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"The boss wants ideas for these designs by tomorrow Y/N, It's urgent !." A pile of files were dumped off on my desk as the assistant just walked off,eyeing the other corner of the floor, trying to make another persons life miserable with more paper work.

I let out a heavy sigh as I look at the new work load on my desk. I leaned back on my chair to take a break. I've been working hard for the past few weeks so that I could leave early to spend more time with Hakyeon.

My eyes glance at the clock. Just when I realized that it was lunch time, My phone buzzed.

I check my phone to see a message from my closest friend, Hongbin.

Hongbin : Hey! I'm leaving for lunch. Coming?

My face lights up with a smile as I replied,

Me : Hi! Yeah sure.I'll be there soon.

I quickly shut off my computer and grabbed my beige coat as I rushed out of the building, dreading to leave. During days like this, going out for lunch was a treat. Finally I could take my mind off work.

Hongbin has been my friend since high school. He was closer to me than most of my girlfriends, he was such a sweet and loving friend. I'm so grateful to have him as a friend.

Even after college we've been in touch. He was a homicide detective and had had solved many cases in his career. My workplace was close to his so almost everyday, we would both meet each other at the closest cafe for lunch.

I made my way through the busy city streets, trying my best to ignore the annoying sound of the traffic on my way. I finally see the familiar sign of the cafe. As I crossed the street and made my way in to the cafe, my eyes immediately spotted Hongbin's waving hand, signaling me from a table in the corner.

" Anneyong Hongbin- ah!" I sat down greeting him, removing my coat and keeping it next to me on my sofa seat.

" Anneyong Y/N!"he replies. His light brown hair side swept to reveal his dark eyes,his lips curled in to a smile which revealed his two perfect dimples.

Before I could say anything he raises his hand, " Stop! I know what your gonna say.."

I smiled back at him, curious.

" Hakyeon is back, isn't he?" he replies with a soft smile. The look on my face let's him know he guessed right.

" How would you know? I didn't say anything, am I really that predictable?" I asked pouting my lips and leaning back at on the sofa.

He smiled back. "It's pretty obvious by the look on your face Y/N. You didn't look exhausted like you did the last few days, besides, you told me he's coming somewhere this month."

The waitress leaves taking our orders and I crossed my arms and leaned forwards smiling.

" So, how was yesterday?" I smiled devilishly knowing that he wouldn't talk about the date he went on.

" What happened yesterday?" he asked, pretending not to know.

I raised an eyebrow, " I'm not going to stop asking you."

He smiled letting out a sigh. " Fine. It's obvious it didn't go well, she um,... got drunk..."

I tried hard not to smile, but my lips curled in to smile which turned in to a chuckle. I sensed the friendly annoyance he had at my chuckle.

" I'm sorry, It's just that, why do your dates always... I dunno.."

" Mess up?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

" You can say that." I smiled.

" I don't know Y/N. After she got drunk she started to talk about her family issues and how her life's sad. I didn't mind listening to her but soon she started to talk loudly to the point where people started to glare at us and at the end, she stated to cry." he finished. He seemed exhausted just thinking about yesterday night's events.

I listened attentively, picturing Hongbin's drunk date. Poor Hongbin, he tries so hard to find someone good but all the girls either end up not being his type or they have some sort of a family or some other issue.

" I don't know. I think I'm doomed to be a single homicide detective for the rest of my life Y/N" he joked, chuckling.

" Ah well, nobodies perfect." I replied, smiling back at him.


I noticed twilight take over the sky and the windows to my left were no longer reflecting sunlight, but the light of the moon and stars. I still had a lot more work to do, and my date was tonight. I had already gotten my outfit ready. Soon after meeting Hongbin at lunch,I quickly went to the closest store and bought myself a beautiful dress. It was a light pink. I wanted to finish my work as soon as possible so that I had more time to get ready. I was going out on a date after a long time, and it was with my Hakyeon-ah.

"So... seems like he's back."

I turned my head from the computer screen to see Grace, one of my close friends who happened to work with me. She was my go-to -girl when I had problems. So she had a pretty clear idea of how much today's date meant for me.

"Yup, and you guessed by the look on my face?" I asked smiling.

She didn't reply, but smiled back. " Did you meet yesterday?"

"Yeah,we went to our favorite spot."

"Ah, the cliff near the beach." she replied, recalling the pictures I had shown her years ago. It was a really beautiful place,and it was Hakyeon's and my special place.

"Yeah. We watched the sunset together. And tonight I have a date with him"I couldn't help but smile happily at the thought. 

"Ooh! I want to know everything that happens! every single detail Y/N!" she squealed in delight.

"Okay Grace!" I chuckled. "For your excitement, people must be thinking your going on a date!" I smiled.

"Yeah I wish. I just can't find the perfect guy Y/N. Every date I goon gets so.."

"Messed up?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

She pouts her lips, " You can say that."

She left me to finish my work. Less than 15 minutes in my phone buzzed.

Hakyeon: Jagiya,shall I pick you up for dinner from work?

You: Sorry Hakyeon-ah, I might get late a bit today. Besides I can't come in my work clothes. I'll change and come :]

Hakyeon : Ah yeah!I'm sorry. I just can't wait. It's just, I have a surprise for you Y/N :]

You: Aw Hakyeonnie!I can't wait either. Saranghae. <3<3<3

Hakyeon: Saranghae. <3<3<3


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