getting away from it all (Killua story) 18

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person: good job, you all passed, now on to the next phase

Killua: *sigh* that was easy

Ana: no it wasn't

Killua: it's easier then the last exam

Ana: what was the phases for the last exam

Killua: they judged on the boat, then u had to get passed this old person, then we had to run forever, the running part was the first real phase, you're lucky Hisoka passed, then there was a cooking contest, then we went through trick tower, and then we were trapped on an island and had to go to the site for where we had to stay for a week and stole peoples badges and get 6 points 3 points for your badge and 3 points for your targets badge and 1 point for any other badge, and the last phase was a competition and if you win one match you get you license

Ana: wow that sounds like allot of work

Killua: yea I know, the last phase is where my brother made me kill someone

Person: the next phase is cooking

Killua: WHAT! not again

Ana: is it hard

Killua: not at first, but that girl made us make sushi

Ana: sushi is easy to make

Ana: thats what you think

Menchi: I am Menchi and this is Buhara, and this is the second phase, Buhara will chose what he wants and then I will chose what I want

Buhara: I want a grilled dear

Killua: last time it was a roosted pig

Ana: well lets go

Killua followed her

Killua: I'll meet you back here after the phase

Ana: OK see you soon

so they all separate to go get there deer

Ana: this should be fun

she jumped up onto the deer and broke its antlers and the deer fell down

Ana: gotcha, now time to grill you

Killua: this should be easy

he jumped and hit the deer into the forehead but it didn't work, he saw Ana with her deer and went to ask how she got hers

Killua: how did you get the deer

Ana: I broke his antlers

Killua: of course

he went to break the antlers

Buhara: the first 50 pass

Menchi: at least he narrowed it down this time

Killua: now what's your choice Menchi

Menchi: my choice it.......

what is her choice

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