Hammer supreme oc

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An oc for my precious ototou MarvelousSanazuki

Name: Lucas Marvelous

Gender: Male


Race/species: Chimera

Age: 17

Brother from an alternate dimension: Dan Morningstar and Dan Marsh aka GHOST RIDER and VENGEANCE

Overall powers/abilities/hax: (he has all the powers of iron man, thor, black panther, ghost rider, doctor strange, and captain america) Preparation, Genius Intelligence, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Summoning | All previous abilities, plus Technology Manipulation, Hacking, Regeneration (High-Low over time, heals from the fatal injuries he suffered[1] in 24 hours),[2] Flight, Energy Projection, Enhanced Senses, Magnetism Manipulation and Extrasensory Perception via R.T Node | All previous abilities, plus the weapons and gadgets from the Iron Legion, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity, Immortality (Type 2: Kept fighting after being impaled through the chest. Survived being pierced by Phoenix Emma Frost's diamond form broken into chunks across his body. Young Thor is impaled by Gorr in the torso in several places and wounded badly but survives. Survived fighting an army of giants after losing a limb, breaking his hammer, and numerous other injuries.), Regeneration (High-Low; Regenerated his severely burned arm[1]), Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Magic, Enhanced Senses (Can hear what happens light years away. Can hear things that humans cannot hear and can see invisible beings like Aphrodite that cannot be perceived by any mortal except her son and Anquises.[2][3]) Extrasensory Perception (Found the way out of a pocket universe within Tesseract[4]), Statistics Amplification (Can double his strength with Megingjord, or increase his strength tenfold with the Warrior's Madness), Berserk Mode (via Warrior's Madness), Elemental Manipulation (Weather Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Fire Manipulation), Energy Projection, Aura, Memory Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation (Via shockwaves), Breath Attack (hurricane-force breath), Telepathy (As Donald Blake, he could telepathically communicate with Odin. And limited telepathy via All-Tongue), Telekinesis (With the Anti-Force.[5]), Combat Expertise, Weapon Mastery, Illusion Creation, Can summon his chariot and his goats, Astral Possession, Limited Sound Manipulation (Can generate sonic booms.[6]), Age Manipulation, Time Stop, Dimensional Travel (Could escape from the dimension he was trapped in[4]), Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation ("Deliberately" failed to subdue Valkyrie while commanded to do so due to trying to resist his controller's will, but was still being manipulated[7]). Mjolnir grants him Flight, Forcefield Creation, Energy Sensing, Energy Absorption and Redirection, Sealing (Sealed Hyperion in a glass sphere.[8]), Vacuum Creation, Healing (As shown here.[9]), Homing Attack, Projectile Reflection, Non-Physical Interaction (Can affect souls and touch energy beings.[10][11]), BFR (Via Portal Creation. Could also manipulate Electro's body to banish him[12] into the clouds), Matter Manipulation (Transmutation, Antimatter Manipulation and Atomization), Resurrection, Power Nullification (Can negate mystic forcefields and certain types of intangibility, and has anti-magic.[13]), Magnetism Manipulation, Electromagnetism Manipulation, Invisibility, Intangibility, Heat Manipulation, Teleportation, Soul Summoning, limited Holy Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Light Manipulation, minor Reality Warping (Spun to create a vortex which "tore at the very fabric of reality" with his hammer, allowing him to revert the effects of technology that was sending him to another dimension[14]), Dimensional Storage (shown here)

