Getting Miss Popular

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Would passengers for Flight VS008 to Los Angeles please proceed to gate number 12 for immediate boarding .

“ Yah Kwon Yuri! You better visit us soon “, Hyoyeon scoffed 

“ Have a safe flight Yuri-ah “, she added.

“Ommaaa , don’t cry . I’ll just be there for a year! “, Yuri said hugging her mother tightly .

" Hyo , please look after my mother for me ! "


“Jessi , I can’t believe we’re going back to LA together! 3 months just swiftly passed by “, Tiffany said to the latter who simply ignored her best friend , boarding the plane .

“ Yes , I have the window-seat!” , Tiffany said with excitement as she get seated to allow the other passengers through . Jessica on the other hand , took the seat next to her . It’s not her first time riding an airplane back to LA but it’s definitely her first time sitting a public airplane . Yes , Jessica owns her own private airplane . 

“ Aish! I’m going to kill Krystal the next time I see her . Because of her , I’m here , sitting in economy class! I can’t believe I’ll be sitting with another stranger “, Jessica said as she stared at the vacant seat next to her .

“ Oh come on Jessi , it wouldn’t be that bad! Plus its your fault for bullying your sister so much so she booked you economy seats! ”

Before Jessica could reply , someone tapped her shoulders and asked ,

“ Hey , is this seat 21C ? “

Chapter 1

Take Note : In this chapter , do keep in mind that Jeti is conversing entirely in English unless I stated otherwise . The rest remains Korean unless stated otherwise. 

“ Hey , is this seat 21C ? “

Jessica looked up only to find herself staring at one of the hottest girl alive ....well , just not in her eyes .

“Sorry , I don’t understand Korean “, Jessica replied ..obviously lying .

“ Oh hi there , sorry my friend’s abit cranky today . Yes this is 21C “, Tiffany said in Korean , smiling while pointing to the vacant seat beside Jessica .

“ Thanks” , the latter replied .

“ I’m Tiffany “, as she stretched her hands across Jessica to the other seat .

“ I’m Kwon Yuri , Nice to meet you”, Yuri said as she shook the hand .

Tiffany nudged Jessica slightly but that only earned her a glare . Tiffany then added

“ She’s Jung Jessica “.

Yuri nodded her head a little while smiling . She was happy she finally got her scholarship to continue her last year in LA . 

Yuri rested her head as an old lady fumbling with her bags caught her attention . The old lady was trying her best to place it on the cabin . Yuri quickly gave the latter a helping hand . Upon seeing her act , Tiffany whispered to Jessica ears ,

“ Wow , she’s so kind hearted “ but Jessica just coldly replied ,

“ Haven’t you heard ? Never judge it’s book by it’s cover “.

“ Jessssi!”, Tiffany whined.

The plane finally took off as the passengers buckled their seatbelts for safety purposes . Jessica took out her ipad to keep her entertained whereas Tiffany was just gazing out the window , lost in her thoughts with her ipod on. Yuri on the other hand , was fast asleep . 

Due to the unfavorable whether conditions , the airplane was going through a tough time . It was bumpy as it clashed into clouds ,one after another . By accident , Yuri’s head landed on Jessica which made the later shriek .

“Can’t you sleep properly ?”, Jessica said in irritation .

“Sorry”, Yuri shyly replied as she repositioned herself , drifting back to sleep to next minute . Again landing her head on Jessica’s shoulder .On purpose , Jessica moved her arm away , as Yuri's head gave way , knocking it on the arm rest . 

“ Ouch! “, Yuri woke up from her sleep as she saw Jessica gave her one of the most deadliest glare ever .

“Sorry”, Yuri apologized quickly as she slightly bowed .

“ How may I assist you miss ?” , a flight attendant stood right beside Yuri before she could drift back to her dreamland .

“I’m sorry but can you reallocate this young lady’s seat ? “, Jessica asked . 

“ Is there something wrong ? “, the flight attendant asked .

“Yes , isn’t that obvious? “, Jessica stated as the two continue conversing, catching Tiffany’s attention .

“What’s wrong Jessi ?”, Tiffany asked . 

Jessica ignored her as she glared at the flight attendant .

“ I’m afraid I can’t do so , Miss “

“What? Why not? Put her to first class . I’ll pay “

“ Miss , I’m sorry but this flight is fully occupied “

“ Then just reallocate the seats”, Jessica said flatly .

“I’m sorry! I’ll change seats with her “, Tiffany said , standing up . 

“Okay now , do we have any problem ? “, Tiffany asked Jessica who was already into her ipad games . Turning to Yuri , Tiffany said ,” Sorry . She’s a little princess-like “

Yuri lightly chuckled “ It’s alright . I was being a nuisance to her anyway “

“ So what brings you to LA “, Tiffany asked

“ Oh I’ll be going there for my studies “

The both went on conversing , laughing , smiling , chuckling and giggling once in a while as Jessica eyed them from the side of her eyes . Feeling irritated she allowed herself to drift to her dreamland .


Jessica woke up to the aroma that filled the entire plane . It was time for her in-flight meal as her stomach growled to the aroma . As she took a bite , she instantly threw it back . “ Is this even edible?”, she said as she rinsed her mouth for the second time .

Yuri stared at her ridiculously . Never in a life she met someone so choosy , so demanding , so princess-like . Tiffany smiled at her best friend as she ordered one of the finest meal for her best friend , the ones from the first class seats alongside with a bottle of red wine .

“ Here you go “, Tiffany said as she passed Jessica’s ‘inedible’ food to the flight attendant only to be stopped by Yuri .

“ Can I have it ?”, Yuri asked

“Sure”, Tiffany replied with her eye-smile.

Jessica shook her head in disbelief as she gobbled down her food . After their peaceful meal , Jessica stood up , wanting to excuse herself to the washroom. However , Jessica who looks highly upon herself, refused to speak to Yuri in Korean as she went on ,

” Move , I need to use the washroom “

“Sorry , I don’t get you “, Yuri replied , playing dumb .

“ Its simple English for goodness sake “

“ I only understand Korean “, Yuri replied in English fluently shocking the latter . 

“...Just move”

“ Sorry , if you’re going to be this rude , I wouldn’t excuse you till you know what manners is “

Tiffany’s stared at Yuri with her mouth agape because she was conversing with Yuri with Korean the entire time , assuming Yuri doesn’t know English. 

“ Are you going to apologize or not ?” , Yuri asked as Jessica was still collecting the remaining pieces of the puzzle as it was the first time someone actually went against her .

“Fine.. Suit yourself “, Yuri added as she hit the play button on her ipod , blasting the music through her ears .


The flight to LA is definitely a long one . Despite so , Jessica didn’t give in to Yuri . 

Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Please turn off all electronic devices until we are safely parked at the gate. Thank you.

“ Bye Yurree-ah , Nice meeting you “, Tiffany shouted and waved as she was being dragged ahead by Jessica who was now rushing to the washroom . Yuri subconsciously smiled at Jessica antics . She’s definitely one hard headed , demanding yet …well ..gorgeous princess .

Saying a sorry couldn’t be that hard!

Yuri headed to the baggage claim area as she waited patiently for the conveyer belt to deliver her checked-in luggage . Hilariously , Yuri’s eyes was caught by a certain pink luggage bag that was the center of attraction . She thought who in the world would have such striking pink bag ? Her thoughts was interrupted when she saw a familiar figure picking up the pink luggage bag putting it aside .

Yuri then saw her acquaintance , namely Jessica Jung struggling with her luggage bag . She was debating to give the latter a helping hand or not considering the fact that Tiffany , herself was going berserk when her pink luggage bag got a minor scratch . 

After contemplating , she decided and help her ,

“ Oh thanks a lot for your help “, Jessica said but had a total change in attitude when she saw it was Yuri that was helping her .

“ I don’t need your help” , she said and pushed Yuri causing the luggage the fall over Yuri’s feet .

“ Oww “, Yuri yelped .

“ Are you alright , Yurree-ah “, Tiffany helped her up . Not even feeling the slightest sorry , Jessica just walked away , once again dragging Tiffany along.

What a day , Yuri thought . She took her luggage and exited the airport only to be greeted by her close friend who was in LA a year before her . 

“ Yo! Buddy . Finally we’re attending the same university! “, Sooyoung said

“ Yea ! totally can’t wait “, Yuri said with a smile plastered onto her face .


Chapter 2

Yuri was roaming around the university as a freshman after settling down in the dorm . It’s not one of those really prestigious university in LA but it’s a uni where most American born Korean attends. Technically its like a Korean University in LA . She curse under her breathe that Sooyoung left her for a free meal from Sunny. 

Sunny , Sooyoung’s roommate over a year and now , also Yuri's roommate . Best of friends . Pure Korean who is also majoring in Fashion Design just exactly like Sooyoung . One heck of a bubbly and hyperactive kid .

Yuri scanned around , getting familiarize with everything ..then she felt awkward when she saw some fellow students ,whispering to one another . Some were waving at her direction , some were even sheepishly smiling towards her ..or so she thought . Yuri is definitely hot but not till the extend of being miss popular on her first day . She was taken aback when two girls holding a bouquet of roses running towards her direction ..

Thinking of how she should react , both of them ran past her as she heard a familiar voice coming from right behind her .

“ Thanks! “ , Tiffany said as she received the roses . Tiffany was not alone . She was clinging onto a girl whose doe-eyes resembled a deer . Subconsciously , Yuri made way for the both of them to pass through .

As if in slow mo , with every step they take ,more and more fan girls and boys were bickering .. more and more presents they both received . Some cowardly boys was seen punching the uni’s locker because they were too afraid to make a move . Summer vacation was over and finally miss popular was back . 

“Aish! Because of them I’m almost late for my first class “, Yuri muttered , as she looked through her schedule .

“ Lecture Theater 4 .. Lecture Theater 4 “ , Yuri mumbled to herself . She was already late yet she was lost . She was too engaged in her thoughts when she accidentally bumped into someone .

“ Oh I’m sorry “, Yuri said offering her hand to the latter .

“ Watch your way “, the latter rejected her hand, standing up dusting her clothes . As she fixed her gaze onto Yuri ,

“ YOU AGAIN! Please don’t tell me you're attending this university . If you are , Im quitting tomorrow “, Jessica said coldly.

“ I’m in no time to argue with you right now . Look , I’m new here and I can’t find this lecture hall . Do you by any chance know where is lecture theater 4 ? “, Yuri asked .

“ Yea , its right across that hall . Just walk straight , and turn right “, Jessica replied .

“ Thanks!”, Yuri bowed and fasten her pace .


“ I’m sorry I’m late , I couldn’t find the place“, Yuri said as she entered the lecture theater.

“ You take 30 minutes to find this place ? “, the lecturer asked Yuri sarcastically

“ Nono , someone gave me the wrong directions making me even more lost “, Yuri said as the class erupted with laughter . 

“Alright, grab a seat”, the lecturer in charge said

Yuri looked up to the lecture theater as she saw a pair of hand waving at her , inviting her to the seat next to her . 

“ Hey Yurree-ah , what a coincidence . “, Tiffany said .

“ Im Yoona “, Yoona introduced herself , asking for a hand shake.


“ Miss Jung , you’re late again “, the lecturer’s voice echoed throughout the room as everybody’s eyes was now fixed at her.

“ Are you going to tell me that you got lost despite being here for your 3rd year now ? “, the class was filled with laughter as the lecturer eyed Yuri ..obviously being sarcastic.

“ No “ . Jessica replied nonchalantly as she took the front seat .


“ Miss Jung , if you’re going to sleep in my lecture , please excuse yourself “, the lecturer said mockingly.

“ And Miss Hwang , would you stop bickering at the back there with miss freshman “.

“ Yes , I’m sorry “, Tiffany replied as she continue taking down her notes .

“ Miss Jung , I’m talking to you “

“ I heard you since the first time “, Jessica said as she lifted up her head and stared at the screen in front of her .


“ Yurree-ah , do you want to join us for lunch ? “ Tiffany invited the latter before taking out her phone , dialing her best friend’s number .

“ Maybe tomorrow , I have a friend to meet now “, Yuri politely rejected as she excused herself .

“ Miss Jung Jessica , where are you ? “, Tiffany said over the phone as she and Yoona exited the lecture theater . Once again being surrounded by swarm of .. bees ..humans .

“ Im at the library , I’ll be skipping lunch . See you later “

*toooot toot toot *

“ Jessi just hung up on me again! “, Tiffany complained to Yoona .

She’s so cute when she whines ..

Omg her eye-smiles kills me..

She just smiled AT ME ..

Omg Yoona waved AT ME..

They get that all the time . Fan girls and fan boys literally spazzes with every move they take.


“ Hey Sooyoung! “, Yuri said as she take a seat beside her .

“ Oh you’re here already! How’s your first lecture ? “

“ Bad . I was late . Good . I made new friends “, Yuri replied briefly when she got distracted by a few students in the library .


She looks so pretty although she’s asleep..

I find her attractive only when she closes her eyes…

“ Leave me alone “, the girl with blonde hair lifted her head off the table and threw a few icy glares at her fans . Her fans scrambled off after leaving her bouquet of roses and chocolates on the table . Jung Jessica , miss popular #3 after Tiffany and Yoona . 

“ Yuri..Yuri-ah”, Sooyoung snapped her fingers in front of her.

“ Don’t tell me you’re interested in her ? “ , Sooyoung asked.

“ Heck no . “

“ Wooh , easy. Did she offended you or something ? “

“ Let’s not talk about her … Are you done for the day ? “

“ Yeap!”

“ Good . I need you to bring me around the uni and brief me through every single details I need to know being a student here “, Yuri said

“ Sure! “

Chapter 3

As the duo was walking through the hallway , they stopped at a notice board …more like a confession area the uni has for the students , Sooyoung briefed her through thoroughly the background of every famous students here .

“ As you can see , Tiffany Hwang , 1989 . Miss popular #1 because of her eye-smile and milky skin . Believe me , boys or girls ..they both fall head over heels for her . Best friends with Jung Jessica and Im Yoona which I believe are your classmates . They three are in Business just like you . Still single and available . Vice president of the student’s union. She lives with her family here . “

“ Im Yoona , 1990 . Miss popular #2 because of her naturally glistening doe- eyes that draws you in . She has a alligator laughter which everyone finds it attractive . Single but not available due to the fact that she has a huge crush on the president of the performing arts .She’s the Vice president of the performing arts. A part time model living with Jung Jessica.

“ Jung Jessica , 1989 . Miss popular #3 because she is simply gorjess . A real sleepyhead , always late for lectures . Well known for icy glares and her cold personality yet people find her absolutely gorgeous . Single , available . Daughter of the Jung Enterprises from Korea . You kids.. “

“ Thought so “, Yuri mumbled.

“ What did you just say ? “

“ Noth- “, Yuri was cut off by the students who were running frantically away from a midget who was seen carrying stacks of books that technically covered her vision .

One two three * thud *


The poor girl fell and the books was scattered around .

“ That’s Kim Taeyeon , 1989 . President of the student’s union elected by Tiffany herself, god knows why. Very smart midget not forgetting she’s a total nerd , majoring in Architectural Science . Pretty damn sure she is still single and available . “

“ Taeyeon-unnie , are you okay “

“ And that’s Seo Joo Hyun , better known as Seohyun , 1991 . President of the performing arts . Talented , smart young girl which can never drop her formalities . Have a couple of loyal admirers but never confessed because of the presence of Im Yoona. Majors in Musical Theatre . Good friends with Kim Taeyeon as they live in the dorm together “

“ Ahh , I see I see “, Yuri said as she turned around , scanning through the ‘confession board’

Tiffany Hwang , you’re the love of my life

Fany-ah , would you please give me your number ?

Yoona , why are you so pretty ?

Im Yoona , SARANGHEY ~

Jessica , would you smile at me just once , pretty please ? 

And it goes on and on and on …

“ Alright , enough information for today . Let’s get back to the dorm ! “, Sooyoung said .


Fan girls and fan boys were screaming , bouquets after bouquets , chocolates after chocolates ..and it’s Yuri’s second day in uni . It’s a no fail , she’ll witness such an incident . She wondered if she could be the next miss popular . Scratching away her thoughts , Tiffany sat beside her alongside with Yoona .

“ Good morning “, Tiffany greeted

Yuri slightly nodded and smiled at the both of them which in return earning smiles from the both of them .

“ Ahh , Jessi’s going to be late again “, Tiffany said as she checked her mobile phone .

“ It’ll be weird if she’s early “, Yoona said

“ True that ! “




“ Hwang Mi young , I LOVE YOU . Would you please be my girlfriend “, a boy dressed up in a suit proposed in front of the students in the lecture theater with a bouquet of roses in his hand .

Woooooh .

Every student stared at Tiffany , waiting for her reply . The latter on the other hand was too embarrassed that she was hiding behind Yoona before the lecturer stepped in ,

“ Please leave . I have a lecture to teach “

“ Hwang Mi young , Please accept me “, he continued

Wooooooh. Some students is now clapping at his courage .

“ I said , please leave “, the lecturer repeated with a stern look on his face .




“ Miss Jung , you’re late again “, the lecturer turned his attention to Jessica who just entered .

“ What’s with the chaotic situation ? “, Jessica said ignoring the lecturer as she stared at the poor boy who was still kneeling on the floor . Jessica approached the boy as she took the note that was stuck onto the bouquet ..

“ Oh , fan boys “, Jessica said tossing the note away sitting at her usual spot , laying her head down . Jessica never sat beside Tiffany nor Yoona despite being best friends for years because she needed her naps during lectures . 

“ Hwang Mi young , I wouldn’t leave until you say Yes “, the boy bravely continued .



“ Leave N.O.W . Don’t make me repeat “, Jessica said , not looking up to the boy as the poor boy quickly scrambled and left the place .

“ Jessi’s the best!”


“ Yurree-ah , so are you coming lunch with us today ? “, Tiffany invited . Yuri felt obliged to go as it is now her second invitation . What more coming from the most popular girl .

“ Sure! Maybe then I can introduce you to my roommates “, Yuri replied .

Dude..they are with the freshman

Wait ..wait..what’s that girl’s name again ?

She’s so lucky omg .

As they three entered the cafeteria , students quickly made place for them . To their surprise , the three didn’t budge as they scanned through the cafeteria .

“ There they are! “, Yuri said as she made her way to the end of the cafeteria with Tiffany and Yoona following behind .

“ Sooyoung , Sunny! Meet my friends “, Yuri said.

“Hi!” , Sooyoung chirpily waved not looking up to them . Her eyes was fixed onto her sandwich before Sunny slightly nudged her asking her to take a look at whom Yuri brought .

Sooyoung dropped her sandwich as she stared at Tiffany and Yoona . Who would have thought they’ll get a chance to be friends with them .

“ Hey “ , Tiffany and Yoona both said in unison as they extend their hands for a handshake .

“ Yah! Don’t be so rude . Stop gawking “, Yuri said as Sooyoung broke her trance shaking their hands..

“ Im your fan…”, she softly added .

“ Ahh really ? Nice to meet you“, Tiffany said as they three settled down.

“ Is Jessica-unnie skipping lunch again ? “, Yoona questioned Tiffany .



