ii. nightfall

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IT WAS early in the day. The sun barely rose in the far sky, hidden behind clouds. Aurora, Cedric, and Amos were tired, but they were very excited for the day. They were on their way to attend the quidditch world cup.

They stopped where Mr. Weasley said to meet them and took a quick break. "Who do you think is going to win," Aurora asked Cedric.

"Dunno. I'm hoping the Irish so they can show Bulgaria who's boss! Bulgaria's team does have one of the best seekers, though."

Aurora looked at Cedric as he was observing the tree they stopped by. Cedric was very charming and loved getting into the tiniest bit of mischief. Aurora was charming as well and only got into mischief if it was with Cedric.

"Want to climb this tree with me while we wait for the others," Cedric asked with a smile. Aurora said with a smirk, "I knew you were going to ask that."

Before Cedric could say anything else, Aurora already started climbing the tree. Cedric was right behind her. She climbed onto a thick, sturdy branch and sat on it as she waited for Cedric to join.

"You really are the perfect person. You know that, right," Cedric asked as he sat next to her. "What's with the random compliment?"

"Just an observation. You're not the only one who can make them," Cedric said with a smirk. "If I liked boys, then I'd definitely date you in a heartbeat--that would make our parents very happy," Aurora stated with a laugh. Cedric laughed too.

He loved her, and she loved him. Cedric knew she wasn't into guys the more he got to know her. Sometimes he does wish she would like and date him, but he knows that's not her true self and would never force her into anything.

"Is there still not anyone you fancy at Hogwarts?" "Not really. Plus, they'd need your fine approval," Cedric said with honesty. "Is there anyone you fancy?"

Aurora turned to look straight ahead and think. "No one I can think of. You already know they'd need your approval too." She turned to look at him and smiled, which he gave one in return.

"Shh. I think I hear the others," Cedric whispered as they heard leaves crushing beneath walking feet. "Amos! How great it is to see you again," Mr. Weasley exclaimed as he walked up and shook Amos's hand. "You as well, Arthur."

"Ready to jump down," Aurora asked. "Sounds good. Same time?" She nodded before they jumped down together to reveal a shocked Mr. Weasley with the twins, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny behind him. "Nice to see you, kids, again," Mr. Weasley said as he smiled at them.

Ginny and Hermione glanced at each other with a smile when they saw Aurora and Cedric jump down from the tree. The twins, Harry, and Ron smiled at Aurora. She was a stunning girl with long hair that was always neat and put into a nice up-do if not down, and she was always well-dressed.

She easily noticed the boys gaping at her and smiled at them with a courteous nod. She believes she saw them blushing, but little did she know Hermione was as well.

Aurora glanced up at Cedric with a smirk on her face. "You'd be such a heartbreaker," Cedric joked. "Not so bad yourself," she joked back. "Ready, everyone," Arthur asked, looking around to make sure everyone was still somewhat alert and awake.

Cedric and Aurora started walking towards the portkey as Amos stayed behind to talk to the famous Harry Potter.

"He's so attractive," Ginny gleamed as she stared at Cedric ahead with Aurora. "Do you think they're a couple?" Fred and George overheard Ginny talking and decided to butt in.

"Believe us; they aren't. The same year, us and them," Fred answered. "They're best friends. Have been for a very long time. If she liked guys, I'm sure they'd probably have their first kid and be married by now," George added.

"You--you mean," Ginny silently asked, a bit dumbfounded. "I see nothing wrong with that. People are human, and they can love whoever they like," Hermione replied before the twins could.

"You're right about that, Hermione," Fred said, "But we definitely can't deny she's very attractive."

"I never said she wasn't," Hermione simply replied, a blush rising in her face. She was very relieved that Fred and George turned back around and didn't notice.

"How've you kids been this summer," Mr. Weasley asked as he caught up to Aurora and Cedric. "Very nice, thank you. How have you all been," Aurora replied, looking over at him.

"All good. I do wish Molly could've come with us, but it isn't really her thing. Is there a team you guys are hoping to win?"

"The Irish," replied Cedric, "Bulgaria has a great seeker and all, but the Irish never seem to disappoint me. They have a great team. What about you, Mr. Weasley?"

"I'm hoping for the Irish myself. Fred and George are too, but Ron wishes for Bulgaria. He loves their seeker Krum, thinks he's brilliant."

Up ahead they finally see the portkey. It was a very old and worn-out boot that sat at the top of the hill. "Alright, guys. That's it up ahead. Don't want to miss it," Mr. Weasley shouted out for everyone else to hear.

