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We live in an apartment. It's a two bedroom apartment at that. My mom, who is 3 months pregnant with another girl and my dad share a room and me Mateo and Ayo share the other room.

We live on the third floor of the apartment and there is an elevator that doesn't always work and stairs that are usually crowded because people don't wanna risk getting stuck in the elevator.

My mom and dad argue a lot. And I mean a lot. They come home from work argue, before bed they argue, at dinner sometimes the argue it's like when does it end.

But right now we're in our small living room and I'm about to go to school.

I asked my mom who's name is Jayla to sign my paper for school.

Jayla: Ayo sign your sisters paper

She always made him do it. I never knew why.

Ayo: okay come on I don't want you to be late

Jayla: okay guys I'm going to work Jasmine have a good day at school

Jasmine: okay have a good day at work

Me and Ayo left and walked downstairs and out of the apartment. It's trash on our streets and no one even tries to pick it up.

We were about to walk past a crack head. They always creeped me out.

Crackhead: you got a dollarrrrr?

Ayo: no sir

We kept walking. We walked underneath a tunnel and my bestfriend I met at school was spraying graffiti all over it.

Woman: hey stop it!

He ran over to us his name is Tyrone.

Tyrone: mannn she juh racist ain't she

Jasmine: she's black too though

Tyrone: Man whatever ma I think you need to hang with me tonight

I looked at Ayo then back at him.

I whispered to him so only me him and Ayo could hear.

Jasmine: you selling tonight ain't you

Tyrone: yeah

Jasmine: then no

Tyrone: I do this all the time and I don't get caught bae

Who is his bae?

Jasmine: I already told you I don't wanna do that type of stuff

Tyrone: awe I understand boo

Jasmine: listen I'm not your boo and I'm not your bae

Tyrone: I'm sorry but for real you know I love you if you ever need anything I got you

Jasmine: okay thanks

I know Tyrone's whole family. His family is wealthy because they all sell drugs.

When I go around his family they always offer me food and give me stuff and treat me like their own.

We stopped in front of the school.

Ayo: go get that education girl

Jasmine: ight bet

Ayo: bet love you

Jasmine: love you too

I went into the school. Math is the class I'm struggling with the most.

Teacher: so what is the biggest number on this chart? Hmm Jasmine

Jasmine: my hand wast up

Teacher: well just answer it

Jasmine: umm.. Atlanta?

Everybody laughed.

He called on a different person. When the class was over I went to my favorite teacher. I have her for reading.

Ms. Jackson: what's wrong

Jasmine: I'm not doing good in math

Ms. Jackson: be honest, do you study?

Jasmine: no but I never had to I always got good grades in math until this year

I'm in the 9th grade.

Ms. Jackson: you're gonna have to study

Jasmine: okay I will

Ms. Jackson: you wanna go to college right?

Jasmine: yes I wanna be the first person in my family to go but how am I supposed to pay for it

Ms. Jackson: money is no excuse

Jasmine: it is when you're me

Ms. Jackson: no it's not. Here's what I want you to do, I want you get a scholarship

Jasmine: what if I can't?

Ms. Jackson: if there's absolutely no way you can then I'll pay for you to go

Jasmine: are you serious?!

Ms. Jackson: yup. Get that education girl!

She high fives me and I ran out the school. I walked home and told Ayo and Teo and my mom and dad. They were all happy for me.

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