Laughters filled the entire cafeteria when Taeyeon bumped into Jessica carelessly causing Jessica to fall back and the spaghetti Taeyeon was carrying was all over herself. She never liked the midget .

“ Yah Are you blind ? “, Jessica said as Taeyeon helped her up .

“ Sorry Jessica , dint see you coming “, the shorter one replied as Tiffany and Yoona came rushing over .

“ Jessi are you alright ?” 

“ Taeyeon-unnie , are you hurt anywhere ?”, Yoona asked due to the fact that the uni’s #1 nerd is Seohyun’s good friend.

“ Aish , I’m fine . Let’s go “, Jessica said grabbing onto Tiffany’s hand

“ You’re not going anywhere until you apologize “, Jessica was taken aback by that voice that belongs to no one but Yuri ..

“ You got to be kidding me “

“ You heard me clearly , apologize then you’re free to go “, Yuri said .

“ Who are you to order me around ? “

“ Me ? Kwon Yuri “

“ Why am I even wasting my time with such a person like you “, Jessica said as she walked pass Yuri hitting her shoulder . Before Yuri could halt her , Taeyeon spoke up 

“ It’s my fault . I bumped into her “


“ Jessi , cant you treat Yurree a little nicer “, Tiffany said 

“ Yeah , she’s a nice person “, Yoona added as she caught up with the both of them .

“ Why should I ? “, Jessica asked as they stopped in their tracks

“ Because Yurree will be part of the Student’s Union with us “

“ What ?! “

Chapter 4

“ Omg omg omg , I’m so late for class , All because of you keeping me up all night long ! “, Yuri frantically packed her bag and left the dorm slapping Sooyoung’s hand hard on the way out .

“ Look, we have a new latecomer to join Miss Jung’s gang “, the lecturer said sarcastically.

“ Sorry I overslept! “

“ You sure you overslept and not got lost on your way here ? “, the lecture theater was once again filled with laughter before the usual latecomer stepped in .

“ Very well , Miss Jung you’re typically late again , Why am I not surprised ? “, as the lecturer faked a laughter .

“ Better late than never “, Jessica said once again claiming her seat .

“ Alright , Miss freshman , go grab your seat “

“ It’s Miss Kwon “

“ I beg your pardon ? “

“ The name’s Kwon Yuri “

Jessica lifted her head up upon hearing the name . Well , technically Jessica only sleeps in lectures , she can't be bothered to know who her classmates were . 

“ You’re in this lecture too ?”, Jessica asked

“ Yes , Miss Jung if you sleep less , you’ll probably be aware that Miss Freshman here is your classmate “

“ Im not talking to you “

“ It’s Miss Kwon , sir “ , they both retaliated , definitely not aware of their lecturer’s facial expression who was now fuming mad .




“ You both . OUT . NOW and Miss Hwang , if you wouldn’t stop chatting by the back there , you’re going out together with the both of them ! “.


They both exited the lecture theater as Jessica gave Yuri a piercing stare , as if it could burn a hole by the back of her head .

“ What are you staring at ? Never seen such hot girl before ? “, Yuri mockingly said . She was definitely not in her good mood because after all she’s here under a scholarship . If she gets 3 warnings or if her grades falls below expectation , she’ll have to return to Korea .

“ Oh please . If it wasn’t for you arriving late , I wouldn’t be out here “

“ If it wasn’t for you talking back at him , I wouldn’t be out here ,“ Yuri counterattack .

“ Guys..guys.. cut it off “, Tiffany said as she exited the theater hall .

“ You got chased out too ?”, the duo said in unison , rolling their eyes at each other after realizing their similar antics 

“ No! I knew you guys would start bickering! “, Tiffany said




“ Taeyeon-ahhh “, Tiffany said softly , only audible to herself when she saw a couple of boys tripped her on purpose .


The crowd begin surrounding the poor girl as she stood up with the help of Yuri , adjusting her glasses .

“ Apologize “, Yuri demanded for an apology as she crossed both her arms across her chest .

Who do you think you are ? Miss freshman

Why should we apologize to the uni’s nerd

Guys , Seohyun’s coming, 

Yuri heard one of the boys whispering as they quickly bowed down and apologized .

“ Din’t know Yoona’s influence is that scary “, Tiffany said to Jessica as she saw Seohyun running towards Taeyeon’s direction . 

Definitely the reason why the boys apologized almost instantly . Mocking Seohyun would be the same as humiliating Im Yoona . Which simply means , you’ll be almost every student’s enemy due to the ridiculously large amount of fan girls and boys going gaga over Yoona . 


“ For you! “, Yoona passed Seohyun a bouquet of roses from behind .

“ Hi Yoona-unnie “ , Seohyun politely replied , however rejecting the bouquet as she continued walking while Yoona was smiling at her like a total dork , walking backwards . Feeling a little uncomfortable with Yoona’s antics , Seohyun stopped and looked at the latter .

“ I swear I bought them from the florist this morning . It’s not recycled from my fans “, Yoona said giving a more serious look this time .

“ I have a class to attend “, Seohyun said , bowing down to the latter 90 degrees before she go on walking to her respective class .




“ Im Yoona! “, Jessica called out to her .

“Coming “

“ You got rejected again ? “ Jessica asked

“ Awww , don’t be discouraged . I’m sure she’ll accept you one day “, Tiffany said as she patted Yoona head.

“ Yea , I mean who doesn’t want to be with miss popular ? Look at your fans “, Jessica said as she pointed at the crowd who were pushing one another just to catch a glimpse of the beautiful girl .

The three of them were at their lockers , only to find more sticky notes on them which have contact numbers , details about their very own stalker fans .There were even some polaroid pictures of their fans stuck onto their beloved lockers . Jessica irritatedly collected them and threw it right to the thrash bin beside the lockers . Opening their lockers , confession letters that flooded the lockers , came pouring out. 

“ Why can’t you guys stop being a nuisance ? “ , Jessica lost her temper as she yelled at the crowd that was secretly hoping either of the girls would so happen read theirs ..Well, but the crowd dispersed at an instant .

“ Aww , Jessi come on! It’s pretty sweet . Hear this .. “,

“Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart.” Tiffany recited off one of the papers .

“ hahahahaha , that’s so lame . oh oh hear this “ , Yoona said 

“ Do you have a map? “

“ I just keep on getting lost in your eyes. “ both Yoona and Jessica recited .

“ Wow daebak Jessica-unnie , you’re so smart! “, Yoona exclaimed

“ Low in creativity , Let’s go for the meeting “, Jessica nonchalantly replied .


“ Hey Taeyeon , Hi Taeyeon-unnie “, both Tiffany and Yoona greeted as they three step in the discussion room .

“ Hey-y-y “, Taeyeon replied . Seriously , if you’re wondering why she’s the president of the student’s union , only Tiffany knows why . ( Honestly , even I don't know why )

“ So , everyone’s here . Let’s start” , Jessica said

“ Nooo , Yurree isn’t here yet “

“ You’re kidding me , right ? Its more than enough being in the same course/lectures as her and now you’re taking her in as part of the Student’s union ? “, Jessica asked not believing her own ears .




“ Then what makes you qualified enough to be part of it ? “, Yuri said at the door step .

“ Money . I provide sponsorships to all the events taking place in the uni “, Jessica proudly stated , leaning herself onto the table facing Yuri with her arms crossed .

“ And what makes you qualified enough ? “, Jessica asked

“ Brains , because you don’t have any “

“ Can’t you both stop bickering for once ? We’re in a meeting ! “, Tiffany raised her voice a little as the two quiet down .

Chapter 5

There’s a singing competition! 

Wow . I wonder if Seohyun-shi will take part ?

Wow the judges are the miss populars!

I’ll sign up even though I cant sing..

“ Taeyeon-unnie , will you be taking part in this event “, Seohyun asked while reading the poster about the upcoming singing competition

“ Nah , I’ll be too busy for that . Don’t forget I’m one of the organizers . I’ve already registered your name by the way. “

“ Thank you , would you be free to accompany me for practices later ? “, Seohyun smiled .


“ Hurry! I’m sure Seohyun would be there “, Yoona said dragging along her two best friends . 

“ Where are we heading too , Yoona ?”, Tiffany questioned .

“ The musical theater , I saw her name on the list! “, Yoona said excitedly . 


“ YURI HURRY UP! Sunny’s waiting for us “, Sooyoung shouted .

“ Aish , why must I be there ? “

“ Because…because…I don’t know .Stop complaining and come along!”


Ironically all of them were now in the same musical theater as the contestants were up on the stage rehearsing .

“Taeyeon! What brings you here ? Supporting Seohyun ?”, Yuri asked as she took a seat beside her who was all along sitting alone right at the corner of the last row .

“ Yea .. and you ? “

“ There .. that short one up there. Her name’s Sunny . Came to support her “

The crowd grew larger and larger by secondsminutes after the news was spread that the popular ones were in the theatre . It was getting noisier every minute until one of the contestant bravely spoke ..

“ I-I-I can’t believe I’m cha-cha-challenging myself to enter this competition when I cant even speak-k-k properly on stage . “

Isn’t that Donghae oppa ?

Is he going to dedicate the song to Jessica..

He’s so good looking!

Every student on the floor was bringing up own assumptions and conclusions because it was well-known that Donghae has a crush on Jessica since first year .

“ I dedicate this song to you “, Donghae pointed towards the last row .

“ Kwon Yuri “, he added as he sang away . His voice was definitely captivating , he has the perfect pitch and he wasn’t stammering like before . However the noise of the crowd was overthrowing his voice when Jessica left the theatre abruptly followed by Tiffany .


“ Jessi , are you jealous ? I thought you don’t have any feelings for him ”, Tiffany asked as she held onto Jessica preventing her from walking away further .

“ I don’t . I just can’t stand that Kwon Yuri . She’s getting on my nerves day by day “

“ Ohhh , so Miss Jung Jessica is starting to get paranoid ? “, Tiffany jokingly teased .

“ No ..” Jessica paused . 

“ Fany-ah did you mentioned that she’s here on scholarship ? “, Jessica asked out of the blue .

“ Yea , why ? “

“ So if she gets 3 warnings or low grades , she’s back to Korea right ? “

“ Uhuh “ , Tiffany nodded 

“ No way Jessi, Don’t tell me … way.”


“ Here ! It’s herbal tea . Will help you in your singing “, Yoona said as she passed Seohyun the bottle as she sat beside Seohyun on stage after her rehearsals .

“ Yoona-unnie .. – “

“ I told you before , call me Yoona “, the latter cut her off .

“ Um.. I got to go “, Seohyun stood up and left Yoona with her herbal tea .

Yoona frowned and pouted , staring blankly at the bottle in her hands . I don’t even remember how many times you rejected me , Yoona silently thought .




Yoona headed to cafeteria and sat down , staring intently at the bottle as she twisted and rolled the bottle around the table . 

“ Hey , anyone sitting here ?” , there was no response from the latter as she was too deep into her thoughts .

“ Im Yoona! “, Yuri waved in front of her seeking her attention as she sat down across Yoona .

“ Oh hey Yuri-unnie “, Yoona sat back to her upright position .

“ Why are you dreaming ? “

“ It’s nothing “ , Yoona faked a smile .

“ Come on , we still have one more lecture for the day “, Yuri said


“ Oh hey Taeyeon , What’s the rush ? “, Yuri greeted .

“ I’ve got a lecture to attend “, as she fasten her pace , not having any eye contact .

“ But – “, the midget sure disappears fast .

“ But .. why did she came out from our lecture theater ?” Yuri muttered silently under her breathe.

Yuri and Yoona sat at their place respectively . Yuri glanced to the seat beside her only to see more boxes of chocolates and gifts for the one and only Tiffany Hwang , but there was one particular small box that caught her attention . It’s definitely not one of those fancy , expensive boxes but a plain simple one , rather it looks like its hand made .

Tiffany and Jessica came in to the theater hall . Immediately the chatters and bickers stopped as they are now the center attraction while they came up to their seat .

“ Hi Yuri “, Jessica greeted .

Oddly enough , Jung Jessica is greeting her . Adding on to the awkwardness , Jung Jessica actually sat beside her .

“ Uh..hey? “ , Yuri replied and quickly avoided eye contact . Turning to her right , she saw Tiffany picking up the box that caught her attention earlier .

“ Fany-ah , what’s that ? ,“ Yuri curiously asked 

Tiffany showed Yuri the contents ..and it’s definitely special . Not those typical chocolates , rings or necklaces but just a simple folded star .

“ Tiffany-unnie gets a star a day from this secret admirer since her first year “, Yoona explained 

“ And it’s the only gift she actually treasures“, Jessica added flatly with her head already on the desk preparing to doze off .

“ Do you guys know who is it ? “, Yuri asked .

“ Nah , he or she never reveals any information about him/herself “, Tiffany said smiling

This is interesting ..Yuri thought only to be interrupted when Jessica stepped on her foot on purpose as she shouted

“ Yah , what was that for ?”

“ Miss Kwon , if you’re going to yell in my lecture , please leave “

“ Sorry “

Chapter 6

“ So who still doesn’t have a partner ? “, the usual morning sarcastic lecturer asked before adding on..

“ Miss Jung Jessica ..-“

“Do you have to repeat yourself every morning ? “, Jessica asked as she entered the lecture theater .

“ You’re pairing up with Miss Kwon “, the lecturer smirked .

“ Sure , fine with me “, Jessica replied.

“ No , What ? I don’t want to be stuck with her for 3 months! ” , Yuri stood up

“ Be reminded that everyone of you have to work together , it’ll affect your grades for this semester , dismiss “, the lecturer announced.


“YAH ! JUNG JESSICA ! I’m talking to you “, Yuri shouted across the hallway as Jessica walked further and further away .

Yuri was getting weird stares ..more like cold icy glares from students at the hallway . Infact they were all..Jessica’s fans . Some of them was bumping onto Yuri on purpose as they exited the lecture theater , due to the fact that she’s pairing with one of the miss populars . 

“ Blind kids! “, Yuri stated the obvious before Seohyun squatted down helping Yuri to pick up some of her scattered books .





“ Are you hurt ? Did you fell down ? “, Yoona rushed to Seohyun , helping her up .

“ I was just helping Yuri-unnie with her books “, Seohyun calmly replied .

“ Hahahaha “, Tiffany was laughing while clapping watching Yoona overreacting . Seohyun felt her face burning up due to the unwanted attention she was gaining by other students so she quickly excused herself from the crowd .

“ Tiffany-unnie , stop laughing! “, Yoona playfully slapped her arms before chasing after Seohyun .

“ Let’s go Fany-ah . Was that so hilarious ? You have a weird sense of humor “, Yuri said clinging her arms on Tiffany walking pass the crowd . While watching the girl’s odd antics , Yuri swore she saw some midget who looked like Taeyeon hiding behind the lockers , taking a peek at her direction as they passed.

Hmm , she’s getting suspicious , Yuri thought.


Tiffany , Yoona and Yuri was in the musical theater during their break , watching the contestants practice for the upcoming competition.. If Seohyun wins the competition again this year , its definitely because Yoona is bias .

Its obvious who will grab the title again this year because if Yoona supports her , there will be god knows how many supporters supporting Seo Joo Hyun.

“ Fany-ah , have you receive your star for the day ? “, Yuri asked

“ Nope , probably the next lecture “, Tiffany replied 

“ Shhh , Seohyun is singing “, Yoona gestured the both of them to stop talking as Yuri made her way to the exit .


Yuri checked the whereabouts of her next lecture only to find a certain midget hastily rushing out of the lecture theater , walking at an abnormally fast pace ..especially for a midget like her . 

“ KIM TAEYEON “, Yuri yelled as the midget picked up her pace .

“ KIM TAEYEON , stop right there before I tell Tiffany you’re the one ! “, Yuri raised her voice , making sure the midget heard every single word clearly . She immediately tensed up and froze at her spot , not daring to move a single inch . If she could have stop breathing..she would.

Good thing that the hallway was empty , all the students were busy stalking the popular ones in the musical theater and..well ..the library. 

“ So I was right! It is you “, Yuri said as she faced Taeyeon who had her head down .

“ Pleasedon’ttellTiffany “, Taeyeon muttered quickly.

“ What did you said ? “

“I said… pleasedon’ttellTiffany”, she quickly finished off the sentence once again.

“ I was just joking , Taengoo-ah!”, Yuri laughed , putting her arms over Taeyeon head-locking her playfully ruffling her hair.




“Why Tiffany ?”, Yuri’s expression became serious as she let the latter go .

“ I-I don’t know..just happens ..? “

“ Oh look! Tiffany’s there! “, Yuri said , pointing behind Taeyeon. The latter quickly ran upon hearing that.

“ TAENG!I WAS JUST JOKING “, Yuri said ,chasing after the midget . She sure likes teasing the uni’s nerd . 

The uni’s nerd and the uni’s most popular girl ? …together …? . Yuri can never picture that . They are definitely …

not the best match …

probably one of the worst. 














“ Taeng! I’ll help you get her! ..” Yuri added still chasing after the midget.


“After 45 or more days a creditor with a debt secured by real or personal property can petition the court to have the "automatic stay" of legal rights removed and a foreclosure to – “ the lecturer stopped as he looked up to the bickering noises . The students followed his eyes only to find themselves watching the duo bickering away… 

“ Miss Kwon and Miss Hwang , this is your last warning before you’re out of the class ! “

“ Sorry..” they both said in unison .




Minutes later ..

“Psst “, Yuri called out to Tiffany , passing her the Business Law notes . Taking it she read off what Yuri wrote ..

Seriously , what else do you like besides PINK ?

Dennis Oh

Yuri rolled her eyes , reading the reply only to go on scribbling on their notes .

How about…girls?


I mean..girls…… know..anyone in particular?

Girl’s Generation. Why ?

*Mr Taxi Taxi Taxi soutou jeuksi jeuksi jeuksi* 

Yuri’s cellphone rang .

“ Im sorry!! .. Wait a minute..its not mine”, Yuri said as she continue scribbling on the notes . 

Everyone else chuckled watching their lecturer fumbled with his cellphone quickly putting it to silent mode .

Nothing ..just asking..

Are you hitting on me , Kwon Yuri ?

“ YAH! Why did you snatch- “, Yuri gulped as she find herself staring at her lecturer ..

The lecturer smirked,reading the notes . Humiliating them further , he took the notes and placed them on the projector , projecting what they wrote . The class burst out into laughter ..

“ Miss Kwon , that’s one official warning you’re getting from me . For using MY lecture time and MY lecture notes to pick up a girl “

Dammit! There goes my first official warning, Yuri debated in her mind . 

On the other hand , the blonde that bore the same facial expression even after the class burst into laughter thought .. Great! I don’t even need to make a move . Two more warnings and off she goes.

Chapter 7

Ohh , that’s her..

I heard she went on her knees and confessed..

I think she got rejected..

That’s Kwon Yuri..

Yuri shot them cold glares once in a while as Sooyoung said ,

“ Good move buddy . You got all the attention you need now . Seriously , what were you thinking ? Tiffany Hwang …? “, Sooyoung mocked

“ It’s a misunderstanding my god .. This is frustrating! “

“ Did she really rejected you ? “ Sunny asked curiously ..

“ SUNNY!!..No..I dint even confessed anything “, Yuri say out of anger.

