Review- How to Survive as An Uneducated Peculiar #2

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Okay, yay!
Now we're at chapter 2 of the MPHFPC fic by Fughbitch called Unnatural Green Eyes or something..

A wight, perhaps?

OH yay, it's MILLARD!
Ah, bae is starting this chapter.. :3 Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→

I have no idea how Calculus is like (I don't think my school teach those until I'm 17) ,but sounds like Math. Which is hell.

Though, it seems a bit unrealistic for Millard of all people to use "aka". I mean, sure he can pick up modern slangs fast and all..
You can change it to,

I sat down in AP Calculus BC (or, as Jacob said it, hell) next to Emily Williams (who was, more or less, the prettiest girl in school.)

♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆

"How are you today, Millard?" she asked.

I shuddered at the thought of Miss P having sex.
Don't worry, Mill, I shudder at the word "sex".

How bout Bronwyn?
She's still a virgin, right?
I ship you two!
MillWyn, kaboom!

I walked  to our picnic bench...

Oh, he's in middle school?
I'm honestly really confused about what age you will be in middle school, or in high school, or what grade, or what year in America...
In my country, you basically go to kindergarten (depends, 4 or 5 or 6) primary school at 7 (called Standard 1) until 12 (Standard 6). Then, to secondary school from 13 (Form 1) to 17 (Form 5). Form 6 (18-19) is optional.

Also, how does your new school semester start at the middle of the year?
We have a month and a week holiday in December and start a new year of school in January...


Horace, I TRUST YOU. Make sure it's good, you Lil cinnamon roll.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

"No way," I said.

Also, Millard noticed the girl's hair, but only knows the guy as "a boy".

Hey, I know this Natalie!
She's, uh... The sweet, innocent one?

Hey, Max Ericson!
Oh, uh... Let's remember, he's the indestructible one?

"Hi," the girl said. "I'm Natalie Maresco and this is Max Ericson. We're here to talk to you about Charlie Williams's Student Body President Campaign."

Charlie is the, uh... smart one who only Emily (and MILLARD, puh-lease)  can rival.

You can separate the sentence after the Campaign, to another paragraph.

Okay, I might be a little overreacting, (I wear coloured contacts myself) but when you went through what I did, all those things with the wights and the hollows, you wouldn't just brush them off. .......

"So we can count on your votes?" Natalie asked. We all mumbled yes.

"Great! Thanks!"
As they left, we stared at one another......

I think maybe Millard should said something about the boy but then I realised.... He's supposed to pay too much attention to the eyes, so it makes sense.

Damn, Jacob.
Seriously, dude?

"What?" he asked, his mouth stuffed.

I smacked my forehead, and sighed, "Her eyes, you imbecile! They weren't natural."

I'm surprised he called someone imbecile, but hey, it's such a grand word, it's totally Millard-like.

(I mean, it's better if he smacks Jake, but he isn't exactly the smacking people type... That's Emma or Enoch)

The idiot said though 😂😂
Replace the "." with a "," and "The" should be "the".

"You idiot! Don't you see? Her eyes are so clearly fake! She came to YOUR school after YOUR grandfather died, and she just came to this table, with a buffed up boy, might I add, that is full of peculiar children?" Enoch nearly shouted. "Are you really that dim?"

Jake, stop rolling your eyes, it's annoying all of us.
(insert rolling eyes)

"You all forgot one thing. She's just a girl, not some scary Wight."

Oh, Bird, he could be SUCH an idiot sometimes.

"Jacob, you dingus," Hugh said. "They can turn into anything, remember?"

"Oh," Jake said. "But I've known Max for years! He works at Smart Side. Natalie's brother works there too, and I've known HIM for years as well!"

Hmm.. I thought around a few weeks after Abe's death, he was went to Wales. I don't think it's enough even three months...
🤔 🤔

Fiona looked at him uncertainly, her eyebrows furrowed together.

Millard did it all. 😂
I think Emma would call her "Wyn" instead of "Wynnie".

"I guess you're right, Wyn," Emma said. "Sorry, Jake."
They all.......

Dispose the "now".
She waved at me. I waved and smiled back. I didn't know why, but there was just something about her that seemed almost... peculiar.

Ah, Millard is in love~

That's all for now:)
So far: 7.5/10.
Chapter 3 coming soon!

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