HeadCanons (updated)

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{Hey lovelies Wren here ! And firstly I'd like to thank y'all for 2k reads on this book, seriously thank you for all the support y'all have shown and given me , also I am officially back from my slight break !! And to come back ,I decided to update my headcanons and make them better  and make more sense xD (also theses are the new headcannons all be using in my oneshots from now on-- ,anywho hope ya lovelies have a fab day//afternoon//night <3}

Headcanons  (updated)
(main personal headcanons)


Height: 5’1

He is an Avian(part human, part bird )

His wings are pure white with Goldish tips

He has caramel brown eyes, dirty blond hair, and freckles

He wears contacts, but he does have glasses, but he only wears his glasses around his boyfriends

He has slight PTSD from YHS, KOV, Sam, and EVO (and the watchers )

He speaks both Galactic ( i think that’s how ya spell it) and English

He is an absolutely flawless flyer ( cause part bird xD), he’s not so flawless on the ground, he can be a bit clumsy at times, he’s worse when he hasn’t had much sleep

He has anxiety, it normally gets worse around new people, but luckily he has his partners, to calm him when his anxiety is at its worse

His wings are extremely sensitive (especially at the base of his wings),  he only lets his partners touch his wings because of this

Ex (Xenon):

Height: 5’7

Their  real name is Xenon but prefers being called Ex, their boyfriends, are the  only ones allowed to call them Xenon

They are part demon ( hence the red eyes xD, Idk I just like the hybrid hermits )

They are partially deaf ( pretty much hard of hearing, they can hear, but you cant mumble and have to speak loud)(fun fact, I’m pretty sure I’m hard of hearing, I have to have my volume up loud and can’t hear if ya mumble, at least I got good eyesight ), it was caused by the void, when they  got unbanned and made it back to Hermitcraft, they could tell Xisuma felt guilty, at what state the void left them  in, but they’re not sure if they  can forgive Xisuma just yet, but they are glad to be back with their brother

They  cannot remove their mask//helmet without feeling insanely sick and dizzy, the only place they can take it off is in the void or Grian’s place or Xisumas place (forget about that one art piece I did with Xenon without their helmet lmao)

They have long white hair, that’s in a braid, they have crimson red eyes, they have a scar in the shape of an X, on the face(what their insecure about --)

They are Xisuma’s “evil” twin ( Xisuma is like a couple of minutes older than Ex  lmao)

They  also speak Galactic

They are insanely protective over Grian, even if they don’t seem like they are (they are also of course protective of Hels, but they  know Hels can protect himself)(Grian can protect himself of course !)

They get some bad nightmares from their banishment into the void, Grian and Hels always manages to calm him down

They “hate” flowers, but not really they just have some slight allergies because of them, they sneeze if they go in the vicinity of them but despite that, they also love them cause they bring bees near them, and they absolutely love bees


Height: 6’1 (he’s a tall boy)

He is a half-elf

He is Ace

He has long black hair with red tips, his hair is always in a bun, he has a lighter shade of red eyes than Ex, he also has a burn mark on the side of his face and has scars all over his body (cause he never backs down from a fight!)

He used to live in a realm//world with his brother Wels, we’re they were both royal knights, back then, he and his brother were close, but as they grew up, they grow distance, and Hels was more in Wels shadow, and after a fight, they both hardly talk to each other, he was basically shunned from the realm they grew up in(may turn this into a little story)
Hels won’t admit it, but he misses his bond with his brother, he was stupid to let his pride get in his way

Hels has some extreme anger issues, Grian and Xenon, are the only ones who are able to calm him down from his tantrums

He is insanely protective and possessive over his partners, and when he found out about what Sam did to Grian, let’s just say Sam better hope, Hels doesn’t find him (he’s going to stabby stabby him,) and Xenon also had to hold Hels back, when Hels found out about his past banishment (he wanted to stabby stabby Xisuma as well )

He is Wels older brother

He is less social than his brother ( hence the reason he was always in his brothers shadow)

He is secretly a softie but only for his partners
He prefers the Nether since its the place, where he feels the safest ( well other than Grian’s place, he spends a lot of his days either in the nether or secretly in Grians base//when he spends time in the nether, he mainly spends time in the upside-down )

Relationship Headcanons (Yay!):


Grian is mostly the little spoon(cause of how short he is), but he does love being a big spoon, and the most times he gets to be the big spoon is when either of his partners is grumpy or anxious

He is considered the “clingy” boyfriend type, but in reality, he has Auotophobia//monophobia, also known as the phobia of being alone//forgotten, Hels made a big mistake once, during one of his tantrums, he ended up calling Grian clingy, what set Grian off into a pretty bad panic attack (cuddles were definitely given and a lot of apologies were said)

He tends to overwork himself a lot ( and he tends to forget to eat//sleep or groom his wings), Hels and Xeno tends to force him to sleep//eat and they also help groom his wings

He absolutely loves to braid both Hels and Xenons Hair

He loves to cause chaos and mischief with both Hels and Xenon

Despite not seeming like it, he’s an extremely good cook, he’s the main cook


Their both the little spoon and big spoon, it depends on the day

They love to help Grian in the kitchen and loves to cook and make extremely tasty meals

At the start of the relationship, they were more shy and uncertain( because it was all new to them, and they are not used to feeling theses types of emotions ) but after some time, they opened up to their boyfriends, and even enjoys cuddling with them

They are still distant at times and they are thankful, Grian and Hels Gives them space when they’re in one of theses moods


He is an absolute big spoon, the only time he ain’t one is when he’s having a bad day

He takes turns with Grian and Xenon with cooking (cause he loves to be productive)

He likes to protect both Grian and Xenon and stays up a little longer, making sure they’re both asleep and safe

He (like Xenon) was also a little unsure about the relationship, at first because
1: Grian was one of the hermits and he was supposed to hate the gremlin( but he couldn’t hate him, no matter how hard he tried to)
2: he thought of Xenon as competition at first, but that all changed, eventually

He is an absolute softie to his partners and will most definitely take care of them and be more protective over them when they’re sick

He loves going on dates with his lovely partners

Take a digitalised GEXHels before ya go(I've got a drawing tablet now, so I'm having fun with it )

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