“ Okay okay chill there buddy , then what’s with all the rumors spreading like wild fire ? “

“ Yea, the whole uni knows about it ya know “, Sunny added .

“ I know! “

Oh its Tiffany

Hide hide!

Omg her eye smiles *swoons*

“ Hey baby! “, Tiffany threw Yuri her sweetest smile ever , giving her a peck on the cheeks .


OMG . This is heartbreaking..

The love of my taken..

Everyone in the cafeteria was shocked , yet Yuri remained composed . As if the peck meant nothing at all . Playing along , Yuri faced Tiffany who sat beside her , brushing away her fringe slightly caressing her cheeks . Tiffany immediately flushed upon the contact 

“ Mi young ah .. You know..two can play the game “, Yuri said , leaning in closer to the latter when she immediately back away as she faked a cough .

“ I was just playing , Yurree-ah “, as she playfully hit her shoulder.




“ OMG! I thought you guys was for real “, Sooyoung said finally able to breathe .

“ You guys make a HOT couple , for real “, Sunny added , munching onto her cookies .


Yuri was sitting in the library alone , scribbling onto the blank piece of paper . Jessica is late ..not very surprising since she’s never on time for lectures what more this is merely just a discussion for their assignment . She was too deep into her thoughts before realizing Yoona was sitting right across her table .

“ Seohyun-ahh ~~ “, Yoona whined as she placed her chin on her hand having a really bored expression.

“ can leave first .. you’ve been staring at me for the past hour “, Seohyun said as she lowered down her book , catching a glimpse of the doe-eyed angel.

“ I enjoy staring at you “, Yoona said as she placed her chin on both her hands on the table , smiling cheekily , gazing into Seohyun’s eyes .

“ Im going for practice now “, Seohyun said avoiding Yoona’s eye contact as she abruptly left with Yoona tagging along . 

Right behind them , a whole bunch of crowd was seen trailing right behind them . Now the library is literally deserted. That’s the attention all the miss popular gets all the time.

Despite publicly announcing her never ending love for Seohyun , the amount of fans Yoona have never decreases . It only increases . Probably thanks to her part time modeling . Some students went as far as transferring courses and uni just to get closer to her .

How can I make Taeyeon one of her ?, Yuri thought watching the whole scene.




“ Morning “, Jessica greeted as she settled down on the seat in front of Yuri .

“ MORNING ?? It’s 2 pm for goodness sake! “

“ So are we going to discuss or what ? If not , Im leaving .”

“ If it’s not for my grades..”, Yuri gritted her teeth , swallowing her anger .

“ Provoke me further and I’ll make sure you fail “, Jessica said smirking .

“ I was just kidding ..” Yuri faked a smile .

“ So, anyway ..we have a presentation coming up next week…” and their discussion went on for an hour or so . 


Tiffany was walking down the hallway , alone . The fact that Yoona was with Seohyun and Jessica with Yuri , made things easier for her fanboys and girls. 

“ Tiffany-noona” , a younger boy shouted

“ Yes ? “ , Tiffany answered

“ Can I have your number please ?”



Just because Tiffany answered the boy by mistake , every one wanted a chance to have a word or two with her . They crowded her and they were blocking her , preventing her from walking further . This time , there is no Jung Jessica to calm the situation down . Despite being crowded by the ridiculously large amount of people , Tiffany kept her smile..while she was debating in mind to push through the crowd or just run through them ... it was then..she was grabbed away by a hand .

A hand that belongs to the uni’s nerd .

“ Oh Taeyeon-ah . Thanks “

“Welcome” , as the latter lowered her head , staring at the floor taking mini steps as she walks further and further away . Taeyeon was silently hoping Tiffany would halt her but she didn’t ..

Tiffany watch Taeyeon walk away , ignoring the latter she opened her locker ..once again the letters poured out endlessly ..

“ They should use email instead of papers . Poor trees “ , Tiffany mumbled to herself as she reached out to a beautiful heart shape glass jar , once again adding the last star into it. It was filled with the colourful stars that made Tiffany smiled .

“ That’s the third jar now “, she said as she cap it back , carefully placing it back into her locker .


“ WHAT ? You want to make TAEYEON popular ? “ Sooyoung asked in disbelief

“ Don’t be so loud! ..any suggestions ? “ , Yuri asked as they watch Sunny practicing her part on stage .

“ That’s kind of impossible .. how can the uni’s nerd be popular ? “ Sooyoung questioned .

“ I don’t know .. that’s why I’m asking for suggestions! “

As they were thrown away by Seohyun’s and Sunny’s duet , an idea came to Sooyoung’s mind ..




“ I know! “ , she snapped her fingers 

“ Make her go up there “, Sooyoung said pointing to the stage

“ WHAT ? Make Taeyeon sing ? ... It’s impossible she’ll enter the competition! and I don’t even know if she can sing! “ Yuri said.

“ No no no no ..” Sooyoung shook her head .

“ She’s not up there to sing . She’s up there to confess “

Chapter 8

“ N-n-no . I have stage fright “, the poor girl stuttered .

“ Taeng , it’s the only way you can actually get her attention! Stop watching her from afar , boldly go after her “, Yuri urged .

“ No no no no ..” Sooyoung said waving her index finger .

“ What now , Sooyoung ? “ Yuri said , getting irritated by her friend’s ‘ No no no no’ tone .

“ Well , Tiffany does notice her . She’s elected to be President by Tiffany herself! “

“ But.. I have to agree that you should boldly go after her “, she added.

“ Finally , you’re agreeing to something I say !”

“ No no no no ..”


“ Geez . calm down , stop glaring at me . You sure hang out a little too much with Jessica’re learning her habits! “

Yuri threw her another glare before paying her attention back to Taeyeon who was absentmindedly flipping through her books .

“ Taeng! I’m talking to you here ! Leave your book for a minute! Tiffany wouldn’t fall for a nerd for goodness sake ! “

“ Okay I’ll join “

“ What ?? “ both Sooyoung and Yuri blurted out of surprise .

“ I said .. I’ll join “, Taeyeon repeated herself.


Yoona is outside the musical theater again ..

If only she waits for me every day after lectures !I’ll flip!

If only Im Seohyun..

Yoona sure is persistent ..

As the gossips continue circling around the university , Yoona couldn’t be bothered . It’s no longer a new topic ever since she decided to go after her love one . 

“ Im Yoona.. you again “, the lecturer of the musical arts spoke after exiting the musical theater .

“ Go ahead , lecture’s done “

Yoona bowed to the lecturer and smiled , watching him walk away .

“ Hi .. Chocolates ? “ , Yoona offered .

“ No thanks , unnie . “

“ Seriously , drop the formalities ..”

“ Unnie .. you don’t have to wait for me every day .. People are already gossiping around “

“ Call me Yoona and I’ll stop waiting for you “, Yoona said .

“ Unnie !..”

“ Then you’ll have to see me everyday “ Yoona smiled , bringing out the bouquet of roses she was hiding behind her .

“ Only for you “, hoping the latter would accept it .

“ have to stop wasting your money..and time “, Seohyun said as she ignored the bouquet of roses , continue packing her musical sheets into the file .


Yoona frowned , once again being rejected . It was getting worse day by day ..Seohyun was getting more and more harsh day after day . She stood there helplessly , close to giving up , watching Seohyun leave the theater ..until a text message reached her .

From : Tiffany

Im Yoona Hwaiting! Don’t fear being rejected but fight more for your love . 

Followed by another text message from her other best friend .

From : Jessica

If you don’t get her soon enough I’ll kick you out of my house.

Yoona smiled at her friend’s silly threatening messages . She was happy she’s got two of her best friends always encouraging her , showering her with their never ending support although the two most probably eyeing her , watching her every move .

Yoona quickly replied and exited the theater shouting ,

“ SEO JOO HYUN , I will never give up because I love you “



“ Wow , Jessi ..if only someone does that to me . I’ll fall for that instantly “ , Tiffany said as they both was hiding behind the...thrash bin before their phones vibrated ,

From : Im Choding

I love you , my STALKERS ! 


“ Miss Kwon , is your partner here yet ?”, the lecturer in charge asked for the third time now.

Yuri nervously gulp , her grades is definitely going downhill ..She couldn’t believe that Jessica would actually go missing on the presentation day .

“ Um no sir , I’ll get hold of her soon “, she nervously answered.

“ Jessica-unnie wouldn’t be that mean .. “, Yoona said as she watched Tiffany typing away on her cellphone .

“ Got hold of her yet ? “ Yuri asked the both of them as they shook their heads in disappointment.

Tiffany dialed Jessica’s number for the umpteen time before it strike her mind ..

“ So if she gets 3 warnings or low grades , she’s back to Korea right ? “

“ No..noo .. It can’t be it “, Tiffany muttered , nervously dialing her number again .

“ Cant be what Tiffany-unnie ? “, Yoona asked obviously ,clueless.

“ She’s doing this on purpose , isn’t she ? “ Yuri asked in a serious tone .

“ Doing what on purpose ? “ Yoona asked , being the only blur one .

“ She said she’ll make me fail “, Yuri said calmly despite her grades being on stake .



“ She’s here !” , one of the classmates said .

“ Omg! Thank god “, Tiffany exclaimed .

“ Miss Jung and Miss Kwon , I’ll allow you to go with your presentation but you both are getting an official warning from me . Never commit the same mistakes again “, the lecturer said .

Great! My second warning !I bet she planned this .


“ Your wish to make me fail will accomplish if you dint show up last minute “, Yuri said in a monotone tune .

“ Least I got you a warning . One more warning and say bye to LA “, Jessica said , leaving Yuri dumbfounded .

“ You’re so annoying Jessica Jung! “, Yuri shouted as she saw Jessica’s shadow slowly disappearing from her sight .


“ Jessi .. “

“ Jessica-unnie ..wake up..time to take your meds “

“ Jessi.. why din’t you tell Yurree that you were sick today ? ..She thought you did it on purpose ..and sorry for doubting you “, Tiffany expressed .

“ She wouldn’t even believe me if I say so “, the latter weakly replied .

“ But she misunderstood the whole situation “

“ Yea , Yuri-unnie was furious . “

“ Good that she hates me . I’ll have her returning to Korea in no time “ , the sick one said

“ Jessiiii! “ .

“ Im just kidding Fany-ah “..

This Kwon Yuri isn’t that bad afterall .. Jessica thought . Is either the medication was clouding her judgments or either that ..she’s actually finding Kwon Yuri a nice person now. Vividly remembering back their very first encounter in the airplane how she loves going against Yuri how she threaten the latter upon failing ..



she dozed off when the meds takes over.


Meanwhile in the library,

“They say a picture tells a thousand words but when I see yours all I see is 3..that is” , Taeyeon said .

There was an awkward silence in the library when the other two looked at each other absolutely clueless.

“ If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to say, I love you.”, Taeyeon continued before the other two face palmed themselves.

“God! Taeyeon! More emotions ! and just say what you want up there ..not act like you’re reciting off a freaking book! “, Yuri said snatching away Taeyeon’s book entitled : ‘ 1000 love quotes for your partner’ 

“I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me "Angels don't watch other angels.", Taeyeon said monotonously

“Wow! She sure has a great memory!”, Sooyoung said double-checking it over the book , amazed by Taeyeon’s memory because she managed to memorize word for word just by reading it once.

“ TAENGGG, forget all those quotes!”, Yuri burst once again.

Chapter 9

The three judges was seated right at the front row of the musical theater as the contestant was all backstage getting prepared for one of the biggest event held for the month. Oblivious to the fact that Seohyun would be grabbing the title once again , every contestant wanted to have a shot . To be up on stage , singing their hearts out .. In other words , to grab the attention of the judges .

Ironically the audiences were holding up banners like ..

Yoona , I love you 

Jessica jjang! 

Brighter than gems , Fany fany Tiffany! 

“ Taengoo Hwaiting! Remember to just confess out there! “ Yuri pumped her fist .

“ Sunny , Seohyun-ah , Hwaiting “ she added before exiting the stage , taking a seat right beside Sooyoung .



After few meaningless contestants ( who was there not to sing but to confess ) , it was finally Seohyun’s turn .

Clad in a simple white dress , she looked like an angel descended from heaven . No joke . Every single one in the theater was silenced just by her presence . Some were staring at her with their mouths wide open , triggering Yoona’s jealousy-radar as she snapped her fingers , urging the MC to hurry up . The MC himself was staring , from head to toes only to be startled by ..

“ Jinwoon! START NOW ”, Yoona spoke through her mic , kick-starting the background music as Seohyun sang away . 


“Thank you “, Seohyun bowed as she exited the stage .

Soon after ,chatters and bickers was heard as the students were whispering among themselves when they find themselves looking at the university’s #1 nerd on stage . The midget was nervous , it was clearly written on her face and she was shaking uncontrollably .

What is she thinking ?

Is she out of her mind ?

“ Yes , Kim Taeyeon it is “, the MC announced .

The background melody started ..very mellow , as all eyes was fixed at her .

“ Sooyoung , I have a bad feeling “, Yuri whispered 

“ I thought we told her to confess and not sing ? “ Sooyoung stated the obvious .

Taeyeon gathered all the courage she have when she saw Tiffany smiling at her at the floor . Her eyes was close to tears , but Tiffany’s smile made her calm as she got carried away by the music , singing her heart out .

It started really wobbly at first , she got the pitching all wrong as many “ Boos “ was heard from the audiences but she carried on when she had a brief eye contact with Tiffany . She closed her eyes as a drop of tear escaped , feeling the music .. she continued her singing .


Naega babo gattaseo

Saranghanda haji mothanen geon ahmado

Mannandwi e kidarineun apeume

Seulpeum nanaldeuri ..

dortoedweoseo inkabwa


Captivated by her vocal skills , she left everyone speechless .

“ ..“ Sooyoung muttered

“ ..” , Yuri looked at Sooyoung blankly . 

“ Thank you ,“ she bowed and quickly left the stage .




Finally the last contestant sung and the results was released . All the contestants were at the backstage fidgeting , playing with their fingers as the MC announced...

“ We have our results ..and the winner is….”

“ Seo Joo Hyun , Seo Joo Hyun ! “, the audiences started chanting .




“ is..."

"Kim Taeyeon “



“ Wait wait a minute “, the MC said , checking the result slip once again making sure he got it right .

The theater was in a pin-drop silent state , not believing the fact that the uni’s nerd won the competition for the night .

“ You din’t see wrong , Jinwoon-shi “, Tiffany said through her mic as Taeyeon once again find herself standing on stage .

“ Good job , Taeyeon-shi “, Jessica said

“ I’m impressed “, Yoona added

So the judges aren’t that bias afterall .. 



“ So.. what made you pour out all your emotions ?” , The MC asked 

“ You ..” Taeyeon answered , not taking her eyes off Tiffany .

“ Pardon ? “ the MC asked 

“ Tiffany Hwang . Starting from now onwards , I will be the one that waits for you every day till your lectures are over . I’ll be the one that will keep you protected . I’ll be the one that will willingly share your happiness and sadness . I’ll laugh with you , I’ll shed tears with you .. no matter what it takes ..even if it takes forever .. to steal your heart , I’m willing to wait “




Now the attention was all on Tiffany . Trying to get herself out from the ‘tension’ she laughed it off saying..” Yah Kim Taeyeon! I din’t know you were a joker “. 

So..did Kim Taeyeon just got directly rejected ?..


“ Seohyun….! Seobaby !! “, Yoona pleaded as she finally caught up with the latter .

“ Are you mad because Taeyeon won the competition ? “ 

“ No.. I’m happy for Taeyeon-unnie “

“ Then ? ”



Seohyun breathe out a gush of air through her nose .

“ It’s just that I thought Taeyeon-unnie and I are best friends . I din’t know she had feelings for Tiffany-unnie “, Seohyun said with a slight tinge of unhappiness .

Yoona placed her hand behind Seohyun’s ear , carrying out a magic as a rose magically appeared before her .

“ Not everyone is like me you know , boldly declaring my love for you since the start “..Yoona said , handing the rose to the latter.

Seohyun smiled , accepting the rose .



“ Yes ! Finally ! SEO JOO HYUN accepted something from me ! “, Yoona exclaimed as she ran across the hall way .

Seohyun subconsciously smiled at her choding instincts . It’s actually very easy to make Yoona happy ..


“ Move aside , will you ? “, Jessica said pushing Yuri aside

“ No. Not until you agree to turn up for discussion tomorrow “..

“ I honestly don’t want to go back to Korea because of you “ , Yuri added.

“ Just move . “

“ No “

“ I can’t make it tomorrow “ , Jessica said

“ Stop lying . “



Jessica stopped pushing the latter .

“ Fine . come to my place for the discussion . Take it or leave it “ , Jessica coldly said .

“ Sure “, Yuri smirked thinking she finally got control over the ice princess .

Chapter 10

Jessica’s phone vibrated for the seventh time now .

“ Pick it up if it’s urgent !”, Yuri said , starting to get annoyed by the vibration .

“ mmHmm.. wait we’re almost done . Just the last part left “, Jessica said staring intently onto her laptop.

Yuri somehow felt Jessica's concentrating look very captivating . She was extremely cute when she pouts whenever she faces any statement she don't quite understand . Occasionally she would smile to herself , and occasionally she would –

“ What are you staring at ? “ Jessica spoke up

“ N-n-nothing ? “ 

“ Alright , I’m done “, Jessica said as she picked up her cell phone and answered the call , slouching back onto the comfy couch . 

“ Yes Krystal .. “

“ I know.. I’m sorry “

Yuri din’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation ,but Jessica really dint help much as she was talking just right behind Yuri as if on purpose .



“ Krystal…? KRYSTAL JUNG ! “

“ Aish , damn kid hang up on me “, Jessica mumbled , throwing her phone to the couch .

“ What ?! Seriously ? Why do you keep staring at me like that ? “, Jessica asked .

“ You really had something urgent today ? “, Yuri asked , feeling tad bit guilty .

“ Well , my sister wanted to pay me a visit today since she’s flying back to Korea after a week in LA “

“ Ohh ..”

“ I thought we would’ve finished earlier ..but we delayed till now . “ Jessica said as she checked her watch .. “ I guess she’s in the airplane now “ she added .

“ You could’ve told me earlier ..”

“ I did “ , Jessica said as she stood up heading to the kitchen .



Jessica’s attitude towards Yuri changed . Is it because she’s trying a soft approach so she could kick her out with her last warning ..or is Yuri being too overly sensitive? She’s definitely not the same when they first met in the plane . Yuri chuckled recalling that day .

“ What are you chuckling at? “ Jessica asked ,glancing at Yuri from the kitchen.

“ Uhh..nothing?”

“ Leave if you’re done “, Jessica said .

Okay , maybe Yuri’s assumption was wrong . Still as icy as ever.

“But I’m hungry! Should we go grab something to eat?”, Yuri invited..

a minute too late. 

Jessica came out with a bowl of noodles , slurping onto it as she sat on the couch , turning on the flatscreen tv.

Yuri quickly sat beside the latter ,leaning in to peek at the contents of the bowl..

“Can I have some?”, Yuri asked when the latter just simply pointed towards the kitchen . Curious, Yuri headed to the kitchen when a another bowl of noodles was placed neatly with the utensil by the side.

