iv. burnt ends

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AURORA AND Cedric were currently in their Defense Against the Dark Arts class curious how the new professor was going to be. Aurora pulled out her textbook, some parchment, and her quill with her ink on top of her desk. Cedric sat next to her and followed in her footsteps, considering he knew if Aurora was doing something for class, then he should do the same.

Everyone spoke around them about who the new professor was, how good he was going to be, and, most importantly, who would add their name to the Goblet of Fire for the tournament. Aurora looked around observing everyone's attitude towards the turn of events.

"Have you thought about the tournament at all," Aurora asked, looking at him with her eyebrows furrowed together. Cedric sighed out with a small smile.

"I have, yes. I think I'm going to add my name to it. I think it would be a nice challenge."

"I agree. I think the goblet would be stupid not to pick you to represent our school. The only thing I worry about is the challenges. Dumbledore emphasized how dangerous they can be and, knowing him, that is not something to be taken lightly from his mouth," Aurora explained her thoughts to him.

"Worrying about me, are you," he asked with a smirk. "Of course, you doofus," said Aurora with a laugh, nudging him with her shoulder.

He laughed as well before a loud noise disrupted the room. Everyone went silent as Alastor Moody limped into the room at a fast pace.

"Alastor Moody," he announced as he walked up to the blackboard and quickly scribbled 'Moody' onto it.

"Ministry malcontent and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me to, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" He turned around, and his eye hastily looked around the room for any students raising their hands.

"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which one of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

Aurora's hand rose in the air with slight hesitation. She was a bit taken back as to why he was starting his first lecture out this way. He looked at her and nodded for her to speak.

"There are three, sir." "And they are so named?" "Because they are unforgivable. Using any of the curses will land you in Azkaban," answered Aurora in a hesitant tone. She started to feel a bit uncomfortable, and Cedric felt the same way.

"Yes, it lands you a one-way ticket there. Now the ministry says you are too young to see what these curses do, but I say otherwise! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared. So, which curse should we delve into first? Firebloom?" Everyone looked at Thomas as he responded.

"Give us a curse," Moody said, edging him on. "The imperious curse, sir." Moody nodded in content as he limped to his desk and popped open a jar to take out an insect.

"Hello. What a beauty," Moody said with a wicked smile. He pointed his wand at the insect before making it move around the classroom. Aurora watched in horror as people panicked and laughed at it. "This isn't right," Aurora told Cedric.

"Talented, isn't she? What should I have her do next? Jump out a window?" Moody flung the insect towards the closed window. "Drown?" The insect flew over to land right on top of a glass of water trying to get away from it.

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only you-know-who's work for him under the imperious curse. But here's the rub, how do you sort out the liers? Another one. Come on. Come on," he said, looking around the room. "Diggory?"

Aurora looked at Cedric as he spoke. "Well... There's the, um, cruciatus curse, sir." It sounded hard for him even to speak its name.

"Correct! Particularly nasty. The torture curse," Moody says as he takes the insect to the table in front of the class and points his wand at it again. It starts to writhe around in pain while causing a screeching sound which must be its' screams.

Aurora closes her eyes and shudders in horror, trying not to have a panic attack. Cedric notices this and takes immediate action.

"Stop it, alright! Can't you see it's bothering your students," Cedric exclaims, demanding he stops. Moody looks at Aurora and stops, relieving the insect from inflicted pain. She opens up her eyes to see him looking at her with it in his hand.

"Maybe you'd like to tell us the last curse, Miss Silversun." Aurora shakes her head and looks away from him. She didn't notice that Cedric grabbed her hand to calm her down, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand.

"Avada Kadavra," Moody hisses as he points his wand at the insect, immediately killing it. "The killing curse. There's only one person known to have survived it, and he happens to be one of your fellow pupils."


"Can you believe him?! Teaching us those. There's a reason those are called unforgivable," Aurora said to Cedric and Thomas, visibly upset.

"Do you think Dumbledore would do something about it if he knew what just happened," Thomas questioned. Cedric had his arm around Aurora's shoulders as a way to comfort her.

"I don't know. Are you feeling any better, Aurora," he asked.

"I will be. To teach those in a class to young students just makes me so angry. Do you think he's planning on teaching those to the years below us? I can't even imagine. I know we need to protect ourselves, but to teach them in a classroom."

"I don't agree with it either. It shouldn't be taught at a school like how he did. Let's just go to Potions and maybe that will calm you down some," Cedric asked her hopefully.

"I don't think Professor Snape is very calming but sure," stated Thomas, causing a chuckle from the other two. "He isn't calming, but the class is," Aurora said with a smile.

"Are either of you planning to put your name in the goblet," Thomas asked as they walked into the classroom, taking their seats near the front beside each other.

"I am. I think it's a great opportunity, but Aurora disagrees." "My main concern is how Dumbledore emphasized the dangerous aspect of the tournament. I just don't want anyone getting severely hurt or anything worse," Aurora informed them, making sure Cedric really knew her concerns and that he would think about it before placing his name in the fire. She knew he would, and, unfortunately, she knew he would most likely be the one to be selected.

