Chapter 3: Leo jumps off a Building

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Dedicated to @Read_write_hope! The answer was Echo! Thanks for reading!

Kelli whirled around in time to get a face full of imperial gold. Jason slammed to the floor as the empousa burst into dust. Lightning struck in four separate places in the trashed training room. Startled cries filling the room as the rest Kelli's friends were returned to Tartarus.

Leo looked at Jason with pure hatred, even if he did just save him. The Avengers looked at him with surprise and respect. Jason ignored them and reached down to help Leo.

"You have five seconds to run before I burn you to ashes." Leo said disregarding his hand. If looks could kill Jason'd be dead ten times over.

At that Jason laughed.

"Here." Jason held out a piece of Ambrosia to the son of Hephaestus. Leo eyed it warily."You know you want it..."

When Leo opened his mouth to reply Jason forced the godly food in his mouth. "You suck." Leo choked on the ambrosia.

Jason stood up smiling wide. "Thor, it's been a while!" The god of thunder and the demigod embraced leaving the others speechless.

"Jason Grace!" Thor boomed. "It is good to see you! Last I had heard you had disappeared leaving behind that poor Piper girl!"

Leo noticed the flash of...Pain? Regret? in his frien-ex friend's eyes. He also noticed how Jason's smile wavered slightly. Hmmm...

"I did not know you were coming." Thor said. " A great many thanks for saving Stark's intern."

"Intern?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow. "How could he not be part of the Avengers?"


Jason never got a chance to answer. In that second Leo threw a handful of fire at him. Leo's side was no longer bleeding. He stood hand out streched a half-insane look in his eyes. Jason looked down at his fire proof clothes. He'd have to thank Rachel later.

The room was silent except for the whistling of the gigantic hole in the wall that Leo had no idea how that had gotten there.

"I only did that because I knew those were my clothes." Leo snarled. "And do you know who made those clothes? Then you also know exactly what I promised to do. And do you you know who didn't bother to show up when I went out?" Leo didn't care that he was on fire. All that mattered was Him and Jason.

"Leo calm down!" Jason said holding his hands up as if to say it wasn't his fault.

"Calm Down? Calm Down?!" Leo yelled. "You have no idea what I went through! No one ever finds there way back there, Jason! No one ever sees her again!" Steam rooled off him, possibly from angry tears. "That being said, WHERE IN HADES WERE YOU?!"

Jason gave a nervous laugh. "I'm really starting to hate Minerva." He mummbled.

"Tony! Oh My God!" Pepper was completely frazeled as she and Tony, in his suit, wobbled into the room. "Tony, why is your intern on fire!?"

"Yeah Leo," Jason said comically. "Why don't you tell your buddies about the amazing Super sized Mcshizzle, Bad boy supreme, the inventor of scrawny, which is after all the new sizzling hot, Supreme Commander of the Agro II, Repair Boy, also known as Leonardo Valdez!"

If it was possible Leo's glare magnified 3000% as Thor's eyes widened with each word. The Norse god of Thunder opened and closed his mouth like a fish put of water.

"Who?" Tony asked.

Jason gasped in fake surprise. "Didn't you hear about the Greek demigod Percy Jackson's quests?!" He cried out.

"Whoa wait!" Clint said. "First off who are you, second why was Leo on fire, third Greek? I thought Thor was Norse?!"

Before Jason could launch into a full fledged explanation of the Greeks and Roman, a hysterical sound filled the silent room. The Avengers jumped at the sound ready for some sort of attack until they realized that it wad Leo making that sound.

Leo Valdez was laughing.

Everyone, minus Jason who looked on in amusement,  stared at the intern in shock. Leo fell on to the ground; he was laughing so hard tears rolled down his face. The fire aura around  him quick flickered off leaving a very hysterical kid on the floor.

"I swear...on the...Styx... I am" He couldn't even finish his sentence he was laughing so hard. "Staple Face!"

Now it was Jason's turn to glare, as his face heated up. "I was Three! Can't you guys just let it go already!?"

"Leo Valdez?" Thor finally found his voice. "Son of Hephaestus? The first fire user since 1666? The creator of the Argo II, the same ship that sailed into the great battle against Gaea,  mother Earth herself? !"

"Yep." Leo said casually popping the 'p'.

Silence filled the room as the mortals and gods alike chewed on that information. They had all heard of Percy Jackson's adventures, but not much of his friends. Leo instantly regretted amitting he'd been part of that voyage.

"So Anyway..." Jason said to fill the silence. "Iris Message anyone lately?"

Leo looked at him like he was crazy. "Dude, my mortal family's dead, My dad and I dont talk, My best friend had disappeared without a trace, and I hate everyone at camp. Who am I going to message?"

Jason let out a small chuckle. "Good point. But the idea was none of the gods are responding, to literally anything. We can't even message, or I'd tell you guys I was in Cairo."

"And your here because...?" Leo asked confused. "I mean I know I am just awesome and stuff, but, jeez, Jason..."

The son of Jupiter rolled his eyes at Leo's signature antics. "Have you been to camp lately? Its deserted. Except for Rachel. If you come Back with me we can go out in search of your immortal goddess girlfriend."

Leo didn't even hesitate. "Sorry Tony, I know its going to be hard to replace this hot stuff but I really want to see Calypso again, so, yeah, bye!" With a running leap he jumped out the hole in the wall.

"He does know he can't fly right?" Natasha asked worriedly.

Jason shook his head. "That's my cue. Bye Avengers!" Jason floated easily off the ground and with a burst of wind he was gone diving after the scrawny Spanish kid falling out off Stark towers.

Silence once again filled the room as everyone tried to make sense of what just happened.

"Thor, who were they?" Steve asked incredulously as he fingered his shield.

Thor shook his head in wonderment. How had Leo managed to hide right underneath his nose this entire time he might never know. "If I told you, you would not believe me." He said simply.


Trivia time!

"Who is the first Avenger shown in the Avengers Movie?"

Winner gets a dedication next chapter! Remember to




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