So Jung Jessica did cooked a portion for her .

“Thanks!”, Yuri was beaming with happiness as she joined the latter on the couch , watching the idiotbox.


“Are you still not leaving?”, Jessica came out of shower before she was greeted by a serene sleeping figure on her couch .

Ahh..she’s asleep ,Jessica thought , watching the raindrop continue to carelessly fall on the tiles of the balcony..

It’s going to be a long one..

Jessica approach the sleeping figure as she kneeled down to have a clearer picture of the sleeping figure. She traced the outlines of Yuri’s face , just 1cm before having an actual physical contact with the sleeping figure , smiling . Somehow , she felt warm and contented watching Yuri sleep ..and that’s what lovers do. Taken aback by her own thoughts , she denied them by constantly reminding herself that she’s not falling for her nemesis.

As she was in her own world,debating with her own thoughts ..Yuri stirred in her sleep ,ended up falling off the couch .

“Ouch!”, Yuri woke up rubbing her bottoms before she realize Jessica was right beside her as their eyes met. Jessica nervously looked away .

“Were you watching me the whole time?”

“W-w-what? No..Of course not…that’s just weird”..Jessica said as she stood up going on mumbling to herself..



“Not only that’s weird..that’s ..that’s…”






“like totally WEIRD” , she mumbled entering her bedroom , shutting the doors tightly . Leaving Yuri dumbfounded.

“God..all I asked was if she’s watching me ..If she was I can actually find out if I really do sleep with my tongue out !”, Yuri muttered .


Taeyeon was seen outside the lecture theatre 4 ,

'Financial Quantitative Analysis (FQA) 8.30 am – 2 pm BA (Hons) in International Business '

She stood there patiently , waiting for the lecture to end . She checked her watch once again .

1.55pm . She paced back and forth , as she straighten out her clothes . Once again checking her watch ..

1.55pm . Gosh! The time sure passes damn slow today !

She took a sniff onto the roses , pink roses . Perfect .







The students was exiting the theatre while some was seen rushing to the washroom , some was seen heading to the library .. Wait. That was Jung Jessica. Where’s Tiffany ?

Taeyeon peeked into the lecture theater as she saw Tiffany and Yoona , surrounded by students as they were chatting and laughing away .

“ Ah! Really ? Thanks “, she heard the latter say .. wondering what they was talking about , Taeyeon stepped outside , patiently waiting for her .

She’s really going after Tiffany ..

That’s so impossible

Tiffany would never accept someone like her ..

The longer she stood there the more hurtful comments she heard . They din’t bother to whisper , they were actually talking out loud . After all Taeyeon is still the same old nerd , with a great voice ..that’s all.



Tiffany and Yoona exited with a bunch of students crowding them , totally blocking Taeyeon’s vision as she jumped up and down to catch a glimpse of Tiffany , hoping to get the latter’s attention but to no avail . The guys were totally towering her . They continued to chat along the hallway until Yuri who stood behind Taeyeon shouted ..

“ Fany-ah “ , succeeded in gaining her attention as Tiffany diverted her gaze towards Taeyeon who once again had her head hung low .

“ Kim Taeyeon , lift up your head . Don’t be such a coward “, Yuri whispered , nudging Taeyeon .

Taeyeon took slight baby steps , walking towards their direction when the crowd instantly made way for the her .

“ Taeyeon-unnie “, Yoona greeted as Taeyeon faced them .

“ F-f-for you “ , Taeyeon brought the roses to Tiffany , as she stared at her feet ..

Tiffany stared at the roses for a few good seconds before accepting it ..

“ Thanks “ her replied was short and cold . Her attitude towards Taeyeon changed ever since the confession... she then turned around , walking away with the rest of the crowd .

OMG , Tiffany accepted it ..does it mean she’s accepting her ?

No , stupid . Tiffany never knows how to reject forgot ?

Oh yeah . 


“ You’ll be able to melt her heart some day “,Yuri patted her shoulders 

“ Yea , Taeyeon-unnie . Don’t be discouraged . I’ll help you out ..” Yoona comforted .

Yuri stared at Yoona giving her the ’ Reallllly ?’ look

“ I’m not done with my sentence ..I’ll help you out if you help me to get Seohyun “, Yoona cheekily grinned .

“ Deal! “ Yuri accepted on Taeyeon’s behalf .


“ So ..what does Seohyun likes ? “ , Yoona started the conversation as they were having their lunch .

On the other hand , Taeyeon did not pay attention to their conversation as she saw Tiffany , laughing away with a couple of boys . Oddly enough , Tiffany never hangs out with any of them until after her confession . As if to make her jealous .

“ Earth to Taeyeon! “, Yuri nudged .

“ What you were saying ? “

“ What does Seohyun likes ? “

“ Don’t give in too easily “, Yuri whispered .

“ Ohh , something green .It’s really cute. You’ll have to find out yourself ... I’ve got another lecture . See you guys “ , she quickly left the cafeteria . Right after she did , Tiffany followed suit ..leaving the guys dumbfounded .


“ Name me anything green , quick! , “ Yoona asked her fans randomly as she pass through the hallway .

“ Err leaves ? “

“ Something green! “, Yoona asked another victim of hers ..

“ Wasabi ? “

“ Trees! “




“ the HULK!! “

One after another , they were giving her pointless answer . Frustrated she decided to turn to her best friends ..


“ Jessica-unnie , Tiffany-unnie , can we play a game ? “

“ What game ? “

“ It’s called name-anything-green”

“ What kind of lame game is that ? “, Jessica rebuked .

“ It’s a game-to-get-Seohyun “, Yuri teased the latter .



“ apples ..” Tiffany started .

“ Greenhouse “, Jessica jokingly said

“ Jessica-unnieeee! “

“ Okay okay ..hmm”



“ GREENDAY! “ Tiffany exclaimed with excitement as they both burst out laughing ..

“ Go green “, Jessica continued , clutching her stomach as if dying of laughter





Jessica cleared her throat ..

“ Frog ? “

“ Ewwww “ Tiffany responded .



“ KERORO !” , Yoona stood up , her eyes glistening with hope .

“ Yes! Thanks unnie , I love you guys “, as she quickly left .

Chapter 11

Yoona was beaming with happiness as she skipped her way to the musical theater . Seohyun was seen practicing her vocals as Yoona sat among the audiences , waiting for her patiently . Once she was done , Yoona immediately ran up to stage and literally dragged her off stage running to the uni’s entrance .

“ Unnie , What is it that we’re rushing for ?”




As they both reached the entrance , there was a black limousine parked right there . Well , being a part-time model can be that rich !!..actually...maybe not .

A beautiful , elegant , gorgeous looking young lady stepped out of the limo after being escorted by her chauffeur . Okay scratch that . It was just the icy cold Jung Jessica clad in just her casual A & F hoodie .  

“ Jessica-unnieeeeee , where is it ? “, Yoona asked as she approached the sleepy princess

“ Inside , I’ll be heading for lectures first “, Jessica said leaving the both of them .

Jessica and lectures ? ..don’t quite get along ! Yoona ignored her thoughts as she entered the limo , signaling Seohyun to enter .

The limo..was filled with greens . Keroros everywhere . From the smallest size of plush to the biggest you can ever get . From key chains , to stickers , to soft toys to..



Yoona . 

Instead of her first instinct of hugging the largest Keroro lying by the seat in front of her , she hugged the wrong Keroro , Im Yoona .

“ Yoona , you’re the besttt! “, the latter said before indulging herself in the heaven of Keroros.


Jessica was actually heading to lectures before a fanatic fan girl pulled her from beside , entering one of the empty not to forget pitch-black lecture theaters . The latter shrieked as the girl covered her mouth only to yelped in pain when the ice princess bit it . 


The voice sounded a bit familiar ..

“ Fany ? “ Jessica asked

“ Yes! Oh my god! “, Tiffany said

“ What are we doing in here ? “

“ Shhh , Taeyeon’s out there “, Tiffany said pointing towards the door

“ Aish! Fany-ah , you’re already used to all your fans .. why would you be afraid of that midget ? “

“ Its just that..-”

“ Oh my god , did she do anything bad to you ? Did she like sexually harassed you ? “ 


“ Okay okay .. well , just give her another month . I’m sure she’ll give up “ 

“ I’ll go crazy in a month’s time “

“Hmm odd enough.. I actually thought you liked Taeyeon because you elected her to be the president”

“Nooo, she’s smart! We need the brain power in the union plus.. she makes a good friend!”


As they both continued ‘whispering’ in the lecture theater , Yuri who caught the whole act was actually right outside of the lecture theater . She attempted to knock the door and enter before she heard Tiffany saying 

“ I can’t fall for Taeyeon! I’m already in love ! “


“ What? With who ? “ Jessica asked

“ Someone ..” Tiffany said as she paced back and forth , fidgeting with her fingers .

Jessica knew her best friend too well . It was definitely someone Jessica knew .

“ Don’t tell me ..the secret admirer who gives you the stars ? “

Tiffany shyly nodded .

“ Fany-ah . You haven even seen him or her before! Plus , we don’t even know his/ her identity! How can you possibly fall in love ? “

“ Love at first...feel ? “ Tiffany nervously gulped.

“ WHAT ? I can’t believe you ..this is ridiculous !”

“ I have a feeling he/she/it will reveal soon because we’re graduating this year! “ .

“ I’ve been waiting for close to 3 years now , I can’t possibly throw everything aside and like ..a nerd “, Tiffany confessed .




Yuri smirked with her new discovery as she walked over to Taeyeon , putting her arms around the midget saying ..

“ Taeng , you’ll have to get rid off your specs from today onwards “ as Yuri took the bouquet of roses Taeyeon was holding , throwing it right into the thrash bin

“ That’ll be useless “, Yuri said pointing to the roses . She then turned to Taeyeon, taking Taeyeon’s specs , throwing it into the same place .

“ Wait! My specs!” , Taeyeon exclaimed

“ That’ll be useless too “, Yuri said .

“ But I can’t see anything without it “, Taeyeon said as she stretched her hands out trying to ‘feel’ Yuri who was already walking ahead .

“ Aish!Come! “ , Yuri said pulling the latter away .


Sooyoung and Sunny sat across Yuri and Taeyeon,examining the midget before them . As they examined Taeyeon closely, Sooyoung broke the silence ..

“ You want us to make over her image? “

“Can she even see us “, Sunny said waving her hand back and forth in front of Taeyeon’s face only getting no response ..

“ Oh my! How deep is her degrees ! “ Sunny exclaimed

Ignoring her friend , Sooyoung turned to Yuri ..

“ You sure about this ? “

“ Yea ..why not ? Tiffany can’t fall in love with a nerd , she’ll fall in love with the next miss popular “, Yuri confidently added .


“ Miss Kwon , you’re late for class “

“ Sorry , I had something urgent to attend to “

“ Sir , maybe you should give her the last official warning “, Jessica spoke .

Yuri shot her a glare but obviously ,it din't work .

“ Very well Miss Kwon , get to your seat “

Yuri went up , heading towards her seat before she pushed Jessica’s head on purpose before the latter goes back to sleep , resulting in her knocking it on the desk .



“ KWON YURI! “ , Jessica stood up , slamming the desk .



“ Both of you , OUT”


“ It’s just payback time “, Yuri said as they both was outside of the lecture theater

Jessica looked at her fuming mad .

“ Remember the airplane incident ? “ Yuri smiled sheepishly while Jessica just rolled her eyes .

“ Jung Jessica “, Yuri called out to her

“ What ?”

“ You’re a liar “

“ Whatttt ?”

“ You were sick on our presentation day , why din’t you said so ?”

“ I don’t know what you’re talking about “

“ Jung’re one interesting person “, the latter replied .





Chapter 12

“ JUNG JESSICA “ , Yuri shouted when she saw the ice princess stepping out from her limousine .

“ Watch it miss “ , Jessica’s two buffed up bodyguards spoke , halting the latter from reaching Jessica .

“ What do you guys think you’re doing ? “ Jessica spoke as her bodyguards lowered their arms , lowering their guards .

“ What you want ? “, Jessica said diverting her attention to Yuri .

“ Come with me! “

“ Wait – “ . Yuri grabbed hold of Jessica’s hand dragging her into the university .




“ Where are we going ? “, Jessica asked , panting as she stopped at her tracks . Her hands was still intertwined with Yuri as she stared at it ..hard . As if it’s something so unusual .. As all kinds of thought was running through her mind , she once again find herself being pulled by Yuri

“ The uni’s rooftop” . Yuri carelessly replied .

“ For what ? “


There they were , at the uni’s rooftop . Candles were nicely lighted around as a table for two was prepared . A bouquet of pink roses was seen on the table , with a bottle of red wine , and a perfect meal for two . Candlelight dinner ? Jessica though . Oddly enough , it’s still morning ..

“ I’m going for lectures “, Jessica said before Yuri grabbed her by the wrist , stopping her .

They remained at that position as Jessica feared what’s about to come out of Yuri’s mouth as Yuri spoke the predicted ..

“ Jung Jessica , I’ve fell in love with you the first time I met you ..and ever since that day , my heart flutters whenever you’re near me heart races whenever I see you ..I think this is what they call as ..l-l-ove “ Yuri stuttered .

“ Jung Jessica , I know this may sound absurd but..I guess I’ve fallen in love with you .”

The great Jung Jessica was blushing mad . It’s not the first time someone confessed to her but it’s the first time she actually stopped and listened to a confession . She would normally interrupt them halfway and throw them icy glares along the way ..but this time she was ..frozen on the spot.

“ Sica .. “ Yuri said , facing the latter .




“ Uhm Sica …? “ 

“ oh yea ? You were saying ? “, Jessica felt herself unfroze ,literally .

Yuri boldly took another step forward , slowly caressing the latter’s cheek as she whispered to her ears ..

“ I said , I think I might have fallen for you “. Seeing how Jessica just froze on the spot again , Yuri leaned in ..a few inches before capturing Jessica lips . Jessica could feel her heart throbbing fast and this is definitely not happening to Jung Jessica ..

She closed her eyes involuntarily in a way that she din’t want to and voluntarily because it happened so naturally ..

Few more inches ..




“ Wow! Yuri-unnie , you’re really a great actress “, Yoona said as she poked her head out from the greeneries .

Jessica immediately opened her eyes only to be greeted by Yoona and Taeyeon .

“ There , you guys saw that ? That’s how you should approach Seobaby and Fany “, Yuri said as she smirked at Jessica .

“ Uhh.. I better get going “, Jessica said , quickly exiting through the stairways.

Her heart was still throbbing fast and it quickens every time she thought about Yuri’s ‘confession’. She should be mad at Yuri but she wasn’t. In fact , she wondered how it would be like if its real..

Too occupied by her thoughts she accidentally bump into her best friend , Tiffany .




“ Jessi , what’s wrong ? Are you sick ? Why are you so red ? “, Tiffany asked as she placed the back of her head against her forehead .

“ Omg , you’re burning! “

“ N-n-no , I’m fine “, Jessica said

“ Jessica-unnie “, Yoona shouted across the walkway as Jessica quickly made her way through the crowd , disappearing fast .

“ What’s wrong with Jessi ? “, Tiffany asked Yoona

“ Uhm..I’m not too sure either .. Let’s go for lectures “ , the latter invited .


“ Sooyoung! Stop munching and let’s get things done! “, Sunny said, dragging her away from the stall as they continue shopping with the midget .

“ Taeyeon-ah , try this on! “, Sunny said. The latter with her heads down , shook her head .

“ Come on! You’ll look gorgeous in it ! “ Sunny said again giving her more assurance.

Being the blind one at the moment , Taeyeon aimlessly fumbled for the dress ..



“ YAH! Watch where you’re touching “, Sooyoung said hitting the latter’s hands , instinctively wrapping her arms around Sunny.

“ I think we should get her contacts first , In case she’ll touch what’s not hers! “, Sooyoung exclaimed angrily

“ Why are you so mad ? Not like its yours “, Sunny stated the obvious

“ Uh . Right . I was just..saying ..Let’s go “


“ Omg , Taeyeon-ah just put in the damn contacts already!” Sooyoung urged . They have been in the optical shop for almost an hour now ..watching the midget trying on her contacts but to no avail . She closes her eyes every time she tries to do so .

“ Don’t make me do it for you! “ Sooyoung said bluntly once again .

“Calm down! Its her first time , why don’t you get something to eat first “

“ Thanks Sunny-ah! You know me the best! ..and ..YOU , better get it in your eyes before I return or..I’ll poke your eyes for you! “, Sooyoung said before skipping to the pretzel store nearby .



Sunny approached Taeyeon as she comforted the poor little girl

“ Taengoo-ah , try it slowly . For Tiffany ..” , the younger one said .


Jessica was once again late for class though this time it wasn’t because she overslept but the fact that she needed to cool down after Yuri’s ‘confession’. Jessica entered the lecture theater , all eyes on her but she locked eyes with only one person . That one person that gave her the most sincere smile ever ..smirk ever .

As much as she wanted to divert her gaze , she couldn’t.. 

something was drawing her in . 

“ Miss Jung , please take a seat’re already late for lectures and now you’re distracting my class “

Jessica heard nothing , subconsciously she walked towards that particular person , taking the seat beside her as they stared deeply into each other eyes ..till Jessica slumped her head back on the desk .. slamming her head against it continuously .

One time..

Two times...

THree times...


“ Jessi , what are you doing? “, Tiffany whispered across Yuri .

The latter continuously slam her forehead on the desk before her next hit was cushioned by Yuri’s hand .

“ What’s up , Jung Jessica ? “, Yuri asked with a smirk forming by her face .

Chapter 13

I heard there will be a new student transferring to our uni

I heard she’s hot

Really ? Hopefully she’s not taken!

Smoking hot and smart I bet, apparently she majors in Architectural Science!

“ Jessi , do you know who are they talking about ? “, Tiffany asked

“ Jessi..”

“ Psst. JESSI IM TALKING TO YOU HELLO! Don’t ignore your best friend like that “, Tiffany raised a tone higher .

“ Oh yea? Sorry were saying ? “, Jessica said seemingly uninterested as she continued twisting the straw of her drink .

“ I heard there’s a new transfer student , you know..I thought you’ll know the news before me ..Anyway , what’s the matter with you ? You’ve been out of it lately.. are you okay ? “, Tiffany asked as she felt the latter’s forehead once again before feeling her own.

“ Hmm, you seem pretty fine ..Oh hi Yurree-ah “, Tiffany waved as Yuri entered the cafeteria . Upon hearing that , Jessica abruptly stood up , bumping into Yuri accidentally . She fumbled as she gain back her stability with Yuri’s support . 

“ Are you alright ? “, Yuri asked out of courtesy..or maybe she wanted to tease the latter ..

“ Uh.. y-yea”, Jessica said, pushing herself away from Yuri’s arm before abruptly taking leave .

“ Do you know what’s wrong with Jessi ? “, Tiffany asked as Yuri took the seat before her .

“ You’re her best friend and you’re asking me ? “, Yuri stated the matter of fact flatly .

“ Oh yea ..anyway , what’s with everyone talking about the new transfer student ? Have you seen her yet ? “, Tiffany asked 

“ Nope..”, Yuri said hiding her smile .


