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Alone, outside in the school parking lot, I take a deep breath of fresh air. Scanning the deserted location, I look for a way to get home. I feel foolish for abandoning Dylan. Why did I flee from him and the dance? What will I do now? Walk home in my high heels? I have a terrible feeling I'm going to end the evening with a crying jag.

Just as I'm feeling at the end of my rope, I hear measured footsteps approach me in the dark. "There you are!" A tux clad figure emerges out of the shadows. Startled, I recognize the sound of Connor's jovial voice ringing through the air. I'm disappointed it's not Dylan, but I breathe a sigh of relief. At least it's not some dangerous stranger. Or murderous ghost.

"What are you up to, Lizzy? You're not pulling a Cinderella on us, are you?" I don't know Connor Trent. I've never talked to him before. Dressed as James Bond, he has a resilient, charming, Simon Cowell arrogance about him. His attitude instantly challenges my pride and pulls me out of my black despair.@

"No, I'm supposed to be Marilyn Monroe tonight. I thought I'd make off with some diamonds and someone's husband."

He guffaws at my joke as he walks over to stand beside me. Winking as if he doesn't have a care in the world. "That's the spirit. Diamonds are a girl's best friend." Dylan's band mate has a real talent for making situations feel less dire. He almost has me laughing. Suddenly, the evening doesn't seem so horrible. "Where's Dylan?" I ask.

"He's back at your table waiting for you."

I blow out a frustrated sigh, before recklessly sharing what I'm feeling with him. "I want to finish the evening with Dylan, but I hate the idea of going back in there." I lower my head. "I've made a fool of myself." I hesitate a moment before adding, "I probably embarrassed him by overreacting."

"You haven't embarrassed Dylan, or made a fool of yourself." He gently answers.

"You don't think so?" Out of despair, I feel hope rising. In a room full of antagonists doI really have someone else besides Dylan on my side? A part of me yearns to go back into the gym to find out what's going on in there.

Connor smiles and shakes his head as if I'm being silly, "You should definitely head back inside and be with him. The two of you looked nice together." He pauses, "Happy with each other in your own little world. Listen Elizabeth," his voice has becomes low and serious. "If you want to be with Dylan, then you've got to start believing in yourself. People aren't going to make it easy for you to change your situation unless you take charge of your life. You have to decide what you want and go for it!"

I smile to cover my sadness. "That's not what's hard for me, Connor." I look down at my feet and shuffle them in place. "My problem is, I can't believe someone like Dylan could love me." I hesitate before adding, softly. "I mean I'm not exactly a svelte person." I smooth my silky skirt. "I've added pounds as well as protective walls."

Connor laughs, "Dylan doesn't give a hang about your weight. You know that, don't you? Listen, we all have insecurities, but Dylan's not going to wait forever. Believe me, he loves you." He nods in the direction of the gym. "If I were you, I'd hurry up and go back inside."

"Before I turn into a pumpkin?" I joke, nervously.

"No, before Blair Collins, moves in on your man." My eyes widen with horror. Blair Collins is not only the homecoming queen, she's the hottest girl in our school. I saw her earlier this evening, dressed as a buxom Cleopatra. Last I saw, she was dancing with a handsome Marc Anthony. Grabbing my dress, I gather it up around my calves so I can trot back to the dance before the harlot seduces Dylan.

Thank you for reading!👻

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