Ghost Of You

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It was in this manner that a few weeks went by. Gradually, Aditya and Zoya became accustomed to one another. They never directly broached the burning question with each other, just skirted around with light hearted conversation. The time wasn't right perhaps. Pain wasn't an elephant in the room for Adi or Zoya, it's just that they didn't know each other well enough. It was certain, however, that they were good enough friends for Aditya to invite her to his parents' anniversary celebration. Zoya didn't think twice before accepting.

October 5th

That Saturday evening, Aditya woke up from his nap at around 5:30 PM. Sleep had the power to manipulate reality. He'd slept fitfully but the final vision he saw was Pooja smiling down at him, urging him to wake up. She promised he wasn't alone. Then, she disappeared, breaking the spell.

Here I am waking up
Still can't sleep on your side
There's your coffee cup
The lipstick stain fades with time
If I can dream long enough
You'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine

Aditya turned on his side, instinctively reaching out to the other side of the bed. His smile faltered as all he felt the cold of the sheets. Again, the vicious cycle had begun. Where was Pooja? Adi sat up, confused. Here he was, on her side of the bed - again. For a moment, he imagined that everything was normal. Her coffee cup on the bedside table, a fading lipstick stain. However, even this illusion gave him snippets of the harsh reality. Once again, he saw her visage in his mind's eye, telling him he would be fine.

Zoya Siddiqui closed the book she was reading and glanced up at the clock. Time seemed to have crawled by despite her best efforts to immerse herself in the text. Sighing, she walked to the wardrobe and slid the door to the side. Letting her eyes roam over the numerous clothes, her eyes came to a halt on the perfect choice and she let herself take another trip down memory lane. The clock struck 6 , its chimes bringing her out of her reverie. It was time.

The weather in Staines was surprisingly tolerable. The snow hadn't begun to fall yet. The chill didn't nip at your skin just yet and Zoya used this to her advantage. Of course, a cardigan was required as a precautionary measure but she took the risk. She stepped out of the house holding up the skirt of her dress to avoid treading on it. It was a beautiful garment. The red of the halter neck dress stood out against her mocha toned skin and the material didn't hug her figure. It flared out slightly at her feet. The coal coloured kajal brought out the hazel of her eyes. She'd opted for a neutral shade for her lips. Her hair was in an understated bun, a small clip the shape of a rose pinned to the centre. In short, she looked ethereal.

This dress was special to Zoya. It was Yash's birthday present to her, only weeks before. She hadn't had the opportunity to wear it owing to her work commitments but she chose today to wear it - partly as a tribute to Yash. It was an unusual logic but it gave Zoya comfort that in this way, she had him with her. Taking a few deep breaths, she stepped out the house.

Aditya deftly buttoned his blazer and brushed off a speck of dust. He could hear the exclamations of the guests coming in. He was happy for his parents, he truly was. But there was an emptiness in the three of them that no facade of happiness could ever attempt to compensate for. As was happening with Zoya at that moment, he too let his mind wander amongst the menories:  happy ones of Pooja, an image of his father struggling to hold back tears hearing his mother screaming in pain behind the bedroom door. The last two visions brought a tear to his eye but the clock struck 6 and he was brought back to reality. Scanning himself in the mirror one last time, Aditya plastered a smile on to his face and made his way downstairs.

Zoya arrived within minutes and sat in her car, admiring the house for a few moments. The decoration wasn't extravagant, contrary to what she'd expected. A few lights had been strung across the brick walls, under the windows and across the porch. Box lights paved the footpath to this and sent a warm glow around the front garden. For Zoya, it truly evoked a sense of home, comforting and welcoming. She exited the car and walked up to the Hoodas' home. The front door was open to let in the guests and she stepped through. It was a bit of a shock to see so many people congregated in the lower floor and it took her a minute to find Aditya.

He stood near who she presumed must be his parents in a corner of the room, conversing with another couple close to his age. Catching Zoya's eye, he excused himself from the conversation and made his way over to her. He gently took hold of her elbow, steering her towards his parents. Zoya began to panic on the inside as they got closer to them but it subsided as Adi whispered that they'd been waiting to meet her.

Anjana felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Adi standing with a woman. Her focus switched between her son and the woman beside him. Anjana was no fool. Despite the emotional chasm between Adi and them, she and Harsh could see that Aditya was gradually rebuilding himself. Even the smallest change mattered. Anjana knew that the woman in front of her had a crucial role in this.