“ Sunny! That’s PERFECT! She looks absolutely gorgeous “, Sooyoung said .

“ Of course! Who’s the future LA Fashion Awards designer here?!”, Sunny boastfully said as she remarkably transformed the midget into someone...totally new . Who knew that fashion plays such an important roll ?

“ Wow wow wow , I can’t recognize her “, Sooyoung said as she examines Taeyeon from head to toe , circling her over and over again .

“ I’m getting dizzy , Sooyoung-shii “, Taeyeon said .

“ Wait wait wait , you’ve got to fix that speech of yours .Drop the formalities! “ Sooyoung said .

“ You should say , YAH! STOP IT . I’m getting dizzy because of you ..come , try it “

“ ..Y-ya-yah. Stop-p-p it-t-t ..-“

“ Omg ! We need Yuri here “ , the two sighed in defeat .


“ Yoona-unnie”, Seohyun called out while Yoona was in line getting themselves popcorn.

“ How many times have I told you to call me by my name ? “, Yoona said only noticing Seohyun’s expressionless expression , staring at someone across the mall .

Yoona follow her eye-level only to find herself looking at..



Taeyeon-unnie ?

“ Is that Taeyeon-unnie ? Let’s go say hi “, Yoona said

“ I’m pretty sure its her but she looks..different from the back..“

“ Taeyeon-unnie “, Seohyun said

The midget turn around as Yoona gasped , letting go of the popcorn she was holding to .



“ Are you really Taeyeon-unnie ? “, Yoona asked as her eyes widen .

“ Wow , daebak! “, Yoona said as the two fashion designers proudly flaunt away their ‘product’ .

“ YAH YURI-AH , over here! “, Sooyoung yelled as the rest was still in awe .


“ Perfect! “, Yuri said .

“ Yoona can teach her to walk elegantly and definitely not with her heads down all the time “, Yuri added . After all Yoona is a part time model , this shouldn’t be a problem for her .


“ TAEYEON-AHHHHH , please look at us not the floor! “, Yuri said once again , repeating herself for the fifth time .



“ Taeyeon-unnie , try to walk in the line..”, Yoona politely asked








“TAENGGG , focus please“




And that went on for hours and hours ..


Taeyeon took out her writing pad , copying down what was written on the whiteboard as Yoona reminded her again and again the 10 golden rules of being miss popular . 

“ Rule number 1 , you must be friendly , sociable , and out going “ . 

Yuri shook her head .

“ Number 2 , you must appear with a lot of confidence ..not too much ..not too little ..just moderately enough “ .

Yuri shook her head slighty more vigorously than the previous statement .

“ 3 , Be nice to everyone! That includes your stalkers or fans “ . 

Yuri shook her head in disbelief as she sighed out loud distracting Yoona .



“ Yuri-unnie , Im teaching here! “

“ Ahh , sorry . It just doesn’t seem to apply to Jung Jessica “

“ I KNOW RIGHT ..HAHAHAHAHA , she’s like the totally opposite “ Sooyoung started laughing



"HA...-HA", Sooyoung nervously gulped .

Yoona glared at them before going on ..

“ Fourth , you must have a great sense of fashion “

“ AHhh! She has that! “, Yuri exclaimed 



10 Golden Rules by Im Yoona 

Taeyeon took out her writing pad reading through them once again .

1. Be friendly / sociable

2. Appear to be confident

3. Be nice to everyone 

4. In Fashion

5. Promote your vocal talents

6. S

7. M

8. I

9. L

10. E

Extra Notes : Continue boldly courting Tiffany Hwang 

Taeyeon sighed as she closed the book , lying down on her bed..its finally 'the day' tomorrow .

“ Taeyeon-unnie , Why are you sighing? Are you worried ? “, Seohyun asked as she rolled over to her side , looking across to Taeyeon’s bed .

“ Yea.. “, the latter replied as she sighed one more time

“ Don’t worry , we’ll all be keeping an eye on you .. Just be confident and act like it was our practice “

“ I guess.. but..what if Tiffany still doesn’t like me ?” , Taeyeon popped the question

“ I’m sure she will eventually if you don’t give up..just like Yoona-unnie “, Seohyun said with dreamy eyes hugging her Keroro doll tight , giving it a goodnight peck .

Getting no response from the latter , Seohyun glanced over only finding the used-to-be-nerd was fast asleep. She must be exhausted, Seohyun thought.

“Goodluck Taeyeon-unnie ..Hwaiting! “ she whispered before drifting to the land of Keroros . Well , literally she is in the land of Keroros with the number of Keroros on her bed ..All thanks to Im Yoona , she’ll always find either one or two or maybe three on the floor the next morning.

Chapter 14

“ KIM TAEYEON! Look at me! “, Yuri whispered commandingly . Taeyeon looked up , gazing into those brown eyes that shaped her to who she is today .

“ You can do it . Don’t worry we’ll be watching you from the side “, Yuri said as they bid their farewells in the park just before their university .

Taeyeon hesitated to take another step forward , debating if she should turn around and give up or go on with the plan . Of course , she’s amazingly gorgeous now . 

She looked at her left hand , holding a hand made box which contain a star and her right , holding a bouquet of pink roses . She din’t know why but Yuri asked her to reveal herself with the star in hand ..the one which would add up to Tiffany’s collection every day .


Yuri begin slamming her head on the lockers , unconsciously having the same antics as the ice princess .

“Sooyoung-ah”, Yuri whined .

“What’s up ? “

“ I think she’s going to chicken out “, Yuri slammed her head once more before checking her watch again.

“ Don’t worry , she’ll be here “, Sooyoung said leaning herself against the locker .

“ Yea, let’s just sit back and relax”, Sunny said .

Chatters and bickers was heard as the trio turned their heads . Aish! Im Yoona ..they thought .

“ Yoona-yah , get out of the spotlight with Seohyun! “, Yuri mouthed , waving at them frantically trying to get their attention .

They approach the trio as Yoona popped another lollipop , sucking onto it .

“ I WANT ONE!! “, Sooyoung demanded . 

“ It’s the last “, Yoona playfully irritated the shiksin .

“ Guys!! We’re here on an important mission “, Yuri reminded as the walkway was once again filled with chatters , some guys were holding onto their bouquet .



“ Must be Tiffany-unnie “, Yoona said only to be disappointed when Jessica came into the picture .

“ Did her fanbase just increased in numbers or what ? “, Sooyoung asked as she stared with her mouth agape .

“ Yes , apparently so . It seems like Jessica isn’t that icy lately ..” Sunny said .

“ Jessic-aa…f-for you. “, the poor young boy stuttered as Jessica received it saying a simple thank you along the way . She’s definitely different lately..What happen to all those icy glares ? ..Jessica walked pass the lockers , catching a glimpse of the group . Her eyes was drawn into Yuri’s eyes although Yoona was frantically waving at her direction .



“ Look , here she goes again “, Sunny said pointing at the latter . As Jessica approach a locker , slamming her head on it once , before turning away swiftly , walking elegantly like nothing happened .

“ She became a weirdo “, Sooyoung added as the rest nodded in reply except Yuri who was silently smiling . She knew it all too well ..The thoughts of that day at the rooftop came flashing back before some student came running in announcing



“ THE NEW STUDENT IS HERE!!! “, catching everyone’s attention , including Jessica who turned around . Tiffany on the other hand who just arrived , stopped at her tracks as she anticipated who would she be looking at if she turns back now . Other students were crowding around to catch of a glimpse of this girl .

“ Good morning “, she said as she bowed 90 degrees.

“ I’m Kim Taeyeon “, as she looked up confidently , looking at the crowd she attracted , stopping her gaze at the familiar back , who was slowly turning around.

Omg isn’t that Kim Taeyeon from the Student’s Union ?


Are they the same person ? 

Is she that NERD?!

“ Kim Taeyeon ? “ , Tiffany mumbled to herself before turning over . Taeyeon definitely did not forget her insoles because their eyes met . Tiffany stared into her eyes hard .. her bangs are is her specs..

Im actually staring right into Kim Taeyeon’s eyes , Tiffany thought. Breaking the love stare contest , Taeyeon approach Tiffany with the bouquet of roses .

“ For you , Tiffany “ , she said confidently . The crowd grew larger , everybody wants to see the drama between the once a uni’s nerd and the miss popular . Tiffany was amazed , not only because she’s facing a really really hot girl but the fact that , Kim Taeyeon isn’t stu-tt-er-ing , like she used to and as if her confidence level was boost up to level 100 .

Seeing how Tiffany have no response , Jessica paced forward intending to help her best friend only to be dragged away by..

“ OUCH “, Jessica yelped when her back hit against the lockers , as the latter trapped her in between .

“ YAHHhhh”, Jessica’s voice trailed off once she saw Yuri . Yuri was staring at the shorter girl before the latter averted her gaze almost immediately . Yuri was leaning down , solely but surely before she was stopped by Jessica’s bouquet of roses .

“ Yah , do you think I’ll kiss you ? “ , Yuri questioned , pushing the bouquet away as she whispered dangerously close to the latter’s ears ..” Just to make sure you don’t interrupt Taeyeon’s plans “.



“ What’s with the crowd? “ the lecturer announced as he entered the walkway. 

“ Back to lectures , NOW “ and the crowd disperse .

Jessica quickly escaped once Yuri’s attention was directed to the lecturer .

“ Damn it! He ruined everything “, Yuri muttered as Jessica quickly dragged the frozen Tiffany , snatching away the pink roses Taeyeon bought because..Tiffany was literally a stone . She din’t know how to react .

“ Taeyeon-ah , we’ll talk after lectures alright! You look gorgeous by the way “, Jessica said , dragging along a surprised Tiffany to lectures.



“ K-kay “, Taeyeon stuttered .

“ Aish! Why are you stuttering , Kim Taeyeon!”, Yuri approached .

“ She stared..right into my eyes..She was so beautiful..” Taeyeon said with a dreamy expression .

“ SNAP OUT OF IT! Go to lectures , and..the star! You forgot! You midget! “

Yuri raise her arms intending to hit the latter’s head before Taeyeon dodged it , sticking out her tongue..

“ See you after lectures! “, and she perkily ran off to lectures .

“ Aish! that kid . ”


Yuri entered the lecture theater ,taking the seat beside the ice princess today . Jessica Jung lifted her head 

“ Why are you sitting here ? Tiffany’s up there “ . Yuri briefly gazed at Tiffany only to find her still recovering from the ‘shock’ . She was still frozen while Yoona was seen texting away beside her .

“ For the fun of it “ Yuri replied , turning back to Jessica who was going back to sleep .

“ Jung Jessica , do you like me ? “, Yuri asked bluntly .



“ Jung Jessica! I’m asking you a question “.. Jessica pretended to be asleep .



“ Miss Kwon , please answer the question ..” , obviously Yuri dint know what he was referring to . Yuri may be one of the smartest kid but she definitely doesn’t know the answer if she doesn’t know the question , right ?

“ Miss Kwon , do you want another official warning from me ? “

“ Uhh “ ..Damn! it’ll be my third warning and I’ll be out of here , Yuri thought.



“ The contract remains valid “, Jessica spoke .

“ That’s right ..” the lecturer eyed Yuri before going on with the class . Yuri looked at Jessica ridiculously..

“ Don’t you want me out of LA ? “

“ Now , I don’t”, Jessica simply replied leaving Yuri smiling 

Chapter 15

“Hmm , What are you browsing over the net?”, Sooyoung asked as she settled herself beside Yuri on the bed . 



“ Yah, give me some response!”,Sooyoung said hitting the latter but Yuri was too engrossed over her laptop . 

“Sunnnnnnnnny”, Sooyoung whined.

“What?”, not bothering to look up as she was busy pushing the buttons of her DS .

“AISH!!It’s a Saturday and I’m here , stuck with two geeks! What’s so interesting over the net anyway ? “ Sooyoung questioned , stealing glances of the browser .



“ Wait a minute , isn’t this Jung Jessica fanclub page ?”

Yuri was seen sheepishly smiling to herself, definitely in her own world .

“ YAH! You’re a member of her fanclub?”, Sooyoung smacked the latter’s head gaining not only Yuri attention but Sunny’s as well.

“You like Jung Jessica?”, Sunny blurted out

“No..?”, Yuri said unsurely.

“I just want to know more about her ..”, Yuri added as her two good friends glared at her as if her little secret was discovered. They definitely didn’t believe Kwon Yuri would be a member for the sake of getting to know someone better .



“ Err.. Its interesting you know .. I get to know what she hates! Like cucumbers!”, Yuri nervously added.

“And what has that got to do with you ?”, Sooyoung questioned



“ LOOK! There’s a spi....

der.”, Yuri’s voice weakly trailed off as her lame prank din’t work.

“Are you sick?” Sunny asked

“Lovesick perhaps?”, Sooyoung smirked.

“No! I don’t love Jung Jessica! “

*Mr Taxi Taxi Taxi soutou jeuksi jeuksi jeuksi*

“ MY PHONEEEE!”, Yuri reached out to her vibrating cellphone. For once, she answered her phonecall happily . Least it saves her some explaining to do.


“ Fany-ah ?...Yeap sure..Yea I know the way to her place ..yup..sure thing!...See you “, Yuri quickly closed down the phone and dashed out at a speed of light.

“ Got to go..BYE!”

“ Damn it!”, Sooyoung muttered.



“Piu piu piu..!”

“ Goddamit! “, Sooyoung curse once again watching Sunny getting to engrossed into her silly games.


Yuri pressed onto the apartment bell for the umpteen times now. She was getting frustrated that it’s not being answered despite having 2 human beings living in it.

“ Fany-ah , are you sure she’s around? “, Yuri asked over the phone.

“ Yup “, Tiffany replied stepping out of the elevator .

“Oh there you are! Why did you answer my phone when you’re already here! Wasted my money “, Yuri pouted.

“aish, you’re so cute sometimes “, Tiffany said pinching the latter’s nose.

“ JUNG JESSICA ! JUNG JESSICA ! “, Tiffany diverted her attention to the door in front of her , slamming it hard . Not once or twice , but god knows how many times .

“ Yah! Are you crazy? You’re so loud “, Yuri said holding back Tiffany.

“ Yurree-ah , take a look around..Its the penthouse for goodness sake. Nobody lives in this floor!”

“ JUNG JESSICA ! If you’re not coming out I’ll flood your penthouse with cucumbers “, Tiffany threatened.



“ Fany-ah, as her best friend ..don’t you have access to her penthouse?”, Yuri asked out of the blue.

“ Ahh.. “, Tiffany searched her bag , pouring out all her pink items on the floor before picking up the spare card.

“ Here it is! I forgot about it a second!”, Tiffany said as she scanned the card through as Yuri rolled her eyes.

“What’s Taeyeon going to do with you?”

“I’m sorry?”, Tiffany said, placing back all her items into her bag.



“ Don’t Yoona live here too ?”, Yuri questioned as she placed herself comfortably on the couch.

“ Yea, she’s still working. We’ll meet her there “, Tiffany said entering Jessica’s room. As expected , she was in her deep slumber .

“She’s sleeping?” Yuri poked her head through the door as Tiffany settled down on the bed beside the sleepyhead.

“Yeap! And it’s almost impossible to wake her up” Tiffany added , slightly nudging the sleeping princess.

“Its easy! Watch me “, Yuri said as she kneeled down beside her , leaning in to her ears as she whispered right into Jessica’s ears. Leaning back Yuri mouthed to Tiffany..




Jessica bolted up from bed immediately shrieking as she quickly entered her bathroom , locking it.Yuri smirked as Jessica shrieked over the bathroom

“ Kwon Yuri, get out of my room..N.O.W!”

Tiffany looked at the latter quizzically as they both made their way out .

“ We’ll be waiting at the living room , we’ll leave once you’re ready “, Tiffany shouted .


After an hour , the ice princess stepped out of the room . All set to go. She watched how Tiffany was laughing at the movie on the flat screen , laying her head on Yuri’s lap. Yuri din’t seem to mind one bit as she was laughing along to it .



“Oh you’re all set!”, Yuri said as she threw a few glances on her before diverting her attention back to the flat screen.

“Yes . Let’s go”, Jessica said nonchalantly. Definitely not liking the sight she’s seeing. Tiffany being oblivious , excitedly cling herself onto her best friend exiting the penthouse. They stepped into the elevator , noticing Jessica’s behavior .. Yuri smiled. Yuri knew Jessica like an open book now. All thanks to the fan club, every minor details was posted up. 

“I was just kidding earlier on. You looking unbelievably gorgeous even without make up on “. Yuri whispered to Jessica’s ears making sure only she hears it and not Tiffany before she stepped out of the elevator living a now blushing Jung Jessica.


“Remind me why are we here again?”, Jessica said while digging through the soil , seemingly as if she was looking for gold .gogumas. A sight worth seeing , 4 young gold miners goguma diggers were digging their way through . 

“Seohyun said she loves gogumas!”, Yoona chirpily replied

“Oh come on Im Yoona . I’ll buy you the whole field! I’ll get you reapers!”, Jessica replied fanning herself from the heat the sun was giving out .

“It’s sincerity”, Yuri retaliated.

“Don’t they always say it’s the thought that counts?”, Jessica counterattacked.

“GUYS. I thought you guys are on good terms already “, Tiffany , the usual peacemaker said .

“ NO”, they both said in unison , as they both go on digging the ground. It’s most probably the heat that Jessica’s all red . Either that or the sudden contact with Yuri’s hand caused it.

“Yah , can’t you dig the other side?” , Yuri said.


While the duo was bickering at one end , the other end ..secrets was revealing itself..

“Taeyeon?”, Tiffany questioned 

“ Yea, I think its obvious I’m talking about her! You see..Taeyeon-unnie is Seohyun’s good friend..If you guys work out ..We can go on a double date! “,Yoona replied

“ Taeyeon’s..fine but ..WAIT a minute. Seohyun accepted you already ? “

“No.. Don’t change the topic! “, Yoona smacked her shoulders .

“ Yah Im Yoona , don’t forget I’m your unnie”, Tiffany smartly avoided the question.


The four of them was at the balcony of Jessica’s penthouse , surrounding the grill as they watched the goguma in foils getting roasted . It was a weird awkward night. They were all silent in their thoughts only to be greeted by the moonlight and stars .

To break the silence , Yuri stood up saying 

“ There’s too many gogumas. I’ll call the shiksin over “ , they all slighty nodded before Yuri added 

“ How about inviting Kim Taeyeon?”



“Ouch!”, Tiffany yelped blowing her fingers as she accidentally burnt herself hearing that name.Yuri quickly went over to Tiffany checking if she was okay .

"Yah! why are you so careless ", Yuri said while Jessica nonchalantly said 

“First aid kit’s at the first drawer “

“I’m fine..really”

Yuri took the seat beside Tiffany as she bluntly asked

“ you by any chance like Taeyeon?”..typical of Yuri. Her straight-forwardness and bluntness that makes one goes speechless.

Chapter 16

“ you by any chance like Taeyeon?”

Silence took over ..



“ I - 

*We gotta escape, we got to escape, yeah*. 

Great timing for Jessica’s phone to ring.


And that’s when Yuri first started calling Jung Jessica , Sica .


