getting away from it all (Kullua story) 22

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When they wake up the next day, they started heading towards the starting point

Killua: now we just have to keep the badges

someone came down from the tree and attacked Killua

Killua: what do you want

person: I want your badge

Killua: why should I give you my badge

person: no questions, just give it to me

they left and the person followed them

Killua: stop following us

person: why?

Killua: just leave or else, get your 6 points some other way

person: this way is easier

Killua: not if my badge is what your looking for

he ran and punched the person in the stomach, he was knocked out for 3 days

Killua: its been 5 days so far, just 2 more to go

Ana: we just have to keep the badges until then

Killua: we have kept them this long, so that should be easy

Ana: these passed few days have been really boring

Killua: yea I know

Ana: I can't wait to tell the others that we're both hunters

Killua: yea, I've been waiting along time for that

just as he said that someone came down from the tree and hit Killua in the stomach

Ana: you're not going to take his badge are you

person: and what is a little girl like you gonna do about it

Ana punched him in the head and took the badge back, Killua woke up and the last to days passed and they kept on to there and there targets badges

Killua: good job Ana

Ana: you did good too Killua

4 people passed the exam

chairman: good job

he gave all of them there hunters license

chairman: good luck on your journeys ahead

we left and went to Gon's house

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