Chapter One

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I swear, one of these days people are going to look at all these young justice fanfiction and be like:

But relax, this is my last "new" story for awhile. I need to update and finish the many I started and then move on to a sequel to a certain one I left on a cliffhanger. One day my day. If anyone asks, this story does not exist. Let's see how long it goes without being noticed. Because I already have you all banging on my door askin'

I'll try to update more in May when summer break starts, I'm sure you (can't) wait until then. This is technically chapter one, however it is just parts one and two from my one shots..I am currently typing the next part.

Enjoy this overly long chapter'




Holy shit 720 followers...what did I do to become popular I do not even know. Thank you everyone for basically stalking me. Makes me feel hella special haha.


'Our job is to get in here and stop prison break, but if we see how they plan out getting out, we can stop future attempts.' M'gann mentioned over the mind link to connor.

'Fine, we are getting separated, be sure to keep communications on. I will try to ask around and get some information.' Connor made eye contact with M'gann, who was posing as Tuppence. Not long after, they were separated. Connor to the male side of the prison and M'gann to the female.

Connor was already regretting taking this mission, many of the villains here were already getting on his nerves, however he managed to become 'buddies' with Icicle Jr, a.k.a: Cameron Mahkent.

"Man, your sister is HOT." Cameron grinned, resting his head in his palm. "You HAVE to hook me up Tommy."

Connor ignored Cameron, eying a group of villains near the wall. Icicle Senior at the center. "I heard your 'pa is planning a break out, an' I want in."

"How did you know that?" Cameron hissed looking back towards his father. "I mean, you don't know there is a breakout.." he added nervously.

"I want out of 'ere as much as the next fella. I can help, 'an so can my sis."

Cameron perked up at the mentioning of his 'sister', a smile forming. "My dad said this needs to stay on the downlow, I don't think he would like newcomers into the plan."

"Common, your 'pa could use some extra muscle in the operation. Like i say, none never said nothin' about having too much man power."

Cameron considered this for a brief moment, eyes going back to his dad with uncertainty. "Man, I don't know... I would vouch for you, but it's not like my say is worth much--Hey! where are you going!?" Cameron's eyes widened as 'Tommy' got up and started walking towards the group of villains who were talking in hushed voices.

Connor stood right in front of the group, trying to show his confidence. Icicle Senior looked down at him with a scowl, but before he could speak, Connor interrupted. "I hear yer plannin' something. Me an my sis want in." Icicle Senior glared towards the way of Cameron who seemed to shrink behind Connor. "We can help, sis and I can communicate telepathically back an' forth, we can help you with communicatin' with the female part of Belle Reve." Connor needed a way into the operation he needed to find a way in, what was odd however, is that Icicle Senior seemed distracted. By the way he was guarded, one would think he was the brains of the operation, yet his eyes wandered to the corner of the room often. Connor glanced back to see a character he had never seen before. A young boy with ebony hair, eating his lunch at a table that no one occupied.

"Contact your sister now and let her as well as the rest of the group on that side that you're in."


The next day, Connor sat at a table next to Cameron, nudging him. "Hey, who is dat scrawny lookin' kid over there?" Connor pointed to the corner of the where the kid was sitting seconds prior to where he was pointing, but by the time Cameron looked up from his food, the kid was nowhere to be found.

"What are you talking about? There is no one there. Don't tell me you are believing in those stupid prison stories Tommy. You are just pulling my leg."

Connor frowned a bit "What stories. No one told me nothin' about any story."

Cameron paled at that. "No way, you gotta be pulling my leg. You know, the story of the Ghost of Belle Reve?" He asked hopefully, as if that would spark some memory with Connor.

" Sorry friend, not ringin' a bell." What possibly could get villians so jumpy? A ghost story? Really? 'M'gann are you there?'

'Yes. Find out anything?'

'Have you heard any stories about a ghost?'

There was a long pause before m'gann replied ' It seems to get everyone spooked when I bring it up. Is this important?'

'I just saw a boy eating lunch, and the second I take my eyes off of him, he disappeared.'

"Helllooooooo? Earth to Tommy, come in Tommy." Cameron was waving his hand in front of Connor's face. "You alright there?"

Connor snapped back from his mental conversation with M'gann. "Do you really think there is a ghost?"

"Well, no..but there has been rumors that cellmates had heard empty cell doors opening in the middle of the night. And some of the wardens tried finding out what was causing it, but the cameras show nothing. One of them quit because they heard laughing but no one there. It is totally insane."

Connor's went back to the table where the boy sat, and to his surprise, he was back there sitting. He quickly stood up, ignoring the protests of Cameron, walking over to the boy. He did not break eyecontact with the kid, afraid if he did, the boy would disappear. He sat next to the kid, stupidly reaching over and touching him. Connor did not know what he would have expected..maybe for his hand to go completely through, but instead, the boy was solid.

The boy looked up, blue eyes staring back at connor before giving a smile. "Uh hello..Is that normally how you greet others? By shoving them? "The boy cackled a bit before returning to his food.

Who was this child? Connor thought that Belle Reve was for well known supervillains and metahumans...but this kid looked like he would not hurt a fly.

"Hey don't just get up and leave me to sit with some--" Cameron walked up but that stopped seeming puzzled himself. "Tommy? Who is this?"

The boy looked at Connor " 'Tommy'?" he questioned almost like he knew that was not Connor's real name, before returning his attention back to Cameron. "No one important, your friend seemed eager to shove me though. Were you planning on starting a fight with me?" The boy grinned darkly "Because I have not had a good fight in a long time."

The room felt like it had gotten colder, and it was not Cameron's doing. Connor stared at the boy before giving him a glance. He had an inhibitor collar on him, so he must be a prisoner, but there was this eerie feeling that the kid was not letting on to something, with a cold smile that held a secret. This kid was definitely up to no good.

