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{Some quick headcanons for this book ^W^}

Main Headcanons :


Height: 5'1

He's an Avian (Part human part bird)

His wings are pure white, with goldish brown tips

He is super gay// poly (not just gay, super gay, IDK I'm tired, shhh)

He has caramel eyes, dirty blonde hair, and freckles

He also wears contacts but has glasses, but he only wears his glasses around his boyfriends

He also has slightly PTSD because of YHS, Sam, and Evo

He has a large scar going down his chest and some scars on his arms(Scars on his arms are just from mobs and explosions, aka accidents, cause the boy his clumsy)

Galatic was his main language

He is a flawless flyer but not so flawless on the ground(aka he's better in the sky than he is on the ground, the boy is clumsy)



His real name is Xenon (Grian calls him Exy, Xenon acts like he hates the nickname, but secretly loves it)

He is part demon

He is poly, pan, and also ace (fight me, I headcanon Ex as ace)

He is deaf, because of the void, after being banished there for so long he lost his hearing, for a bit he even lost his sight, he knew Xisuma feels guilty, and he's not sure if he can forgive his brother just yet

He cannot remove his mask without feeling insanely sick and not being able to breathe, the only places he can remove his mask is, Grian's place, the End, and Xisuma's place

His mask and helmet are separate, he can remove his helmet

He has long white hair, with dark crimson eyes, he also has a giant X scar across his face

He is Xisuma's younger "evil" Twin

He is protective over Grian( he is protective over Hels, but he knows Hels can take care of himself )

He also can speak Galactic


Height: 6'1(he's the tallest of course)

He is a half-elf

He is Poly and Ace ( ^^)

He used to live in a world with his brother Wels, we're they were both Knights, back then him and his brother used to be, closer, but as they got closer, they grew distance and after a fight, Hels grew distance from his brother

Hels has extreme anger issues, Grian and Xenon are the only ones who knew how to calm him down

He is insanely protective over his boyfriend's, and when he found out about the abuse Sam put him through in YHS, let's just say, Sam better hope Hels doesn't find him

He is older than his younger twin brother Wels,

He is less social than his brother

He has dark black hair with dark red tips, he normally wears his long hair in a bun, he has lighter red eyes than Ex, and has a burn mark on the side of his cheek, has scars over his body (from fights, since he doesn't back down from a fight)

He is secretly a softie but only to his boyfriend's

He prefers the nether since it's his safe place, so he ends up secretly spending most of his time in Grian's upside-down mansion, and helping around there


Relationship headcanons:


Is most the time the little spoon, the only time he is a big spoon is either when Xenon is having a bad nightmare or panic attack or when Hels is having a bad night and is feeling extremely grumpy

He is "clingy" or well he has autophobia//monophobia , also known as the phobia of being alone//forgotten, Hels made the mistake of calling him clingy once, during one of his bad moods, and that ended up sending Grian into a panic attack

Grian tends to overwork himself, and Hels and Xenon have to force him to take and break and sleep

He loves to braid both Hels and Xenons hair

He loves to cause chaos with Hels and Xenon


Is both a little spoon and a big spoon, depending on the day

He loves to cook for both Hels and Grian( Hels and Xenon, do not allow Grian to cook...after what happened last time)

At the start of the relationship, he was a little skittish but eventually opened up, and even enjoys cuddling with Grian and Hels

He still is distance at times, and Grian and Hels makes sure to give him space, when he's in one of his moods

He "hates" flowers, it's just he is slightly allergic to them, sneezing all the time he's around them but he absolutely loves bees


Big spoon! The only time he is a little spoon is when he's having a bad day

He takes turns with cooking and does most of the chores ( he likes to be productive)

He likes to protect both Ex and Grian

He was also a little unsure about the relationship at first because 1 Grian was one of the people he was supposed to hate and 2 he thought of Ex as competition at first

He is an absolute softie to his boys and takes care of them when their sick

He loves going on dates with his boyfriend's

{These are some of the main headcanons ,will likely add more headcanons eventually --}

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