Chapter Three

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Did you miss me Fans? Please Please..Contain your enthusiasm..

Anywaaaaayyysssss... are here for the update not me..I will just...slowly..... get...out... of the..way...


Just kidding..I will give you your update this time..or will I?

*Gets smacked with random things*




and that is perfectly fine with me.





Dick let out a low whistle, getting the Dark figure's attention. "Gotta say, Bat' get sloppy when you're angry..take a few xanax next time. Okay?" He called out, waving in a friendly mannor.

Batman's eyes narrowed, not even a month ago, he did not as much as see a trace of this figure, but lately every night on patrol he would show up..and talk non stop. Whenever Bruce however tried to get close, the masked figure would disappear in almost thin air, so he decided never to approach and hopefully get some answers. "I hear that you have been talking with The Young Justice Team, what do you want with them." He asked in his gravelly voice, not for one moment taking his eyes off the other. He was surprised to hear that the other was a child. Renegade had been a skilled and elusive killer, something that usually never comes with young age..However, the other had seemed to be acting more like a child ever since he had first made contact with the team."

"Oh do not worry mommy Bats. I told them already I would never take up a contract on them..I will not kill them...They are far too entertaining!"

"They are not some toys you can play around with Renegade. Take your boredom elsewhere or I will--"

"Or you will what? Common, you have yet to catch me let alone touch me..What makes you think I can't do what I want?" The boy sat down on the ledge, swinging his legs back and forth. " I have to use them because honestly, are getting pretty boring." A smile formed but was shrouded by the veil of night time "The atlantian is so leader like! And that fiery archer girl-- you gotta love the ones with a mouth on them am I right?" His voice darkened a bit. "And then there is that clueless clone the league took in..he is the most interesting to mess with."

"I hear you are the one who hacked into CADMUS and let the team escape, why?"

"Why not? I was in the area..honestly just wanted to see if I could get a ride on one of those would have been asterous! At first I thought it was I who set off the alarms, stupid right? Like I would actually do something like that..Anyways imagine my surprise when some mini heroes barge in like they own the place..almost ran over the speedster on one of those genomorphs...he got lucky." The boy shrugged once again. "Have to say of all the times I snuck into CADMUS...that was by far the most entertaining."

Batman frowned as he noticed blood dripping from where the child was sitting. "What is that?" He scowled, for a brief moment he forgot that the child he was talking to was a cold hearted killer.

"Oh relax..It's mine. Got in a fight with a truck and the truck won this round." The boy laughed again.

"Something tells me you would not just pick a fight with a truck."

The child snorted. "I mostly jumped out of the way if it weren't for that brat who was playing in the street--" The kid cut himself off quickly. "I mean...well yeah..It is not uncommon for my targets to try and run me over with vehicles." He cackled again, trying to cover up his blunder.

Batman's eyes narrowed once more, the other was not sitting because he was being leisurely, he was seriously injured. "You saved a child in the street." He confirmed.

"Nope. I push people in front of trucks..not save should know me better than that" Renegade laughed but a hissing sound cut off his words and his arm went to his side. "Well, this was fun and all...who am I kidding..I basically fall asleep every time I bump into you."

Batman took a step forward. "I do not recommend getting up...the wound you are suffering from could be fatal.."

"I've had worse..punishments make this look like a kitten scratched me." The other hummed a bit. "Guess this was punishment for trying to play good guy..lesson learned, believe me..never again." the child cringed and stood up, hand remained on his side to keep pressure on it, his movements were sloppy and Batman took the opportunity to make his move, jumping up and seizing the child, surprised how short he was now that he was closer. What also batman did not expect, was to be judo flipped to the ground, the figure of renegade now looming over him. "Wrong move Bats." He hissed , voice hostile. He kneeled next to the cape crusader. "Always been wondering who you were..My old master would never tell me." He hummed, a hand moving to the cowl but an arm quickly shot up and gripped the child's arm tightly. "Tsk..Always such a party peek would not have killed anyone."


"Your stitch work is horrible..I have seen toddlers do better." Dick hissed a bit sitting on the batmobile hood. "Surprised you have a first aid kit though, more boy scout than vigilante if you ask me." He hissed again in pain when Batman 'accidentally' pulled the thread too harshly. "Hey! Watch it!" He snapped at.

"This is only a temporary fix..It would be wise to go to the hospital to get it checked out" Batman commented but already knew what words were going to be spoken next.

"Haha..good one Bats..hospitals and assassins do not mix.. I will fix it up better later..I think there is some blind homeless guy on the street that could match if not do better than this."

"You are lucky that I did not just you bleed out." Batman scowled.

"Oh like you would let that happen, baddie or not, you are too afraid to kill anyone." The boy laughed darkly.

"You said earlier that you received punishments. What did you mean?"