Resistance (To outer space conditions, acids, diseases, radiation, poison, Gamma radiation, extreme temperatures, electricity, and Absolute Zero), Limited Resistance to Illusion Creation (Can detect a magic illusion), Resistance to Statistics Reduction (Loki created and used a potion to reduce his brother's power, but Thor was unaffected.), BFR (As shown here.[15]), Vibration Manipulation (Survived "vibro-mines" which shatter anything they touch. Mjolnir was close to the exposure to the Antarctic Vibranium aka Anti-Metal that destroys any other metal via Vibrations.[16][17]), Paralysis Inducement (Although he was initially overpowered by a mind thrust that paralyzed his entire body, through will, Thor freed himself. After that, an annoyed Thor easily resisted else another attempt[18]), Time Manipulation (Withstood a time storm.[19]), Deconstruction (Survived Kang's dissolution beam, which scattered Kang's atoms across time when overloaded.[20]), Mind Manipulation (Thor has resisted mind attacks from Moondragon. As a god, he also didn't have his mind destroyed by Chaos King's power, which could immediately destroy a mortal's mind with a touch. He also resisted a wave of psychic toxins from Glory that permeated every level of his being: body, mind and spirit. He fought said attack and even continued his attack on Glory, while just speaking would take an effort to break most men or gods. Mind-tendrils attack from the maggots of The Other also affected Thor only momentarily before the God of Thunder recovered. The Hurricane of the Lustful in Mephisto's Hell also failed to influence Thor. Quickly recovered from a powerful mind attack. The Goddess, who is able to control many of earth's heroes, is unable to tame Thor's "Asgardian spirit." Resisted the mental attack of a Deviant that could control entire civilizations. Is only staggered by enough mental energy to "render an entire civilization totally senseless."), Telepathy (Phoenix Emma Frost is unable to look into his mind.), Soul Manipulation (Thor can resist assaults from Glory's psychic maggots that eat away at his very soul and could withstand the totality of Glory's power, including his soul attacks. Unhurt by Ghost Rider's hellfire. Doctor Strange and Mephisto also commented that Thor has a mighty soul. Thor even resisted Mephisto's attempt to absorb his soul and forced out Loki's astral possession.)[21], Corruption (Type 1: Resisted various of Madame Hydra's spells of control from turning him into a slave of Hydra.[22]), Sealing (Broke a Proton Cage[23]), Antimatter Manipulation (Resisted attacks from an Electro completely made of anti-matter and an explosion of matter and antimatter annihilation.[24]), Existence Erasure (Resisted the Unbinding Stone, which repeals the laws of physics and unravels principles binding reality, and was only briefly rendered unconscious.[25]) Mjolnir by itself has Mass Manipulation and Resistance to Magic, antimatter (As shown here.[26]) and Transmutation.

Can use all the powers of his base form without the use of Mjolnir and increase their potency astronomically to Odin's level. He should also have all powers and abilities of Odin. Additionally, he has Heat Vision, Enhanced Matter Manipulation (Created food, and rebuilt the moon on the molecular level), Fusionism (Merged Jake Olson with his past self), Time Stop (Shown here), Clairvoyance (He can see what Hugin and Munin see), Possession and Soul Manipulation (Thor's Ravens can extract his soul and take it to a new container, such as the Destroyer armor), Existence Erasure (Thor mentions that the Odinforce allows him to erase people from existence, but Desak is protected, and it is proven to be true. Ulik also mentions that Odin could erase from existence with a single blink.)

Resistance to Power Nullification (It was mentioned that there is no one on Earth capable of nullifying the Odinforce, Balder believed that Doctor Strange could not do it, and the stranger himself confirms this indirectly when it is mentioned that no one on Earth can turn off the Odinforce, having to use the power of the other pantheons to do it.[27]), Enhanced Resistance to Matter Deconstruction (Survived the Destroyer's visor beam, which is described as "ultimate disintegration."[28][29])

All powers of his base and Odinforce forms, combined with greatly enhanced Energy Absorption (He was able to absorb the Power Cosmic from an extremely well-fed Galactus)

All powers of his base and Odinforce forms, combined with Fate Destruction, Immortality (Type 1 and 4; Was reborn after hanging himself, evolving past death), Soul Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Telepathy. Cosmic Awareness and Precognition (After losing his sight, Thor could see the past of all things, noticing the Cycle of Ragnarok, witnessing the present, the future, every aspect of reality, from the quantum level to cosmic structures or absolute nothingness and his crows contains all the thoughts and memories of all the beings in Yggdrasil.), Forcefield Creation and Extrasensory Perception (Thor blocked a hit of Mangog and could feel his magic levels), Should also have all of Odin's powers but to a higher degree.

