Chapter Eight

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Here is the update I promised

I will try to update more stories today... We shall see how much time I have




"So let me get this straight, Delivery Boy here told the kiddy league I exist." Renegade--Robin asked with an amused look on his face.

Flash crossed his arms with a slight pout. "You really are not gonna let that 'Delivery Boy' thing go are ya, kid?"

Robin gave eerie chuckle. "Nope."

Batman rubbed his temples, knowing that thanks to the Flash's big mouth will, the Young Justice Team will ask questions...more than he wanted to answer. "Robin.."

"Yes Mr. Broody?" Robin asked with false sweetness, the Flash giving another snort in reply.

"Flash quit encouraging him." Batman narrowed his eyes, glaring at the speedster.

"Common Bats! He is a funny kid."

"Yeah Bats. Imma funny kid." Robin agreed. "So tell me who he told so I can win over yet another set of people/ I am so lovable you know."

"Now you are pushing it." Flash mumbles. Robin can be still very creepy when he wants to be.

"Nah. I am totally lovable. Look at this adorable smile I have." Robin points to his mouth, giving the most convincing normal smile the two heroes have ever seen. "I can melt any heart and win anyone over. Well except Batman because he does not have a heart." Robin winked.

"Haha..ouch. Burn." Flash laughed.

Batman scowled deeply, ignoring the comment and returning to the topic at hand. "It does not matter who else knows, because you will not be going anywhere near them."

"Wow Batman, you sound so sure." Robin hummed. "You honestly can't keep me in the watchtower forever, right? I mean, isn't there a release for good behaviour? I have been behaving...lately."

"That's right, Bruce! Like I said, he has been improving."

"Enough to let him near your family, or out in the world with millions of them?"

Flash rubbed his arm awkwardly. "Well..."


"Hey now. What happened to I was improving?" Robin pouted "Delivery boy that is just harsh." His pout turned into a dark smirk. "But I know now who you blabbed to. It was the Young Justice kids wasn't it?" Robin looked at Flash's expression and laughed. "I knew it! You honestly thought I would be a danger to them? I have seen them before and they are not dead. Besides, I promised to never kill 'em even when you were not there to threaten me. Connor and I are besties and I think the green was was warming up to me."

"No. That is my final answer." Batman spoke firmly.

" You are just being paranoid. I changed."

"I can vouch for that." A new voice called out. Everyone turning to see Superman in the doorway. " Batman... perhaps you should give the child a chance--"

"Yeah! Give me a chance!" Robin chimed in agreeance.

"Perhaps a compromise is in order." Superman nodded.

Batman's fists clench. "Something tells me that if I say no, you will get others involved."

Flash grins. "That sounds about right." He daringly pats Batman on the back. " I am sure that this will be a learning experience. "

"Awe it's a learning experience? I was just hoping it was just a vacation." Robin joked, earning a glare from Batman. "What? Isn't their base by the ocean? A lounging day by the water is just what the doctor ordered. Do you know how boring it is here? Sure, I get to train with heroes, but isn't it considered weird i do not hang out with people I don't age? Pretty sure that can be a problem in the end." Robin added, trying to add to his point. He was honestly tired of the space thing. It was fine the first few weeks, but it got boring. And one thing Ren--Robin did not do was boring. If the Young Justice was the way to continue his amusement, he will push for it to happen. Besides, one thing his old master always told him, Manipulation is a strong weapon. Find weaknesses, exploit them, use them to your advantage.

"Kid has a point.." Flash pointed out.

Robin smirked a little. It was easy to win over the Flash and superman, considering he has a soft spot for kids. But there were trickier targets to win over, for example Martian Manhunter. THat mind reading and emotion thing was a pain. It was rather hard to stage a believable mental breakdown, if it were not for the mental training Deathstroke, he would have been found out and back in the cell in the batcave before he could blink. Renegade did not have the capability of that emotion, it was just bits and pieces of grief he mimicked from is old jobs. And now, he had only one target left, and it was the hardest one. Robin focused on the cold expressionless face of Batman, their eyes meeting and locking. Robin have a childish smile, one he had copied from one of the families that he had to - well.. It is not important where he learned it. The batman however, did not seem to fall for the false innocence. Truly an adversary to praise if he were not in such a situation, but everyone has a weakness, and he will find it. "So, what will be this so called compromise? Not that I really have a say, I am just curious." The boy hummed, trying not to show much interest in the conversation at hand. If he seemed desperate, it would set off even more suspicions from the bat. But then again..children are supposed to be impatient and open from what he observed. Perhaps that is what he was doing wrong. He needed to show interest to win over the other, to act like a child. " Who am I kidding." He laughed, standing next to Batman with a smile. " I want to get out of here, it is soooooo boring here! Common Bats. Pleaseeeeeee?" He leaned against the other, in a childish manner. " Please please pleaaasseeee. You're going to kill me with boredom up here. No offense guys." He laughed, looking over to the other two superheroes.

Batman growled at the physical contact, still not trusting the child, however he saw the potential in the idea. "One visit. Under constant supervision. Are we clear?"

Renegade held back a growing smirk. "Crystal." 

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