Three- Seto's tournament

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Author Notes: This is a sequel to the first Yugioh/Danny Phantom crossover story I did called "Ghostly Secrets." I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. If you haven't read the first story I suggest that you do so as this picks up right after the first one ended. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. A special thanks to fallingHikari on for their help in creating an OC villian for this story.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=dark voices, italic=ghost speech, CAPS= shouting/yelling, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Three- Seto's tournament

Since telling his folks the truth about his ghostly powers and about Danni, Danny Fenton felt care free. Things for everyone seemed to return back to normal. Atemu worried as he knew something more dangerous than Sekhmet was coming. He also worried about the souls of Sekhmet and Plasmius escaping his puzzle. So he used his powers over shadow magic and dark energy to create two Egyptian jackals to guard the doors that held Sekhmet and Plasimus. Atemu named them Anubis and Osiris after the Egyptian gods of death and rebirth. Atemu spent most of his time exploring the new open doors unlocked by Danny when he remembered that he was a reincarnation of someone Atemu knew in the past. Danny had told Yugi and Atemu who Danni truly was.

"I am a bit surprised that she has some of the same abilities as you. I only thought that you had gained them because of us." stated Yugi after school let out. Danny had told both Sam and Tucker that his parents now knew the truth as he didn't have to keep his ghost powers a secret.

"I know. My parents and Danni wished that they were there to watch us kick Vlad's ass." stated Danny.

"Any luck on figuring out what maybe coming?" asked Sam as Yugi shook his head.

"Too many doors and memories to examine. But Atemu feels that the answer is in there somewhere." replied Yugi. When the group arrived at Yugi's house, there was a package waiting for Yugi. Yugi examined the package to see that it was from Seto. 'Why would Seto be sending me a package?' Yugi thought to himself. Yugi picked up the package as he showed his friends in. Yugi had promised after school to help the three with their duel monster decks. The gang went up to Yugi's room as he set the package down this way he could open it.

"Hey Yugi what's in the package?" asked Tucker.

"I don't know. It's from Seto." he replied taking a box cutter to cut open the box.

*Why would Seto be sending us a package?* asked Atemu.

*I don't know.* replied Yugi. Yugi opened the package to see a brand new module of the duel disk that Seto had created for the Battle City Tournament. Along with the duel disk was a video tape. "A duel disk?! I think Seto is holding another tournament and wants me to come." Yugi stated as he took out the tape putting it into the VCR to play Seto's message. The screen flickered to life as Seto was sitting in front of the camera.

"Are we rolling?" Seto asked.

"Ready when you are." replied the voice off camera as Yugi instantly recognized Mokuba's voice.

"Hey Yugi.... I know that you are possibly wondering why I am sending you this message along with a duel disk. I am sponsoring a new tournament featuring some of the best players world wide. Since you are still the number one duelist of Japan, you are to participate in the tournament. I want to see who truly deserves the title of best duelist. I am willing to ship you along with our American friends to Japan as I know that everyone will be happy to see you. Joey, Bakura, Mai, Merik, and myself are competing in the tournament. Along with other duelists all around the world. You and our American friends are welcome to stay with Mokuba and myself within the Kaiba mansion. I am determined to beat you and earn the title for myself. I placed my number in the package so call me with your answer. I hope that you will compete as this tournament won't be like the other ones. I hope to hear from you." stated Seto. Mokuba turned off the camera once Seto was done talking. Tucker was admiring the duel disk.

*Atemu what do you think?* asked Yugi.

*I hope Seto is right about this tournament. Both Merik and Bakura all ready know that I am back. Hopefully the others won't discover the truth. We can also go to the museum in Japan where my past is kept as perhaps there maybe a clue there about what is coming.* stated Atemu. Yugi walked over to the box going in to it to pull out a business card. On the card was the logo for Kaiba Corp along with a phone number to contact Seto.

"Danny..... I think that you should participate. Your getting pretty good with dueling as you seem to hold your own against Atemu." stated Yugi.

"Really?!" Danny asked in shock.

*Yugi is right Danny. If this tournament turns out to be anything like the others I have been in, I could use some help as your powers could help me once again.* stated Atemu. *But it would have to be all right with your parents.*

"If you feel that strongly, I wouldn't mind testing myself against other duelists. If you feel that the tournament could have something to do with what is coming, then I will be there to back you up." stated Danny. Yugi smiled as he heard his grandfather calling out for him.

"We are upstairs grandpa." answered Yugi. Solomon came upstairs as he entered the room shocked to see a Kaiba Corp duel disk. Yugi told his grandfather about Seto's tournament and Atemu's fears.

"If he feels that strongly..... then you have to go Yugi. You will have your friends there to back you up if you need it." stated Solomon. Yugi hugged his grandfather as he turned to Danny.

"Lets go and talk to my folks. We also need to talk to Sam's and Tucker's folks about the trip." stated Danny as Yugi nodded his head. Although both Sam's and Tucker's parents didn't know about Danny's ghost powers or Atemu's spirit within Yugi, the two teens hoped that their parents would allow the two teens to come and see Japan to support Danny in the tournament.

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