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" Finally, this place is tidy!" I exclaimed as I eyed the  kitchen and my dining table. Jiyeon left about an hour ago. At the end I managed to ask her about the agencies need to interrogate Moonshin. She was concerned, naturally, but agreed that she would ask Moonshin. Tonight's dinner turned out in a very unexpected manner. All I wanted was to ask Jiyeon about Moonshin but it ended up with a deep talk about Hakyeon.

'Hakyeon....' I shook my head at the thought. Thinking of him once brought me all the happiness I could ever imagine, but only made me burn from inside now. I know I need him, I want him badly, l'll always have a part of me that yearns for him, and only him. But the sad truth was to let him go. I ... can't.... no matter how hard I want to, I fear he will always haunt me, in my dreams and in  reality.

 I went to close the window, my thoughts starting to thinking about work. It was around midnight. The roads were deserted and the street light right below my apartment window lit up one section of the road. I saw a figure of a man walking on the sidewalk opposite. He turned around to cross. I couldn't see him properly, the darkness of the night blacked out his face. 

He walked across.

The street light managed to fall upon him as he came to the middle of the road. The light fell on his face, illuminating his black hair. He looked up and I froze. It was those mysterious eyes, that cute button nose and those perfect lips I could notice anywhere. It was Hakyeon.

A few silent seconds passed. I must be dreaming. Feeling the cold wing hit against my burning skin I knew it wasn't. My heart raced, making me feel more scared and happy each second. Faintly, I managed to whisper,

" Hakyeon......"

He kept looking at me. He blinked.

Even though it was impossible, my words managed to slip out,

" Are you.... real?.... alive?...."

He kept looking, he blinked again. But I noticed that he didn't breathe.

" Are you.... a...... a .... ghost?"

A smile appeared on the corner  of his lips. I stared in shock. A ghost. Hakyeon's a .. a ghost.

" Ghost.."  I whispered again.

The sound of screeching rubber made me spin my head to see a car screech down the road, drifting from left to right. It was obviously occupied with a drunk driver. It accelerated towards Hakyeon.

" NO , NO!" I screamed helplessly.

I looked at Hakyeon. He sighed and looked at me, his eyes filled with love and affection. The exact things I was desperate for. A sad smile appeared on his lips as the car raced through him, just as it hit him, he disappeared into thin air.

" No..." I whimpered as I  landed on my knees, my body against the wall underneath the open window, the moonlight filtered through the window and fell in front of me in the shape of a rectangle. I hugged my legs against my chest and buried my face in my hands and cried burning tears. My cries were loud enough for me to hear. Crying was only thing that I could do right now. I let my tears flow, hoping that my confused emotions would flow out of me along with them.


" Y/N?What are you doing here in the morning?" Ji Minwoo exclaimed as he saw me exit the lift. I saw Hongbin's head look at us from his work as he heard Ji Minwoo's comment.

" Decided to call in a sick leave. Besides I can't work today, I can't concentrate on my work when this case is on strong leads." I smiled back, determined to hide yesterday nights incident about Hakyeon.

" Remember, this isn't your job Y/N, don't neglect your real job, this case is distracting you too  much now." Ji Minwoo  crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes at him, irritated. " Look mom, you don't have to boss me around. Besides, why should you care about me?" I snapped back. I saw his suprised reaction.

I walked along the corridor to Hongbin's desk. I was irritated this morning. Hongbin eyed me and greeted me with a playful smirk.

"  I would greet you with a ' Good morning' , but that's not the case now is it?" he smiled. I scoffed. " Good morning Hongbin. I have some new info for you." I smiled.

He turned his chair towards me and I sat on my chair. Ji Minwoo walked upto us as well.

" I talked with Jiyeon,  Moonshin wasn't home that night. Apparently he went to meet a business partner."

Hongbin remained expressionless as he scoffed. Like he was expecting this to happen.

" That's it! That;s our guy. " Ji Minwoo exclaimed with a look of satisfaction on his face.

