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Anonymous: Hi, AskAmy. I have a question. These past few months, my life has been rocky. I've done some things that aren't healthy and I have been depressed at times. I felt strongly that no one likes me and I shouldn't live. This summer, I have the opportunity to get a fresh start by taking a program and getting into a really good high school. If I pass the program , I go to the new high school and not go to my recent one. However, recently people been saying that they didn't want me to leave. Why didn't they say this before I signed up? Now I know I am most likely going to the program, but .... well there isn't any easy way going around this. Um, when I go to the new high school, do I still interact with the people who say they missed me but also the people in which who triggered my depressive moments. They are my friends, but I don't know if they care anymore. They say they do, but I don't know. Should I ignore them when the new school year comes or not? There may be a chance in which I fail the program and go to my recent school, who know what happens there? Sorry I am a rambler. You probably won't answer this. Any who, thank you.

Anonymous: this was really long sorry

Amy: Of course I'll answer. I know it may seem hard, but some people only care when they see something leaving their lives. Sometimes, they act like they care. But sometimes, they truly do. I know it's hard to tell, but those who really do care will put more effort. More effort in talking to you, more effort in making a relationship; that's when you know they care. The ones who only do it for the show, they will say they miss you- and that's it. A little extra hi every now and then. Those people shouldn't be a priority in your life. The people who bring back things you'd rather forget- don't let them get to you at all. It'll only hit you hard if you let them. To those who say they'll miss you, respond with an occasional "I'll miss you too", and if you truly mean it, then elaborate. Don't completely ignore and shut out everyone, because if something happens and you don't get into the new program, you'll never know how your past decisions will effect your future. You're worth it, don't lose sight of the light at the tunnel, because it always gets better. Who knows? High school might be the time to effect your life forever.

Anonymous: thanks for the support, i needed that


Anonymous: Okay, so, there is two guys I really care for. One left me for awhile and It left me depressed. Ive seemed to have screwed myself over. What should I do?

Amy: Kill them.

Anonymous: haha- what?

Amy: Whoops! Sorry, autocorrect is a sucker.

Anonymous: It's all good. I understand that all to well.

Amy: I believe that you shouldn't let him take over your heart. I know you care about him, and it's safe to say that I know how it feels. If he leaves you, he's missing out a ton. Don't be so depressed because of a man, even though you care about him deeply. Sometimes, people come into our lives, and then leave as they came. I want you to know that even though he left you; time doesn't stop for anyone. Try and move on, and be positive always. Be more kind to everyone, because they might be fighting a battle even worse than yours. If you're depressed, push away anything that makes you that way and live while you're young. Nobody can drag you down, and you can stay up all night for that matter. You'll be fireproof, and that's what makes you beautiful. You're perfect just the way you are, and even though you may be shocked at how fast the night changes, it'll never change the story of your life. You're better than words, and he's missing out.Love, Amy

Amy: <if you get all the 1D references I love you, but I mean all of them>

Anonymous: i did get them (: thank you, Amy.

Amy: You're very welcome.


Anonymous: I was recently diagnosed with being Emotionally Detached, well, I wouldn't call it recent since it happened 3 years ago. But, I just don't know what to do with it. All I can do is cope so far, and sometimes, I enjoy not feeling anything. At times, the build up happens and I randomly cry but I do it alone. Insults or anything that is negative never seem to impact me, and when I wake up the next morning, it just feels the same as the last. My mind is always elsewhere. When my grandfather passed away, I didn't feel anything while everyone else cried. When my friends are in pain or they open up to me, I suddenly feel awkward because I'm not used to people being that open or showing me that much emotion. I always have to fake laugh or smile in order to fit in, but I really do miss the real thing sometimes. People even forget that I have feelings at times since I always seem to keep everyone at a arm length distance or never smile. What do I do? It seems permanent. I even lose track of time, like I wake up one morning and think I have work, but I check the day, I don't! It's like the world is moving on without me. I feel like I died while my body is alive, but empty. Do you know any methods I can use to feel a bit again? Sorry, I'm a Rant that paragraph.

Amy: You're human, no matter what. Just for the fun of it, I would go binge watch try not to cry challenges, but I don't know if that'll even work. No matter if you're diagnosed with anything, you're still human and you still have a heart. Keep it beating while it lasts. Don't be afraid to not cry when everyone else is, if they judge you it's wrong because they don't know what you're going through. It's okay, you know in your heart that you care.

Anonymous: ... Thank you. :)

Amy: When your friends are opening up to you, do the best you can do. Tell them you're always there for them. Even if you feel like you've died, your soul is still there, and it feels emotions more than anything.

Anonymous: You have great advice. Millions of thanks. ❤️❤️

Amy: It's the least I can ever do <3


Anonymous: Hey Amy! I wanted to ask an anonymous question (:

Amy: Of course! Go ahead and ask.

Anonymous: Well....this is a bit uncomfortable.

So....there are some people in my school who have been mentally abusing me for years. Well there is one specific girl. She and her mother, both have been very much rude to me and my mother. Everything I do gets to them in some way and then a huge rumor spreads. This has been happening for so long. They made so conscious about myself that there was a certain time when I started suffering from an eating disorder. And now it's getting..... idk what but I can't sleep at night, I cry myself everynight to sleep, I've lost too much of weight, I just feel insecure about so many things, I get anxiety attacks, I get too nervous or worried over small things. What is happening to me? I've talked to my mom, she just told me a lot of things and made me understand how what they say doesn't matter, but I don't know....I've even tried to kill myself, I've tried to self harm but I couldn't do it. I just don't know what to do.....

Amy: Tell the girl to turn on her locations, I just wanna talk.

Amy: I'm just kidding, I won't do that- but what I'll do is answer with the best of my ability.

Anonymous: haha thanks❤

Amy: I understand you. I know it's hard to stand up when your legs are scarred and your limbs ache and your muscles are tired, but you have to get up to get places. Yes, abuse in any way is horrible. Mental abuse may even hurt more than the physical does; it messes with your mind and emotions. Those two specific females are being terrible people because there is no reason for them to tear you apart when you're perfect just the way you are. You are beautiful, please stop. You don't deserve putting yourself in these situations of crying yourself to sleep, anxiety attacks, eating disorders, self harm and even suicidal thoughts: they need to stop. No one deserves to go through that pain because of some person who decided their life wasn't ugly enough so they decided to ruin others lives. It's not enough for them, all they see is red. Don't let go of something you can make SO MUCH more out of just because this girl with a nine year old attitude decided to come wreck your life just because.

Amy: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Amy: "Just keep moving forward and don't give a sh!t about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you."

- Johnny Depp

Amy: Also, sometimes when I feel horrible and like I want to die, the song Who Says by Selena Gomez also gives me a lot of hope, and even though it's just a song, the words speak a lot.

Amy: Always remember that you're worth it and they won't matter in the future once you stand up against it. If you need any help or if something happens, don't hesitate to come to me again.

Anonymous: Thank you so much for this❤❤

I really needed this, thank you very much ❤

And I too listen to that song when my

thoughts become too terrible.

Anonymous: Have a good day Amy.

Keep smiling❤❤

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