Aurora, Cedric, and Mr. Weasley were the first to reach it with the others not far behind. "Everyone gets ready," Mr. Weasley stated.

They all laid down on their bellies and grasped onto the boot. Aurora laid in-between Cedric and Hermione, who blushed slightly at the small contact between them.

"First time using a portkey," asked Aurora in a whisper towards Hermione. "It is."

"Don't worry at all. Just make sure you have a good grip and listen to them when they tell you to let go." Aurora turned away and looked back at Arthur and Amos. Hermione kept her eyes locked on Aurora and tried not to be noticeable.

"Three! Two! One," Mr. Weasley counted down before the portkey came to life and all of them were transporting. They spun around ferociously with colours flying around them. Some let out a giggle from the sensation they were feeling.

"Alright, everyone let go," Mr. Weasley shouted to everyone. "What," was heard from Hermione and others. "Let go!"

Everyone removed their hands from the portkey as they started to descend. Aurora, Cedric, Mr. Weasley, and Amos came down gracefully. They looked as though they were walking down invisible stairs. Unfortunately, the others were not so lucky; they fell onto the ground with a thud, which earned 'uhmpf's all around.

Cedric walked over to Harry and offered him a hand up. Aurora did the same with Hermione. Harry nodded at Cedric as a thank you, and Hermione softly said, "Thank you." Aurora smiled and replied, "No problem. Did the ground treat you okay?" Hermione lightly laughed at her joke. "I think it could work on it."

Aurora turned back around over to Cedric as they started walking into the campground. They all looked around, amazed at how many people were there.

There were muggles around, so any magic used in public was slightly forbidden unless the muggles didn't see anything or thought it was a magic trick of some sort.

"We'll meet you for the tournament in about an hour, Amos. We're going to get settled into our tent," said Mr. Weasley. "See you all later, Arthur. Come on, guys."

Aurora and Cedric followed Amos to their tent, which wasn't far from the others' tent. The others followed Mr. Weasley into their tent. It looked relatively small from the outside, but as soon as you stepped inside, it looked like a house with tent fabric for walls.


Night fell. Lights from the stadium were the main things illuminating the dark sky above and around it. Everyone met back together as planned at the entrance of the stadium.

Mr. Weasley handed each of them their tickets in case they needed to show proof at all further in the evening. Amos did the same with Cedric and Aurora.

Aurora glanced over to see the twins dressed up in Irish supporting gear and even the flag colours on their faces. "You guys got into the spirit," Aurora said to them.

"We got to support the team who's going to win unlike our brother, Ron," Fred replied. "We bet that the Irish will win, but Bulgaria will catch the snitch," added George.

"Cedric is positive the Irish will win as well. Either way, it will be an enjoyable game," Aurora stated.

They continued to walk through the crowded areas to their seats. People from all around were at the tournament, which was a great way for people of diverse backgrounds to enjoy a major event together in a fun way.

Hermione kept stealing glances at Aurora when she could; she was very intrigued by her, but she wasn't entirely sure why. Some of the group suddenly noticed Draco and his father, Lucius, on the floor below them.

The Malfoys walked up smugly, and Lucius arrogantly stated, "If it rains, you'll be the first to know." Both of them smirked as the others glared down at them.

"I hate how ignorant prats are always in power," Aurora whispered to Cedric. He nodded his head in agreement as he watched the awkward and awful tension between Arthur and Lucius.

"Father and I are in the Minister's box. My personal invitation from Cornelious Fudge himself," Draco bragged before his father knocked him in the gut with the top of his cane.

"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people." Hermione rolled her eyes at the Malfoys before they started to turn around to go to their spot.

"Because unlike them we actually are living beings with hearts," Cedric joked to Aurora in her ear, although it wasn't entirely a false statement. "Got that right. I don't think they're competent of being pleasant unless for personal gain," said Aurora back.

Lucius reached up with his cane and sunk the metal snake into Harry's jacket. Arthur put a protective arm on Harry as Lucius spoke.

"Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can." Lucius gave a small, quick smile as he lifted his cane away from Harry before walking away with Draco behind him.

"I wish something could be done about those Malfoys," Aurora told them. "They really are such awful people who only enjoy inflicting pain on others to better themselves."

"We can't disagree with you on that," Harry replied. "I wouldn't mind seeing them to Azkaban myself," he mumbled so no one outside the group could hear the comment. "Hopefully one day we see that, Harry," said Ron.

"Let's just enjoy the game, shall we," Hermione asked them with a soft smile. "Ah! Right here, we are. I knew these seats would be great to wait for," Arthur exclaimed so everyone could hear him over the music and the crowd cheering.