Resistance to Fate Manipulation (Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, beings that weaved the fate for all Norse beings, could no longer bind Thor to the Thread of Fate),
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Types 2), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3 & 8. Scaling from Cosmic Ghost Rider, another user of The Spirit of Vengeance. Is a part of God's power, and will be revived by God should he die but still be needed), Regeneration (At least High-Mid. Likely far higher, as he is listed as having "Godlike" regeneration, which is superior to characters able to regenerate from a single molecule), Resurrection, Telepathy, Soul Manipulation, Teleportation, Illusion Creation, Fire Manipulation, Can mind attack/make people suffer proportionate punishment for their sins people with the Penance Stare, Transmutation, Self-Size Manipulation (Grew in size when fighting Thor), Statistics Reduction (Able to weaken magical enhancements), Mind Control (Able to control the minds of those he uses the Penance Stare on), Telekinesis (via Hellfire), Summoning (Can summon other Ghost Riders), Possession (His powers began to consume Rogue's body and mind when she attempted to drain them), Pocket Reality Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation,

Immune to fire, heat, lava and flames, Resistance to Death Manipulation (Shrugs off instant death attacks from Null the Living Darkness and Death-Stalker), Size Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Reality Warping (Reversed Null's powers through sheer force of will), Magic, Power Nullification (Resisted Doctor Strange trying to snuff out his powers and send him back to Hell. Immune to the effects of a magic spear that completely paralyzed multiple other superhumans), Mind Manipulation (Put up a fight against Doctor Strange trying to enter his mind), Purification (Exorcism can never get rid of the Spirit of Vengeance), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Especially smell, can detect and memorize up to 10,000 different scents and detect scents from miles away. Can detect if someone is lying by smell. Can see in complete darkness and has a kinesthetic sense), Martial Arts Mastery, Genius Intelligence, Summoning (Can call on the spirits of his dead ancestors and command the undead), Teleportation (Via suit), Invisibility (Via suit), Forcefield Creation (Via suit), Attack Reflection (Via suit), Can force opponents to sleep with sleeping gas (Via suit), Durability Negation (Via daggers), Energy Manipulation (Via daggers), Can scramble the brain of an opponent (Via daggers), Flight (Via jetpack), Durability Negation and limited Soul Manipulation by creating a spirit spear, Pressure Points (Is aware of human and Skrull pressure points. Can strike one's third eye to disrupt its chi), Vehicular Mastery (Drove a space shuttle), Chi Manipulation (As seen here), Sealing and Magic (Can lock things with magic that requires or requests specific conditions to be unlocked), Absorption (Absorbed a blast), Non-Physical Interaction (His anti-metal claws could damage Klaw's energy form), Electricity Manipulation (As seen here), Illusion Creation with Holograms, Technology Manipulation (As shown here), Stealth Mastery, Hacking via the Kimoyo Card, and Light Manipulation (As shown here), Resistance to: Magical based attacks and Diseases (via improved immunity), Mind Manipulation (Emma Frost hurt herself while trying to read his mind), Poison Manipulation (Tanked a neurotoxin), Sound Manipulation, (Resists sonic waves), Cold Temperature (As shown here), Electricity Manipulation (Tanked a lighting bolt with no damage), and Magnetism Manipulation (Magneto couldn't manipulate the iron in his body) | Same as before plus Matter Manipulation and Forcefield Creation (As seen here) with Preparation, Magnetism Manipulation (As shown here) and Resistance to Emotion Manipulation (As shown here) via Man Without Fear Gear, Teleportation (As shown here) and Time Manipulation (As shown here) with King Solomon's Frogs, Longevity (Ages slower than ordinary men. Spent 12 years in the Dimension Z but didn't look a day older), Enhanced Senses (Has a sight and hearing far superior to that of ordinary humans), Precognition (Possesses a "Well-Honed Sixth Sense" which allows him to instinctively react to his enemies' movements, often moments before they occur), Genius Intelligence, Vehicular Mastery (Proficient in[1] driving motorcycles[2]), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Healed from a bullet injury after a short duration. Mid overtime; Recovered from a headshot), Indomitable Will (Willed himself out of a Cosmic Cube[3]) Martial Arts Mastery (Mastered every single form of Martial Arts known to men), Hacking (Can hack into advanced computer systems without tippling security and firewalls[4]), Acrobatics[5], Pressure Points (Makes use of pressure point strikes in combat, rendered Viper unconscious by applying pressure to a nerve cluster), Weapon Mastery (A master at wielding virtually every weapon there is, be it melee or ranged. Can master new weapons in seconds just by holding them),

Resistance to Poisons, Drugs and Toxins, Mind Manipulation (Forced out Red Skull from his mind), Empathic Manipulation (Resisted Hatemonger's beam. The Enchantress's magic had no effect[6] on him), Illusions, Fire Manipulation (Shown here), and Radiation.

Tier: High Outerversal




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