Connor that night got an unexpected visitor, The eerie cackle snapping him out of his thoughts. "Hello there 'Tommy', care to chat?" The dark haired child from earlier appeared in front of the bars of Connor's cell, speaking softly however so not to wake up Cameron.

Connor blinked a bit "How did'ya get outta your cell?" He stared in confusion. How was the other able to move so freely in a high security prison?

"Oh quit with the accent, we both know you are not Tommy." The boy absently waved his hand. "As for the getting out of my cell, well, I do not have one."

Connor frowned when the other plainly stated that he had known that he was not Tommy Terror. But what bothered him more was about what the other said about not having a cell. Was this kid a ghost? No, he was solid, he had checked, from what he had heard ghosts do not have solid forms. "Don't have one? Aren't you a prisoner?"

The boy laughed. "Like this place could actually catch me and keep me here. " He pulled out a glove and a holographic screen dimly lit up the cell. "I came here on my own free will. I am not a prisoner." The locks on the cell clicked and the boy opened the door. "It is depressing talking to when you're in a cell, why not take a stroll as we talk, stretch your legs."

"But there are cameras.."

"Taken care of." The boy chirped, turning off the holographic screen and pulling out a flashlight. "I know you are curious..and so am I. So this talk will be fun for both of us."

Connor frowned more, unsure what to make of the child. Earlier that day he let of a presence that was so cold and lethal, but now, he seemed like just an ordinary child. One who could freely roam Belle Reve and came here on his own. "Why did you come here?"

"For a job of course. The iceman payed me an whelming amount to get him out of here." The boy shrugged as he watched Connor slowly step out of his cell.

"So you are a henchman then?" Connor asked, only to get a bitter laugh in reply."

"Please, if you knew what I was truly capable of, you and most of the villains in this place would be crapping their pants. Of course, then this place would definitely get some heat and it would be more of a pain to escape--anyways who are you really 'Tommy'? I take your so called sister is not really your sister either."

"How did you know that I was not Tommy?"

"It was obvious really, you need better acting skills." The boy grinned and walked the hallways. "I have met the twins before, and even though I am currently undercover, they would recognize me and keep their distance."

"Distance? Why?"

"Let's just say I'm a hired gun..a mercenary of sorts. A trained and lethal one. May not look it, but I had my fair share of action."

"If you are what you say, why are you telling me this?"

"Hm? Well, I was bored--shh."he turned off the flashlight as steps echoed through the halls, soon fading as the got further away. The child turned back on his flashlight grinning. " You still did not tell me who you are. I shared now it is your turn."

This was not good. If the other was the one who was planning the jailbreak, it would not be smart to tell him that is who he was, but the other had already seen through his first lie. "...Superboy.."

The child gave a low whistle. "I thought you looked familiar. The CADMUS clone, right? It's definitely been awhile."

"What are you talking about?" Connor's fists clenched when he brought up CADMUS. Did the boy work for them?

"Oh come on. Did you honestly think the doors opened on their own like magic? I would also like to note CADMUS really needs to work on their software, totally easy to hack into..." The boy paused, a frown forming. "But last time I checked, you are a hero... meaning that you are here on business, correct? I told that icecube that they were making things too obvious" The other grumbled, seeing more irritated. "Of course the league would send someone to investigate...I should have calculated this..Well..I told him that he needed to stay quiet, now he will have to do things on his own."

"So you were the one who was planning the jailbreak?"

"Oh yeah, It was a pretty good plan too, a shame that the idiots ruined it." The boy folded his arms as he walked.

"You are not going to continue? I thought Icicle payed you."

"Oh he did, for a plan, he never specified I had to help. The only reason I was here was due to boredom. Where I live the hero has been on my tail and I thought I needed a vacation."

"So you went to prison." Connor asked skeptically. "The place where you would probably end up going anyway." This kid was confusing. If he was running away, why would he go to the place where if he was caught he would most likely go after? "Who is trying to catch you?"

The boy stopped, it took connor a moment to realize that they went full circle and had returned to his cell; Cameron still sleeping. "If you want to hide a tree, you hide it in the forest. And for the one trying to capture me; the one and only Mr. Broody himself. The Dark knight, The Caped Crusader...Batman." Dick smiled " Apparently he does not really like my kind roaming the streets so freely, or that I often hacked into his computer and gadgets. Do you know how difficult it is to drive the Bat-mobile by remote control, totally crashed it into a fire hydrant." He cackled and opened the door. "Well, it looks like our nighttime stroll has reached it's end. Better get some rest if you plan on finding a way to soil my plans." The boy winked as Connor walked back into his cell.

"You don't seem too angry about that. ..about me ruining your plans."

"Nope. I already got paid. And besides, things had just gotten a lot more interesting." The child closed the door to the cell, locking it behind the other. "Don't seem too worried yourself Supes, knowing that I am the puppetmaster behind all of this."

The boy was right. Even after full out admitting he was a lethal criminal, that he was in charge of making the plan for the jailbreak, and stating that Batman was after him, Connor did not feel threatened by the boy, rather, he was more curious than anything. "What is your name?" He blurted out dumbly, not really sure why he had the sudden urge to know.

The boy's smile faltered slightly. "I don't have one, not anymore anyway." He looked to his right before sighing. "Many call me Renegade, however..why? I do not know..the name just stuck." The boy shrugged. "Try not to say that name around much, you might be knew to the world, but the world knows me..fears me..I suggest you forget I was ever here."

"Why do people fear--" But it was too late, the boy had already vanished. Leaving Connor alone once more. Renegade..the vocabulary term popped up in his mind Renegade: a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles... Betray? Who did he betray?

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