'Mum, this is Zoya'. Aditya felt Zoya's eyes on him instantly, as well as his mother's. The former was intrigued , the latter dejected. He'd learnt how to get used to the twinge of pain each time he said it. It had become a force of habit. Still, it was perhaps too late now to bridge the gap. Pulling himself away from the train of thought, Aditya completed the introductions and stood back.

She stepped forward and embraced Zoya. Aditya was taken aback by the gesture and Zoya was no less surprised. She returned the embrace. Anjana murmured a soft 'thank you' before breaking away. Zoya let go of the older woman's hands and nodded imperceptibly. In this small interaction itself, she was able to discern a certain pain in her eyes and it broke her. Aditya noticed the silent conversation and refrained from commenting. Zoya gave her present to her and turned to Aditya expectantly. He repeated the formality with his father and guided her away from his parents.

Soon, the crowd diffused out to the spacious garden. Someone had taken the liberty to string a few fairy lights on the clusters of trees that lined the vast space and it truly worked wonders. A warm glow coupled with that from the moon above created magic.

Soft music played from the living room and speakers connected in the conservatory amplified the sound. Zoya marvelled at how soft the grass was and opted to remove her increasingly uncomfortable platform wedges. It had been mowed a few hours ago, so being poked by unwarranted blades wasn't a concern. Soon, numerous couples made their way to the garden to dance. Anjana and Harsh were roped in too.

Zoya and Aditya stood awkwardly to one side watching as they all paired up. Aditya stole a glance at Zoya. She was looking at the ground while fiddling with the material of her dress. He cleared his throat discreetly, catching her attention. Her eyes met his as he held out his hand. Zoya looked down at it and then back to him. Silently, she put her hand in his and they made their way to the centre of the garden. The track changed just as they got into position. It was a slow number and the both of them just shuffled around for a few seconds not making eye contact. Aditya took hold of the situation and eliminated the awkwardness by resting his hand lightly on her lower back - nothing definite but a feather light touch. In return, Zoya rested her hand on his shoulder, the material of the black blazer soft against her fingers.

They danced in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Neither of them looked each other in the eye but chose to aimlessly stare at everything else. Gradually, the music faded into the background as did the soft chatter of the other dancers. Adi and Zoya were lost in their own thoughts. He glanced down and saw Pooja in his arms. She smiled up at him and he marvelled how beautiful she looked in the glow of the moon. She had rested her hand on his shoulder, her touch familiar and comforting. She smiled lovingly up at him and Adi's small smile broadened, infused with joy at having Pooja with him.

At the same time, Zoya's focus suddenly shifted back to her dance partner. Her small smile too became more heartfelt as she drank in the sight of Yash in a black tuxedo in front of her. Their eyes met and Zoya allowed herself to get lost in his gaze. She could feel the warmth of his hand on her back and her mind was at ease, having him in front of her.


A light drizzle began, but neither Adi nor Zoya noticed. Nor did they hear the others rush back inside. What did happen though was that the rain had triggered a reel of images in their minds. Horrific ones, of how they had found their spouses lifeless. Unconsciously, tears began to fall, creating trails on their cheeks in their wake. A clap of thunder instigated a full on downpour. As they became soaked to the bone, Adi and Zoya were yanked out of their illusion. The reality hit once more. Yash and Pooja were gone. Now, the Aditya and Zoya that stood there, drenched in the rain, were the remnants of loss.

Zoya's eyes roamed over his countenance. His did the same over hers. Neither of them could distinguish between the raindrops and the tears. Almost automatically, both their hands rose to cup each other's faces, thumbs swiping away the tears. Zoya's free hand, still on his shoulder, tightened its grip. They continued to dance. Now, it was in acceptance and recognition of being their in most vulnerable state in that moment.

So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house

The instrumental playing in the distance reached its crescendo as Zoya and Aditya spun around, twirled on the grass. The red of her gown shone, catching the light of the moon as it flared out. Aditya's suit nearly merged with the shadows of the trees but his blazer's lapel was starkly contrasted to the blood red of Zoya's matte nails. The spun round and round, dance becoming yet another medium to pour out their pain. They bridged the chasm between them further all while holding each other close as the rain continued to pour. They danced and danced. No words were spoken, yet so much was understood. A million things unsaid, yet so much learnt. Tears continued to fall, yet they were liberated from the pain, if not for a few moments.

