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Sorry this one took so long, I'm kinda going through a mayor case of having no ideas at all, and I am going through some emotional shit at the moment, so as an apology I have cookies and a new chapter for all my dear readers

Love ya <3

The next day the students were roughly awakened.
The entire castle was shaking.
The four friends ran out of their dorms right into....
Draco's squad.
Harry and hermione mentally sighed.
Ron  stepped back and Danny just stood there as if nothing happened.

"shouldn't you apologize." Draco hissed.
Danny rolled his eyes and was about to walk away when a hand grabbed his arm.
"I said, shouldn't you apologize." drako said rather loud.
A group of people looked at the two.
Danny looked Draco in the eyes and looked away again, just continuing walking, dragging Draco along.
" I told you to apologize!" Draco sneered.
Danny huren his head, green eyes with slit pupils looking at draco.
"let go." Danny said, rather calmly.
Draco snorted and disobeyed.
Dannys eyes started glowing, together with a green like aura around draco.
Danny then started muttering words In an foreign and old language.

Roberoma Mariko cobana sanira carora.

Then draco slowly floated up and soon hung upside the ceiling.

Hermione gasped.
"gravity manipulating spell, but not a known wizard spell..." she applied.
Danny's eyes went blue again and he walked off, the other three following the ravenhead.
"you're right, it wasn't a wizard spell, it was a ghost spell." he whispered to hermione as he grabbed Harry's hand.
Harry felt the immense coolness of the hand.
Fidgeting with his tie, Ron asked nervously what kind of magic ghosts use.
Danny looked at Ron.
"we don't really use magic, it's more like abilities, I just so happen to possess magic.
That was just a spell that will switch the floor for the ceiling." Danny said as he walked towards the entrance of the school.

As the 4 were outside Dumbledore took Danny appart for a second.

"Daniel, we are gonna need you're help, a powerful foe is about to approach and I know you can provide us of attacks and tactics strong enough to wear them off."
Danny nodded.
"I'll do it, but with the help of my friends."

Dumbledore nodded.
He then walked off knowing young Daniel knew what to do.

As all the teachers then stood in a line in front of the gate, Danny walked past them and stood in the very front.
All students looked ad Danny in mild confusion.

Then spirit appeared right next to Danny.
Danny gave him some orders and spirit nodded, then scratched a portal into the air and jumped in it, the portal closing again right after him.

Danny took a deep breath.
He then opened his glowing neon green eyes.
A green aura appeared around him and Danny slowly started floating.

Both his hands lit up and he held them out, creating two toxic green glowing balls of energy.

Bringing the two balls together, he made one big one and raised the pure energy above his head, shooting it into the air above the castle.
The ball parted appart there and formed a big green shield around the entire castle.

Danny stopped glowing and landed with quite the speed to the ground, kinda wiped of his energy.
The three ran to him and helped him up, Harry hugging him tight.
Danny smiled weakly.

Then they heard ringing and loud thuds.
They looked over at the shield.
At the shield were the big variants of the wizard chess pieces slamming themself into the barrier shield.
Danny grinned and his hand lit up again, an icy sword appearing in his hand.
Then a portal opened and spirit flew out followed by diverse ghosts.
Including the very same dragon from earlier that year.
Danny smiled.

"hello aunt Dora." he said as he climbed on spirits back.
Dora nodded at the young king and growled loudly.
Danny then gave the sign and a ton of ghosts flew through the special shield, attacking all the chess statues.
Danny grinned and sliced the queens head off.

And with that, the fight begun.


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