Chapter five

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Oh look I am alive...for now. Sorry I have not been on recently I was kind of taking a vacation from writing XD

But I am back for now.

Now time to get a couple of updates out of the way. *ignoring the 1000+ notifications that are most likely requesting updates*

yeah you are all going to kill me someday.




Renegade sat in his cell with a heavy sigh, If that Bat was not going to dispose of him, boredom will surely kill him. "Yo Batman, I know you are there there. Come on out!"

A shadowy figure appeared at the door. "What is it this time?"

Renegade let out a childish whine. "I'm booooorrrreeeddd. Common Bats, I will go insane with nothing to do and it has been WEEKS! Seriously, keeping me here will fix nothing. What will your league think of you locking a poor innocent youth such as myself?

"We both know you are far from innocent Richard." Batman glowered. Though the kid had a point, he could not just keep him here. He knows also however, that the second Renegade gets into any kind of jail, he would escape within a matter of hours, but he can't keep an eye on him 24/7 either.

"Can't deny that. " Renegade chuckles darkly.


"Bruce this is a child, you cannot keep them confined like that, it's unethical." Superman followed the Dark knight through the batcave.

"What is unethical is leaving a murderer unwatched, I need to go on Patrol, all you need to do is watch him. It was either you or Barry, and we both know that would be a disaster."

"Perhaps the Flash might not be that bad of a choice."

Bruce scowled deeply. "Not happening" They neared the cell. "Just keep an eye on him, don't give him anything."

"'Ey Bats, is that you?" A voice calls out. "By the sound of those footsteps you brought a friend or you grew an extra set of legs." Renegade let out a laugh.

Superman froze at the laugh, it was cold and dark, it should not be owned by a child. If felt...unsettling.

"Remember what I said." Batman  turned and started walking to the batmobile, leaving Superman alone with the child. Clark slowly walked to the cell, looking inside at the masked boy.

"Oh Supes! I didn't know we had a guest comin' I would have dressed better." The boy stood up and walked over. "So the man of steel is babysitting, hilarious!"

Clark, stared at the child blankly, not ever really one that was good with children. Barry would have been the better choice without a doubt.

"Wow talkative as ever, well guess what? That's okay, I'll do the talking for both of us." Dick sat on the floor. "Don't look so shocked that a kid is in here, You heard the stories, I'm not just some kid." Renegade grinned "Well have a seat"

Clark pulled up a chair and sat down, he really should get someone who could do a better job. Perhaps it would be best if he went against Batman's wishes and brought Barry into this. He is far better with  kids. The alien sat there brooding slightly while the teen just watched a dark grin on his face.

"Hey Supes, I'm hungry, how about some food for your favorite prisoner?"

"Batman told me not to give you anything."

"Since when does the man of steel take orders from the bat?" Dick scoffed " Come on! It's not like I can build a bomb out of a sandwich or somethin'. Lighten up will you?"

"I cannot leave to get you food and leave you to yourself."

"Well, I will give you that one." The boy laughed, grinning. "Well consider that escape idea ruined."

"Though I know someone who can get you one."


Flash zoomed into the Batcave. "Okay, Why am I in the Batcave with a sandwich and why is it so important!?" Flash held up the sandwich. "Does it look like I am a delivery guy Superman?"

"Would you be offended if I said that you would make the best delivery guy and yes?" A boy's voice called out.

The flash paused and looked at Superman in shock. "There is someone else in here!?" He hissed. "Bats only told us about the cave who could possibly--"

"Oh I am just a hungry prisoner, don't mind me." Dick called out.

Flash gave Superman a questioning glance before walking over to the cell seeing a child. He blinked a few times , not believing that there was a kid in cell. But then again this was batman, the cold hearted Dark Knight would probably be okay with doing..but Barry, he was not. "Hey kid what are you--"

"Before you do the 'oh no! An innocent child locked up!' should read the fine print buddy." Dick walked over. "I believe you heard of me, tried to catch me even once." The boy smirked holding his hand out between the bars. "Name's Renegade. Well..and supposedly Richard, but I feel like the shortened form 'Dick' was what I used to be called. Not completely sure on that but, hey, you never know with brainwashing am I right?" The boy cackled darkly, making both the heroes shiver slightly.

"Brainwashing?" Superman frowned, this was the first he heard of anything about the boy being brainwashed. It made him wonder what else the Dark Knight was not telling him about this child.

"Well, yeah, that is what The Bat says anyways. Can't remember my past very well, just Deathstroke..but I am sure my past life is as boring as my name."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down, Deathstroke!? Like the mercenary? " Flash put his hand up to stop the child. "Kid you should not be messing with someone like that." This kid was insane to me anywhere near that killer.

"Oh Deathstroke will not be a problem anymore for anyone. Haven't you heard the news? I killed my mentor YEARS ago. Final test and I passed with flying colors." Renegade  pulled his hand back in, seeing that The Flash was not willing to shake his hand. Smart move on his part, Renegade would have probably slammed his body into the cell door.

Both the heroes paled. They had forgotten for a moment that Renegade was a trained assassin not some teen. This boy had killed countless people without a trace, escaped capture of the Dark Knight numerous times..and now with the news that the boy had killed the infamous Deathstroke... What did Batman get himself into?

"So, Can I have that sandwich now? Or are you going to let the speedster's speedy delivery service go in vain?"

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