They were at the very top of the stadium looking down at all the other witches and wizards joined. There was a nice breeze in the air.

Members of the Irish team starting flying around the stadium and one flew right above their heads entering. "Yeah! Come on Irish," Fred and George shouted.

Aurora stood in between Cedric and the twins. Cedric was very excited for the game, but he never got into shouting for his team unless he got a random urge to do so. Aurora enjoyed the twins' energy and thought it was endearing.

The Bulgarians came out, and the crowd starting chanting 'Krum, Krum, Krum!' The image of Krum filled the stadium as he zoomed around flipping on his broom. He gave a triumphant grin as he pounded his fist in the air to the chants. Ron looked like he was infatuated with him with big eyes.

"Is your brother okay there," Aurora asked, bumping her elbow lightly into Fred. He looked at her as she used her head to nod towards Ron. "Ron?! Of course, he is! Krum is his favourite seeker! Might need to tone down the obsession though." Fred laughed, which earned one from Aurora.

Cornelious Fudge's voice filled the stadium as he announced, "Good evening! It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!"

"Looks like I was right about the outcome," Cedric said to Aurora with a smile as they walked back into their tent. "I never said you weren't going to be right," Aurora replied, smiling.

"That was such an amazing game! The way the Irish kept scoring, the way Krum caught the snitch because he knew they'd never win--it was all brilliant!" Aurora giggled at how invested Cedric was with quidditch. However, she couldn't blame him. She always supported him playing at Hogwarts and was always very happy to see him win a game.

"If only you bet some money like the twins," Aurora teased. "You know I'm not into gambling or anything," replied Cedric.

Aurora shrugged her shoulders as she walked past him to grab her book off her bed. Cedric still talked about how brilliant the game was when they heard screams from outside.

Amos came running in towards them. "Both of you need to get out of here! You two run towards the forest and don't let anyone get you. I have to help the ministry. Be safe," Amos told them as he pushed them outside. "Go!"

Cedric grabbed Aurora's hand tightly as they ran through the frantic crowd. Their heartbeats raced as they saw tents on fire, screams, and cries around them, people in their nightclothes levitating in the air trying to get down, and people in all black with pointed hoods causing the chaos walking through muttering nonsense.

"What about the Weasleys and them," Aurora shouted towards Cedric as they continued to run. "We need to make sure they get out safely too."

Cedric nodded as they saw the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione hastily emerge from their tent. "We all need to go to the woods," Cedric said as they briefly stopped to inform them.

"Follow us, and don't leave anyone behind," Aurora shouted as they started to run again. She then heard Hermione shout Harry's name moments after they started running.

"Oh, blimey! Keep going," Aurora told Cedric as she let go of his hand. He tried grabbing her again and was yelling at her to stay with them, but she was gone.

Aurora fought through the crowd to find Harry. Ron and Hermione tried but were swept away by the masses of frantic people. She finally came to find him unconscious on the ground. She wasted no time. She swept down and pulled Harry up and put his arm around her shoulders with her arm around his waist, holding him up.

"It would be great if you weren't unconscious," Aurora mumbled as she did her best to carry Harry. Her arms were getting very tired since she wasn't exactly the strongest, physically at least.

She started to breathe harder as she got closer to the forest. She saw a few outlines of people and hoped it was Cedric and them.

One figure started running towards her, and her heart began to beat faster. "Aurora! There you are. I'm so glad you're okay," Cedric said with relief filling his voice.

"I can't say the same for him," said Aurora as Cedric helped her carry him. "Oh, Harry! Thank you so much," Hermione cried out. Aurora smiled up at Hermione as they continued to carry Harry further into the forest with everyone else.

"I tried getting him, but the crowd kept pushing me away," Hermione explained in a soft voice. Aurora nodded in understanding since she knew the crowd was insane for the right reasons. Harry started to move slightly, indicating that he was gaining consciousness.

"Are you alright," Cedric asked him as they started to let go of Harry as he woke up. "Yeah, thanks. Is everyone safe now?" "We don't know, Harry. We ran into Draco on the way to the forest and said they were after muggles and muggle-born..."

Hermione looked upset as she stared at the ground due to her being a muggle-born. "People can be awful," Aurora told her. "It shouldn't matter who your bloodline is with. Do we have everyone?" Aurora looked all around and could see that everyone was together.

Harry huffed out in pain as he touched his scar. "What is it, mate," Ron asked him. "Dunno."

Then they all looked up to see the dark mark shinning in the air, bright as day. The green illuminated the sky as shrieks were heard from all around.

"Is that," Cedric started to ask. "Yeah, it is," Harry said in slight pain from his scar.

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