What does Charon think of you?

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Requested by: Mhy-Chan114

Aries: He hates you.

Taurus: He wants you to help him with his homework.

Gemini: You're his best friend. 

Cancer: He crushes on you because you're the sweetest person in this world.

Leo: He would say disrespectful things towards you, but you scary him so he's afraid and he behaves like a friend when you're around.

Virgo: He doesn't even know you, maybe you've met somewhere but he doesn't remember anything.

Libra: You're very creative and fascinating to him.

Scorpio: You, him and Norman are the perfect trio.

Sagittarius: You're kinda boring, but you're still a good person.

Capricorn: You should chill and relax more.

Aquarius: You have too many hyperfixations.

Pisces: He thinks you're the best (insert gender/sexuality) person ever.

I'll be Charon's teacher now! 

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