"Last time I checked this was not a campfire to tell stories around--" Renegade started but was caught off guard by the batglare. " know..something that you get when you do something wrong. Deathstroke was quite the fan of them..also very creative." Renegade traced his finger near his shoulder blade "Being strung up on a meat hook for three days..." He moved his hand down to his collarbone "Shock collars were always a blast..And the lashings too." He pointed to his back with a laugh. " I faced death more by my old master than ever out on the field..but hey, I learned from the mistakes..and I surpassed him. I would not ever have to call him master if he was not rotting in the dirt with a slit throat." The smile on the boy widened. "I had the chance to be creative..but I did have a fond respect for Slade..I made his death honorable.. I am sure that made him pleased."

Batman scowled at the twistedness of the other's words. The voice sounding so chipper when he spoke about the torture he had been through as well as the death of his mentor. This child was not mentally stable, and The caped crusader was beginning to grasp that. Deathstroke had gone too far, he created the perfect copy of his image, maybe even darker. He needed to put an end to this and fast. "What is your name?" He asked slowly, finishing up the stitchwork and going to grab something from the first aid kit.

"Don't have one." Dick commented plainly. "I am simply is the only name that seems to stick..the only name I have a grasp on." Renegade tilted his head slightly in thought, his old life was long gone, the faces the names, nothing but static in his mind no matter how hard he tried to focus. He remembered blood... Two figures lying on the floor, who he figured to be his family..but the faces never seemed to focus. He did, however, remember his first kill, a man he pushed off of the roof by the name of zucco. He went splat just like those blurry figures..he remembered how satisfying it felt and how proud Deathstroke looked.

"Surely you have a civilian name." Batman pressed on. Trying to get this child to connect with reality, hoping there was something other than just a killer inside of him. The boy just gave him a blank stare.

"If I did..I would not have known.." Renegade stood up, but was pushed back down against the hood of the batmobile. "Figured there was going to be more.. We both have had a rough night..can't we just.. I don't it a night and continue this some other time? I have like the worst headache right now." Dick felt something press into his arm. "Oh you did not just--" He shoved the other away, pulling out the syringe in his arm. "Never thought you were one to play dirty." he scowled, but then laughed. "I guess you still have some tricks---" He stumbled a bit, trying to stay standing. "Holy elephant tranquilizer, batman!" Renegade stumbled a bit, a smile still on his face. "That is some strong stuff..I bet it is not legal!~" He laughed again , his mind spinning to the point he had to lean against the batmobile for support. "This is not over. Next time I will be the one who puts you to sleep..and mark my will NOT wake up." black spots filled his vision, and Renegade tried to shake the feeling of sleep, but he was soon engulfed in darkness, not even feeling the ground beneath him anymore.

Batman watched in silence as the boy stumbled around, his threats becoming slurred and soon slumping down the batmobile, going completely still. He slowly walked over to the child, placing restraints around his wrists and legs before putting him into the back of the batmobile. A hospital may not be an option, but he had the next best thing available. He turned on his communicator "Agent A, prepare the medical supplies."


Renegade woke up with a headache that made the world spin, he groaned and sat up slowly, had immediately going to his now bandaged up side. "You must be joking." He stood up and looked around, examining a small jail cell- like room he was currently in. "Not Arkham...not Belle Reve or general holding in Gotha.. Where the hell.." He groaned again and rubbed his head, walking up to the barred window of the door, the only source of light. He peeked though. only to see a face he wish he had not, Batman.

"I see you are awake." The Caped Crusader commented.

"Yep, alive and still kicking." Renegade replied back in a cold tone, scanning the surroundings for a way out..but the deadlock on the door looked like NASA had a field day in creating it. "Wow, I am touched that you went through so much trouble, a shame that it will not hold me for long."

"I would not count on that."

The room lit up slightly and before Renegade knew it, he was on the floor with a scorched arm. "Electricity? cliche Bats!" He sat up but did not bother to stand. "So I take it this is your place Gloomy...fitting." He smirked. "So what is the honor being locked up in the Batcave, hm?"

"You are a threat that needs to be handled." Bruce replied.

" you are finally going to grow a pair and put me down?" Renegade mocked. "Oh I get it..You know how easily I snuck in and out of Belle Reve..taking matters into your own hands I see." He let out a whistle. "So what? I will be caged in here for the rest of my"

"Richard John Grayson."

"Excuse me?"

"That is your name."

"Well Golly Bats, taking blood samples when I am unconscious, I see I have no privacy anymore-- That name sounds completely lame by the way"

"I did not have to." Batman held up a domino mask and for the first time since he woke up, Renegade..or rather now apparently "Richard" realized he was not wearing his mask. "I recognized you the second this was removed."

Richard gave out an amused look. "So you knew me in my past life." The boy hummed. "And the plot thickens. I guess things can still be interesting with you around afterall. So tell me Batman... Who is this Richard Grayson, what was he like?" 

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