As they danced, Aditya could see fleetingly the lights on in his bedroom. All the memories of her came flooding back. He decided he needed a shot of vodka to wash the tidal wave away. It was too much to take. He had to try and look past the ghosts of his past with Pooja, her shadow and towards an uncertain future.

With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
That my feet don't dance like they
did with you

Aditya looked down to see Zoya in tears. He brought them to a stop and looked her in the eye. Shaking his head gently, he urged her to stem her tears. He bought his hands up to cup her face, brushing away the tears on her cheeks. They stood like that for a moment, drawing a sense of peace from the contact. In the conservatory, Anjana and Harsh stood, observing the pair in the garden. The other guests had taken their leave. Anjana wiped away a sole tear with the back of her hand. The sight was heartbreaking and mesmerising in equal measure. Two broken souls together both drawing and giving comfort.

Another clap of thunder broke the moment and Adi and Zoya stepped away from each other. 'You okay?' they asked simultaneously. They laughed a little, lifting each other's spirits. Nodding, Zoya brushed away a sole tear on his cheek. In those minutes, an understanding had formed, a new bond made between them, a barrier broken. Holding his arm out and tilting his head towards the house. Lifting up her dress a little, Zoya clutched her heels in one hand, and the pair made their way back indoors. The dynamics of one relationship had changed and in that same evening, so would some others. A dam had been broken and now, an old gap would be bridged.



Well.. Surprise? I know I said I'd update in November but I couldn't bring myself to pause writing this. Not only would you guys lose touch with the plot but so would I.
This chapter is dedicated to wingitwithwinget (niteskysx on Instagram - her edits are OUTSTANDING) and Rudvisk- hope your exams went well!

I had mentioned a surprise in the previous author's note and, um, here's my idea of one!

1) 'Ghost Of You' was initially to be a one shot ie. this chapter with the same name. The visual of people slow dancing in the rain while their tears mingled with the rain was a poignant visual that I saw in my dream. I took note of it as soon as I woke up. I planned to resume writing just to exercise my grey cells and this seemed like a beautiful stand alone. In 'Bepannaah' I fell in love with the concept of two individuals helping each other become stronger from arguably one of the most painful experience. That idea of being someone's 'Humdard' was so empowering and in the same breath heartbreaking. I will explain when the time (plot wise) is right as to why I don't connect with the current 'love' plot but this was a titbit of information. Upon writing out what I'd dreamt, my mind inevitably began to ask questions such as Why dance in the rain?
Why do they not prod each other to open up?
What's the relationship these two individuals share?
How did they land up in that situation? etc.

Had my mind not spiralled, perhaps this story would not have taken shape!

2) My second reveal is the thought put into this cover. I do know this particular still is rather over used here on Wattpad but there's reasoning here. The black and white images in the bottom corner are so to symbolise that the pain is in the past but not forgotten. If you look closely, I've played with the colouring so that Harshad's face can't be seen for the most part - just his silhouette. However, Jennifer's face has a brighter light on it as she looks up at Harshad. This too (as you should've figured by now) is symbolic!

Though both of them have gone through the same pain, a life changing experience, both the outcomes are starkly different. If you re read or recall Chapter 5 'Chad Gayi Hai' part of the explanation is there. Comment if you could guess it!

Also, the media chosen, stills from the ICONIC 'Jogi Mahi' dance sequence was so because while watching that episode, I didn't see them staring at each other but that they were in a different world, mind space altogether. I inferred it as Adi thinking he had pulled Pooja into his arms and that Zoya stood there in a state of serenity thinking it was Yash. However, soon the illusion broke and they broke away, confused and shocked. A myriad of emotions flitted across Harshad and Jennifer's faces which was beautiful. I was inspired by that and I utilised that train of thought and merged it with my dream to write this chapter.

This imagery probably could've been communicated more effectively but do leave your feedback below. Keep voting and spreading the word!
This chapter is memorable though finding the time and mental state to write it was tough(er).  A few all nighters were pulled to write this after completing my other work so sleep deprivation did take place.
End result being a chapter 2.2k words long !

I'm rather happy to tell you guys that I'd written (with a fire added in and a few tweaks) Chapter 1 of this book for an English paper and scored a 20/25 !

PS. Do check out 'EROSION' by QuerenciaHaven ! It appears complex and promising !

Pps. I know this A/N was extra long but I did promise you guys so.. yeah.

Chapter 8 is underway for mid November x

We are going to get deeper into the thriller element now, so tighten your seatbelts everyone!

Dhyan x

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