Yup

Audrey sat back with her arms crossed.

Jasmine: Guess what Ari

Ari: What?

I whispered in her ear.

Jasmine: Nick said he's bringing his bestfriend, Jay, for you

She smiled.

Ari: I know who he's talking about, we have third period together

I smiled. Talking out loud now.

Jasmine: he's cute?

Ari: very

We both giggled.

Jasmine: okay I see you girl, make some shake!

Dad: make some shake? the hell

Jasmine: shhhh be quiet dad, grown folks are talking

Dad: yeah ight

We got to the mall and met Jay and Nick at the food court. Teo dapped Nick and Jay up.

Jay: Hey Ariana

Me and Nick smile at how cute they are.

Ari: Hey Jay

They hug. Me and Nick hug too but a little longer than they do.

Teo: Is there something going on here?

Jasmine: I'm hungryyyy

Ari: same

Nick: What y'all hungry asses want?

Jasmine: Sushi!!

Nick: ewww I don't know why you like that stuff

Ari: right sushi is nasty

Jay: it really is

Jasmine: y'all just haven't had the right kind!

Audrey: right sushi is good

Teo: I never had it so imma stick to what I know.

Jay: Okay how about Jas and Audrey get sushi and we get chick fil a

Jasmine: ouuu I want some chicken filled a!

Nick: pick one

Jasmine: share yours with me pleaaaaaase

Nick: fine

We walked over to the sushi bar first.

Lady: What would you like?

Jasmine: 20 shrimp tempura rolls please

Teo: dang Jasmine

Nick: right

Audrey ordered the same thing and we walked to chick fil a while we were waiting for it.

After we got our food we sat down at a table.

Jasmine this is my first time sitting down and eating at a mall

Nick put his arm around me and my whole face started turning red.

Audrey: aweee look how red her face is!

They all started laughing.

When we got done eating we started walking through the mall.

Audrey: Pink!

Jasmine: yessir!

Teo: I'm not going in there

Audrey: come on guys

Nick: I'll go in for Jassy

Jay: I'll go in for Ari

Teo: fineeee

We all walked in and started looking around

Jasmine: how does this smell?

I sprayed perfume all over Nick.

He started coughing and fanning the air.

Nick: spray something on me again lil girl and it's gonna be a problem

Jasmine: I'm sorry

Nick: and isn't this the one you have on?

Jasmine: aweee you noticed

Nick: it smells really good

Ari: Which lipgloss should I get? the mint one, or the glitter one

Jay: the glittery mint one duhh

Arianna giggled.

Jay: you got some fine ass lips

Jay gently grabbed her chin and started pulling it towards his face until their lips connected and they gave each other a peck.

Jasmine: kind of soon for all that, eh?

Jay: we were just in the moment

Ari: yeah *giggle*

We bought our stuff and left. We shopped a little bit more and we were ready to go. As we were walking out the door these girls were screaming and stopped us.

Girl: OMG! is that Teo.. and Nick! And Jasmine!

Jasmine: Nick you're famous?

Nick: I dance

Jasmine: word?

We took a few pictures with them.

Girl: Are you guys dating?

Nick: nice to meet you guys, but we have to go

Girls: Bye!

When we walked out the mall I slapped Nick.

Jasmine: how come you never told me you dance

Nick: it never came up

He laughed.

Jasmine: stop laughing!

I hit him again and he grabbed my arms.

Nick: hit me again and we're gonna have a problem

Audrey: Mateo... it feels like we barely talk anymore

Teo: My bad

Audrey: you're supposed to be my best friend

teo: I am your best friend

Audrey: then act like it!

Okay so OBVIOUSLY Audrey likes Teo. But he's talking to that Jade girl. After we left the mall everyone came over to our house and chilled and left at 10.

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