Hey guys mammal back here

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Hey ladies and gentlemen of Wattpad and my friends and followers of Wattpad too.

I have to do things lately so I'm busy making my vids on TikTok or YouTube channel so yeah if you want to find me on my TikTok account or YouTube channel tell me if you want to see my vids, I just made a new YouTube channel a back up channel. So if you want to follow me on my TikTok or both of TikTok and my YouTube channel too I'll tell you my uesernames of my TikTok account and my YouTube channel name too. I've been busy making my vids and talking to a girl I like very much on Wattpad, so plz understand that I'm busy in my life so I will have to update my older books sometime soon but I don't know what ones to update? Can you guys tell me what ones you miss reading? I'll work on them again if you tell me the ones you miss reading the most.

I was at my friends funeral three days ago so I'm still trying to get over his lost still but I do know he's in a better place now.

I've been talking to a girl I like on Wattpad. Not telling you guys who she is. But she'll now what I'm talking about.

My favourite writers on Wattpad is...
nerdygirl260 roboknightprime Artist_Mando
So plz go follow them on Wattpad plz and thanks.

I'm just so busy lately in my life because I'm having a hard time right now in my life, so many things are happening to me and my friends and family members. I lost a friend of mine since I knew when I was little. I'm going though hard about it still, so yeah. I mean we all lost someone people we loved in life but someone told me when someone leaves this earth a other person comes into this earth too. I'm just sorry I haven't been updating my books of Sabine and Ezra lately, like I said I'm very busy with my family and friends and my roommates too, so yeah life is a pain in the butt if you know what I mean.

So anyway ladies and gentlemen and my friends and followers on Wattpad I got to go now so yeah I hope you guys will tell me what old books you miss and want me to work on again soon.

And remember the force will always be with you all...


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