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Characters: Vikk and Lachlan, mentions of Mitch and Jerome
Word count: 1169
Extra notes: Mitch and Jerome live near Vikk and Lachlan

     ~3rd P.O.V.~

     Vikk sits at his desk, rocking back and fourth in his spiny chair as the mouse clicks and the keys on his keyboard making small taps. He sighs, taking a sip of his coffee, and resuming editing his latest video, while another one simultaneously uploads. Running two channels requires double the amount of videos, and considering Vikk has daily uploads- sometimes multiple a day- the work never ends. He puts hours upon hours of work into his videos, promising his viewers excellent content. It was tiring, yes, working days and nights to satisfy his viewers, but he wouldn't have it any different. Despite the longs nights, and stressful deadlines, Vikk enjoys his job to death.

     These are the thoughts Vikk finds himself getting lost in, momentarily spacing out and forgetting about his current job. His thoughts are only broken by Lachlan barging into the office, something all too common for the Brit.

     "Icky-Vikky-Sitcky, look!" Lachlan calls, bubbly as usual.

     He bounds into the room, a sheet of newspaper in hand, which he eagerly shoves into Vikk's hands.

     Vikk raises an eyebrow, "Since when did you start reading the newspaper?" He questions, spreading out the paper in his hands.
     Lachlan rolls his eyes, "That doesn't matter you jag, read the paper!"

     Vikk chuckles, Lachlan watching excitedly over his shoulder as Vikk turns away from his computer, eyes scanning over the small black print on the paper. His eyes are instantly drawn to a section Lachlan highlighted, yellow sharpie encasing a small paragraph. Lachlan waits anxiously for Vikk's response, bouncing back and fourth on the balls of his feet.

     After a minute, Vikk lowers the paper and gazes at Lachlan. "You want to go to a fair that came into town a few days ago?"

     Lachlan nods eagerly, a wide smile flashing. Vikk falters for a moment, before deciding better of it and shaking his head.

     "I'm sorry, Lachlan, I still have a lot of work to get done today." Vikk responds guiltily, watching the smile drop and excitement design from his eyes.

     Vikk swivels back around in his chair, taking another sip of coffee and resume his editing.

     "Aww but Vikky, it's going to leave tomorrow and I really wanna go!" Lachlan whines.
     Without breaking eye contact from his work, Vikk responds with, "You can still go by yourself. Or call Mitch and Jerome, I'm sure if they're not busy they'd like to go."
      "But... I wanted to go with you..." Lachlan mumbles, "And you need to take a break! You've been working nonstop all week!"

     Vikk huffs in exasperation, combing his fingers through his hair and turning back to face Lachlan.

     "Look I know- oh come on. No, stop. That's not fair."

     Vikk's words are cut short when he sees Lachlan with the most pitiful of expressions, bottom lip stuck out, eyes droopy like a sad puppy, and slouching. Vikk's heart melts.

     "Fine, we'll go to the fair, but we are only staying for a few hours."
     "YES! Thank you Vikky!" Lachlan exclaims, springing back to life and crushing Vikk in a short hug.

     As Lachlan darts out of the room to get ready, before Vikk can change his mind, Vikk chuckles and saves his work. He'd finish it later.


     "Oooooh Vikk, look! A funhouse!" Lachlan beams, pulling Vikk towards a new building.

     They'd been in the fair for almost two hours now, Lachlan dragging Vikk around by the hand to various rides, games, and food stands. Vikk's stomach churns at all the motion and food he's been experiencing, but the childlike joy Lachlan expresses makes it all worthwhile.

     "Okay, well go through the funhouse. But after this we're going home. Deal?"
     "Yeah, sure." Lachlan replies, obviously distracted as he pulls Vikk towards the building.
     "Welcome to the funhouse of fortune!" A young woman greets, a forced smile upon her face. "Two tickets please."

     Without question Lachlan pulls out two tickets, and places them into the hand of the redhead.

     "Okay so, there's a couple obstacle courses, and then a mirror maze. After that there's a fortune telling mirror at the end, and then a spinning tube hall, and finally a slide to exit." The woman recites, trying her best to seem cheery.
     "Did you hear that, Vikk? They have a fortune telling mirror!" Lachlan states with glee.

    This sparks Vikk's interest, and it might be the one thing he's actually curious about. He's not much for stomach flipping rides, but fortune telling always seemed to make him curious. Even if it's fake.

     "Excuse me Miss, what kind of fortune does the mirror tell?" Vikk inquires.
     "It supposedly shows you the last thing you'll see before you die." The woman explains flatly, leaning against the wall.
     "Ooh, fun. C'mon Vikk, let's go!"

     And with that Lachlan charges into the funhouse, Vikk laughing and tailing behind.


     "Ow! What?! I swear there wasn't a mirror here a second ago!" Lachlan rages, running into the millionth mirror so far.

     Vikk chuckles, thoroughly amused as he follows Lachlan around, letting him be the one to navigate and overall smash into multiple mirrors.

     "Having a bit of trouble there Lachlan?" Vikk smirks, Lachlan pouting and rubbing his head.
     "This maze is seriously messing with my head."
     "Here let me lead, I'm pretty good at mazes." Vikk offers, taking his position before Lachlan.

     Vikk guides himself and Lachlan through the maze with minor difficulty, and not running into nearly as many mirrors as Lachlan did. Although he did have to admit, the maze is certainly well built and confusing. But after what seems like an eternity, the two finally managed to weave their way towards a pitch black room, with only a single mirror in the middle light up by a few small LED lights. The mirror is wiggly, built in a strange shape yet it's reflection is still surprisingly clear.

"Do you think it actually works?" Lachlan wonders, the two begging to approach the magic mirror.
"Anything is possible mate." Vikk chuckles, the author realizing they had broken the fourth wall.

The mirror, at the very moment the two step up to it, begins to shimmer. An image beings to move within its shiny surface.

The mirror shows Vikk and Lachlan, as they are now, standing in front of the mirror. And when they leave, rounding the corner that would lead to the exit... That's when the creature jumps out. It grabs Vikk first, him being smaller, and it doesn't take long before Lachlan's gone too, all that's left of the, a trail of blood. Then the mirror fades back into its original reflectiveness.

     "Jeez, that's fudging creepy." Lachlan comments shivering.
     "Yeah, thankfully it's not real." Vikk tells Lachlan, more so doing to reassure himself through.

     The two, feeling a bit uneasy, begin to make their way out of the mirror room.

That's when they hear the scratching.


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