Tiffany sat down at the library as she stared blankly at the three jars of colorful stars filled in it. She heave a sigh of desperation as she slump back onto her chair , hands over her chest .

The usual admirer seems to lose track on the days because she haven’t received any after Taeyeon’s reappearance. Maybe he/she is jealous , Tiffany thought . 

In actual fact ,Taeyeon’s having one of her final paper . After all she is a nerd. Books triumphs Tiffany , as for now.

“ When did you guys came ?”, Tiffany questioned her three good friends as they sat across her with arms crossed.

“ You’re not obliged to answer us ..” Yuri started..

“But whatever you said will be taken by our ears..” Jessica continued

“And we’ll keep it a secret! “ Yoona said as the three of them stretched their hands to the middle , hands on top of each other , asking for a deal.

Her hand’s are pretty soft ..Jessica thought as she secretly smiled.

Her hand’s below mine..Yuri thought

“AISH, think straight , Kwon Yuri!”, she mumbled to herself.



“ DEAL” , Tiffany said .

“ This is serious business , silent all your phones! “ , Yuri said seriously , bursting into laughter after Jessica nudged her with her elbows. But they did suit anyway . They silent their phones .

“ The stars..”, Yuri pointed at the jars before she was cut off by Jessica

“You’re still thinking your admirer will confess? Tiffany come on! I can tell that you’re already falling for Taeyeon “



“ Sica..” Yuri called 

“ Shh Yuri, I’m helping Taeyeon here!”

“ Don’t you have the slightest feeling for her at all? Look straight into my eyes and tell me you don’t like her! “, Jessica continued ..



“ No..Sicaaaaa ..” Yuri whined

“ YAH . KWON YURI!” , Jessica snapped.

“ YAH . JUNG JESSICA!”, Yuri said with a tone higher



“Sorry..”, the latter apologized

“ Do I have to raise my voice to get your attention every time?”

“ Can’t you listen to me for once!Seriously ..”, she added

“ Guys..we’re getting out of topic…”, Yoona state the matter of fact flatly.

“ Oh yea , where was- ... Where’s Fany ?”, Yuri asked .


If only Tiffany’s a magician , she would definitely love to disappear right at that moment. Unfortunately she’s not . 

The three of her best friend watch her odd antics as she scrambled through the book shelves , knocking onto the librarians in charge on the way, tripping over a pile of books that was on the floor . She’s running.away.from.someone.Funny enough, they seems to have changed roles .

“ You okay ?”, as a helping hand was offered .Tiffany took the hand , the touch that sent her a thousand volts down her body. She only came to her realization a little too late . 

It was Taeyeon.

“Thanks”, Tiffany say as she abruptly bowed 90 degrees before turning around trying to escape before her three best friend stood right behind her , not moving an inch.

“ You forgot these!”, Yuri exclaimed as they three shoved the 3 jars in front of Tiffany, innocently.

“GUYS! – “ 

Taeyeon spun her around holding onto her wrist as she went down on her knees , like anyone would propose for a marriage before the crowd came surrounding them in circle.

“Taeyeon, what are you doing?”, Tiffany whispered and gasped in shock when Taeyeon took out a box that is similar to a ring box.



“ What? Taeyeon’s proposing? This is ridiculous “, Jessica said , stepping forward only to be halted by Yuri. Their hands intertwined. 

Oblivious to the fact that Jessica was totally out of it , Yuri said “ Just stay and watch .”

“Taeyeon , just stand up . Don’t do this “, Tiffany whispered once again as Taeyeon reached out to the cover of the box. Before Taeyeon could open it , Tiffany placed her hands over hers , stopping her action as she continue pleading

“ Kim Taeyeon , seriously . Don’t do this ! I’ll do anything as long as you stop what you’re doing now “



“ Really?”, Yuri spoke up from behind Tiffany , winking at Taeyeon . Obviously sending some messages through along the way .

Taeyeon stood up , dusting away her pants as Tiffany eyed Yuri suspiciously before Taeyeon asked said

“ Tiffany Hwang , you’re officially my girlfriend “ as she spread out her arms asking for a hug . 



“ This is ridiculous”, Tiffany said before Yuri pushed the latter into Taeyeon arms .As Taeyeon embraced her loved one over the years in her arms , she grinned before she opened the box ..

“ For you “



Tiffany was surprised . It’s not what she expected . It’s not those sparkling diamonds which claimed to be women’s best friend. It was a simple folded star . 

Upon seeing her reaction , everyone thought the ring should worth a few carats . Tiffany’s eyes was glowing . It was so dreamy as if you would get lost in her eyes if you stare at her longer .

“How many carats its worth for you to glisten like that? “, Jessica asked as she walked up to the new couple .

“ Taeyeon-ah , so you were the one ?”, Tiffany questioned as she took hold of the box before hugging the latter tightly.


“ Sica .. how many carats you’re worthy of?” Yuri asked seriously before the latter laughed it off.

“ Yah, stop joking can’t afford it anyway “, Jessica scoffed .

I can..Jung Jessica ..Yuri mumbled under her breathe.


They were all seated together in the cafeteria as a celebration for the new couple . Everyone was present except for Seohyun who was busy rehearsing for her upcoming musical. Sooyoung and Sunny pretended to throw up as they watch the new couple going lovey dovey.

“ YAH , Kim Taeyeon this how you thank us? By watching us throwing up all the food you’re spending us?”, Sooyoung said .

Tiffany replied with her infamous eye-smile as the students crowded outside the cafeteria to confirm with their own eyes about the newly spread rumours . 

So TaeNy is official now .



“ aish!”, Yoona lifted her hands in the air with desperation as she plopped her head onto the table .

“ What’s wrong Yoona?”

“Yoona-ah, what’s wrong ?”

Both Yuri and Jessica asked before they start bickering once again ..

“ YAH. DON’T COPY MY WORDS” they both said in unison . They are definitely getting more and more similar day after day.



“ AISH!”, Yoona sighed louder to get back their attention ..

“ Whats wrong?”, Taeyeon spoke up for once after tearing her gaze away from Tiffany.

“ Taeyeon –unnie , you got Tiffany-unnie faster than me! When I’ve been doing all the chasing around in uni for months! “, Yoona stated the obvious fact

“I’ve been crushing on her for years!”, Taeyeon exclaimed .

“Babo-yah , if you would have confessed wouldn’t need to wait these long “, Tiffany said .



“ AISH ! I’m sick of this! “ , Yoona said as she left the gang .


Yoona wondered around aimlessly in the uni as she smiled to herself when she subconsciously brought herself to the musical theater. 

She took out the roasted sweet potatoes from her bag and placed it by the theater door. It seems like Yoona lost all her courage to ask the younger girl out officially after being rejected umpteen times previously in the past. 

Sure , they’ve develop a much stronger friendship after all the Keroros and hanging out sessions but Seohyun never seem to understand her feelings. 

Or is she being oblivious to Seohyun’s feeling all these time?

Chapter 17 

One text message received .

From : Seobaby <3

Thanks for the gogumas yesterday.

Yoona woke up by the beeping sound from her cellphone. She read the message and lethargically placed it back to the table.

“ More work?”, Jessica asked as she sat down on one of the couch sipping onto her hot chocolate .

“’s just Seohyun”, Yoona said as she stirred in the couch . Her short nap on the couch last night became a long one and as always, Jessica dint bother to wake her up.

Jessica raised her eyebrow before tearing her gaze from her hot chocolate as she placed it on the table , kneeling beside Yoona .

“ Are you sick?”, Jessica asked feeling the latter’s forehead.

“ No..”, Yoona sat up hugging a green doll somewhat looking like a Keroro soft toy before patting the seat beside her . Jessica took the seat beside her.

Silence took over. They were awkwardly staring at the black screen in front of them as they hear the clock ticking away .





“ Spill “, Jessica finally voiced out .

“ It’s just that – “

*We gotta escape, we got to escape, yeah*Damn Sica's phone again!


“ Sicaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “, Yuri whined over the phone .


“Can’t you say a Hi first ?”, Yuri asked

“What do you want?”

“Seriously , are you going to say a Hi?”

“Kwon Yuri, you’re not calling me just to hear me say a Hi right?”

“Fine. Bye then “ and the line was cut off.



“ Yoona-yah”, Jessica turned around only to find the living room was empty leaving the poor Keroro doll laying on its own . 


It was pouring when Yoona pulled over at the uni’s parking lot. She take a look at the passenger’s seat .

A box of necklace.

She reached out to the necklace tracing her fingers on the engraving .She smiled recalling their first encounter together .


“Sorry, I’m new here you by any chance knows where is the Musical Theater?”

“Yea, its just right across the hall”, Yoona replied before the latter headed to the direction stated after thanking and bowing to her three times. Yoona smiled at her innocence before noticing a sparkling heart shaped necklace on the floor. She picked it up as she read of the 3 letters engraved, SEO.

This must belong to her , Yoona thought as she placed it into her pocket.


“I believe this is yours. I picked it up this morning when you abruptly left ”, Yoona asked the latter who was seen searching for something high and low by the hallway. The latter bowed as Yoona handed over the necklace back to its owner before offering a handshake.

“Im Yoona”

“Seo Joo Hyun” 

They both exchanged smiles .


And the third time they met ..

“ Sorry! Sorry!”, Kangin bowed down before fleeing. Yoona gave a helping hand to the poor girl who had her books scrambled all over the floor.

“Thanks Yoona-unnie”, Seohyun said before leaving .

Oddly enough , Yoona seems to have fate with this girl..


and her necklace. Once again , she found Seohyun’s necklace on the floor. Definitely because the hook is loose .Yoona took it to the jewelry store , attempting to give the younger girl a surprise.



“Seohyun-ah , what are you looking for?”

“Yoona-unnie , have you seen my necklace around? The one which have my name on it?”

“Nope”, Yoona lied .


“Welcome to the Performing Arts Club , Im Yoona”, the lecturer in charge announced.

Wow Miss popular is in the performing arts

Let’s vote her up to be the President

Yoona lost by a vote that belongs to herself by the end of the day . She joined the club because she overheard that Seohyun is part of it , oblivious to the fact she’s falling for the younger girl after day.

End of Flashback.

One day I’ll give you back to your rightful owner. Yoona placed the necklace back into the box . She waited at the parking lot just to catch a glimpse of the younger girl. She’s certain , Seohyun will be in uni practicing her vocals although it’s the weekends.

As if on queue , Seohyun exited the uni . Though it was pouring , Seohyun seems to be bothered. She walked in the rain thoughtlessly . 

Yoona quickly took her umbrella and go after the younger girl before she find herself quickening her pace because of a cyclist who was avoiding a pothole , almost ran through Seohyun who was mindlessly walking .



“ Seohyun-ah, are you okay “, Yoona pulled her away before she got hit. She was drenched in rain as she looked into the doe eyes angel.

They stared intently at each other for a few good minutes before the younger girl broke down , hugging Yoona as her tears came rolling down her cheeks .


Jessica sat at the couch eyeing her cellphone . She pondered as to why Yuri called her just now but she’s not going to give in , she decided to wait for Yuri to call again as she continue staring at the poor phone . As if it could send the message through the glares she’s giving . Kwon Yuri, can’t you call me again?

On the other hand , Yuri was doing the exact same thing . She was sitting with her legs crossed , arms on her chest , staring at the phone placed in front of her on the bed. Call me back Jung Jessica!



After a killer 10 minutes , Yuri gave in , she took the phone and pressed the dial button .

“ YAH –“

* Hey! It’s Jung Jessica’s voicemail, I am not available at the –* , Yuri slammed her phone shut.




* It’s Kwon Yuri here , Please leave a message after the beep and I’ll get back to you right away !*, Jessica disappointingly disconnected the line .


“ Seohyun-ah, what’s wrong ? I’ll be here no matter what happens “, Yoona comforted the younger girl who was still hugging her tightly. 

The latter sobbed harder , clinging onto Yoona tighter . Feeling the ache in her heart , Yoona returned the hug finally , carelessly letting the umbrella fall to the ground. Thanks to the inconvenience of having the umbrella , it delayed her to return the hug .

They stayed in the position for quite some time . They were even getting weird stares from passersby due to the fact that they looked like drenched dog hugging. Literal sense.



“Can I ask you something?”, the younger girl spoke


“Why din’t you reply my text message?”

Whaaaaaaat? She’s crying because I dint reply her text message? What in the world is this naïve little child thinking? 

Yoona simply smiled before they broke their hug .

“Aichoo”, Seohyun sneezed as she saw Yoona staring at her ,smiling. Im Yoona , the doe eyed angel .

“You’ll fall sick if we continue staying out here in the rain”, Yoona stated the obvious.

“Come to Jessica-unnie’s place and get changed before you get sick”


Jessica eyed Yoona from the corner of her eyes .Yoona was looking on to the city view through their large glass window , sipping on her hot chocolate.

“Stop eyeing me “, Yoona said , still smiling sheepishly

“Why are you both drenched? “, Jessica asked as she got up from the couch ,standing next to Yoona enjoying the view and the sound of the rain hitting the ground.



“The rain”, Yoona said pointing out to the sky.

“Yah! You think I’m stupid or what?”

“Jessica-unnie , I think she loves me”

Chapter 18

The rumbling thunder and the abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud ,from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light made it almost impossible for Seohyun to get back to her dorm . Resulting in her, staying in for the night .

“ Noooo Yoona-unnie , I insist! I’ll sleep in the living room “ , the younger one said

“ No , You’re sleeping in my room . I’ll take the couch!”



“Why don’t the both of you sleep in together?”, Jessica said nonchalantly entering her bedroom as the door close before them . Yoona awkwardly cleared her throat ,

“Jessica-unnie jokes like that , don’t take it to serious “



“I’m not joking “, Jessica said as she returned , entering the kitchen to get a glass of warm milk before entering her room once again .

“ Yah , take all your necessities before you enter! Stop walking in back and forth”, Yoona said , frustrated over the fact that Jessica was making it more and more awkward for the both of them.

“ I think this is my penthouse?”, Jessica stated as she stand by her bedroom door sipping on her glass of milk .

“ I get to do whatever I want .." she said , putting down the glass of milk before approaching the both of them .

“For instance ..”

“ I get to do this", Jessica pushed the both of them into the bedroom before closing the door .

“Don’t you dare to get out of there , Im Yoona” , Jessica shouted followed by a loud bang on the door .


“ see .. uh..” Yoona was thinking hard , scratching the back of her head trying to sort things out . Nervously thinking of what she should say to literally calm the..

hyper girl down ..?




“ YOONA-UNNIE , YOUR ROOM IS FULL OF KEROROS!!”, Seohyun exclaimed before hugging one of the huggable Keroro , going through Yoona’s stack of Keroro DVDs .

Such an innocent naïve child , cute.

Yoona smiled at the sight before her before placing some Keroro dolls in the middle of her queen size bed , acting as a barrier for the both of them .


“Goodnight Seohyun-ah”

“Goodnight Yoona-unnie”


The morning sun seeps through , distracting the ice princess in her deep slumber as she woke up, groggily exiting her bedroom. She took a peek into Yoona’s room only to find the two innocent minds , sleeping peacefully with the Keroro barrier tumbled down. Some was on the floor , thanks to Im Yoona’s sleeping antics. 

Noticing how Yoona was stirring in her sleep , Jessica quickly closed the door .

It was too early to be awake on a Sunday morning . But due to the fact that her stomach was grumbling , she decided to make breakfast before she heard Yoona’s alarm ringing . Jessica smiled knowing all too well that Yoona’s going to wake up for work . Placing the pan on the stove , heating it up , she decided to make breakfast for the couple-to-be.


Yoona fumbled with her phone , quickly switching the alarm off not wanting to wake the latter up . Despite the loud alarm , it seems like Seohyun is quite a heavy sleeper . Yoona watched the younger girl in her sleep ..

She looks so perfect even in her sleep..

Her eyes ..

Her nose..

Her lips ..

Cough*. Yoona choked , blushing at her own thoughts .

Seohyun on the other hand was debating in her mind if she go on pretending to be asleep or ask if the girl was okay . Obviously , the loud alarm woke her up . In actual fact , the slightest noise would be able to wake her up .Seohyun’s a light sleeper , so much so even the sound of the rotating doorknob would wake her up . Seohyun knew Jessica took a peek at them and she’s very well aware that Yoona is staring at her right now. 

“Seohyun-ah”, Yoona nudge the latter’s shoulder .

Seohyun still pretended to play dead before she heard those 3 magical words from Yoona ...

A shocking confession enough to bring the dead back to life . 

“I love you”, Yoona whispered before placing a note on the bedside , leaving the bedroom.


“ Wow! Korean breakfast! KIMCHI! It’s been a while since I last had Korean food! ” , Sooyoung said as she reached out for the food.

“ Yah ,have you even brush your teeth yet?", Sunny asked hitting the latter’s hand away . Yuri chuckled at the duo before grinding her Ma juice .


“ Jessica-unnie , you’re cooking me breakfast for once !”, Yoona exclaimed ,beaming with joy as she entered the kitchen .

“ Where’s Seohyun?”

“Still asleep” , Yoona simply answered before gobbling down the American styled breakfast.


Someone who eats Korean food for breakfast

Someone who prefers American breakfast

Someone who has a warm heart

Someone who has a heart of an ice

Someone who is helpful and kind

Someone who is bossy and unreasonable

They’re like polar opposites .


They fell in love with one another.


“ Are you free for dinner?” - Sent

“ Are you free for dinner?” – Sent


“ Let’s watch this! I heard its really good “, Tiffany said clinging onto her girlfriend . 

“ No , Let’s watch this instead! “, Taeyeon rebuked

“It’s horror! I want romance! “

“I prefer horror!”

The couple has been bickering on and on for a good few minutes at the counter , causing the queue to lengthen by twice .



“ So..horror it is “ the guy at the counter said ..

“NO I said romance! “, Tiffany glared at the poor guy .

“ Okay..romance!”, he said focusing on the screen in front of him..


Now it is Taeyeon’s turn to glare at him .

He nervously cleared his throat before politely asking the couple to step aside , offering the rest to purchase their tickets first . 



Minutes later , they were back at the counter ,facing the same guy .

“So it horror or romance ?”

“ Both! “, the both of them said in unison , flashing their brightest smile.

“Good , and that’s $50 “

“ What? Why is it so expensive?” Taeyeon asked

“Couple seats , right?”

The couple blushed , as they quickly paid , getting off from the line.


One new message 

Both their phones vibrated . They both anticipated for the reply . 


“ YAH CHOI SOOYOUNG , I’m just right beside you!”

“JUST OPEN!”, and Sooyoung clicked the ‘magical’ button that reveals the message that reads ..


“ That’s it?! Gosh , she sure is living up to her ice princess status “, Sooyoung scoffed , slumping back to the couch while Yuri grinned from ear to ear ..

Oblivious to the fact that Jung Jessica on the other side was also smiling sweetly towards her phone ..



“ Jessica-unnie ,what are you smiling at?”, Yoona asked.

Not getting any response by the latter ,Yoona peeked at the message that reads 

I’m free. So are we going for a date ? 

Wait..considering we sent the message both at the same time , are you dating me ..or am I dating you ?..