" Don't jump  to any conclusions yet. We need to interrogate him and we need evidence. If he is guilty, we need evidence for the court case anyway." he replied.

Ji Minwoo raised an eyebrow in defense. " Now look who's jumping into conclusions." He walked off to his desk.

" Don't worry boss! I'll find all the evidence your gonna need. Leave it to me."

Hongbin turned towards me.

" How did Jiyeon take it?" his eyes were filled with sympathy.

" She was shocked and scared when she realized it. But I told her not to worry. She was okay." I replied.

Hongbin let out a deep sigh. " We'll see how long that lasts."


" Yes, that times fine. I'll be there in half an hour. Thank you." Hongbin finished as he ended his call.

" That Moonshin's quite a busy guy. I'm surprised Jiyeon gets to spend time with him at all." He kept speaking as he continued walking on the pavement.

It was around 11.30am. Hongbin and I went to Jiyeon's house to get the camera footage from their home security  system. Ji Minwoo could use all the evidence he could get and this footage could be very helpful. Moonshin didn't have time to come to the agency so Hongbin decided to go to his office. We just managed to find a time slot at 12.00 pm in Moonshin's busy schedule to interrogate him.

The day was bright and beautiful. The roads were not crowded, the wind whispered passed us. The trees which were planted besides the sidewalks shed their leaves which made hues of green flash in front of us. The sun beat down on us but failed to pass through the thick  shadows of the trees. 

As we continued to walk on the pavement, I couldn't help but think about Jiyeon's advice from yesterday night. I didn't know what to think. I still loved Hakyeon no doubt, but I wanted to move on, and the only way to do so was to find someone else, a different paradise, but I felt like the past will keep haunting me. It still does.

" Hongbin, do you believe in ghosts?"

The words slipped out of my mouth as I noticed Hongbin look at me in interest. His eyebrows raised and hands in his pockets, he chuckled sweetly as he spoke.

" Ghosts? Y/N, what made you think of ghosts?"

I looked down at the pavement, one of my hands in my coat pocket while the other held on to the strap of my handbag that hung on my shoulder.

" I just... watched a scary movie yesterday, that's all....."

" I don't know. Maybe. But you don't have to worry. Ghosts are just spirits. They can affect you in anyway."

" Maybe...." I replied as the images of yesterday night flashed through my mind. Was it really Hakyeon's spirit? His ghost?

" Taxi!" Hongbin called as he waved his hand wildly at the taxi that which took a bend to the street which were on.


" Miss Y/N! What  a delightful surprise! You're with the police?" Moonshin asked as he spotted Hongbin enter the room behind me.

" Sir I am detective Lee Hongbin. I'm solving the murder case of Mr. Cha Hakyeon." Hongbin introduced himself as he closed the door behind him.

Moonshin ushered us to sit down. His office was large. The wall behind him consisted of glass windows from which the whole city could be seen. I quickly caught the glimpse of the sea which was hidden behind the tall skyscrapers.

Moonshin was a man in his early 30's. He had jet black hair and dark eyes. He wore a dark grey suit with a black tie. His desk was very neat and tidy. Hongbin and I sat on the two cushioned chairs opposite to him at his desk. I couldn't help but look at how tidy he kept his office space. He was a CEO after all.

"I heard about Cha Hakyeon. My deepest sympathies Y/N. I didn't see you at the funeral." he replied as he looked at me with a sorrowful look. I replied with a brief nod, my eyes fixed on his desk.

" Sir I would like to ask you where you were on Wednesday the 14th between 6.50 and 7.00pm" Hongbin asked straight to the point.

I noticed the fear and shock that glistened in Moonshin's eyes. He gulped silently before answering.

" I had to meet a business partner. I told my wife that as well."

" Yes, Jiyeon mentioned." I replied instantly, I knew he was hiding something.

" What time did you leave the office?" Hongbin asked.

" About 6.45pm" he replied. 

