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I take a big bit in the last piece of bread and enjoy the taste.
"You really are hungry weren't you?" My older sister Mia looks at me.
"Yes I was, now can I please go and see Nile?" He is my best friend
"Okay, but let me take you to him."
We walk to Nile's.......well what he called home which is more like a tree.
"Nile!" I yell for him to here "Nile it is me Celina!"
"Celina your here!" He climbs down the tree with his older brother.
"Hey you want to see something?"
"Sure!" I love the things he shows me.
"Hi Eric, how are you?"
"I am good." I see Mia talk to Eric they might be friends but I think they might like be sole mates.
I start to follow Nile through the woods.
"Slow down I am going to get lost Nile!"
He stops and waits for me to catch up. Then he starts to run again. Finally we arrive at a tree.
"Look over here!" I glance at the spot he pointed at and I see a mom and babies, and they're all bunnies!
"Bunny babies! This is so cool Nile."
"Ya I thought you would like it. Now how about we play pirate?"
"Sure I would love too!"
I get that cardboard I found and made to look like a sword and he did too. I miss playing with him. He has been in an orphanage for a few weeks as his brother was in Juvenal jail until he broke out and got Nile from the orphanage. So Nile and Eric have not been here for a wile.
I hope that never happens but my sister is only 11 so instead of Juvenal jail she could be in the orphanage but she will be poorly treated. (Also she did not anything wrong like Eric did) Then I hear my sister calling but from were?

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