Okay I’m totally confused now but Yes , Sica  

Chapter 19

“ Nah ..not this..probably not this either”

“Definitely not this”

Sooyoung and Sunny went on and on , emptying Yuri’s wardrobe .

“My fashion sense isn’t that bad you know.. I’m hot for a reason!” Yuri said , flaunting her assets.



“ Yes, I do agree that your fashion sense is good but hey, we’re talking about Jung Jessica here . Head to toes – its all LV , Gucci , Prada , Armani” Sooyoung stated the obvious .


“Jessica-unnie, you need something more casual.. you know..something more Yuri-unnie style “, Yoona said .

“ You’re not helping..and you two , keep your HANDS OFF each other for a minute or two! It’s my penthouse for goodness sake!”, Jessica bluntly said as she entered her walk-in wardrobe once again .

“ Sorry Jessi “, Tiffany said before entering the wardrobe.

“Hmm, I think a simple hoodie would do fine ,Jessi..”



“That A&F hood will do”, Taeyeon said out of the blue.


“ Yea, Yuri’s more casual style. Plus I’ve seen her with those hoodies before”


“ Should I give her roses?” 

“ No!!” , both Sooyoung and Sunny said in unison


“Keep it simple, Yuri! And you have to be fashionably late! You cannot act like you care about this date”

“ Right..then why the clothes?...”



“ Roses?”, Jessica questioned

“ Yes, Jessi ! Aren’t you guys on a date? You’re both girls ! So , its pretty normal if you give her roses ..oh wait , you’re playing the guy’s role isn’t it?” 

“ NO..”

“ Right.....”


So there they were ..the awkward couple having a dinner in a simple restaurant . Yuri was definitely overdressed when Jessica is definitely under-dressed . They both came about almost the same time . In other words , they both were fashionably late . Jessica with roses , Yuri without .

“Awkward -Socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner “, Taeyeon said over the table .

“ Forget your oxford dictionary for once!”, Sooyoung said



The six of them , dining across the street ..burst out into laughter..

“ HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA , I can’t believe you asked Jessica to get roses “, Sunny said

“ And I can’t believe you get Yurree to overspend for the month!”

“ This is hilarious! They look like the most odd couple on a date ever !”, Sooyoung said


“ Uh.” Jessica stammered .

“ Sorry” , they both said in unison and smiled.

“It was all-“

“It was all-“

They stammered and smiled before finishing their sentence in unison ..

“...their fault”



“Are you hungry?” , Yuri asked

“ Not anymore..”

“Alright , let’s go “, Yuri said grabbing onto Jessica’s wrist , literally pulling her out from the restaurant.

“Where are we going?”

“On a real date “


Yuri pulled over at the nearby florist , getting 11 roses . She settle them by the back seat together with the roses she received from Jessica . Jessica’s mind was all blank . Her heart was beating fast , she was already thinking as to how she should react receiving those roses .As her mind was battling away , the car came to a stop again . Once again she eyed Yuri getting off the car , entering what looks like a grocery store.

What? She’s doing her grocery shopping in the middle of a date? 

Jessica thought before the vibration on Yuri’s phone distracted her .

The caller ID shows : Tiffany

Hesitantly she picked up the phone .



“ Yurree-ah, Its all set ! “

“ Fa-“

“Have fun!”

And the line was disconnected .


“Where exactly are we going Yuri?”, Jessica questioned after being silent for about half an hour.

“ You’ll see “


“What are we doing in an air-?”

“Sorry Sica , I’ll have to blindfold you for now”, the latter just nodded in reply.


Soon after she was seated with safety belt buckled onto her . Jessica questioned nothing since she trusted Yuri . 



She trusted Yuri ..

for nothing because she felt the uncomfortable ear popping experience soon after .

“Kwon Yuri” , Jessica finally spoke.

“ Yes?”

“Are you somehow..kidnapping me?”

“Hmm technically speaking I did not kidnap you because it wasn’t by force” 

“This isn’t funny. “

“Give me 30 minutes “, Yuri said , as she place her headset over Jessica ears , playing away her ipod.

Kwon Yuri , definitely the best at spontaneous romantic plans. In such a short amount of time , she managed to get hold of Tiffany to get Jessica’s private jet and she’s now cooking the medium-rare lamb to go with the Boroli Barolo 1998 red wine.


“All set”, Yuri exclaimed as she took of Jessica’s blind fold only to find the latter soundly asleep. Ironically , she’s the same girl who feared being kidnapped.

Yuri went eye-level with the sleeping girl as she trace the outline of the sleeping princess face with the tip of her index finger . She smiled before leaning in , giving the latter a peck on the cheeks ..

obviously waking her up.

“Who gave you the permission to do so ?” Jessica spoke .

“ Uh..” , Yuri stuttered



“You prepared all these?”, Jessica asked as Yuri

“Yea, let’s eat”, Yuri grinned as she settled herself in front of Jessica before feasting ..



but stopped soon after she realized Jessica was eyeing at the bottle of wine .

“ Is this my dad’s Boroli Barolo 1998?”

“uh..yea”, Yuri nervously gulped . In order to ‘lighten’ up the mood , she stupidly said..

“Look , we’re up in the air , feasting ! I’ve got you roses and we’ve got good food , good ambience ..good...view.”

Yuri mentally cursed herself because the view out the window was literally just pitch black .



“ It’s pitch black , Yuri “, Jessica said the obvious before adding on..

“ In my private jet..with my dad’s romantic “, Jessica sarcastically said .



“ YAH JUNG JESSICA , do you know how hard is it to arrange all these? I wanted it to be memorable since this is how we first met. And here you are - “, Yuri burst, she stood up as she slammed the table .

“ Finally .” Jessica cut the latter off.

“What finally ?!”

“Finally the Kwon Yuri I know is back “, Jessica said , smiling before adding on

“ You don’t have to be so nice to me just have to be yourself . I love you for who you are , Yuri-yah”, Jessica’s eyes soften as she stared at the girl standing before her .

“ Aish ! You just love bickering with me , don’t you ?” , Yuri said , once again sitting back down.


They went on feasting while bickering . No , reminiscing their past . As they laugh it off,all their childish behaviors and thoughts ..thoughts of having Yuri getting kicked out of LA and much more .

“What are you doing ?”, Jessica asked while enjoying her dessert

Yuri was picking up sheets of red petals placing them together , tying them tightly together . Somewhat looks like she’s making a handmade rose oblivious in Jessica’s eyes . Getting no response from Yuri , Jessica continue with her dessert .


“For you “, Yuri said , passing Jessica the bouquet of 11 roses from earlier .

“Thanks”, Jessica smiled sweetly

“ I will love you until the last rose dies”, Yuri said , waiting for the latter’s late response .

Jessica frowned . “ Are you kidding me ? These roses will wilt by tomorrow” 

“ Not this one”, Yuri said ,giving Jessica the final stalk of rose she just made . They both flushed . Yuri was never good with words and she just became someone so cheesy because of the girl before her .

“ Sica-yah..Will you –“


“I haven’t finished my question! “,

“ The answer is Yes , Kwon Yuri .. YES “





Chapter 20

“ you think she’ll accept it?”

“Yea..dont worry!”


There she was , stepping into the university with a bouquet of roses in her hands . As she made her way through the crowd , her heart was throbbing fast . Today , is finally the day she will voice out her feelings 


She stood outside Lecture theatre 4 

And patiently waited for the lecture to end ..

She paced back and forth , ironically she’s usually someone really calm but I guess mixing with the used-to-be nerd has taken its toll.



As the clock finally shows 2pm , students ran out of the lecture hall . Some screamed their way through , rejoicing for the last lecture of the year . Yes , students of BA (Hons) in International Business are finally graduating . 

That includes , Im Yoona ,Jung Jessica , Tiffany Hwang and Kwon Yuri . The popular ones .



Like that matters? Their popularity has been going downhill ever since Kim Taeyeon-Tiffany Hwang , Kwon Yuri – Jung Jessica are officially a couple . Let’s not even mention about the new freshmen that will be stealing the limelight soon enough . That’s life . You can’t expect to stay in the spot light that long .

As the miss populars exited the lecture theatre ..

“ Omg we’re graduating already! “, Tiffany said hugging onto her best friend .

“Yah Fany! Keep your hands to yourself “, Yuri protested , claiming her girlfriend over as they three watched Yoona’s odd antics . Yoona was blankly staring at ..

“Seohyun?”, the three of them muttered under their breaths.


“Seohyun-ah”, Yoona called out to the younger girl who was seen with bouquet of roses in her hands . 

Yoona sighed , assuming it’s from her fanboys or girls . After all , If Im Yoona’s graduating..the rest of Seo Joo Hyun’s fans can officially start their courting .

Realizing Yoona’s disappointment , the latter quickly shoved the roses to her .

“Its for you”, Seohyun said .

Yoona stood there, not believing . When her three other friends genuinely smiled at their cute little puppy love . Taeyeon came to join the three of them, giving her girlfriend a back hug .



“You taught her all this dint you?”, Tiffany asked and Taeyeon simply nodded , smiling like a total dork .


“I swear I bought it from the florist this morning , its fresh! “, Seohyun added because Yoona didn’t react 


“They are so cute”, Jessica stated intertwining her hands with Yuri .




“Ah..yea? um thanks “, Yoona said , accepting the flowers .

And there was an awkward silence..except for the whispering noises that was coming from their good friends ..


“Should we like help them out?”, both Yuri and Jessica asked in unison , smiling after realizing their similar words .

“No..she practiced whole day yesterday in the dorm! “, Taeyeon said .

“You have no idea how many times I have to hear her confession towards Im Yoona ..I felt like I was really Im Yoona for a minute !”, Taeyeon added before Tiffany playfully punched the latter’s arm .

“Yah , are you telling me you’re falling for Seohyun?”

“ I do love her!...”

Tiffany eye-smiles totally vanished in mere seconds . Talking about mood swings ..

“ as-s-s a good friend “, Taeyeon nervously gulped .

“I know!”, Tiffany hugged the later all smiley .

Right. mood swings. Tell me about it.


The awkward silence was still there ..both the couples was witnessing such events . It is like watching a dvd and it’s on pause mode .

Yoona nervously scratched the back of her head , smiling before she reached to her pocket ..

“Yoona , would you be my girlfriend?” Seohyun injected the question leaving Yoona dumbfounded as she quickly retreated her hands from her pocket .

“Yah..what did you said?”, Yoona asked as she eyed the younger girl making the poor girl blush .



“Yah! I’m supposed to be the one asking you , I even had everything planned out in my mind..and this!”, 

Yoona took the necklace from her pocket , holding it towards the younger girls eyes .



“My necklace!”, Seohyun exclaimed, not able to hide her excitement as Yoona smiled , helping the younger girl to put them on before going on whining about her failed plan ..

“You know..I was planning this romantic candlelight dinner tonight…”



“and I would sing you a song..went down on my knees..”



“and reveal this necklace..there goes my hopes and dreams ..”



She went on and on whining..

And that’s how the love story of the innocent maknaes unfolds .

A/N : Yep , Seohyun took the initiative to ask  That's why the title's Getting Miss Popular <3 !



“ You’re coming back??!” , Hyoyeon was talking over the phone ..



“Yes I am! Technically I’m already back! “, Yuri’s voice echoed the living room as Hyoyeon dropped her mobile , running towards her best friend ..hugging the latter tightly . A pair of eyes glared at her ...

Hyoyeon being oblivious ,asked

“Oh you brought your friend over? I’m Hyoyeon”

“Jessica . Jung Jessica “, the latter said .

Ignoring the latter , Hyoyeon quickly dragged Yuri to the kitchen ..

“OMMAAAAAAAAA “, Yuri said in excitement.


While Yuri’s chauffeur and bodyguards were lugging their luggage bag into the mansion,

“Jung Jessica, did you know Yuri was this rich?”, Tiffany asked as she entered the living room , watching the blonde go dumbfounded , staring at the living room agape .

“I bet she doesn’t”, Sooyoung said nonchalantly , entering her best friend’s house before entering the kitchen to greet Yuri’s mother .

“Wow daebak . Jessica-unnie , Yuri-unnie is as rich as you are! “, Yoona said entering the mansion before she made herself comfortable at the couch alongside with the rest of them .


“Omma let me introduce my friends to you! They’ll be here for a week on a vacation , is that okay?”, Yuri asked as they came out from the kitchen which caused Yoona and the rest to abruptly stand up , bowing 90 degrees to the elder one .

“Yea sure “, Yuri’s mom simply said , flashing a smile across as she took a seat .

“Have a seat “, and the rest followed suit .

While Yuri was sitting by the arm rest of her mother’s couch , she simply introduced her friends from clockwise .

“ That’s Jessica , Tiffany , Taeyeon , Seohyun , Yoona , Sunny .“


After a long flight from LA , they decided to freshen up . The couples each have a respective guest room whereas Jessica obviously bunked in with Yuri . Sunny on the other hand bunked it with Sooyoung . 

Both Sooyoung and Hyoyeon lived in Yuri’s place after their parents death . Due to Daddy Kwon’s close friendship tie with the Kim’s and the Choi’s , he took them in since they were 8 .



“ You’ve got some explaining to do , Kwon Yuri “, Jessica simply said as she scanned through the photo frames neatly placed on the shelves . There were childhood pictures of the three of them together . They seemed really close .

“What?” Yuri asked dumbly before she laid down by her bed with her outstretched hands and legs .


Jessica then followed suit , laying by her side as she eyed Yuri’s side view .



“Are you going to go on staring at me like that ?” , Yuri said not opening her eyes , wanting to doze off to her dreamland .



“Fine ..I’m rich.. so what? It’s not my money! It’s my dad’s!”, Yuri said as she laid by her side facing the ice princess’s wrath .



“ Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are my childhood friends since 8..” she added since the ice princess was still glaring at her urging her to go on ..


After dinner , Yuri took Jessica out to the veranda to enjoy the night view . While Taeyeon and Tiffany was under the same sky , watching the night view from the balcony . And at the same time , Yoona and Seohyun was sitting by the pool side , mindlessly kicking the water as they enjoyed the night breeze 

.Soosun? They’re still busy with the food in the kitchen while Hyoyeon was simply enjoying the meal with her boyfriend , Eunhyuk.



“ Are you really coming back to Korea and live with your parents ?”, Yuri asked , Jessica simply nodded.



“ Fany-ah , here! Your star for the day “, Taeyeon said , passing her a newly folded star .



“ Seobaby better not fall for anyone else in our university just because I’ve graduated!”, Yoona warned her younger girlfriend.


At the same time , under the same sky . The angels witness the three couples that shared their very first kiss .



Angel Realms

“ I told you the arrow I shot was right!”, one of the ‘interning’ cupid said .

“Geez. You’re just lucky! According to their profile and stars , technically all the couples don’t match! “

“ Look at these .” the former cupid added , shoving the iPad to the new intern.



SooSun – Perfect ( Matching possibilities 100% )

“It says 100%....”

“Oh wait , it’s the wrong”



YulSic – Impossible ( Matching possibilities -21% )

TaeNy – Almost impossible ( Matching possibilities 0% )

YoonHyun – Rather impossible ( Matching possibilities 5% )

“Well..what can I say? Opposite attracts!” the interning cupid happily exclaimed , clapping hands .


Thanks for taking the time to join us on our mini interview session .

So..before we go right into our long list of questions asked by our fellow readers, I would like to ask how do you find your characters in this fic?

Jessica : Stupid It’s cool though since I’ve been getting the villain roles all the time 

Tiffany : I’m too perfect. Can’t I be like Jessi?

Yoona : Good ! I like going after Seobaby.

*Seohyun blushes*

Yuri : Fun! I mean I’m like good friends with everyone!

Taeyeon : It’s not easy tripping on every chapters..Why can’t I be the popular one? I’m very beautiful you know! Just this..fic..

Sooyoung & Sunny : Its cool we’re fashion designers . 

Hyoyeon : I’m still stuck in Korea , are you bringing me to LA or what?!


Err. .I’ll pass the word of message to the author . Anyway, continuing on ..All the readers are thinking Taeyeon should be up there on stage , singing to win Tiffany’s heart . Will there be such a scene ?

Taeyeon : Uh..

Tiffany : Aren’t our readers small little detectives ? I believe they are reading chapters ahead ..Is the author giving out soft copies?!

Jessica , one of the readers is asking if you would follow Yuri back to Korea if she gets kicked out ..?

Jessica : No. Why should I ?

*reading off the list* 

Does Tiffany have any feelings for Taeyeon?

Both Tiffany and Taeyeon stared at each other before awkwardly laughing ..

“ Ha ha ha. You’ll find out in the coming chapters “


So will Yuri help Taeyeon to get popular or help Tiffany to fall for Taeyeon?

Yuri : uh..both? I’m an all-rounder you see..

Will Taeyeon be Miss Popular#4 ?

Taeyeon : I don’t know..what’s the definition of being popular?

How about Yuri? Will you be the next miss popular?

Yuri : There’s no need such hassle since technically I’m already popular . I hang out with almost everyone!

Quoting from one of the readers “Why Tiffany has never done what Yuri did, looking to see who was the one to leave her the star.”

Tiffany : I love surprises *eye-smile*


Yuri and Jessica are still in bickering terms , the readers are curious as to how you both will fall in love . Can you guys give us any minor hint?

Jessica : Just be patient goddamit!

Yuri : Hahaha Sica’s going to fall in love with me first . That’s all I can say..

And why exactly is Seohyun avoiding Yoona ?

Seohyun : Uhm..Seohyun is pretty much someone who is rational and have unwavering personality/feelings in this yeah..I guess it takes time..

Yoona : ngekngekngek* She wants me to win her heart slowly..

How do you feel getting paired up with Jessica for the semester , Yuri ?

Yuri : Terrible. She’s going to give me a hard time..but it’s the turning point . You’ll see why..

Readers are still curious as to why Tiffany appointed Taeyeon as the president of the Student’s Union..

Tiffany : Out of sympathy? Maybe ? Plus she’s smart…yea..yup..I think that’s it..


How do you find the YulTi pairing?

Tiffany : Honestly its weird. Taeyeon was staring at me the whole time during the “kissing-Yurree-scene” in the cafeteria just now.

Yuri : Its cool . Totally fine with it.

Jessica : What did you just say, Kwon Yuri?

Yuri : Uhm..I mean I’m fine with it but I prefer YulSic. 

So will YulTi actually happen?

Taeny : NO!


Everybody seems to be hating Jessica’s character , how do you feel playing this role? And why do you hate Yuri so much?

Jessica : Not easy. Just wait and watch. I’ll change , I promise. As to why I hate Yuri I don’t know , she’s just not likable in there. *chuckles*

Quoting from another reader , “I think they should organize a wild party and get everybody drunk then maybe TaeYeon can finally confess her undying love to Miss Tiffany. hehehe ok, don't mind me.” 

Mini Interview Session 2 

Welcome back to another mini interview session . Glad to see you girls are still alive and kicking. Where’s Hyoyeon?

Jessica : Can you make it quick? I’ve got to fly back to Korea for other fics after this.

Tiffany : Yup , I’ve got to play back my villain role in Burying The Hatchet . I’m a kick ass assassin there! How cool is that , right ? *eye-smiles*

Taeyeon : Hyo’s in Korea . She’s not making any appearance in this fic at the moment.