"Did you go from home or office?" I asked, the questions in my mind started to flood out. I could see Hongbin's eyes glance at me from the corners of my eye.

" I left straight after office."

"One last question..." Hongbin took over.

"What time did you come home?"

" Jiyeon called me around 7.10pm. I came as fast as I could but I got caught in traffic at that time. I went straight to the hospital at 7.25pm and waited outside. Jiyeon really needed her immediate family at that time." he recalled his memory. My thoughts ran back as well. The time when Jiyeon collapsed as she cried on my shoulder at the doctors news, the moment time stopped for me, the moment I lost my paradise.

" Y/N?" Hongbin's voice shook me from that nightmare which was reality.

" Sorry.... It's just... it's almost like yesterday." I whimpered under my breath.

Hongbin held my hand and squeezed it, he smiled at me, a genuine and sweet smile. " Be strong Y/N."

I stood up with Hongbin. We thanked Moonshin for his time and left his office.

Just as we closed the doors behind us and took a few steps forwards, Hongbin whispered just enough for me to hear,

" He's lying."

I looked at him, his facial expression stern with annoyance as he kept walking. Taking long and slow strides as he did.

We stopped at the front desk of his office. A woman sat busily typing information into the computer in front of her.  She looked around my age. She had neat brown hair tied in to a bun. A sweet and innocent look on her face. She was a very cute young woman.

" Excuse me, are you Moonshin's secretary?" Hongbin smiled as he caught her attention. 

" Yes I am, My names Han Ahran. You must be the detective Lee Hongbin. Can I help you with anything?" she smiled sweetly. The look on her face was evident that she liked Hongbin. She had fallen for his angelic features and aura.

" Could you tell me who Moonshin met on Wednesday the 14th at around 7.00 pm?" he asked politely.

Her hands raced on the keyboard, typing as she searched the records on her computer.

" I'm sorry sir, but that information is not on the database. It must have been another one of his private meetings. He prefers to keep those extremely private." she replied.

Hongbin sighed. " It's okay. Thank you for your time." he replied as he started to walk off. I quickley ran behind him, catching up with his long strides.

" Now what?" I asked as we entered the lift. He was quiet for a while. The lift doors opened and we walked out, capturing the interest of the workers at the ground floor. It wasn't everyday the CEO of a company had a detective running behind him.

" Let's hope we can find some leads with whatever evidence we have. I don't believe Moonshin's alibi." he replied as we exited the large building.

The ring of a phone made me search my pockets. It wasn't long till I realized that it was Hongbin's phone. He took out the phone from his pocket and his face lit up with curiosity as I eyed the screen.

Ji Minwoo.

" Yeah?" he answered as he looked at me. I replied with the same look of curiosity.

He was silent for a while. His eyes lit up with curiosity more and more each second.

" Okay, we'll be there ASAP." he shot back at the phone and without warning grabbed my wrist. I looked at my wrist and looked back at him in confusion. His grip was starting to hurt me.

" Ji Minwoo's found something! We have to go quick!" he spat out as he started to race down the long flight of small steps , dragging me. I struggled to run with him, making sure that I was at his pace at the same time not tripping over. He kept pulling me until we exited the building premises and stopped at the pavement. Breathing heavily as he looked right and left, desperate to find a taxi. 

" Hongbin..... at least ......tell me....... what it is!" I managed to talk between my breaths, the premises were huge and it was a long time since I ran.

" The car  park surveillance from this building.." he gasped still breathing heavily and continued to wave his long arm in the air, managing to catch a taxi.

" What about it?" I asked.

The taxi arrived as he opened the door for me. I got in and so did he. 

" Moonshin did leave the building that night , only .... he wasn't alone."


HI everyone! I hope you liked this chapter. I was struggling with writers block for a while but it's okay now. Thank you for all your love and support, it means a lot to me. <3<3<3

I hope you enjoy this story and support it. Reads, votes and comments are appreciated. Thank you so much!


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