Chapter 3

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"So what do we do now?" asked Danny, wondering if the others knew about something fun to do in Gravity Falls.

"What about swimming?" Mabel said. "There's a creepy lake in the woods-"

Dipper interrupted her: "That lake's gross, not creepy." He shuddered slightly, imagining what it would be like to swim in the lake.

"Do what you want to. I'm not joining in," said Jazz, still annoyed at being called a kid.

"Swimming it is!" cheered Mabel before anyone could argue. "Let's go get our swimming stuff." Mabel ran towards the Mystery Shack, with the others following behind at a slower pace. Dipper wanted to go back to the  'Dusk 2 Dawn', but had decided it was better to stay with Mabel, and stop her from doing anything stupid. As the shack came into view Jazz broke into a sprint, trying to reach the safe haven of her room, away from ghost nonsense. "Hey," yelled Danny, as he dashed after her. Dipper made an attempt to keep up with the running trio, panting between his shouts of "wait for me!"

Bursting into their room, Danny and Jazz immediately sat down on their bed and began panting. "Not bad Danny," said Jazz. "Who knew you could run?"

Danny laughed at this, and gave her a quick glare, before grabbing his bag full of stuff from under his bed and digging around for his swimming stuff. A very sweaty and out of breath Dipper passed by the doorway, as Danny found his swimming shorts and top. 

Danny went to the bathroom, and got changed into his swimming shorts, and a top made from the same material as his shorts. The top was quite baggy, this helped to conceal the fact that Danny was a lot more muscular than he seemed. He had gained a decent amount of muscle from ghost fighting, but had to act like a wimp to avoid drawing suspicion to himself. 

As he left the bathroom, Mabel ran to it, wearing a bright purple swimming costume, Dipper standing a bit behind her, wearing swimming shorts. Mabel looked slightly disappointed when she saw Danny. "Did I do something wrong?" asked Danny.

"No," replied Dipper, slightly annoyed. "She just wanted to see you shirtless. I swear that's the only reason she wants to go swimming, she thinks you're..." He got quieter and trailed off at the last part, and Danny burst into laughter.'This is a first,'  he thought, most people just saw him as a wimpy nerd. 

The trio walked through the forest of evergreens, Mabel enthusiastically bashing plants out of the way with a large stick. "There it is!" shouted Mabel, pointing to a swamp-like lake, with pond weed all across the surface, floating on a gross green-brown liquid. 

"Is this stuff safe to swim in?" asked Dipper, prodding the surface of the lake with a stick, looking ready to barf at any moment.

"Of course it is, Dipstick," commented Mabel as she gave him a shove into the lake, where he landed with a sickening mix between a squelch and a splash. In an attempt to spare Dipper the embarrassment of being the only one covered in slime, Danny got a running start and grabbed Mabel as he went, flinging them both into the broth. Mabel let out a slight squeal, which was soon silenced by the landing into the lake. Dipper's head emerged from the lake, his hair covered in green slime, smiling slightly at the sight of his sister grimacing, equally coated in slime.

"What was that for?" she said angrily to Danny, who responded with a shrug and splashed murky lake water into her face while treading water. It didn't take long for a fully fledged water fight to start between the three teens, no one being quite sure who was splashing them in the chaos. 

By the end of the splashing war, they all looked like swamp monsters. Danny was sure his parents would have mistaken their slimy, mud covered forms for ghosts as they climbed out of the lake. 

Danny and Mabel escaped the lake with little difficulty, while Dipper kept slipping on the rocks at the bottom of the lake. Danny reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the safety of dry land. "Thanks," said Dipper, wiping swamp gunk away from his face and picking himself up onto his feet. 

"No problem," replied Danny, shaking himself in an attempt to remove the slime, to little effect. "Is there a clean lake anywhere around here where we could wash this stuff off?"

"Well, yeah," said Mabel. "But I'm pretty sure there's a big monster there."

"That was a robot," Dipper interrupted. "And that lake's quite far from here. We drove to it last time."

The trio trudged back to the Mystery Shack, concluding that that was the best place to clean off, all the while laughing and chatting.

"How are your hands so cold Danny? It's summer," Dipper enquired.

Danny nonchalantly shrugged. "I don't know, they just are." This wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth - Danny's hands were cold because his body produced cold from his core, making his body temperature lower than normal, even if he didn't actively use his powers.

"Maybe he's an ice witch," joked Mabel, making the others chuckle. Mabel wasn't exactly one to talk, somehow wearing a knitted sweater most of the time. Danny briefly wondered whether she had ice powers too, before concluding that she was just oblivious to the heat. 

The three left the forest, leaves stuck in their sticky hair. The adults had returned and Stan was sitting in a fold out chair on the lawn, looking up at the trio as they walked towards the shack. 

"Oh no you don't," he said as he jumped up and grabbed the hose from by the shack. "You're not stepping into my house until you're clean. I don't want to have to clean up your slime."

He began to pelt the trio with a jet of cold water until there was just a puddle of gloop at the feet of the now mostly clean teens. "How did you even get that stuff on you?" asked Stan, staring at the swirling puddle of gunk. 

"We went to the lake," said Mabel cheerily, shivering slightly as Stan turned off the hose.

Stan have a hearty laugh as he chucked a bunch of towels from inside the house at them. "You kids are crazy."