Oookay. So yeah , first of all ..Yuri , can you actually speak English ?

Yuri chuckles

Jessica ( in English ): You know how many goddamn times I have to teach her to pronounce them correctly ? Don’t even think about asking her to speak English anymore .

Yuri whispers to Tiffany : What did she just said ?


One of our reader asked , “Oh why oh why Jessica Jung , why are you so icy?”

Jessica : Who was it again ? ensure the safety of our readers , that’ll remain anonymous..Alright, moving on..

Why is 2pm , morning ..Jessica Jung ? Or did you just show up late to aggravate Yuri?

Jessica : Does that bothers you so much ? In my dictionary , 2pm is still morning.


Majority of our readers really think Taeyeon should get rid of her specs , get a magical make over , get up to the stage and sing away /confess.. What are your thoughts on this ?

Taeyeon : Uh , seriously ..I don’t know why the author makes me wear nerdy glasses .Ironically my parents own an optical shop ..*hahaha*

Tiffany : She’ll sing , she’ll confess. She’ll stammer. She’s supposed to be a coward in there ..*hahaha*

Taeyeon : Yah, fany-ah!


Readers seems to be loving the little YulTiSic triangle . Some suggested that Yuri should seduce Tiffany in order to make Taeyeon jealous so she’ll finally confess ..Any thoughts about this ?

Taeyeon : No way I’m risking the love of my life being with Kwon Yuri.

Tiffany : Awww , that’s so sweet of you.

Yuri : She’s insecure . She’s insecure! Hahahaa

“ But If Tiffany doesn't back off -__- Yuri could have kissed her O_O??????”

Taeyeon : Not with my presence .

Yuri : Totally waited for that moment.

Jessica : Kwon Yuri..


YulSic shippers are deprieved of your love ! When will Yulsic stop bickering?

Jessica : Well..I’m cooling off a little there . But what do you expect ? Just a few weeks ago I’m hating Yuri that much the next second I should fall head over heels for her? 

Yuri : You can’t deny my hotness ..

Jessica : Shut up , Yuri.

How about saving Yulsic relationship through a dance contest as quoted from a reader “maybe they should organize a dance contest too and yuri should be in it haha, I bet sica will fall for yul's awesome moves and sexy abs lol”


Jessica : Her sexy abs are not for the world to see *smirks*

Or maybe a fan attack and Yuri saves her?


Jessica : Aren’t we getting a bit too violent in here ?


Readers wonder how does Yoona feel considering Seohyun’s still playing hard to get ..

Yoona : ..

*coughahemcough*nudge Yoona nudge*

Tiffany : Im Yoona ..the question is directed to you..

Yoona : Yes ..yes…What were you saying ?

Taeyeon : Stop staring at maknae for a while!

I said do you feel being rejected all over again every quoted from another reader “Ahhhh, YoonA is still a puppy chasing after a frog...ahem...Seohyun”

Yoona : Ahh..of course it’s depressing . But Seohyun’s worth the wait. I’m certain on that.

Wasn’t it awkward , letting Yoona stare at you at the library for the past hours and “Seohyun.. We all know yoona is a major masochist by now, but it's okay to throw an angel a kiss ya know?”

*Seohyun blushes*

Seohyun : I’m use to it ..she stares at me even


Will Taeyeon confess about the stars? Being Tiffany’s secret admirer since the first year?

Taeyeon : hahaha that ..I mean you’ll find out soon. 

Tiffany *nods*

Aren’t you afraid of Tiffany’s fans , after confessing on stage ?

Taeyeon : Technically no…? I’ve been tripping and been getting bullied for almost every chapters now..I don’t think that makes any difference ..


This reader seems to be a fan of Yuri .. the reader is curious, he/she asked..have you been in love before..?

Yuri : this fic ..not yet?


Soosun happened already has it?

Sooyoung : Well…we’re classmates..

Sunny : and..roommates..

SooSun : we’re blossoming..I guess.

Mini Interview Session 3 

Back by popular demand! (  )

Welcome back –

Jessica : Skip the intro and throw us your questions . Time’s ticking here..



Okay sure..previously on GMP chapter 8 , Jessica , you fell sick..Is it serious ?

Jessica : No . I don’t have any cancer . It’s merely a flu-fever thing.

And why din’t Jessica explained herself to Yuri ?

Jessica : I’m having a high fever burning at 40 degrees . You think I should bother to explain myself ?


“Hmm.. in scale 0-10 with 10 being the most, how much YulSic feeling towards each other? Have they had any attraction to the other party?”

Yuri : 10

Jessica : WHAT ?

Yuri : Din’t you meant real life?*chuckles*


Taeyeon , will you undergo any make over anytime soon ?

Tiffany : No! My taetae’s so adorable !

Taeyeon : hahaha , I might or I might not..but Fany just rejected me today..

& yes , Why did you choose to sing “If” instead of “Like A Star”?

Taeyeon : Hmm .. “If” suited my situation more . 

Tiffany : Yea , like the coward that doesn’t have the courage to express her love to me..Hahahaha*


& Finally Seohyun accepted something from Yoona in this chapter! YoonHyun loyalists are beaming in happiness now , how are you feeling ?

Yoona : God. Don’t even get me started . The author made me undergo classes for the ONE magic scene for the chapter . I told the author I swear I’ll quit if Seohyun doesn’t response after my hard work! Thank god , the author listened to me for once! Seriously ..-



Okayyyy relax…let’s not go on with the ramblings ..we’re out of time here as what Jessica said..Moving on .. 

Yuri , you’ve official 2 strikes now . Just one to go and you’ll be off to Korea ..Will the strike be lifted off after a duration of period or would it stay as long as you’re in the university ?

Yuri : YEAH I KNOW RIGHT. Sica’s being so mean! And ..hmm, stays as long as I’m still alive ..hahaha

Jessica : right..not like you’re really getting kicked out yet .. so Yuri wouldn’t get kicked out?

Jessica :’ll have to continue catching up on the chapters to know that ..


Another avid fan of the ice princess, 


I m-m-mean avid fan of Jessica Jung , the reader asked if you have any past relationships in this fic?

Jessica : What? Ask the author! But I assume no..I’m not briefed about having an ex in my profile..


I have no idea why but readers are curious if JeTi fangirls/boys were trailing behind you guys during the thrash-bin-stalking-Yoona incident.


Jessica : We may be popular but we’re ninjas.


*clears throat ahem* Readers are really REALLY fond of YulTi ..although the author is constantly getting bricked by Yulsic shippers for the small Yulti scene , but other readers hope there’ll be another kissing YulTi scene..any thoughts?

Taeyeon : AHEM

Tiffany : Taeyeon threatens to leave this fic if there’s anymore YulTi interaction..I’m sorry Yurree-ah.

Yuri : What? What has it gotta do with me?..I’m innocent! I swear!?


So now that Seohyun accepted your little gift , will you change your strategy as quote “She should try a different strategy, how about leaving Seohyun alone for a while and see if she misses her choding face or not? “

Yoona : She accepted my magical flower , does that mean I have to go for more classes? Omg ..if yes please tell the author , I would rather disappear than to go for more classes! Like seriously do you know I have to practice like I don’t know how many times just for the flower to magically appear ..-

OKAY That’s all for today ..once again we welcome our new readers ..-

Yoona : what? Do I have to magically give her a dove in the next chapter ..seriously!! I –



Seohyun : Yoong~ Why are you so hot tempered today?

Yoona’s eyes softens as she gazed at her loved one..

Mini Interview Session 4

Welcome back to LA !

Tiffany : Thanks !Its great to be back home !

As expected , it seems like Tiffany and Jessica exchanged roles ..Readers are curious why is Tiffany putting on a cold shoulder all of the sudden?

Tiffany : *giggles* I believe after this chapter they’ll know why..I’m in love with ‘someone else’

Taeyeon : hahaha

Now that you guys exchanged roles, Jessica bore a new nickname of being a creeper . How do you feel about your new nickname?

Jessica : Well , previously they said I’m such an ice princess , now that I’ve melted ..they are calling me a creeper? What..?


Are you somehow in denial about your feelings for Yuri ?

Yuri : Totally~

Jessica : Shut up. 

Well , how about we make Krystal fall in love with Yuri ? 

Yuri : Wooo. Jung sisters can never resis-

Jessica : SHUT UP YURI. That’ll never happen.

When will Yulsic happen then ?

Jessica : ..soon?

Yuri : yea, princess here is still in denial…you got to understand her..hahaha

Jessica : Kwon Yuri , you better shut it before..-

Yuri : Before what ..? We’re all thankful enough you din’t burn down the kitchen in the previous chapter!


Okayyy..Was Tiffany being a creeper , following Taeyeon ? And are you trying to make her jealous on purpose?

Tiffany : What? Noo….not really..*coughs*

“Some of the readers have been asking if Yuri had an ex or Jessica, now my question is does Tiffany had a past lover? haha! just curious and what about Taeng? is Tiffany her first love?”

Taeyeon : Of course! Tippani’s love is enough for me~~

Tiffany : hahaha Taeyeon’s love is enough for me ~~


And Yuri , you do sleep with your tongue out..Just informing.

Yuri : hahaha Yea I know..Sica told me before..

“sica ,, are you falling in love with yuri after seeing her when she sleep ??”

Jessica : You kidding me ? You must have missed out the part I repeated myself saying its WEIRD.

Yuri : DENIAL.


Yoona-ah..the poor author has a hard time picturing the choding you in this fic anymore ..

Yoona : Ahh..really ? Am I going to get kicked out of this fic?

Clarity~ : JUST BE LESS SEXY ! T_T


Okkayyyy , definitely from one hardcore hyped up YoonHyun fan , “KERORO FINALLY COMES INTO THE PICTURE!”

Yoona : *chuckles* Yeah..I mean the whole world knows maknae’s undying love for Keroro right? I don’t get why the author made me went through all the hassle to ask each and everyone for something green! ..Like duh! It’s so obvio-

Seohyun : Unnie…you’re being unstable again..

Yoona : Sorry..


As quoted , “I am still very curious, why dont other students stalk Yuri like how they stalk miss populars? Yuri is just as hot as them”

Yuri : HAH! Take that sica .

Jessica : So ?

Yuri : ...

Mini Interview Session 5

Jessica : Let’s go straight to the point , shall we?

Yea..we all know we have uh..9 characters in this fic including Hyo who’s still stuck in Korea , will there be any new characters in this fic?

Tiffany : Well..not that I’ve heard of?

Jessica : Ain’t that question for the author?

Taeyeon : ME ME ME! I’ll be new! Sort..of?


Majority seems to be cursing Yuri due to your ‘fake confession’ previously..any thoughts on this?

Jessica : Great . I’m no longer the spoilt ice princess slash creeper?

Yuri : Aish! They may hate me for that but they’ll love me because Sica’s obviously in denial now.

YulSic’s fake confession is definitely the hottest topic previously ,readers are curious if Yuri actually felt anything during the confession & did you really meant what you said?

Yuri : uhhh..

Jessica : *glares

Yuri : uhhh..of course..I did..?

“did YulSic really kiss?”

Jessica : No! silly. Of course not 

Yuri : I wished we did..

Jessica : ..


One of our readers said “I don't get it...if Fany already in love with the person who gave her the stars (which was Taeyeon), then Yuri heard it, why didn't Yuri tell Taeyeon to give the star to Fany in front of her..and since the day Taeyeon confessed to Fany..has she stopped giving Fany stars?”

Tiffany : Bingo!

Yuri : Ahh I’ve never thought of that ..I mean , even the author never thought of it! 

Jessica : Nice catch there .

Taeyeon : Nope , I’m still giving Fany the her secret admirer still.

“Fany just can't be seen dating a nerd right???

i think she already pictures her star maker as a cool person”

Taeyeon : Hahahahahaha

Tiffany : Dennis Oh!!

Taeyeon : ..what?


Did Taeyeon really had problems putting in your contacts?

Taeyeon : My parents own an optical store….*speechless

& This is totally out of topic but will ByunTaeng appear?

Taeyeon : HAHAHAHAHAHA who's the reader?!


Jessica , will you consider bringing Krystal into the fic?

Jessica : not with my consent.

Yuri : Damn it.

& Last but not least , YULSIC ..TAENY..YOONHYUN.. which couple is going official first in this fic?




Mini Interview Session 6

Enteringrightawayintoourinterviewsessionthistimeround . Number 1,


Tiffany : Pardon?

Jessica : Why are you like speed reading? 

Taeyeon : Are we in a rush?

** I’m sorry . I just thought Jessica would actually cut in my introduction again . Anyway I asked .. will tiffany be taeyeon's stalker if taeyeon began to be one of the popular students?

Tiffany : Much better . uhm..ha- ha?

Taeyeon : Technically, she doesn’t know . She’s like a stone right now. Hahaha

“Is taeng attracted to fany's butt?! Hahahaha.”

Taeyeon : WHAT? What? Come again?

Tiffany : Old habits doesn’t wears off that easily.

Readers are actually losing too much blood from your hotness of RDR outfit..

Taeyeon : I Know Right. Thanks to Soosun couple .*hints*


Anyways , the author technically neglected YoonHyun , and is focusing only on Taeny . Is YoonHyun Progressing? Is Seohyun finally showing some feelings towards Im Choding ? 

Yoona : I’m sure she is . But anyways , Seobaby’s aint around . She doesn’t appear in the recent chapter ..since we’re busy digging gogumas . God! THE HEAT IS –

Tiffany : Im Yoona..

Yoona : Okay ..


Yulsic! You guys are totally in love with each other now so “will Sica be jealous of Tae and Yul’s closeness?”

Jessica : *mumbles* more like jealous of yulti moments..

Yuri : *nervously gulps* right…no..taeyeon’s good friend..right TAEYEON?

Taeyeon : Yea yea..sure.

As quoted “btw, I hate the lecturer! always ruining the moment! can I go hunt him down and threaten him to stop? please? Haha”

Jessica : Please do. He’s always complaining Im late for lectures .

YulTi : and us bickering by the back ..


“ Is that true?..Jessica helped Yuri to answer the question?”

Jessica : I’m not totally a dumb blonde you know..

Tehnically readers think you are..banging your head on lockers “why is sica banging her head on the locker???” ..does she like do that to get kwon yuri out of her mind or something??


Yuri : Duh! But I actually feel so sorry for Sica having her head banging on almost every chapter ever since the fake confession..I feel for her. I did bang my head once on the previous chapter and it hurts like anything(@#*@()#*@ *censored*


Due to the violent usage of words , we’re immediately stopping the interview.. Thanks again for joining us!

Ahhh before I go ,how about Hyo? “When are you going to pick up hyo?”

Yulsic + Taeny + Yoona + SooSun : “ EPILOGUE” *laughs* 

Mini Interview Session 7

Welcome back , where’s Taeny?

Jessica : Honeymoon.

Yuri : You don’t even want to know what they are doing right now ..

Ahh , okay. Many readers think Yulsic should go official because of the way you guys are acting!

Yuri : Ahh..I think -

Jessica : Bickering’s my part time hobby. 


Readers are thinking ,if Taeyeon had her final paper does that mean Taeyeon’s going to leave soon?

Jessica : I’ll answer on behalf of the nerd . Did the author ever mention that Taeyeon’s from Korea?

Yuri : Hahaha If I’m not wrong Taeyeon’s lives in LA too.

Then, what’s the hint all about? Yuri’s leaving?

Yuri : Yep. I am leaving..but..

Jessica : Yuri , enough with the hints.


*Sorry - fangirling*”

Jessica : Who’s that?*glares*

Yuri : Aha , I’ve fangirls from this fic too? Hahahahahaha.


Is Yuri like RICH?

Yuri : Hahahahahahaha . cough*choke*cough*

Jessica : Yah. Are you dead yet? Stupid dork.

"How many carats is Jessica worth? One black pearl is all she needs."

Jessica : Ahh. I liked the idea behind it! 


How about Yoonhyun? Is Yoona finally giving up?

Yoona : nooo? Says who? We’ve the most romantic love at first sight story ever , trust me . Even the unnies can never beat me . hahahahahaha

Yulsic :  . 

And hyo will coming out again?

Yuri : Yes she will! Do anticipate my best friend’s reappearance in Korea *hints*


YULSIC is next,am I right?

Yulsic : Well ..

Yoonhyun : Of course the unnies!

Yulsic :Noo , its the Maknaes!

Mini Interview Session 8

Welcome back to another mini inter-

Jessica : Hurry up!

Tiffany : Jessi , come on’s our last interview session!

Jessica : Okay ..fine.

*clears throat* Welcome back to another mini interview session . Glad to see all 9 of you present today . So..apparently this would be last interview session .. Many have been anticipating Hyoyeon’s cameo in the Epilogue ..

Hyoyeon : Ahh. Cameo is a cameo . I’ll be appearing for a few..minutes? laughs*


So far every couple is official , except YoonHyun ..How do you guys feel?

Seohyun : Special..?

Yoona : Tell me about it. The first person to be all over the uni courting Seo yet the last to be official? Oh please! Just help me to brick the author! Either the author loves us that much or hates us that much!

Jessica : Technically , you’re like the center of attraction since you appeared first yet you’re the last to be in a relationship..go on whining..

Yoona : SICA-UNNIE!!

Yuri : Yah Im Yoona !


Readers are complaining for the lack of Taeny moments and the author that refused to disclose any information about your honeymoon ..

TaeNy : Hahahahha ..

Tiffany : That’s our privacy?

Jessica : TECHNICALLY , the fic is all about Taeyeon transforming into a beauty . It took like what? 8-9 chapters? It was ALL TAENY FILLED! Yulsic needs their oh-so-romantic-parts you know?

Yuri : Sicaaa..are you okay ? Are you sick?

Sooyoung : Wait wait..are we talking about the amount of appearance you guys get in this fic? Dude ..I only appeared like ..when there’s food..

Sunny : and when we helped Taeyeon to make over..

Hyoyeon : Please don’t even get me started about the screen time guys..


LOL. Okayyyy , moving on..Did Seohyun really cried because Yoona didn’t replied her text?

Yoona : ..hehehe. She realized her feelings for me so she’s just a confused little kid who broke down.

Seohyun :..

And previously when Taeny bought both the tickets “how can they watch to movies at the same time??”

Taeyeon : It’s just an excuse for the author . We don’t really pay attention on the screens..anyway..*cough*


& lastly “yulsic, I swear I have told you this at least twice in my comments, but.. since you wouldnt listen to me yet, I'll tell you again... stop bickering and get married already!!!”



Before we officially end this interview session , let’s have the last session of wrapping up ..

Taeyeon : I guess I’ll start first? ..Ahh..yea..Thanks for liking my nerdy character in this fic .. I appreciate it a lot and thanks for supporting TaeNy. To those that wanted YulTi , just watch out.

Tiffany : *cries* okay was kidding , *eyesmiles* ..Well , nothing much to add..Just..just..anticipated the last chapter and the epilogue!

Jessica : .. Bye? See you again?

Yuri : Sica’s not feeling well yeap . Anyways , hope you guys enjoyed today’s chapter!


Seohyun : *giggles*

SooSun: Thanks for supporting SooSun!

Hyoyeon : Just wait and anticipate my appearance! Thank you guys!

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