"I'm thinking about entering myself. I'm sure Dumbledore is only trying to worry us for no reason. They wouldn't allow students to participate if it was endangering anyone's life," Thomas told her convincingly. "Everything is gonna be fine," Cedric reassured her.

"Silence, everyone," Snape demanded as he walked to the front of the room. "Who can explain to me the purpose of the Draught of Living Death?" Aurora and two other Ravenclaw hands shot up in the air.

"Miss Silversun," he called, his brows lifted. She lowered her hand before she spoke.

"The Draught of Living Death is a potent sleeping potion which can cause the taker to be in a deep sleep that's almost dead-like."

"Indeed. Five points to Ravenclaw, I suppose. This is the potion you will be brewing today. Take out your textbooks and follow my instructions carefully."

As Snape spoke, Aurora and the others took detailed notes about how to make it properly since the textbook did a mediocre job of doing so. After he was done explaining, he announced they had an hour left to make the potion. No one hesitated to start.

When the time was up, Aurora, Cedric, and Thomas had potions to near perfection earning another 5 points each to their houses. They cleaned up their areas before packing to leave class.

"I think it's quite interesting how the textbook doesn't have proper instructions to make that potion. Isn't that peculiar," Aurora asked Cedric and Thomas as they walked to the Great Hall for lunch.

The goblet stood tall in the front of the room; it usually was placed in the middle with a charm around it so no one underage could put their name in the fire.

"It is odd," Cedric agreed. "Do you think people are planning to hang around afterwards to see who puts their name in the fire?"

"Probably. I know I'm intrigued to see who adds their name," Aurora said as she sat next to Cedric.

Thomas parted for the moment to talk and sit with some of his fellow Ravenclaw friends. No one minded whenever Aurora sat at the Hufflepuff table or Cedric at Ravenclaw due to how close they were.

"Are either of you planning on entering," Sander Quivley, a fellow sixth-year Hufflepuff girl with freckles and a pixie haircut, asked them as they sat.

"I plan on it," Cedric said with a charming smile. Sander's face blushed slightly making her freckles less prominent on her pale face.

"I think you'd be a great choice to represent our school." "Why thank you, Sander." Sander blushed again as she went back to talking to her friends. Aurora chuckled lightly at the encounter.

"What," Cedric said, laughing at Aurora's reaction. "I just can't believe how many girls swoon over you. How have you not dated yet?" "There just isn't anyone who sparks my curiosity. Unlike you with--" "Shut up," Aurora whispered to him, taking her turn to now blush.

The golden trio walked into the great hall taking their place at the Gryffindor table as if on cue. Hermione sat facing Aurora and Cedric, but, little did Aurora know, she did this intentionally.

Aurora looked up, catching Hermione's eyes, making her shift them away as she bowed her head, pink running to the surface of her cheeks, and tucked her bushy hair behind her ear.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who has girls swooning," Cedric said laughing. Aurora elbowed him lightly, making him laugh a little more. "Is there any progress on that?"

"No. It's not like I run into her that often." Aurora went back to eating her food and glancing up at the Gryffindor girl wondering when and how she'll be able to get to know her more.


The great hall was cleared as the goblet was standing tall in the middle of the room with benches on two sides of it against the wall for students to sit around. Hermione sat on the bench with a book as students around chatted and watched people come forth to put their name into the fire.

Aurora stood with Cedric, Thomas, and some of their other friends as they watched as well. Cedric was writing his name down on a piece of parchment as the Weasley twin busted into the great hall with a triumphant shout.

"Thank you, thank you. Well, lads, we've done it," George stated. "Cooked it up just this morning," Fred added, both smiling.

"It's not going to work," Hermione told them in an almost singing tone, earning Aurora's smile.

"Oh, yeah? And why's that, Granger?" The twins bent down on either side of her. She slammed her book shut and pointed her finger at the glowing circle that surrounded the goblet.

"You see this? It's an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." "So," Fred asked in an indifferent tone.

"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something so pathetically dimwitted such as an ageing potion."

"That's why it's so perfect," George replied. "Because it's so pathetically dimwitted," added Fred. They both jumped up as they asked each other if they were ready before linking arms and drinking the potion.

They watched as the twins jumped into the glowing circle with a victorious cheer. They put their names into the fire before it rejects them. Its blue flame grew as it flung them away. When the twins sat up, they had grey hair and long grey beards. They start wrestling each other as people gather around screaming for a fight.

"How pathetic," Aurora said, laughing with Cedric and them. "Go on, Cedric!"

Aurora and Thomas pushed Cedric forward with a smile towards the goblet. He looked back at them with a smile as he calmly put his name in. They clapped their hands for him as he walked out. Aurora looked over at Hermione, catching her gaze.

Aurora saw this as an opportunity to smile and wink in a smooth fashion earning a blushing Hermione smiling back. She turned around and followed Cedric and the others out of the great hall passing Victor Krum.

Hermione watched her leave with a smile still on her face before glancing back to see Krum adding his name to the fire looking at Hermione. She did a small smile flattered he looked at her.

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