They jumped away from the puddle, and dried off, heading into the shack. Maddie and Jack were talking to Ford, Ford reading from and adding to a book of notes, with a hard cover and the shape of a six fingered hand on the front, with the number 4 in the middle; Ford appeared to be towards the end of his book. 

"Hello Danny-boy! Did you have fun with your new friends?" bellowed Jack, looking to the trio who had just walked in.

"Yeah," said Danny, in a notably quieter voice than his large father. "We went swimming in a lake." Dipper was attempting to rub the slime out of his hair, to little success.

"Hey, Danny, do you want to come to our room?" asked Mabel, while Dipper gave her a tired glance.

"Sure," replied Danny. "I'll just go get dressed."

He headed up to his bedroom, and opened the door. Jazz sat on her bed, feet on the floor, reading a book on neuroscience, a piece of paper with a doodle of a ghost sat next to her on the bed, atop a stack of books. Danny silently chuckled when he realised that the drawing was of the Box Ghost, an annoying, but mostly harmless, pest in Amity Park who never seemed to give up on his antics of attacking people with boxes and shouting, so matter how many times he was sent back to the ghost zone.

"I'm back," announced Danny. Jazz looked up from her book and gave a disgusted smile.

"Where did you go? You're covered in slime," she said, closing her book.

"The lake here is a bit gross," Danny said, smiling.

"That's an understatement!" exclaimed Jazz, moving her feet close to the bed as Danny walked past.

Danny picked up his clothes and walked back towards the door. "Do you want to go to Mabel and Dipper's room? It might be good to get to know them," Danny asked from the doorway.

Jazz paused, thinking about her answer, and replied: "Yeah, I guess I could do with a break from reading."

Danny waved and went to the bathroom, where he turned intangible to remove the remaining slime, and got changed into his normal clothes. He made sure to wash away the slime, and went up to the attic, where Dipper and Mabel slept.

Dipper was sitting on his bed, he had got changed into his normal clothes and was reading a book on ghosts, his hair was still gross, but was covered by his fluffy hat. Mabel was happily petting a pig, and was wearing one of her knitted sweaters, but other than that hadn't bothered to get changed into her normal clothes.

The room had an angular roof, and a triangle shaped window that looked down over the room. Mabel's side of the room was covered in posters of boy bands. In contrast to Mabel's side of the room, which had an unmade bed and glitter everywhere, Dipper's bed was made, with him sitting on top of his duvet, and had less glitter than Mabel's bed.

Jazz walked up behind Danny, making him jump. Noticing the pig, her face lit up and she walked up to Mabel, trying to join her in petting the pig.

"He's so cute," she said as the pig started snuffling her arm.

Mabel nodded. "He's called Waddles," she chirped, and the two of them focused on petting Waddles while making small talk.

"Oh, hi Danny!" said Dipper, putting down his book. Danny walked over and sat on Mabel's bed opposite him. "Hey," he replied casually.

"So, I know you're probably a bit tired of ghosts, with your parents being ghost hunters, but what's Amity Park like?" said Dipper.

"Well, we have a school, like any other town, and there's a good burger place called the 'Nasty Burger'," Danny said, quickly noticing that Dipper wasn't interested in that stuff. "And there are a lot of ghosts there, some are good, some are bad."

"There are good ghosts?" asked Dipper, curiosity and excitement engulfing every word. "Like who?"

Danny shifted awkwardly and replied: "Um, like there's a ghost that protects people, called Phantom. He fights bad ghosts, and helps people out when they're in danger."

Dipper was ecstatic, he had so many questions about life in Amity Park. "What other ghosts are there?" he questioned.

Danny took a deep breath and began to list them: "There's the Lunch Lady, the Box Ghost, there's a ghost dog, Technus, who's a ghost that controls electricals-"

"Wait, how do you know Technus' name?" interrupted Dipper.

Danny laughed: "He always does a long introduction when he attacks, and announces his plans."

Dipper was slightly taken aback by this, Danny was talking so casually about ghost attacks, like it was nothing. "How often do ghosts attack Amity Park?" he enquired.

"Uh, most days, maybe a few times a day," Danny answered. "Most of the time no one gets hurt, the Box Ghost especially isn't much of a threat."

Dipper was a bit shocked, noticing this Danny quickly added: "The Box Ghost haunts boxes, you can't really take him seriously." Danny did his best impression of the Box Ghost, putting his hands in the air dramatically. " I am the Box Ghost, I have control over things cardboard and square."

Jazz snorted at Danny's impression, and Dipper admittedly had a hard time keeping a straight face. "I still think the name 'Crate Creep' fits him better," she said, making Danny give a muffled laugh.

"What's it like here, in Gravity Falls?" asked Danny, moving the conversation away from ghosts.

Dipper perked up: "There are lots of monsters in the woods, like gnomes, gremloblins, minotaurs...there are even dinosaurs here!"

Danny raised an eyebrow. "Dinosaurs, really?"

"It's true!" Mabel piped up. "I saw them, and Grunkle Stan fought one!"

"What are gnomes? And gremloblins?" asked Danny, Gravity Falls seemed about as crazy as his home, maybe even more, if that was possible.

"Gnomes are little men with pointy hats," said Dipper, and his sentence was completed by Mabel. "And they have one weakness, leaf blowers." Danny was sure there was a story behind that, but it would have to wait until he knew what a gremloblin was.

"And a gremloblin in a mix of a gremlin and a goblin," Dipper explained.

The conversation continued for a while, going back and forth, until Stan started yelling at them to come down for lunch.

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